The old man was so arrogant.

"When did I become so arrogant?"

Riens, who was practicing in the dungeon, suddenly had such a thought in his mind.

Thinking of this, Riens immediately stopped the state of integration with the world, exited the dungeon, and returned to the white space.

Recalling his experience in Kollot, especially the time when he was in the Kamikaze Adventure Group.

Riens found that he seemed to have been suppressing the Kamikaze Adventure Group in a very strong manner.

Moreover, he seemed to be immersed in it.

This made Riens realize that something was wrong with him.

When did he like this feeling of bullying the weak?

He remembered that he should not have this hobby, and he himself had always been a person who challenged the strong.

Since when did he stop caring about ordinary people?

Since when did he look down on the weak as a strong man?

Since when did he take it for granted that others helped him?

It seemed that he had changed unconsciously.

Reens kept recalling his experiences and his state of mind at that time in his mind...

Hoping to find the root of his problem from it.

Finally he found it.

"Harmony between man and nature" is what Reens himself called that state, which refers to the state of being blessed by heaven and earth after the mind and spirit merged into heaven and earth.

It's a bit like "element blessing", but this state is much stronger than "element blessing".

Because in that state he can not only affect the wind element, but also the natural wind, that is - airflow.

It is for this reason that he can raise hurricanes at will and even make his attack speed exceed the speed of sound.

However, that state consumes a lot of energy, and under normal circumstances he can only last for a few minutes at most.

Just like Ultraman, he was in a red light after three minutes of strength.

However, in the dungeon, he didn't need to worry about consumption, or even about the impact his perception would have on the surroundings.

As long as he was tired enough to faint, he would immediately start a new dungeon.

With this method, he was able to...

From the weak wind that seemed to be non-existent at the beginning to the hurricane today in just half a year.

But perhaps it was this method that left him with hidden dangers.

His mind was integrated into the world, which meant that he began to receive a lot of information from the outside world...

In addition, because of the dungeon, he was able to stay in that state for a long time and continuously to some extent.

This reminded Reens of Marvin's experiment.

It was his experiment, coupled with the experience of the dungeon, that made him a somewhat bloodthirsty person.

It seems to be the case now.

He seems to be assimilated by a lot of information from the world.

Of course, this assimilation is not like being assimilated by the way of heaven in fantasy novels, and then becoming the spokesperson of the way of heaven or something.

If that were true, Reens would not mind being assimilated by the world.

But in fact, this assimilation is more like a change in thinking mode, which will make his way of thinking closer to heaven and earth.

This is not a good thing. The reason why people are human is because they still have desires and goals to pursue.

After losing desires, does Reens really not know whether he will have the motivation to move forward?

In the current situation, Reens feels that he should have been affected in part by emotions.

If human emotions are compared to a huge mountain range, the peaks and valleys are part of human emotions and also a manifestation of emotional diversity.

The personality shown by people is probably the highest peak of the mountain range.

And the assimilation of heaven and earth is like a slowly rising sea level.

It will first submerge the low-lying valleys, turning the originally integrated mountains into unconnected peaks.

This causes some emotions that originally had no influence to be highlighted.

Reens suspects that he is at this stage now.

Before, he tacitly allowed Nemo Fira to drug himself, and subconsciously wanted to get close to Nemo Fira...

Even when facing the Kamikaze Adventure Group, he unconsciously showed his strength.

It was probably the result of the suppressed nature and desires being released after being assimilated by the heaven and earth.

The desire to be vain, the desire for the opposite sex, and the desire to be flattered by others, these were things that Reans didn't care about before.

Now it has become one of the factors that can affect his behavior and way of thinking.

This has to be said to be a bit ironic.

Reans looked serious in the white

Thinking in the color space, see if you can find a solution from your own cognition.

The most direct way at present is, of course, to temporarily suspend the practice of the "unity of man and nature" state and terminate this uninterrupted practice method of blending with heaven and earth.

But Liens doesn't want to give up the practice accelerator that he has finally obtained.

Although at present, this practice method has disadvantages and will gradually wear away his emotions.

But its effect is really powerful.

He can reach this level in half a year, and it is even possible that he is not weaker than the Great Knight now.

In addition to working day and night, this effect can be achieved. It is probably due to this indoctrination from heaven and earth.

In the state of blending with heaven and earth, heaven and earth have become a kind of library that can be searched for him.

Many of his questions can be answered from heaven and earth.

This is probably the so-called learning from nature.

It's just that he asked too many questions and got too many answers from the "teacher", which led to him completely accepting the "teacher's" thoughts.

Thinking of this, Reens couldn't help but smile bitterly.

This path of cultivation is really too difficult.

Walking slowly is not good, because people don't have enough time; walking fast is not good either, because you can't see the road clearly and it's easy to step on the pit.

He is now in this dilemma.

He really doesn't want to give up his "hook", but if he continues to use the "hook", he will really be banned.


"Mr. Hale, lunch has been delivered to you, please enjoy it slowly."

A Kamikaze member woke up Reens who was sleeping, and then said.

Reens opened his hazy eyes, and at this time his mind was constantly searching for ways to solve the dilemma.

And the moment he saw the Kamikaze member clearly, Reens suddenly thought of something.

"Thank you!"

Reens solemnly thanked the Kamikaze member.

"You're welcome, Mr. Hale."

"You are the guest of the leader and the guest of the Kamikaze Adventure Group. This is what we should do."

The Kamikaze member said.

"That's not what I meant... But thank you anyway."

Rians shook his head and said.

However, he didn't explain much to the Kamikaze member.

Although he felt a little confused, he thought that there seemed to be nothing for him to do here, so the Kamikaze member said goodbye to Rians and said:

"Nothing, I'll leave first."

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