The old man was so angry, but he was still very busy.


Rians stared at Jonathan blankly for a while, as if trying to see how this guy took it for granted to slack off.

Before, Rians thought Jonathan was a serious person who liked to do things in a fair manner.

Unexpectedly, this guy would slack off directly.

This is a good experience case. Rians felt that he needed to learn from Jonathan.

Strive to become a glorious "slacker" in the future.

Rians retracted his eyes and began to focus on the task.

Taking advantage of the night, Rians carefully sneaked towards the castle.

Of course, sneaking is actually constantly moving between various obstacles, which is essentially not technical.

There are no such high-end skills as "shadow stealth" and "ghost step".

So to outsiders, the figure of Reans carefully shuttling back and forth between bushes and buildings is quite funny.

"This kid has a good mentality. He didn't react at all when he heard "killing".

"Is this experience or a natural executioner?"

"Anyway, I hope he can solve the target by himself. I don't want to clean up the mess."

Jonathan looked at Reans' figure slowly approaching the castle, his eyes flickered, and he thought in his mind.

On the other side.

Reans, who was sneaking in a poor disguise, found that there was indeed no one following him.

After confirming that Jonathan would not participate as he said, Reans relaxed a lot.

No one followed, so he didn't have to worry about hiding his strength.

I have been shrinking my hands and feet, and I feel quite depressed.

Because it was not far away, no matter how careful and slow Reans was, he soon arrived at the gate of the castle.

Reans looked at the two guards standing on both sides of the gate, thinking about how to bypass them and enter the castle.

After thinking about it, Reans decided not to waste his brain cells and just make it clear.

Reans picked up a small stone on the ground and threw it accurately on the head of one of the guards.


The guard exclaimed, and then kept turning his head to search for the person who threw the stone at him.

Soon, he found the target, because the target did not intend to cover up.

The guard looked at a figure in black clothes, squatting in the green bushes and waving at him, and his eyes twitched.

He began to suppress his anger.

I have seen thieves, but I have never seen thieves so arrogant.

Just as he was about to go over and teach the little thief a lesson, another guard pulled him back.

"Wait, don't be impulsive."

"Have you forgotten the rumor that was spread yesterday?"

"First look carefully and make sure whether the other party is the one who comes to attack, then it's not too late to act."

Another guard said seriously.

"What happened yesterday... Are you talking about the unlucky guy?"

"So, this may be the person sent by the Glenbogen family to attack?"

The guard also showed a serious expression on his face and said.

"Look at the black clothes and the arrogant attitude, it should be correct."

"In fact, I was very shocked that the unlucky guy didn't die last night. I thought the Glenbogen family had changed their nature?"

"I didn't expect that others just wanted to give that guy one more day to let him struggle in despair."

Another guard sighed.

"Oh... I've confirmed my identity."

"Okay, let's go to the other side first, so as not to disturb others' work."

"I heard that those secret guards kill without blinking an eye."

"It's already very respectful that others didn't come over and ask us to let them pass."

The guard saw the wooden sign in Reans' hand shaking slightly, reflecting the faint light in the moonlight, and then continued to speak to another guard.

After speaking, he turned around and left his post, shouting: "I have to pee urgently, I'll go to the toilet first."

"Wait... I have to pee urgently too, let's go together."

Another guard also spoke.

Then the figures of the two slowly plunged into the night and disappeared in front of Reans.

"It's quite useful... Is this the so-called power, the so-called treatment of the privileged class?"

"One token can make people blind."

"Accelerator, no scruples."

Reans said with some emotion.

At this moment, Reigns realized the power of the Glenbargen family.

It will be here.

Even if they are just tools, they are part of the Glenbogen family in the eyes of outsiders, and they are the superiors.

Now Reens understands a little bit why Jonathan speaks of the power of the Glenbogen family with a hint of pride.

Because if you experience this feeling more, you may really have the illusion that you are also superior.

After sighing about some meaningless things, Reens waited for a while to make sure that the two guards were not playing tricks on him.

Reens walked quickly to the front door, pushed open a gap with force, and walked into the huge military castle.

It was late at night, and it was time to fall asleep.

At this time, the castle was silent and dim, with only the moonlight from the window and a little candlelight casting a little light into the darkness.

There was no one behind the door, so Reens didn't have to worry about the embarrassing scene of "opening the door to kill".

The interior space of the castle was large, but fortunately its structure was not complicated, and there was a simple map on the task list.

So Reens could still clearly identify his position.

Taking the castle gate as the midpoint, the dormitory of ordinary soldiers is on the upper right side of the castle, and Reens's mission target should be staying in the dormitory at this time.

This is written on the mission list.

Although Reens is a little confused, why the soldier who offended the Glenbargen family still stayed in the dormitory obediently instead of running away?

But as long as there is no mistake in the mission list, he should be able to find that person quickly.

Reens sneaked carefully in the castle, trying to avoid patrolling guards as much as possible along the way.

Although Reens knew that the guards would not embarrass him, he still had to do the whole show.

Moreover, Reens was also worried that there would be a fool who could not distinguish the situation and exposed him without explanation.

In that case, the assassination operation that was originally tacitly agreed upon would really become an open killing.

Fortunately, this situation did not happen.

I don't know whether Reens's stealth skills have improved, or the guards inside have voluntarily become "blind".

After a search, Reens finally stood in front of the dormitory door numbered 0304.

Reens did not rush to push the door in, but sat on the ground, leaned against the wall, closed his eyes and rested for a while.

This period of time was not long, and soon, Reens opened his eyes and stood up.

Reens put his hand on the door, and then gently pushed open the unlocked door.

After the door was pushed open, a cold light attacked Reens.

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