The battle was a battle, but the battle was a battle.

Riens made this judgment on Ben because of his analysis of the situation on the scene.

Ben's strength is indeed much stronger than his opponent, which is not surprising.

There was no plot where a dark horse hid its strength and then broke out in the game to shock everyone.

Even if this situation is likely to happen, it will only happen to Reens, not Ben's opponent.

This can be seen from the sword skills of both sides and the wounds on their bodies.

From the start of the fight to now, Ben has only had a few small wounds on his body, which looks a little embarrassed, but there is no big problem.

However, his opponent has already suffered heavy bleeding and was deeply cut in the chest.

In theory, if this level of wounds occurs, as long as Ben's opponent admits defeat, the duel is over.

The instructor would not judge this situation as a passive duel.

Next, as long as he takes the wound medicine and stops the bleeding wound, he can still survive.

I just don't know why Ben's opponent didn't do this?

Even though he was seriously injured, he continued to swing his sword at Ben frantically, as if he didn't care about his life.

Reens stared at Ben's opponent.

His face was a crazy and distorted face, his facial features were tightly together, and liquid kept flowing out of his eyes and nostrils, flowing smoothly into the big mouth that was constantly shouting.

"Ah... Wuwu... Ah"

That sound was like crying, and like a meaningless shout...

His attack method was also unsystematic, just swinging the long sword at Ben randomly.

However, it was precisely this unsystematic and life-threatening attack method that made Ben a little difficult to start with, and even a little difficult to resist.

However, this was not the main reason why this duel was not over yet.

An opponent who has lost his mind can never be considered a strong enemy.

The random and desperate attack method is indeed a bit difficult, but this method shows too many flaws.

As long as you don't get scared by this attack method and look for the opponent's flaws carefully, you can easily kill him.

In fact, Ben did it, but Reens could see from the trajectory of the attack that he... hesitated.

So Reens made the judgment that Ben was soft-hearted before.

To be honest, Reens didn't quite understand why Ben was soft-hearted?

Reens could see his despair from his opponent's performance outside the court, so Ben who was in it should also be able to find something.

After all, he dreamed of becoming a bard, so he should have some empathy and observation ability.

So, since he wanted to die, why not just send him off? And it would also allow him to win.

Isn't it a hundred benefits for Ben without any harm?

Suddenly, Reens' eyes condensed.

Because the situation in front of him had a big change-Ben was attacked at the vital point.

Because he couldn't dodge in time, Ben was hit on the left arm by the opponent's long sword.

The wound penetrated the bone, and a lot of blood gushed out.

Because of the sudden pain, Ben almost lost his grip on the long sword, and then he was almost knocked away by the opponent.

Ben quickly dodged and pulled a little distance from the opponent.

After this attack, Ben no longer used both hands to hold the sword, but only used the right hand to hold the sword to fight the enemy.

At the same time, he no longer confronted the opponent head-on, but adopted a mode of dodging and attacking.

"If you still don't make up your mind, then you can only appear in my memory in the future, my friend."

Rians looked at the sudden change in the situation and said in his heart.


Rians saw the flaw of Ben's opponent and reminded Ben in his heart.

I just don't know if Ben can seize this opportunity?

Ben's face condensed, gritted his teeth, and swung the sword.

I saw Ben's long sword pass through the opponent's attack loophole, cut across the opponent's neck, and brought a little blood.

After achieving his goal, Ben pulled back and dodged the opponent's long sword.

Then Ben used the long sword to cut a strip of cloth from his clothes and tied it to the wound on his left arm, temporarily blocking the wound and preventing a large amount of blood from gushing out.

After doing this, Ben stared at his opponent who had fallen in a pool of blood, sighed deeply, and the expression on his face seemed to be much darker.

"The left wins, the right loses."

The guard's calm voice sounded.

"Don't think about it anymore, you just gave him a desired result."

Hearing the declaration of the end of the duel, Reens walked to Ben's side and comforted him.

"Rather than that, you should go to the instructor to get the medicine for your wounds now.

, otherwise, if you keep bleeding like this, you will not be able to bear it sooner or later. "

"The duel is far from over, and it is very important to maintain a good state for the next duel."

Rians continued to say to Ben.

"Alas, maybe he was a little desperate, but my existence became the last straw that overwhelmed him."

"His level is very average. At the beginning, I kept suppressing him and continued to create some small wounds for him, hoping to force him to surrender in this way."

"But I didn't expect that this method would force him to go crazy. His attacks became disorganized and he just swung his sword randomly."

"Next, I dodged and resisted his attacks one after another, and even attacked him along his flaws."

"His wounds continued to increase, but he never showed any signs of surrendering."

"I was anxious... I was angry... I thought he was ignoring my warning, so I made a deep slash on his chest. "

Ben paused here, as if he was organizing his words.

Ben took a deep breath and continued:

"After being seriously injured, he became even crazier and his fighting style became desperate."

"I don't want his life, I really don't want to kill him."

At this point, Ben's voice became a little higher, and his emotions were a little excited.

"Because of his desperate fighting style, I also started to suffer some minor injuries because I couldn't dodge in time."

"Perhaps because he couldn't attack for a long time, he became more panicked, and his attacks became more and more disorderly. Maybe he couldn't remember that he had learned swordsmanship."

"I could see that he was gradually desperate, because the screams of grief kept ringing in my ears."

"I tried my best to find a way not to kill him, I... tried my best."

"In the end... I still took action to kill him."

Ben described the process of the duel, and his tone changed from calm to excited, and then back to calm.

"Well, I know you tried your best."

"And this is not a mistake you should bear, you... we have no choice. "

"We all just want to survive."

After listening to Ben's story, Reans continued to comfort him.


Ben responded to Reans in a depressed tone.

Reans knew that Ben had not yet gotten over the guilt, but after experiencing this kind of thing many times, he gradually got used to it.

Just like they couldn't face the dead before, but now they have become accustomed to it.

Ben just found it difficult to accept it for a while because he did it himself.

"Let's go, go find the instructor to get the medicine for your injuries. Your injuries cannot be delayed."

After saying that, Reans pulled Ben towards the instructor's direction.

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