The wind wolf was in a state of panic.

After all, it was just a low-level monster, and the "wind blade" it released was only this level.

Except for the mechanism that looked good, the other performances of the "wind blade" were too ordinary in Reens's opinion.

It had no speed, and the damage was not great.

Even the "invisible" mechanism seemed less useful because of the simple and direct attack mode of the wind wolf.

If the wind wolf could control those "wind blades" to attack him from all directions and corners, instead of putting them all in one direction.

Then it would not be so easy for him to deal with it.

This is like the difference between "facing a group of people on a flat ground" and "facing a group of people in a narrow alley".

The former was besieged, while the latter only needed to deal with one or two people at a time.

It felt completely inferior to the two "magic" that Reens had seen before - the magic barrier and the slave contract.

Reens still had no confidence in breaking the "magic barrier"; and the slave contract was the culprit that restricted his freedom.

But it was also true that if the wind wolf was strong, it would not have been caught by the instructor and brought here as a requirement for the "graduation assessment".

Although he was a little disappointed in his heart, Reens did not show it on his face.

He still fought against the "wind blades" that the wind wolf kept firing at him very seriously, and began to move towards the direction of the wind wolf.

The wind wolf had been standing in place and firing "wind blades" since just now, and it seemed that it regarded itself as a turret.

Reens didn't know how long it could shoot, but he didn't want to wait anymore.

Reens was ready to rush over and chop the guy who wanted to be a "turret" directly to end this "boring" beast fight.

After dodging the transparent "wind blade" and confirming that he was at a suitable distance from the wind wolf, Reens exerted force with his legs and rushed towards the wind wolf at a faster speed than usual.

Reens' sprinting speed was very fast, and the impact of his feet on the ground even stirred up a large amount of dust.

The vision between Reens and the wind wolf was briefly blurred.

Just when Reens was very close to the wind wolf and was about to give it a sword.


Reens' sixth sense suddenly gave a danger warning.

It forced Reens to stop attacking, and hurriedly blocked in front of him with a long sword, and tried to dodge.

While Reens was dodging.

An "invisible" attack suddenly cut through the dust in front and flew towards Reens' body.


The attack collided with Reens' long sword, and then left a huge wound deep enough to see the bone on his right chest and left thigh.

Reens gritted his teeth, trying to hold back the pain and not let himself scream.

Blood gushed out along the torn flesh, forming a gorgeous "red ribbon" in the air, and then fell to the ground and gathered into small pools of blood.

Reens knew that the attack just now should be the "wind blade", but he didn't expect that the attack power of the "wind blade" could be so strong.

So, those "small wind blades" before were just to lower his vigilance?

Reens didn't know whether the "small wind blades" released by the wind wolf before were traps made by feints.

But he knew that the attack was not over yet...

At the moment when Reens was attacked by the powerful "wind blade", the wind wolf that had been staying in place suddenly broke through the dust and pounced on the injured Reens.

Reens endured the pain of the wound, moved his feet to the right, and avoided the pounce of the wind wolf.

And he took the opportunity to stab it hard in the abdomen that had been pierced before, performing a "caesarean section" operation on it to declare his anger.


The wind wolf in mid-air let out a scream and then rolled to the ground.

A large amount of warm blood formed a large dark red pool of blood on the ground where the wind wolf fell.

It struggled to slowly get up from the ground and stared at Reens with vicious eyes. Its ferocious face was no different from when it first saw Reens.

But this time, it no longer launched an attack directly, but stared at Reens closely and slowly moved its position.

After being severely injured, Reens was also cautious not to rush up and attack the wind wolf directly.

The two sides stood not far from each other and looked at each other.

This was also the first time since the fight began that the two sides stopped firing and entered the confrontation stage.

"It's almost over... The wind wolf can no longer release the 'wind blade' in a short time.

', with the strength he showed, he should be able to take down the wind wolf. "

The instructor in the stands looked at the two sides confronting each other on the field and made a prediction.

"I hope it's true as the knight said. The situation just now was really thrilling. I thought the family was going to lose another "talent." "

The man who commented on Reens before in the stands laughed softly.

Feeling the pain in his body, Reens felt angry and blamed himself.

"I was careless!"

"I didn't expect to be taught a lesson by a wolf today. "

Riens smiled bitterly in his heart.

Don't be reckless or careless when facing an unfamiliar opponent, and always be alert to the opponent's possible backhand.

The body of an ordinary person is too fragile to withstand any accidents.

Although he was not often injured or killed in the dungeon, it was the first time he was injured like this in reality.

This made Riens feel that he was in the dungeon.

But this is not a dungeon after all, and the current injury is the consequence of his recklessness.

Riens didn't expect that the wind wolf's "wind blade" had two modes.

One is the "small wind blade" with a large number, which can be released continuously, but the single-target damage is low.

The second is the "big wind blade" that abandons the number and strengthens the single-target damage.

If he was far away, even if the wind wolf released the "big wind blade", even if he couldn't disperse it, it would not be difficult for him to dodge it.

But the problem was that he was too close just now, and the long sword in his hand was about to pierce the wind wolf's body again.

And his attention was still focused on attacking at that time Hit the part of the wind wolf.

In that situation, he simply couldn't avoid the "wind blade" that was not slow and could only be noticed by careful observation.

Reens took a deep breath and then exhaled. His eyes regained calmness again, and he no longer continued to dwell on his mistakes.

With more experience, you will always learn how to calm yourself down.

Although Reens rarely experienced the accident just now in reality.

But in the early copies, he was killed because of miscalculation of the opponent.

Since he is not dead yet, he should make up for his mistakes.

Reens stared at the wind wolf quietly, and his expression became calm, as if he had let go of everything, even the pain in his body was ignored by him.

But this performance just shows the strong killing intention in Reens' heart at this time.

If Reens had only regarded the wind wolf as a requirement for the assessment before, then now the wolf has become his must-kill target.

Kill it... is what Reens is thinking at the moment.

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