The sound of weapons being unsheathed resounded throughout the hall in an instant... Then, the light of the magic circle began to cover all the members of the Kamikaze Adventure Group in the hall. Facing the Kamikaze Adventure Group who were waiting in a dignified manner, Reens smiled. Then he swung his sword and used "sword energy" to slash at the Kamikaze Adventure Group on the opposite side, using this as a slogan for the start of the war. Facing this attack, the Kamikaze members holding large shields in front only felt a strong slash hitting their shields. Then, a huge impact force came from the shield, causing their bodies to slide back a few centimeters, and their hands were also numb from the shock. "Dang!" At the same time, the huge collision sound echoed in their ears, making them a little dazed. Seeing that his "sword energy" did not cut off the shields of those Kamikaze members, Reens was a little surprised.

It seems that Captain Jay was not exaggerating when he said that they were well-equipped, at least the shield should be made of steel.

However, this situation made Reens more determined to fight.

If a random sword could kill people, then the Kamikaze Adventure Group might be no different from the goblins in the previous copy in front of him.

After Reens swung the "sword energy", Captain Jay, who was already wearing heavy armor, rushed towards Reens at a gust of wind speed with the blessing of magic.

He raised the two-handed sword in his hand, and the sword slashed at Reens with the momentum of opening a mountain.

Followed by a series of debuff magics cast on Reens.

Blindness, cold, weakness, slowdown, confusion...

However, for these low-level debuffs, Reens can instantly remove them with just a roll of the wind element in his body.

The colorful light flashed on his body and disappeared.

Reens easily dodged Captain Jay's slash by turning sideways, and then a lightning-fast sword hit his abdomen.

Captain Jay did not react to this sword.

Fortunately, he was covered with many layers of magic shields and heavy armor to block this attack.

However, even if this sword did not penetrate the armor and pierce his abdomen.

However, Captain Jay still felt a force of impact through the armor and hit him.

It was like being hit in the abdomen with a fist...

Instantly, Captain Jay couldn't help but bend over, his mouth opened wide and retched forward, as if he was pouring out the nausea in his body.

After using the wave motion learned from Nemo Fira to hit Captain Jay, who was wearing heavy armor...

Riens was ready to take the opportunity to hit him with a big one.

However, the other Kamikaze members did not give Riens this opportunity.

Bows and arrows and various long-range projectiles flew towards Riens, and even faster than them were the various attack magics that poured in.

They clearly recognized their captain's defensive ability, especially after wearing heavy armor...

Their covering attack would not cause harm to their captain.

On the contrary, Riens, who was dressed in cloth and seemed to have basically no protective ability, would obviously be hurt by such an attack.

Seeing this, Riens turned around and swung his sword to cut out a "wind wall" to deal with these intensive long-range attacks.

While Riens was dealing with the incoming long-range attacks, Captain Jay, who was rescued by the team members, also recovered.

Relying on heavy armor and his body's ability to withstand blows, Captain Jay continued to attack Riens despite the "wind wall" and the attacks of his own team members.

At the same time, other Kamikaze members holding melee weapons also surrounded Reans from all sides.

And followed their captain to slash and thrust.

"Is this the strength of the elite troops..."

Surrounded by attacks from all directions, Reans had such a thought in his mind.

At this moment, it seemed that he had to block one or even several attacks no matter what.

Then, because of the blocking action, his body paused, and then he was surrounded by more attacks, and finally fell into a dead loop.

Feeling this pressure, Reans's blood seemed to be ignited.

He... became more excited.

Such a battle, such a killing, is what he longed for.

During the time he stayed in the small town of Hughes, although he was fighting almost all the time, and he also became much stronger there.

But, after all, it was a bit uncomfortable.

Just didn't figure out why before?

But the current scene finally reminded Reans where the problem was?

He killed too many people


Although the battle with Nemo Fira and the dean was fierce and passionate.

But because of their existence, he has been unable to satisfy his desire to kill.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with this. At least half a year has calmed his mind a lot.

Thinking about problems has become more diverse, and doing things no longer takes "killing" as the first means to solve problems.

And the change in mentality has also made the state of "will to kill" more complicated.

The killing intention is no longer pure, and even weakened a lot, but his mind is getting closer and closer to heaven and earth.

Perhaps when the killing intention in his heart dissipates, it is the time for him to completely integrate into heaven and earth.

At that time, he should be able to enter the "master level" that Nemo Fira said.

Of course, the dissipation of killing intention does not mean that he has no killing intention in his heart, but that the killing intention of people has changed into the killing intention of heaven and earth.

No matter how strong the killing intention of people is, it is limited, but the killing intention of heaven and earth can be extended infinitely.

This is the truth that Reens learned from Nemo Fira's teacher.

Heaven and earth are not kind, and treat all things as straw dogs.

This is the real...


The wind suddenly appeared beside Reens.

Then it instantly increased, and the frenzied hurricane spread out in all directions with Reens as the center.

The huge wind force blew all the Kamikaze members surrounding Reens into pieces.

The originally neat team and precise position were also directly disrupted.



The screams echoed in the hurricane, but the raging wind made it impossible for the Kamikaze members to see what was happening.

It was not until a while later that the hurricane stopped and they barely opened their eyes to see the whole story.

It turned out that at some point, the Kamikaze members in front were already bleeding all over the ground.

Some of them had blurred faces, or weapons and other sharp objects stuck in their bodies. In addition, some of them had broken limbs.

The only thing they had in common was that they were no longer able to scream.

Everyone stared at this tragic scene with their eyes wide open.

They were clearly still attacking the powerful enemy in front of them under the captain's call...

How come they suffered so many casualties in just a gust of wind?

Because of his own defensive ability, Captain Jay did not suffer any damage in this hurricane.

However, seeing this situation, seeing that the originally good situation was reversed in an instant.

He couldn't help but blurt out:

"Is this the strength of the Great Knight?"

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