On the other side.

After learning the basic situation from the guards, Reens quickly rushed to the station of the Adventurer's Association in Kara City.

His mission was to help the members of the Adventurer's Association leave Kara City safely.

According to the guards...

The Adventurer's Association was only restricted in its activities and was not attacked by the two forces.

However, the guards knew only a limited amount, and their position was on one of the sides that restricted the freedom of the Adventurer's Association.

Therefore, their information could not be fully trusted.

After all, if there was no problem, the Adventurer's Association would not let him come here for rescue.

Reens rushed on the winding streets, and he could not see even half a person on the way.

It seemed that the entire Kara City had become a ghost town.

It was not until he came to the restricted area that he finally saw some people.

The restricted area was an area surrounded by a wooden fence, and there were guards guarding the fence.

And through the half-man-high wooden fence...

Rians could see that in the enclosed area, there were many people lying on the ground casually like homeless people.

Rians crossed the fence at a speed that the guards could not see clearly, and observed the people lying on the ground at close range.

Judging from their faces, they had not eaten enough for a while.

"These should be people who follow the Adventurer's Association to remain neutral."

"It seems that the so-called restrictions may not just simply limit the scope of activities."

"One of the complications caused by war is food shortage. There is not enough food to begin with, and if there is another restriction..."

"I'm afraid it's not a question of whether you can eat enough, but whether you will starve to death."

Rians thought with a frown.

Thinking of this, Rians quickened his pace.

He needed to find the person in charge of the Adventurer's Association here as soon as possible to discuss the details of the mission.

He estimated that this mission might not just be about taking away members of the Adventurer's Association.


Soon, Reens arrived at the Adventurer's Association's residence in Kara City.

Compared to before, there were many more people here.

And these people were almost all old, weak, women and children. Under normal circumstances, they would not have much to do with the Adventurer's Association.

At least they would not appear in groups at the Adventurer's Association.

But now, they are all crowded here.

Noticing the movement at the door, many people cast their expectant eyes over...

But when they saw that it was a stranger, they looked away in disappointment.

Reens ignored their gazes, looked around, found a young lady wearing the uniform of the Adventurer's Association, and asked:

"Can you tell me who is in charge here?"

"I am an adventurer from Korlot, and I am here to help you evacuate Kara City."

"Ah... are you here to see Master Benjamin?"

"Sorry, Master Benjamin has taken people out to get food."

"So, you may need to wait for some time before you can see him."

"However, I can take you to see Miss Elsa, who is currently the second person in charge here."

The young lady said.

After that, she took Reens around the crowd and came to a room in the back hall.

"Knock, knock!"

The young lady knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Then, a heroic female voice came from the room.

After pushing open the door, you can see that it is a small office inside.

And the source of the voice just now was a red-haired woman with a ponytail sitting behind the desk.

At this moment, she was trying to handle affairs at her desk.

Reens could see that she was very serious because she didn't even look up.

"What's the matter?"

Elsa said calmly.

"This gentleman said he was an adventurer from Kollot and had something to do with Master Benjamin."

"But you know Master Benjamin has gone out, so I brought him to you."

The young lady responded.


Elsa whispered softly.

Then, as if she remembered something, she raised her head and looked over.

Therefore, Reens also saw the face of this "Miss Elsa".


Just like her voice, her facial features give people a very heroic beauty.

At a glance, it gives people a heroic and casual feeling.


After seeing Reens, Sha breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Finally here."

After that, she immediately stood up, walked quickly to Reens, stretched out her hand, and said seriously:

"Hello, my name is Elsa, and I am one of the current leaders of the Kara City Adventurer's Association."

"Here, on behalf of all members of the Kara City Adventurer's Association, I solemnly welcome you."

"And sincerely thank you for lending us a hand at this critical moment."

"Miss Elsa, you're welcome."

"I just accepted the Adventurer's Association's mission, and we each take what we need."

Reens stretched out his hand and shook hands with Elsa, then let go and said.

Reens could feel that Elsa's palms had a lot of calluses, and it was obvious that she was someone who often waved weapons.

And the elemental reaction on her body, like a light bulb, also showed her identity as a knight.

However, she did not complete the purification of the elements, so she was considered an ordinary knight.

I just don't know how good her skills are?

If she hasn't realized her "style", then her level should be about the same as Adonis.

"Since I'm here, when do you plan to start evacuating?"

"Also, you won't just evacuate the members of the Adventurer's Association, right?"

Reans asked.

"Liya, go out first. I have something to talk to this gentleman about."

"After you go out, tell everyone that if there is nothing important, don't enter this office."

"By the way, if Benjamin comes back, tell him to come here quickly."

Elsa didn't answer Reans' question, but asked the young lady who brought Reans here to leave the office first.

"Okay, Miss Elsa, don't worry, I will definitely inform everyone and ask them not to disturb you."

Liya promised.

After that, she walked out of the office and carefully closed the door.

After Leah left, Elsa asked Reans to sit on the sofa and said:

"Please sit down... I don't know what to call you?"

"My name is Hale, you can call me whatever you want."

Reans responded.

"Then I'll call you Mr. Hale."

"To be honest, we didn't expect that the mission would be someone like you."

"Our initial expectation was just to have a few more extraordinary people."

"But your arrival really solved our urgent needs."

"First of all, I want to apologize to you, but we didn't mean to hide it from you."

"Rather, the development of things was beyond our expectations."

Elsa said with a bitter smile.

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