The white space.

After being killed by the boss again, Reens returned here.

Now he is thinking about Nemo Fira.

Although Nemo Fira's request was rejected in the copy, her words are indeed reasonable.

If Nemo Fira never changes, then her marginal effect as a sword test object will become lower and lower.

In the end, it will be useless.

And it won't be too long before this day comes.

In that case, he will fall into a window period again, that is, a stage where he can't beat the upper and the lower.

After all, before the hardware strength is up to standard, he can't beat the combination of Nemo Fira and the dean.

The so-called hardware strength refers to the amount of elements in his body and his physical fitness that is gradually getting stronger under the transformation of elements.

This takes time, and he can't do it overnight.

"Go learn magic during the window period."

"As for Nemo Fira... If she can put down her disguise and come to me to learn from her, then I will point out her weaknesses."

"If not, forget it."

With this idea, Reens once again invested in the dungeon.

Next, he ignored Nemo Fira's call for a truce and directly expressed his attitude with an attack.

And Reens's attitude also aroused Nemo Fira's resistance, and she became more desperate in the battle.

In the battle, she noticed Reens' familiarity with her fighting habits.

Realized that they should have fought like this many times.

And Reens ignored his application for a truce, which also showed that he might have answered in the previous battle.

He did not agree to her request - this was a result that Nemo Fira could easily deduce.

Nemo Fira was not too surprised by this.

After all, such a big secret, if it was her, she would not reveal it to an unfamiliar person.

The reason why she wanted to make such a request was just to give it a try.

If she succeeded, she could also get the ability of Reans and make herself stronger.

If she failed, it would not be a loss to her in reality.

However, although the plan failed, she did not want to be underestimated by Reans.

Since she could not beat him under normal circumstances, she would fight hard from the beginning.

She did not believe that she could not pose a threat to Reans with her desperate fighting style?

Later, because Nemo Fira's idea changed, the duration of the dungeon became much shorter.

Reans also began to die continuously.

Some of them died in the exchange of life by Nemo Fira... Of course, with the protection of the big boss, Nemo Fira could not die.

In addition, more people died at the hands of that big guy.

This was a real instant kill.

After the possessed big guy saw the miserable state of Nemo Fira, he naturally would not show mercy to Reans.

He was directly blasted to pieces.


In the morning, Reans came to the outer training ground to practice sword as he did yesterday.

Although, the dean warned him not to spread extraordinary information to ordinary people last night.

But he was just practicing sword, how could it be considered spreading extraordinary information?

If there are really students who can comprehend the elements just by watching his sword practice process, then such a genius deserves to become a supernatural person.

Because the genius who can do such a thing must have a strong spiritual talent.

At least it should be much stronger than his [weak spiritual talent].

And that kind of genius has been in a place with abnormal elements like Hughes Town for a long time. Even if he is not there, he will observe the elements sooner or later.

If you meet such a person, shouldn’t you pack it up and take it away directly? Why stay in a remote place like Hughes Town?

Not long after Reens started practicing sword, Nemo Fira also came to the outdoor training ground.

After quickly dealing with the matters in the vegetable garden, she stayed aside and watched Reens practice sword seriously.

Last night, when she found Reens, she found that he was one step closer to the "master-level" technique.

Therefore, Nemo Fira took watching Reens practice sword more seriously.

She felt that Reens should be in the process of gradually entering the "master-level" technique, rather than simply having some understanding of the "master-level" realm.

This process is a very valuable experience for everyone who is fortunate enough to observe the practice of the technique.

Because that is the process of the body and mind gradually integrating into the world.

Observing this process is very important for her to find herself and the world.

The connection between the earth and the ground is of great help.

And when she found this connection, the door to the "master level" was basically half open to her.

Faced with such a heaven-fallen opportunity, how could she not be serious?

If she didn't have the responsibility on her body, and she didn't know Reens' attitude, she would have wanted to ask for some advice.

But in order to avoid causing Reens's dislike, she even lost the opportunity to see the sword.

Nemo Fira could only resist the impulse first.

Take it slowly...

Nemo Fira decided to watch first, and then slowly brush the favor of this future swordsmanship master, and finally ask for advice.

"Nemo Fira, for the master level, stay calm, don't be impulsive."

"As long as you stay calm, a bright future is in front of you, and the teacher's gratified eyes are waiting for you in the not-too-distant future."

"Even the quota for the mentor will be yours."

Nemo Fira silently warned himself in his heart.

Reans noticed that Nemo Fira's mouth suddenly raised a smile while watching him practice swordplay.

That curved smile made her delicate and gentle face more innocent.

In plain words, she was a little silly.

"She seemed very happy. Did she learn something from my swordplay?"

"Lucretia recorded in the notebook that the 'Life Truth Society' is the most mysterious force, and every member is a carefully selected genius."

"Now it seems that it is indeed worthy of its reputation."

Reans said in his heart.

Nemo Fira's performance refreshed Reans' impression of her again.

At first, Reans' impression of Nemo Fira was that she was a priest sister with a gentle smile on her face and a very sexy body.

Then, after discovering her close combat strength, he thought she was a priest sister with a strong strength and sexy body.

The experience in the copy made Reans add labels such as changeable, narcissistic, flirting, and a little dirty.

In the copy last night, Reans saw her crazy side.

Now, he thinks he can label Nemo Fira as a "genius".

He gained insights after just watching her sword practice twice.

If this kind of understanding is not genius, what is it?

At least Reans thinks he can't do it. He has to fight a game anyway, and then he may get some understanding.

After sighing at Nemo Fira's "understanding", Reans put his body and mind back into sword practice.

Others are others, no matter how good they are, it has nothing to do with him.

He only needs to care about himself.

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