The sun was rising, and the faint light shone into the cramped house through the open windows.

At this time in the past, there should be loud horns in the training camp.

"I wonder if it was caused by Marvin's death? Or is it just because the early morning training was cancelled?"

Rins looked at the quiet scene outside the window and thought to himself.

At this time in the past, there should be the sound of people walking around the window, because everyone has to rush to the square to gather as soon as possible.

But now, there is silence around, and everyone stays in the house and dares not come out.

However, it is also possible that he has not woken up.

In the past, he was woken up by the sound of the horn, but suddenly there was no sound, and the body's habit may not react.

Just like Ben in front of Reans.

"It's time to wake up, Ben."

Reans patted Ben's body and called out to him.

"Hmm... Is it dawn yet... I didn't expect that I overslept."

Ben, who had just woken up, was still a little confused, but after shaking his head a few times, he woke up.

"I didn't expect that there would be a day when I would wake you up. What a surprise."

Reans joked to Ben who had just woken up.

After the review last night, Reans went directly into the dungeon to practice swordsmanship.

When he felt that it was almost dawn, he exited the dungeon and woke up from the bed.

After waking up, Reans lay in bed waiting, waiting for the sound of the horn.

When no one helped to wake him up at first, Reans did this to prevent himself from missing the morning training.

Of course, Reans didn't need to wait too long, because he basically exited the dungeon at the right time.

But today, he waited for a long time and didn't hear the familiar voice.

It was not until Reans opened his eyes and saw the light coming in from the window that he was sure that it was past the time for morning training.

"I didn't expect to oversleep. Is it because I slept too late last night?"

Ben said with a wry smile, blaming the reason for his oversleeping on what happened last night.

"Maybe there is more than that reason. There was no horn sound this morning."

"You probably didn't hear the sound and thought it was still dark and went back to sleep."

Reans analyzed the reason why Ben stayed in bed.

"No horn sound?"

Ben immediately grasped the key point and asked Reans.

"I didn't hear the horn sound after I woke up."

"I shouldn't have overslept, because I woke up before dawn."

"By the way, there was no sign of other people going out, and I didn't hear any sound of people moving around."

"Maybe everyone is a relatively obedient person. After all, those people said last night, 'stay in the house and don't walk around.'"

"Plus, there was no horn sound this morning, so everyone probably didn't dare to go out casually."

Rians told Ben what he had found.

"It seems that something really serious happened last night, otherwise, the training camp would not allow us to stop training."

Ben said seriously.

"Well, it is indeed very likely to be a serious matter."

Rians nodded in agreement with Ben's point of view.


"Has there been such a bad incident since the establishment of the training camp?"

A middle-aged man in gorgeous clothes looked at the charred body with a severed head in front of him and asked angrily.

"Well, if you have the energy to get angry here, you might as well investigate the specific situation."

"You rushed here from the city before dawn, isn't that enough?"

Another man on the side admonished the angry middle-aged man.

After saying that, he put on gloves and prepared to look at the charred body.

This is Marvin's house where the fire broke out last night.

At this time, six people were standing at this charred "crime scene".

In addition to the two people who spoke above, the instructor was also among them, and it was he who led these people into this place.

In addition to the instructor, the others were investigators sent by the Glenbargen family to investigate Marvin's death.

At the same time, they also served as "graduation assessment" personnel.

The instructor stood aside in silence, knowing that the questioning just now was directed at him.

Although he didn't say explicitly that he was not good at supervision, his words and deeds all expressed the same meaning, that is, you are not a good person.

Otherwise, why did the evil things that had never happened in previous years happen during your management?

The instructor did not care about such accusations, because if someone accused him, it meant that he

's status has not been affected.

Ruthless people always take action directly, and that kind of superficial ridicule is just the rage of the incompetent.

So the instructor just stood there quietly, watching the people sent by the family rummaging around and checking various traces in the charred room and on Marvin's body.

And one of them was doing various inspections on the charred body.

"Knight Reina Gold, are you sure no one has destroyed the scene here?"

The man who had spoken up before turned to ask the instructor.

"I can't guarantee it. The fire was very serious last night. In order to put out the fire, many people went in and out of here."

"But after the fire was put out, I was the only one who came in, and then I had people block this place until you arrived."

The instructor explained calmly that this was the reason why he stayed here, and he needed to answer some questions from those investigators.

"It is now certain that this decapitated charred corpse is indeed Marvin's body."

"This can be seen from the ring on its hand that symbolizes the Glenbargen family and the reaction of the blood magic device."

The man pointed to the crystal-like magic device that began to flicker and explained.

"There is no ash in its mouth and nose, which means that Marvin was indeed killed and then burned."

"And judging from the position of the body, he was killed while sleeping and without resistance."

"This is very important, because Marvin is wearing a [Ring of Protection] on his hand."

"Knight Rena, you should know the function of this thing."

The man raised the ring in his hand and said to the instructor.

"[Ring of Protection] can release a protective barrier when the wearer is in mortal danger. The barrier lasts for 20 seconds."

The instructor responded.

"The murderer was able to kill Marvin while he was asleep under the protection of the [Ring of Protection]."

"This leads to three possibilities."

"One is that someone used drugs or something to make Marvin fall asleep, and he did not wake up until the effect of the [Ring of Protection] disappeared."

"In this case, the body needs to be further examined to confirm whether there are traces of drugs."

"This is difficult because the body is severely burned."

"And Marvin is a pharmacist, so it is still very troublesome to poison him."

The man began to explain.

"The second possibility is that someone took the [Protection Ring] while Marvin was sleeping normally, and then killed him."

"In this case, the murderer needs to be familiar with stealing, so that he can take the ring without waking Marvin up."

"Most importantly, he also needs to know which finger Marvin wears the [Protection Ring] on."

"Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to distinguish the [Protection Ring] from other rings in a dim environment."

"And after the murderer committed the crime, he deliberately put the ring back on."

The man continued.

"The third possibility is that someone can forcibly kill Marvin with a sword under the protection of the [Protection Ring], leaving him no time to react."

"There are very few people who can do this."

After the man finished speaking, he looked at the instructor.

The instructor frowned, and he knew what the man meant by looking at him.

Only the extraordinary knights who can forcibly kill Marvin in that situation can do it.

And in this training camp, he is the only one who is a true extraordinary knight.

This is doubting him.

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