After a long time, the old man was very tired.

Rians left the dungeon with a swollen head.

Magic is really not a simple subject...

At least, Rians felt that compared with those complicated element structures, sword practice and enlightenment were more suitable for him.

Many principles and terms, calculation formulas, and various structural patterns like chemical molecular structures...

He was so drowsy that he almost fell asleep.

If the dean hadn't woken him up, he really thought he could verify whether sleeping in the dungeon would directly leave the dungeon?

Recalling the scene at that time, no matter how thick-skinned he was, he couldn't resist the embarrassment in his heart.

He vowed to learn magic, but he didn't expect that he almost fell at the first step - reading.

Thinking of this, Reans couldn't help but blush for himself.

"Speaking of which, how long have I not read a book?"

"I remember the last time I really read was probably the alchemy book from Marvin."

"Unfortunately, because no one taught me, I seem to have only learned how to identify common alchemy potions."

"In the past month, I haven't even learned how to make the simplest potion."

"Uh... Is it true that I don't have any talent in subjects like magic and alchemy?"

Reans thought.

"Forget it, if I don't have talent, then I don't have talent."

"Diligence can make up for shortcomings. Anyway, I don't plan to achieve much in magic."

"With my current realm, I should be able to at least reach the lower limit if I work hard, right?"

Reans continued to think in his heart a little unconfidently.

However, although he was a little unconfident in this regard, Reans would not give up the idea of ​​learning magic because of this.

So, after coming out of the copy, he went directly to the dean to become his apprentice.

In this way, he will be able to learn magic seamlessly between reality and the copy in the future.

Reens didn't believe that he couldn't learn the basics of magic after working so hard?

If that was the case, he could only cut off his relationship with magic as soon as possible.


Winter passed and spring came.

The time for learning was always long and short.

Four months had passed since Reens worshipped the dean as his teacher in reality and asked him to teach him magic.

In other words, he had been receiving salary for four consecutive months.

After receiving the salary, Reens immediately went to the clothing store and settled the money he owed.

Of course, he also took back the 10 silver coins of the Kingdom of Hatwen that he had pledged before.

In the future, he might return to the Kingdom of Hatwen, so the money was still useful.

He didn't want to go through the embarrassment of the clothing store again.

In addition to this, something happened in the academy that was slightly related to Reens.

That was Locke's resignation.

The reason was also very simple, Locke could no longer teach the students.

Because of Reans's teaching, a few months later, many students' strength has surpassed him.

This made Locke, who was already somewhat arrogant, start to feel a little bit unbearable.

Coupled with the suspicious and contemptuous eyes that many students looked at him, as well as the rumors that spread...

He finally chose to resign and leave the academy.

In order to get away from this sad place, he even planned to leave the small town of Hughes and seek new development in the big city.

In this regard, how could Reans give up this opportunity.

He killed him directly on the road, and even returned to the Monster Forest to find a suitable tomb for him.

Thinking of this, Reans lamented that he was a person with too much kindness.

He actually spent his energy to help others complete the aftermath.

He really... I cried to death.

As for what Locke's tomb is?

Reans felt that a "noble" person like Teacher Locke should be buried in the digestive bag of a "noble" monster.

After being pulled out, it can nourish the soil, provide nutrients to plants, and contribute to the greening of the world.

It really fits the "noble" character of our teacher Locke.

Of course, because of Locke's resignation, the academy has another vacant swordsmanship teacher, and it is still recruiting.

In addition, there is no change in the academy.

The magic ritual that enveloped the entire town...

In the more than four months since Reens came to Hughes Town, nothing has changed.

In order to explore the secrets of the entire magic ritual...

He also took some time out of his magic learning to monitor the daily behavior of Nemo Fira and the dean.

The dean stayed in his room most of the time. Apart from teaching him magic, he basically worked and slept.

Reans did not see anything unusual in these behaviors.

Perhaps the dean had secretly completed his work of maintaining magic rituals through magic.

It was just because his understanding of magic was too shallow that he did not see the dean's means.

Compared with the dean, Nemo Fira's behavior was much more abnormal.

She often fiddled with some potions as if doing some kind of alchemical experiment, and also recorded something in a notebook.

Unfortunately, there were too many special terms and formulas on what Nemo Fira recorded...

Moreover, it seemed that some encrypted language was used, so he could not understand it at all.

Therefore, he did not know what Nemo Fira was doing.

Of course, even if he could not understand it, Reans would often sneak into Nemo Fira's room in the copy and open her notes.

Just like Marvin's alchemy notes, maybe he suddenly discovered something important.

During the training camp, if he hadn't checked Marvin's notes, he might not have known that he was being experimented on.

If he didn't realize this, he wouldn't have thought of killing Marvin.

In this way, he might not have been able to leave the training camp.

In general, Reans has basically gained nothing about the secrets of the town.

He has already planned to give up exploring this secret.

He is going to finish the basic magic teaching with the dean and leave.

Both the dean and Nemo Fira are too tight-lipped and have no intention of revealing any information to him.

Reans feels that he may have been exposed.

After all, after a few months of getting along, as long as Nemo Fira and the dean are not fools, they should be able to find his abnormality.

Compared with those powerful supernaturals, he knows too little.

All his knowledge of the supernatural field comes from the book given by Lucretia.

Let’s not talk about how much Lucrecia knows. Even if she knows a lot, she can’t write it all down.

After all, that book is just to popularize common sense in the supernatural field for Reans.

However, because Nemo Fira and the dean didn’t tell him directly...

So, Reans is not very sure about his guess.

But in his heart, he has already made up his mind to run away quickly.

Although he is no longer afraid of the combination of Nemo Fira and the dean, he can’t beat the people behind them.

When Nemo Fira used the real big move, he knelt directly.

The gap is too big, and there is no idea of ​​confrontation at all.

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