The old man was very happy.

He shook his head, dispelled the thoughts in his heart, and stopped thinking about the questions that might go deep into the field of philosophy.

Reens entered the dungeon again.

The scene changed.

Reens appeared on the outdoor training ground in the early morning again, and a beautiful woman stood not far in front of him.

At this time, Nemo Fira was watering the vegetables and flowers in the vegetable garden with a sprinkler, humming a ballad.

It was as if the elves were using their singing to cast a magic of growth on the plants.

Reens looked at Nemo Fira's figure, and did not attack her directly.

Instead, he walked slowly towards her.

Noticing that Reens was approaching her, Nemo Fira stopped what she was doing, turned around and said with a smile:

"Teacher Hale, is there anything you want to tell me?"

Nemo Fira gently fiddled with the hair beside her ear with her hands, and a confident smile appeared on her face.

She had already thought about what kind of gesture and words to use to reject Reens's confession.

At the same time, try not to hurt Reens' heart.

Similar things often happen to her after she came here as a teacher.

Therefore, she has sufficient experience in dealing with such things.

Alas... Who told her to be so beautiful and have a perfect figure.

For teenagers who are full of passion all day, it is really an irresistible temptation.

Thinking of this, Nemo Fira's smile on her face became even stronger.

Although she was not prepared to accept Reens, she was still very happy about the confession of a genius boy.

This was a high praise for her charm.

She's ready...

Seeing the inexplicable smile on Nemo Fira's face and the corners of her mouth that she couldn't control, Reens felt a little strange.

He didn't understand. Did Nemo Fira suddenly think of something good?

So happy!

However, no matter what made Nemo Fira feel good.

But what he said immediately should ruin her good mood.

"Nemo Fira, let's fight!"

Reens said to Nemo Fira seriously.


Nemo Fira was a little stunned, and the smile on her face froze.

Instead of hearing the expected words, she received an unexpected invitation to fight.

This made Nemo Fira's brain a little confused.

A single man and a single woman, you™ just said this?

Are you face-blind?

Such a big chest, such a perfect curve, you can't see it at all, right?

Nemo Fira's expression was a little broken, embarrassed, angry, and confused.

Seeing that Nemo Fira did not respond, Reans was not surprised. He thought Nemo Fira was still confused.

After all, Reans also knew how sudden his invitation to fight was.

So, in order to make the next battle go perfectly, Reans patiently explained to Nemo Fira:

"I know you feel it's abrupt, but as long as you listen to my explanation carefully, you will understand what I want to express."

"In fact, you and I are now in a fictional special space."

"Everything that happens in this space will not affect reality."

"Hmm? Let me make an analogy... You know that the 'Adventurer's Certificate' stores the personal information of the adventurer."

"If this space is regarded as the 'Adventurer's Certificate', then you and I are equivalent to the information above."

"This is my special ability, so... do you understand?"

After speaking, Reans stopped explaining and gave Nemo Fira time to think.

"You mean, this is a special space created by your special ability, and everything that happens in the space will not affect the reality outside."

"And now you and I are the creation of your ability."

"Just like the personal information of the 'Adventurer's Certificate' will not have a direct impact on the adventurer himself no matter how it changes."

"It will not affect other adventurers either."


After listening to Reans' explanation, Nemo Fira thought about it seriously and concluded.

"Yes, that's about it."

Reans nodded in affirmation.

"Let's not talk about whether the special ability you mentioned is true or false."

"You just asked me to fight you here, even to the death, right?"

Nemo Fira raised a strange expression on his face and continued.

"Yes... do you want to come?"

"I used this ability before.

Having fought with you, I know you are also a warmonger."

"So, let's enjoy the fun of fighting!"

Rians said with anticipation.

"Oh... you have tested me before, so you know all my information?"

Nemo Fira asked with a slightly dark face.

She is so gentle and beautiful, but she was actually evaluated as a warmonger.

If she didn't want to confirm it again, who was the guy who betrayed her information?

She slapped him directly.

"Wait, I will sort out the language...Okay."

"You are a priest, but you are better at boxing than divine arts."

"Your boxing is very strong, and you are good at using vibration to cause internal injuries to people, and you can even achieve the effect of hitting the bull from a distance."

"Your physical fitness is very strong, stronger than ordinary knights, and you are good at water element treatment. Every time you are cut by my sword, you can heal quickly. "


Rians said confidently.

"Okay, no need to say more."

"Your explanation is very detailed, and you know my knowledge of combat very well."

"But I still can't believe the special ability you mentioned."

"Do you want to know the reason?"

Nemo Fira interrupted Reans and asked back.

Because the more Reans talked, the more Nemo Fira felt that she was getting further and further away from the image of a lady.

If she continued to listen, she would doubt her image.

How could a lady like her be a violent maniac?

"It's a level problem."

Rians responded.

"Yes, it's a level problem."

"It's not that I want to doubt you, but at your level, or at the level of the extraordinary people at our stage."

"It's impossible to support such a real fictional space."

"And the example that can refute you best is the divinity in my body. "

"I don't believe there is any ability that can simulate the existence of divinity."

"Even if there is, you can't use it."

"Do you understand what I said?"

Nemo Fira explained lightly.

Yes... No matter how much Reans said, no matter how true the information was, Nemo Fira couldn't believe the ability he said.

"Then what if I tell you that I don't need any price to use this ability, or I don't know what the price is?"

Reans said calmly.

Hearing this, Nemo Fira's expression became more serious.

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