The first person who passed the test was waving his hand to welcome him.

Riens walked to the "waiting area" designated by the instructor, where the first person who passed the test was waving his hand to welcome him.

"Riens, I'm glad to see you here, my friend."

When Riens approached, the "first person" smiled at him with a smile on his face.

Was he really happy? Riens didn't know, but he understood why he showed kindness to him.

Nothing more than the word value.

Although there was actually no communication between the two of them, let alone the title of "friend".

But as long as you have value, there are many people who want to be friends with you.

However, most of these "friends" only stay in words.

"I am also glad that I passed the assessment, but I was able to succeed thanks to your encouragement."

"Without you, a brave pioneer, setting an excellent example for us, I might have failed the assessment because of lack of confidence."

Rins also responded with a smile.

As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling person.

Others just want to establish a certain friendly relationship with future colleagues, and Rins certainly won't show any face to others.

On the contrary, Rins even gave him a "bridge", exaggerated his role, elevated his position, and verbally complimented him.

Regarding this compliment, whether he believes it or not, at least in terms of face, Rins has given him enough respect.

"Hahaha, Rins, you are really funny."

"What encouragement? I just did what I should do."

Harriman stretched out his right hand and patted Rins on the shoulder, laughing.

It can be seen that he was very happy with Rins' compliment.

Seeing Harriman suddenly reach out and pat his shoulder, Reens frowned slightly, but did not dodge.

Reens did not like this guy who seemed to be familiar but actually had no boundaries.

But the compliments had already been said, so it was not good to directly refute his face at this time.

Moreover, Reens saw Harriman's performance and suspected that this guy might have been overwhelmed by what he said.

This guy might really believe what he said and think that he had some credit for passing the assessment.

Therefore, he wanted to further express his position as the "first person" in a condescending way.

Reens did not believe that someone could be so easily fooled.

Anyway, he was free now, so Reens was going to have a good chat with him to determine whether this person was really brainless.

In this way, Reens chatted with Harriman from time to time.

As the topic unfolded, Reens found that Harriman was indeed problematic.

He had a strong desire for power and felt very good about himself.

Most people would just smile at Reans' compliment and not take it seriously.

But Harriman was different. He just felt that it was important for him to be the first to pass the test.

He wanted to establish his position as the boss among all the people who passed the test.

And Reans's statement was very consistent with his thoughts, so he accepted it with peace of mind.

He even thought that Reans was grateful to him because of this, so he wanted to strike while the iron was hot and take Reans as his younger brother.

The more they talked, the more speechless Reans felt.

Why didn't I find him so "confident" when I tried the sword with this person before?

As they talked, they even made a big promise.

He said, "I will definitely come back to help you, my brother, when I become successful in the family in the future."

And successful?

They are just "tools". Instead of thinking about how to become successful, they might as well pray that the Glenbogen family can treat them, the "tools", a little better.

It's better not to toss like the training camp.

While listening to Harriman's vision of his "grand plan", Reens maintained an awkward smile.

At this moment, Reens really wanted to slap himself to death for saying those flattering words before.

What is it that you should not hit a smiling person? Facing such a person, he should not have given a good face in the first place.

If his expression was a little colder at that time, the following things would not have happened.

But who told him that Reens usually maintained a personality that did not offend others easily.

He could only swallow this bitter fruit by himself.

Regret, regret.

The "big wind blade" of the wind wolf did not make Reens regret so much.

After all, he solved the source of his regret on the spot.

But now he has no choice but to...

There is no way to directly solve the source of the "pain" in front of him.

Just when Reans was about to lose the smile on his face and even had the idea of ​​picking up the sword to chop the chatterbox.

Ben came to the "waiting area" of the winner.

Seeing Ben's arrival, Harriman directly left Reans who was "chatting" with him, and walked up to greet Ben warmly.

After Harriman finally stopped talking, Reans breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time, he further lowered his evaluation of Harriman in his heart.

It can be seen that Harriman really wants to be the boss.

But whether it is IQ, EQ, or eloquence, he may not be very good.

Obviously wanting to develop a younger brother, but when "chatting", he directly left the one he was developing and turned to greet others.

He started staring at the food in the pot before he ate the rice in the bowl.

"Ben, congratulations on passing the graduation assessment."

Reans looked at Ben who successfully passed the assessment and smiled happily.

Reigns was indeed worried that Ben would stop on the "ring" because of his injury.

But Ben had to get through this crisis by himself, and Reigns had no ability to help him.

All he could do for Ben was probably to cheer him up in his heart and give him confidence with his own success.

In fact, what he said to Harriman before was not all exaggerated compliments.

Harriman's success did give Reigns confidence.

After all, even Harriman could successfully pass the test, so how could Reigns, who was so strong, fail?

"Luck, just good luck."

Ben said modestly to Reigns, but his happy smile could not be concealed.

Seeing Ben's expression, Reigns also knew how excited he was now. He was about to make a joke with Ben, but Harriman on the side spoke first.

"Haha, luck is also part of strength. Those who can stand here are the talents who are about to become the 'sharp blades' of the nobles."

"Good luck means that we are destined to pass the assessment and become big men."

"Just like I was the first to pass the assessment."

"When I ranked first, I knew that it was my mission, and I would bear the hope for everyone's future."

"At that time, I was also very nervous, worried that I could not complete my mission. Fortunately, I succeeded."

"That's why I came into being, and we are standing here happily chatting together."

Harriman said, and he also expanded Reens' compliment a little bit, adding mission theory to it.

'What is this? '

Ben looked at Reens with a puzzled look, wanting to get an answer from him.

Faced with such a person who praised himself so much, Ben, who is more talkative, didn't know how to start.

Seeing Ben looking at him with a puzzled expression, Reens could only put his index finger and middle finger together, tapped his head a few times, and then shook his head slightly to Ben.

This guy has a problem with his brain, don't take it seriously.

Seeing Reens's performance, Ben also understood what he meant and realized how he should respond.

Then, Ben also chatted with Harriman.

However, because Ben was more talkative, Harriman was very happy and didn't realize that others were perfunctory.

He continued to happily talk about his "grand plan".

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