The two of them were very busy, and the instructors were busy.

Because it was not far away, Reens quickly came to the small house on the south side where the instructors were.

The small house was not big, only a circle larger than Reens' dormitory, and it was completely inferior to Marvin's house.

At this time, two guards were standing at the door outside the house.

They were all guards on duty for the instructors, and their main role was not to protect the instructors.

But when the instructors had any instructions, they could complete or convey the instructors' instructions in time.

However, as a member of the management of the training camp, there was no guard on duty in front of Marvin's door.

I don't know if Marvin's status was not enough, or he didn't want people to peek into his experiments, so he didn't arrange for anyone to stand guard at his place?

But death is like the extinguishing of a light, and no matter what he thinks, it doesn't matter.

Because of the "communication" before, Reens didn't care much about the two guards.

Now he just wanted to kill them and create an environment for a duel with the instructor.

Reens rushed towards one of the guards from the darkness with a long sword.


Seeing Reens rushing over, the two guards asked loudly, and hurriedly drew their long swords to respond.

Reens was very fast, and when they were holding their swords and making a stance, he approached the figure of one of the guards.

And this distance is exactly the scale that the long sword can attack.

Reens saw the flaw of the guard's hasty stance, and stabbed the long sword horizontally, piercing the guard's throat, and then slashed to the right, and the guard's neck was broken in half.

After dealing with one guard, Reens put away his sword and dodged the angry slash of another guard.

He slashed down and hit the guard's arm. Then, while he was in pain and relaxed his defense, Reens rushed forward, lunged straight, and pierced the guard's heart with his long sword.

He drew his sword and waved his right hand to shake off the blood on the long sword.

The splashing blood reflected a faint light in the moonlight, and then fell to the ground.

It was as if the fragile lives of the two guards ended at this moment.

After dealing with the guards, Reens took a few steps back, away from the flowing blood, and waiting for the protagonist to appear.

The movement just now was enough to alarm the instructor, and Reens no longer needed to "politely" knock on the door.

Or rather, the behavior just now was his "knocking on the door".


The door of the hut was suddenly opened.

Under the moonlight, the figure of the instructor appeared at the opened door.

He looked at the two fallen guards and Reens standing not far from the door without saying anything, but his eyes turned colder towards Reens.

"Draw your sword!"

Reens spoke first, but this was the only sentence he wanted to say.

He didn't want to waste time on meaningless chats.

And it just so happened that the instructor didn't feel like talking at this time. He just wanted to draw his sword and chop off the arrogant thug in front of him.

Neither of them had the intention to speak again, so the duel that had already been destined to end began.

The instructor sprinted with both legs, approaching Reens' position like a gust of wind, and then quickly drew his sword and slashed straight at Reens' neck.

Reens retreated to avoid the instructor's long sword, and at the same time stabbed the instructor's chest with his sword.

The instructor dodged sideways, and then slashed from right to left, slashing at Reens' body, intending to cut Reens in two directly from the shoulder to the abdomen.

Of course, Reens would not allow this to happen. He dodged and swung his sword at the instructor's sword to block or even deflect the instructor's attack.


The swords collided.

Because of the difference in strength, Reens was shocked and took several steps back.

While retreating, Reens quickly stabilized his body center of gravity, and at the same time, he exerted force on his legs and stepped hard on the ground, in this way offsetting the force brought by the instructor's slash.

Reens stepped out several deep footprints, and finally stopped after his feet slid a long distance on the ground.

Taking this opportunity, the instructor attacked again, and the swift long sword slashed at Reens who had not yet stabilized his body.

Reens, who had been watching the instructor, saw the slash coming, and hurriedly rolled to the right to avoid the attack.

However, the hurried roll did not completely avoid the instructor's slash.

Reens was still slashed on the left thigh.

Blood splattered, and a piece of scraped flesh fell to the ground.

The pain of the flesh being scraped off the thigh

The pain made Reens frown, and his already tight gums bit even tighter.

But Reens quickly took a defensive stance after rolling over, and resisted the instructor's slash again.

Although the consequence was that Reens was shocked back again, and every step back was a wound to the wound.

More blood flowed from the wound on his left thigh, and every step squeezed the blood out of Reens' body.

Reens felt pain, but he still did not let go of his gaze on the instructor.

Visually observing the opponent is the most basic basic skill in a duel.

If you can't observe the opponent's attack, you can't analyze the landing point of the attack, and naturally there is no way to dodge and resist the opponent's attack.

What's the difference between this and standing and letting the enemy cut your neck?

Next, Reens fell into a cycle of being forced to constantly use a long sword to resist the attack, then being shocked back, and then being injured.

After a few rounds, Reens could no longer hold on, and was eventually pierced through the throat and cut off the neck by the instructor.

Just like what Reens did to the guard at the beginning.

The sight in front of him turned from darkness to whiteness, and Reens knew that he was back in the white space.

This also meant that he was dead, and once again died under the instructor's sword.

After briefly easing the feeling of death, Reens stepped into the dungeon again.

As before, Reens came to the southern hut with a long sword and killed the two guards on duty at the gate.

After the instructor went out, Reens attacked him directly.

This time Reens did not speak, and the previous sentence was just a slogan for the start of the next dungeon sword training process.

And in the face of Reens' attack, the instructor certainly fought back without reservation.

Soon, Reens received a box lunch like in the previous round of dungeons.

Time in reality passed gradually, and Reens continued to die in the copy.

The experience of death was painful, but Reens had gotten used to it.

However, Reens' death was not in vain. In the constant confrontation with the instructor, he could hold on longer and longer.

After seeing his own progress, Reens became more determined in his behavior, believing that he could find the feeling of "sword style" in his continuous growth.

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