The old man was so angry that he was lying on the ground.

"Mr. Count, are you okay?"

Seeing the old man start to cough and his face flushed, Renakin asked with concern.

"It's not a big problem, I can still hold on."

"The poison has taken root too deeply in my body. Even if it has been removed, it still caused a lot of damage to my body."

"It's just a few coughs now. It's normal. Don't worry."

The old man comforted Renakin.

"By the way, what happened?"

The old man continued, and immediately changed the subject.

Although Renakin was still a little worried, he did not forget the purpose of his visit.

"The ceremony sounded an alarm, saying that a powerful extraordinary person invaded the inner city."

"According to the standard of the ceremony, that person is at least a pure knight-level extraordinary person, so I came to report to you."

Renakin explained quickly.

"Which 'god' is it?"

The old man asked.

"Not sure... The general guarding the city gate reported that it was a strange extraordinary person."

"It is impossible to determine whether he is hostile to the inner city."

Renakin shook his head and said.

"Okay, ahem... I know, you guys go and handle it yourself."

"It's just this level, you should be able to handle it."

"Don't do it yet, see if you can win over the 'guest' who suddenly broke in?"

"More and more people are blessed over there, we need..."

"Beep beep beep!"

As the old man was talking, a sharp alarm sounded in the room.

"Alas... It seems that the person who came is not simple."

The old man continued.

After saying that, he got up from the bed, and then, a burly old man in pajamas appeared in the room.

At this time, the old man looked serious, and there was no sign of weakness on him.


On the other side.

Reens also quickly arrived at the Glenbogen family's residence.

There was no sign of being affected by the war in the inner city blocks he passed on the way.

Those shops were still operating normally, but...

Perhaps because of the alarm, Reens could see many pedestrians on the road, hurrying on their way.

At the same time, some shops seemed to be closing.

Of course, this situation is much better than the outer city.

In the outer city, Reens could no longer see anyone on the street, and the shops were closed, with traces of being smashed everywhere.

Obviously, the noble forces' protection of their bases is still quite complete.

"It seems that you have also added a positioning function to that magic ceremony."

Reens looked at the four extraordinary people blocking him and said calmly.

Reens was very calm about the combination of two knights and two mages in front of him...

He was confident enough in himself, because the battle with the Kamikaze Adventure Group had proved his strength.

However, Reens' calmness did not mean that the four people in front of him could calm down.

The moment they saw Reens, their pupils shrank, and one of them immediately reached into his pocket.

Then, Reens heard a sound similar to glass breaking.

"You seem to have sent some alarms."

"However, I didn't find any special element structure or abnormal element phenomenon."

"Alas... It seems that I still know too little about magic."

Reens looked around, focusing on the changes in the surrounding elements, and then said.

"My lord, is there anything important for you to visit here?"

A knight stepped forward slightly, highlighting his position, and then asked Reens respectfully.

"I said I came to destroy the Glenbargen family, do you believe it?"

Reens said with a smile.

Hearing this, the faces of the four extraordinary people instantly became serious...

The knight's hand was already on the hilt of the sword, and the wizard had gently raised the staff in their hands.

"My lord, this kind of joke is not funny."

The knight said in a deep voice.

"Really? That's probably because I rarely joke, and that sentence... is not a joke."

Riens rushed in front of the knight and whispered to him.

Then, in a flash, a ray of light had passed through his armor and heart...

It was a slightly special long sword, and at this time, the long sword was still glowing with a strong green light.

For Riens, the extraordinary people were already

It does not fall into the category of "cannot kill at will".

Moreover, he also knew the two knights in front of him, but they did not know him.

They were all knights of the Glenbargen family, so he did not kill the wrong person.

Seeing their companions pierced through the heart in an instant, the pupils of the other three people shrank again.

But they reacted immediately.

Another knight drew his sword and swung it at Reans, a magician added a buff, and another magician instantly fired a conspicuous magic into the sky.


Reans' left hand scabbard also attached a "magic weapon" and blocked the slash of another knight.

At the same time, Reans pulled out the long sword from the knight's body and swung the sword at his neck at a high speed.

An arc emitting green light appeared.

The head rolled down, and the knight completely lost consciousness.

After dealing with the knight who spoke first, Reans came to a magician in the next moment.

He was the magician who had just buffed another knight.

Another straight stab.

The long sword was like a no man's land, piercing through the layers of shields and going straight to the throat of the magician.

As expected, red blood appeared on the tip of the sword.

The magician did not react, and so did his shield.

At this moment, those shields were still trying to "hold on" to their duties, but this duty would soon be lost.

With a thought, Reens' right hand trembled slightly.

Then, the magician who was only pierced in the throat, the wound exploded instantly.

Then, a big hole was blown out of his entire neck.

This death was a little more miserable than the previous one.


Reens once again blocked the knight's attack with his scabbard, and then dodged and kicked him.


The knight was kicked aside and hit hard on the ground.

Before he could get up, Reans, who had already dealt with the last magician...

had come to him and kicked him again.



The pit was getting deeper, and the knight vomited blood because of the dark energy that penetrated the armor.

"Adonis, more than half a year, you are still only at this level."

"This makes me start to doubt whether you are the destined protagonist I imagined?"

"Are you the kind of protagonist who is happy in the early stage, abused in the middle stage, and explodes in the late stage, or an important villain?"

Reans kicked Adonis in the back, suppressing him and preventing him from getting up, and then said with a doubtful tone.

"But even so, I have never doubted your luck."

"Look... your father-in-law comes to save you again."

"Hello, old man... we meet again."

Reans turned his head to a figure with strong power and said with a smile.

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