The swords of wind and fire continued to intersect, shaking the surrounding air.

At this time, the attacks of Reans and the old man no longer produced the magnificent scene at the beginning.

But the sense of space distortion when the two swords intersected became more serious.

It even affected the figures of Reans and the old man in the eyes of outsiders.

Their figures became blurred, and only the continuous sound of swords proved that their battle was still going on.

As time passed, although Reans' mind did not change at all because of the integration of heaven and earth.

But he knew that if he continued like this, defeat would be his only result.

After all, "harmony between man and nature" was not his normal state, but his limit state.

He could not hold on for a few minutes.

Therefore, he needs to find a way to win in this short time.

Otherwise, when his body can no longer hold on and the state of "harmony between man and nature" automatically exits...

It is probably the time for him to die.

The earl in front of him is very powerful.

In terms of swordsmanship, although Reens did not see any signs of "master level" in him...

But in terms of "swordsmanship style", this earl has definitely been proficient for a long time.

"Concentration" - this is the characteristic that Reens felt from his sword.

It's as if every sword of his concentrates all the strength in his body.

Very terrifying.

Because this "concentration" is not only the concentration of his physical strength, but also the concentration of elements.

It is precisely because of this that even though Reens has gathered the oppression of the surrounding heaven and earth, he still cannot gain an advantage in strength.

Before, Reens thought that his strength was already on par with the great knight.

Now it seems that it is still a little short.

With his thoughts changing, Reens forced the old man back with one move, and then retreated a few meters in an instant.

"Are you going to run away?"

Although the old man could see that Reens had no intention of running away, he still said such provocative words.

After all, if Reens really wanted to run, he might not be able to stop him.

And he can't fly.

Experienced people know that Reens, who uses wind, basically has some means of flying.

"One sword."

Reens ignored the old man's provocation and uttered a short word gently.

Hearing this, the old man's expression instantly became more serious, and he understood what Reens meant by this.

The wind whistled on Reens' sword.

Then, it spread to Reens' body, and then Reens' figure seemed to be wiped out.

Only the long sword was left to make a continuous sword sound.

The old man watched this scene silently, and he wanted to interrupt, but a feeling of being firmly locked made him give up this idea.

This was also the reason why he did not choose to pursue immediately after being forced back.

He had a hunch that if he acted rashly, he would most likely be seriously injured in the next moment.

The old man held his sword horizontally in front of him, and the surrounding fire elements continued to gather in his body, causing a warm flame to emerge on his body.

"Guardian Fire!"

This was the embodiment of the old man's will to protect his family for most of his life.

The long sword that seemed to be uncontrolled was raised, and then pointed at the old man not far away.

Then, the wind stopped.

The world seemed to become particularly quiet at this moment.

"Extreme Wind!"

Reens muttered in his heart.

In an instant, the distance seemed to lose its meaning, and the long sword appeared directly in front of the old man's chest.

Seeing this, the old man's pupils shrank. He did not expect Reens' attack to be so fast.

Even he almost did not react.

You know, even before, he relied on his physical fitness that had long been a great knight and the explosion of the fire element...

In terms of speed, he still suppressed Reens, who was suspected to be at the "master level".

Now, he reacted only when the long sword was about to pierce his body.

In an instant, the change in his mood could not keep up with his instinctive reaction...

The old man instinctively mobilized the "guardian fire" on his body, gathered it in front of his chest, and tried to block the sword.

However, although this move played a certain role, it still could not stop the long sword that was accelerated to the extreme.


The long sword passed through the old man's body and stopped a few meters behind him, and Reens' figure appeared there.

At this time, he was holding the long sword motionless, as if he was fixed by something.

But soon, Reens collapsed like a broken body.

On the ground.

At the same time, a large number of wounds suddenly appeared on the surface of his body, and bright red blood kept gushing out.

On the other side, the old man half-knelt on the ground, and his left hand without a sword was placed on the left chest corresponding to the heart.

At this time, a hole had been broken in that place.

The hole was so big that even the old man's thick palm could not completely cover it.

The hole was empty, and there was nothing inside.

The old man kept panting to relieve his physical weakness, and at the same time, a warm-toned flame emerged from his left hand and poured into the emptiness in his heart at this time.

It was also this move that prevented the blood in his body from oozing out of the hole, thus temporarily curbing the deterioration of his body.

With a thought, the old man took out a bottle of potion from the space equipment on his body, opened it and drank it.

Then, a green light appeared on the old man, and a sense of vitality emanated from his body.

Even the ground where the old man knelt began to sprout some green buds.

Feeling the flesh and blood on his chest condensing, the weakness in his body quickly dissipated under the effect of the potion...

The old man breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the only bottle of "Water of Life" he had collected had not been used to prolong his life.

Otherwise, he would have been dead today.

After taking the potion, the old man stood up and turned to walk towards the direction where Reens fell.

At this time, Reens was not dead yet. He climbed up with difficulty to confirm the result of his attack.

Seeing the old man stand up and walk towards him, Reens' eyes flashed with disappointment.

Unexpectedly, that sword did not kill him.

You know, the "Extreme Wind" sword is the only sword that Reens can swing in front of the legend...

It was also evaluated by the legend as a "good" move.

Unexpectedly, the first time he used it on others, he couldn't even kill a person.

"Next time, let's aim for the head."

"The heart may not be a fatal injury to high-level people."

Rians thought to himself.

Afterwards, without waiting for the earl to do anything to him, Rians withdrew from this round of dungeon.


White space.

"It seems that it is impossible for me to get rid of the Glenbagen family alone."

"The strength of the knight is stronger than I thought."

"Even if I can rely on 'Extreme Wind' to get rid of the earl, I am afraid I will not be able to fight against the extraordinary people."

"Perhaps, I need to find some allies... Go and see the situation of the resistance forces."

Rians said softly.

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