The two of them were so close that they had to fight.

"What's your name?"

Rians asked the nun.

Asking the name was to make it easier to find someone in the future. At this stage, Reans had to admit that there was a gap between him and her.

He couldn't even hit the turtle shell raised by others, so there was no need to fight anymore.

Let's go back to find Adonis. Fighting him can at least improve the swordsmanship, but the one in front of him can only train the ability to dodge.

"In view of Mr. Dark Guard's rude behavior, you need to pay 10 gold coins as punishment."

"You already owe 11 gold coins. If possible, I hope you can pay the arrears as soon as possible."

"Otherwise... I will go to the Glenbagen family to collect it."

The nun did not answer Reans' question, but announced to him calmly.

Seeing that the nun in front of him had no intention of telling his name, Reans left the copy.

There is no point in staying, and Reans will not look for her again in a short time.

Unless one day his strength has greatly improved, such as becoming a super knight or something.

Otherwise, he now feels like a plaything in front of that nun.

I really don't know if the "priest" profession is too strong? Or is this nun stronger than the average superhuman "priest"?

However, I finally found a way to solve my own troubles.

In terms of experience, the "exorcism ceremony" should not be dangerous.

There was no need for her to lie, because if she really wanted to arrest me, she could just do it directly.

On the other side, while Reens was running around in the dungeon to solve Ben's troubles, Ben and Harriman were rushing back from outside the city.

They had completed the family's task of hunting monsters and obtained the materials required for the task from the monsters. Now they were rushing back to the family's residence with the things.

"What's wrong?"

Harriman looked at Ben, who was originally walking side by side, and suddenly stopped, and asked him in confusion.

"Nothing, I just suddenly thought of something."

Ben smiled and responded to Harriman. As he said that, he stepped forward to catch up with Harriman in front of him, and the two talked side by side again.

However, although he still maintained the previous state, in fact, Ben's attention had shifted to the voice that suddenly appeared in his head.

"Do you desire fairness?"

An inorganic voice sounded in Ben's mind.

Hearing this question, Ben remembered that he had asked Reens the same question before.

I remember what Reens answered at that time was——

"Fair? No, I long for Nako!"

Reens answered with a serious face, but he laughed after he finished speaking.

When asked, he did not explain, but said with a nostalgic expression:

"I didn't expect that I could say this joke here, I miss the past a little bit."

Ben didn't know what "stalk" was, but he couldn't answer the question in a joking way like Reens.

Because, he really longed for fairness, so he was silent...

"What do you think is fairness? Do you think it is fair now? Do you think people should be equal?"

The voice of the inorganic matter sounded again, and it asked Ben questions one by one.

Ben, continued to remain silent...

"You worked hard and lived hard, but in the end you couldn't even afford the money to bury your mother, so you had to sell yourself into slavery."

"You kept saying you wanted to live, but after losing all your loved ones, you wanted to die, but your parents' hopes kept your body alive."

"You like the stories sung by the bards, because the heroes in them are always treated equally."

"So, do you want to be a hero too? Use the rest of your life to complete a career that can bring equality to everyone?"

The 'inorganic voice' continued.

"Can I be a hero too?"

Ben responded in his heart.

"Of course, everyone who stands up is a hero, because you are supporting your fragile body with a noble will."

"If you want, you can recite my name in your heart - the god of absolute fairness, Alsop"

"I will provide you with my insignificant power to help you accomplish your heroic feat."

It replied.

This time, Ben neither agreed nor refused. He was hesitating...

He knew clearly that this was the evil god's temptation, but his heart inevitably wavered because this was his inner desire.

"I will wait for you... I believe you will

I will give myself a satisfactory answer. "

It said lightly, and then the inorganic voice disappeared from Ben's mind.

"Are you thinking about something serious? You look a little absent-minded along the way."

Harriman frowned at Ben.

"Ah...Harriman, what did you say?"

Ben screamed, and then asked Harriman.

"I said, what makes you so absent-minded?"

Harriman said in a heavier voice.

"I am hesitating about something that is very important to me, and I am hesitating whether I should do it?"

Ben sighed.

"Is that thing difficult to do? As long as there is hope and as long as you want to do it, just do it."

"Don't people live by chasing goals?"

Harriman said handsomely.

"Goal? Just do it if you want to? It's a very stylish answer for you, I'll think about it again. "

Ben responded with a smile, and then fell into deep thought.

Hearing Ben's answer, Harriman also tactfully did not continue to interrupt Ben's thinking.

The two walked back to the family residence in silence and submitted the task.


Back in the dormitory, Ben saw Reans lying on the bed sleeping, and was not surprised.

Because Reans spent most of his rest time in the training camp sleeping.

"Maybe it's a habit that hasn't changed..."

Ben thought to himself.

But it's almost time for lunch now, so Ben still plans to wake Reans up.

Ben went to Reans' bed and patted Reans cautiously with his hand.

Ben hasn't forgotten what happened this morning.

And Reans also told him about some "sword instinct" that allows him to react quickly even in his sleep and fight back against those who attacked him.

"Huh? Ben, Harriman, you're back. "

Riens opened his eyes, looked at Ben beside the bed and Harriman not far away, and greeted them.

"Did the mission go well? Judging from your appearance, you must have accepted a more troublesome mission."

Riens saw that Ben and Harriman both had some small wounds on their bodies, so he asked.

"Well, we accepted the task of hunting monsters outside the city to obtain materials. Although it was a bit risky, fortunately it was completed smoothly."

Ben responded.

"Really, just come back safely... By the way, Ben, come out with me."

"I think I have found a solution to your situation."

Riens whispered to Ben.

After speaking, Reiens got up and walked out the door, and Ben followed closely.

Harriman looked at this scene in confusion, wondering what the two were going to say in secret?

Walking to an empty corner, Reiens said to Ben:

"Wait, come with me to the church in the outer city. "

"There is a 'purification ritual' there, which should be able to solve the problem of evil god pollution in you."

Hearing this, Ben remained silent, staring at Reans with a blank look, wondering what he was thinking.

"Huh? What's wrong, Ben?"

Reans saw that Ben had been silent and did not answer, frowned and asked in confusion.

"Reans, I think it through... Maybe the identity of a cultist is more suitable for me."

Ben suddenly exhaled and said to Reans seriously.

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