The door of the dean's room was opened.

"Knock, knock, knock!"

Riens knocked on the dean's door.

"Come in."

The dean's voice came from inside the room.

Riens heard it, pushed the door open and walked in, then casually glanced at the situation in the room.

The scene in the room did not change from before.

The dean was still sitting behind the desk, like an NPC who would only refresh at this position.

"Dean, do you have anything important to talk to me about?"

Riens asked the dean.

"It's nothing serious. It's just that Mr. Locke complained to me about you."

"He said that because of your presence, his original teaching plan went wrong, and he also said that you incited the students to insult him."

"However, after my investigation, I confirmed that it had nothing to do with you."

The dean explained slowly.

"Uh, Mr. Locke also complained about me? Really..."

Riens was a little speechless.

He was used to being domineering in a small place, and he really thought that everyone would spoil him.

It seems that it is necessary to teach that guy a lesson later, so that he won't think he is an easy bully.

"Teacher Locke's matter is not important. What's important is that I hope Teacher Hale will be more restrained when teaching."

"I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with your teaching content, Teacher Hale."

"I just hope you don't show anything too extraordinary in front of the students."

"The existence of the extraordinary is not a secret to ordinary people, but it is also a secret."

"Many people know that there are extraordinary people. This is the result of the deliberate spread of various forces and countries."

"To give ordinary people a certain degree of confidence."

"After all, in this world full of monsters, the legend of the extraordinary is the last strong wall in the hearts of most ordinary people."

"Even if they don't believe in the country's army, they will believe that the heroes will save them from the disaster of monsters like in the story."

"This is a story about the 'magic disaster'. Although the legends in different places may be slightly different, you should have heard of it, right?"

The dean said, and then asked Reens in return.

"Well, I've also heard about the legend of the 'demon disaster'."

"It is rumored that the 'demon disaster' will come every few hundred years."

"At that time, there will be a demon king leading monsters from all over the world to invade humans and even various civilized races in the world."

Riens recalled and answered seriously.

This story, Ben and Marvin both told different versions of the "demon disaster" legend in the training camp.

So, Reens still knows a little about it, and a little summary is what he just said.

When he first heard about the existence of "demon disaster" and "demon king".

Riens even thought that this world was a different world of Japanese RPG adventure stories.

That is, the widely circulated different world of heroes fighting demon kings.

At that time, he still imagined that he was a brave man who traveled through time to save the world.

However, this fantasy was quickly broken up by the whip of the guards in the training camp.

And the idea that followed was-I can't even save myself, so how can I save the world.

"Almost... Although it is a little different from the real situation, it is almost the same."

"We just need to know that the duty of the extraordinary is to protect most ordinary people from monsters and even "magic disasters."

"This is also the reason why the ban on "prohibiting extraordinary people from killing ordinary people at will" exists."

"We can't change from protectors to perpetrators."

Hearing this, Reans felt a little embarrassed.

If the people he killed in the copy were counted as one corpse each time they died, the entire town of Hughes might be piled up.

However, although he felt embarrassed, Reans still looked serious and listened to the dean's speech.

"Well... it's a bit off topic, let's get back to the original topic."

"The secret of the extraordinary is that the specific intelligence information of the extraordinary cannot be spread to ordinary people at will."

"You should know this too, right?"

The dean continued.

Reans really knew this because it was written in Lucrecia's notebook.

However, it was just a short sentence, and Lucrecia did not record the reason for doing so in the notebook.

I don’t know whether she didn’t know the reason or felt that this matter was not


"I also know that many extraordinary people are too lazy to keep this secret now."

"Some places are even keen on spreading extraordinary knowledge."

"But I still hope that you don't spread information about extraordinary people, especially elements, in the academy or even in the town."

"So, you may think that I want to control the number of extraordinary people in order to maintain the status of extraordinary people."

"But I don't have many years to live, why bother about that?"

"Let me tell you a research report."

"Where there is more knowledge about extraordinary people and elements, the stronger the concentration of elements."

"Correspondingly, there are more and stronger monsters nearby."

"So, do you understand?"

"The residents of Hughes Town cannot afford the consequences of spreading extraordinary information."

The dean slowly finished what he wanted to say, and then quietly waited for Reens' response.

"Well, I understand, I will control my behavior later."

"Try not to show extraordinary phenomena in front of students."

Reens nodded seriously in response.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Hale... It involves the safety of the town residents, so my tone is a little serious, please forgive me."

The dean smiled on his wrinkled face and said to Reans.

"No, dean... I did something wrong, why do you have to apologize?"

"If there is nothing else, then I will leave first."

"It's evening now, and I should go to dinner."

Reans shook his head to show the dean that he didn't care, and then asked the dean to leave.

After getting the dean's permission, Reans also left the dean's room directly.

"If you don't want the extraordinary information to spread in Hughes Town, then don't send extraordinary people here in the first place."

"Now not only have they sent people here, but they have also arranged a magic ritual that can cover the entire town."

"So, what exactly do those big forces want to do? What is the purpose of that magic ritual?"

"I'm getting more and more curious..."

"Moreover, I didn't expect that the concentration of elements in a place is related to the number of people who know about it."

"Suddenly, I feel that 'elements' are the source of all disasters in this world."

"Where are Tokiomi? Where are you? Why don't you come out and take the blame?"

Walking on the way to the cafeteria, Reens complained in his heart.

After finishing his meal, Reens also turned to Locke's room and had a "friendly" conversation with him.

Locke said on the spot that he would never cause trouble for him again.

After hearing this, Reens kicked Locke again and left with satisfaction.

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