The moon was shining brightly.

Everything was silent, only the moonlight remained.

This time, Reans chose a later time, around one or two in the middle of the night.

He didn't believe that Marvin could still be awake at this time.

Reans went out quietly, but this time he didn't wake Ben up, so there was no previous conversation.

Considering that Marvin might close the window before going to bed, Reans planned to go to the guard to "borrow" some tools first.

As mentioned before, Reans was very familiar with the guard's night patrol route. He could easily avoid it and naturally find it easily.

It didn't take long for Reans to find a "lucky audience" who was alone on the patrol route.

Under the moonlight, the figure walked along the predetermined route, his steps were hurried, and his eyes were only focused on the front.

Rather than saying he was patrolling, it would be better to say he was simply completing this trip.

Reens hid in a dark corner, silently calculating the distance between the patrol guard and himself, waiting for the opportunity to attack.


Reens muttered in his heart.

Then, Reens exerted force with his feet and quickly approached the back of the patrol guard from behind.

Then, while the guard didn't react, he drew out his long sword, exerted force with his right muscle, and quickly drew the sword across the middle of the patrol guard's throat, destroying his vocal cords.

After avoiding the turmoil caused by screams, Reens drew his sword again, piercing the patrol guard's brain from the jaw upwards.

Draw the sword again, and it's over.

Obtain equipment-[Consecrated Long Sword].

The whole set of actions was smooth and flowing, without any hesitation, and the whole process was completed in a very short time, as if it had been done many times.

The night watchman lost consciousness before he could even react.

Reens supported the guard's fallen body and dragged him into a dark alley without moonlight.

Blood spread along the traces of dragging, and Reens roughly buried it with the soil on the ground and left it alone.

Anyway, Reens only needed to avoid being discovered in a short period of time, so he didn't have to waste too much time on handling work.

Reens wiped his hands with the clothes on his body that were not stained with blood to prevent the sticky blood from affecting the feel of holding the sword.

Time was running out, and after getting the equipment, Reens quickly rushed to Marvin's house.

At this time, the house no longer emitted light, but was dyed the same color by the night.

As expected, Marvin had fallen asleep at this time.

Reens walked lightly and gradually approached there.

Reens first went to the window to confirm the situation and found that the window was closed at this time.

"It's a bad habit to sleep without opening the window."

"How can you ensure good ventilation in the room without opening the window? How can you welcome a friend like me in a friendly way without opening the window?"

Riens muttered in his heart as if sighing.

Of course, there was no expression on Reens' face, and he still looked expressionless.

Fortunately, Reens had anticipated this situation and killed a guard and seized his sword.

Reens had observed in the last round of the copy that there was no structural difference between the windows of Marvin's house and the windows of their dormitory.

At most, the windows here are larger.

This type of window is a two-leaf casement window with an outward-opening window structure; when closed, a piece of wood will be used to fix the two windows in the middle.

Reens is going to use the long sword to push the wood bar open, so that he can open the window and enter the room.

Reens used the long sword to test the position of the wood bar along the gap between the two windows, and slowly pushed the wood bar upward with force.

This process was not difficult except that one had to be careful to avoid making noises that would wake Marvin up.

Soon, Reans pushed open the wooden bars and carefully and slowly opened the window.

Everything went smoothly. Reans climbed through the window, gently pulled aside the curtains, and entered Marvin's house again.

Maybe Marvin was sleeping very soundly, or Reans's skills in climbing windows had improved, and this time Reans was not discovered by Marvin.

Marvin's room was not as dark as imagined, but had a faint and soft light.

The source of the light was a device placed on a wooden table.

This device was somewhat like a crystal ball, with a spherical transparent glass on the upper part and a metal base on the lower part.

Inside the transparent glass was... a stone.

Yes, a glowing stone.

After a careful inspection, Reans confirmed that he did not see

Wrong, it is indeed a glowing stone.

"What kind of magic item is this? Hmm...wait, I think I know what this thing is."

"Ben seems to have said that in some high-end taverns, there are lamps that use glowing stones for lighting."

"It seems to be called [Magic Stone Light], um...that's the name."

"I almost thought it was another high-end thing, but it turned out to be just a daily lighting fixture."

Rians thought in his heart speechlessly.

Sure enough, many so-called high-end things are only mistakenly considered high-end because they are not known.

Rians shook his head and laughed at his own fuss in his heart.

Then he refocused his attention on the books on the table.

Rians gently placed the long sword in his hand on the table, and then picked up the top book.

Rians walked to the vicinity of the [Magic Stone Light], and just stood close to the light source and began to read the contents of the book.



[May 15, 4624 in the Elemental Calendar]

[Today is the 46th day of the experiment. ]

[Except for the most important one, all the other experimental subjects who were specially selected died. ]

[The cause of death was that they resisted the training and were killed by Renagin. ]

[From their performance, the magic flower made their emotions more extreme and sensitive, thus losing the ability to distinguish the current situation. ]

[After dissecting their bodies one after another, it was found that the cause of this situation was some lesions in their brains. ]

[So the essence of the magic flower is to cause lesions in people's brains to affect their spirits? ]

[Riens still did not show any abnormality... strange. ]


[May 23, 4624 in the Elemental Calendar]

[The 54th day of the experiment. ]

[Today's experiment still has no progress, and Riens did not show any abnormality. ]

[Is it that the 'spiritual talent' has a stronger resistance to magic flowers than ordinary people? 】


[May 28, 4624 of the Elemental Calendar]


Riens read Marvin's experimental diary one by one.

"Wake up... wake up, Riens, get up quickly, it's time for training."

Ben woke up the sleeping Riens again.

"Is it time?"

Riens said softly.

In that round of the copy, Riens had been reading his experimental diary in Marvin's room until he was woken up by Ben.

Riens had told Ben before that he sometimes slept a little deeply and might not hear the horn.

So Riens specifically asked Ben to wake him up if that happened.

Things went smoothly, and Riens also gained a lot of information in the copy, which was difficult to explain for a while.

But he hadn't finished reading it all, so Riens should continue to sneak into Marvin's room and continue to retrieve information.

Moreover, there are many books in Marvin's room.

When he has time, Reans is also going to take a look at it, which can be regarded as increasing his knowledge.

"Yes, it's time for afternoon training... Get up quickly."

Ben responded to Reans and urged him to act quickly.

Reans said no more, got up and went to the square with Ben for afternoon training.

There is nothing much to say about the training process, just like before, but Reans noticed that there was a more special person in the square.

He stood next to the instructor, with a big belly, but exquisite clothes, and followed by several good-looking women, who looked like maids.

It means that his status should be good.

Reans thought he should be an important figure in the Glenbargen family.

However, the man just stood in the square for a while, glanced at the trainers and left.

It was really difficult for Reans to analyze what he was doing.

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