A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1 1. Give your position to the person in need without jumping (first five chapters

Chapter 1 1. Give your position to the person who needs it without jumping (extra chapters of the first five chapters, you can jump)

Question: If a person really wants to die, can anyone really stop him?

This is the problem Xuanhao is facing.

At this moment, he is on the rooftop of the Central Hospital.

The rooftop is very lively today because someone is about to jump off the building. Why jump in the hospital? Can he be rescued if he didn't fall to death?

Although the police downstairs had set up a cordon, there were still a lot of people watching, and the voices were getting louder and louder, as if they were saying: "Jump, jump, I've been waiting for a long time, why haven't you jumped yet." "

Looking at the girl standing on the edge of the building not far away, Xuan Hao had this question in his heart: Jump or not? If you don't want to jump, please make some room...

This is a girl who looks very thin, wearing a hospital gown, and her body is shaking.

Because his back was turned, Xuan Hao could not see her face clearly, but he could tell from her back that she was not very old. At this age, she should have been enjoying campus life, but at this moment, she was on the rooftop of the hospital.

"Another cornered person?"

Xuan Hao murmured to himself.

There were only three people on the rooftop at this moment, one was a girl who wanted to commit suicide, one was the policeman who came up to persuade her, and Xuan Hao, who had just arrived on the rooftop.

Of course, before going to the rooftop, Xuan Hao also saw the "countermeasures team" blocking the entrance to the rooftop corridor.

The reason why Xuanhao can come up is: I am her boyfriend, believe me, I can bring her down.

Of course, this is a lie.

He has never thought about saving people. He can't even save the people closest to him, so how can he think about saving others?

Therefore, he also came to jump off the building.

When he came to the hospital today, he originally came for the rooftop here, but he didn't expect someone to get there first.

It also attracted so many people to watch. But think about it, wouldn't it be nice to die surrounded by people and even have a companion?

As for why you should choose this hospital?

Probably the last resentment towards this world.

It all started on his 18th birthday.

Xuan Hao, 18 years old, lives in a small county town surrounded by mountains and fields in his hometown. On weekdays, his parents go out to work. In addition to him, he also has a younger sister at home. Both children have good academic performance. Although their parents are not at home all year round, they are doing well. What he wants is a happy family, and then he should wait for him to enter college. If he is lucky, he may meet a rich woman, and then he can marry Bai Fumei and reach the peak of his life.

But reality gave him his favorite big mouth.

After all, the protagonist should have a sister, a house, and both parents dead.

So, on his 18th birthday, which happened to be the day he graduated from high school, his parents who were working outside drove back from outside to celebrate him, and then... there was nothing more. The originally beautiful day seemed to be cursed. , instantly became a bubble.

Sometimes, he would think, if I don't celebrate my birthday, if I don't let them come back, will they... not die?

In addition to the house where they live now, his parents also left him with an unpaid mortgage.

He and his sister had to study and had no financial resources. They also had to pay the mortgage, and their relatives and friends stayed as far away as possible.

So, he chose the latter for his and his sister's future.

You can't let your sister drop out of school and work so that her brother can study, right? Is this something humans do?

Fortunately, the houses in the small county are not very expensive, and it is considered an old community. Most of them are old houses more than 20 years old. They are lined up in rows. They are all bungalows of about seven or eight floors, with elevators and so on. It doesn't exist at all. Xuan Hao has been living here since he was born. My parents have worked for most of their lives just for this house, but they have to pay it off in less than half a year, and they are gone.

Fortunately, his parents have almost paid off, and the remaining money is only about 2,000 per month. As long as he works hard, he can pay it off.

It's good to have a place to live. After all, even if you don't have a mortgage, renting a house for yourself and your sister is actually about the same. Whether it's rent or mortgage, they are necessary monthly expenses and indispensable.

In order to be able to take care of his sister and make money at the same time, Xuan Hao couldn't think of any other way except that it was easier to control his time when delivering food.

After all, he had not even had time to enter college, so he had nothing.

After that, Xuan Hao began his food delivery career, working from dawn to dusk.

Every morning he would get up early, prepare breakfast for his sister, put it on the dining table, leave a note, pour a pot of boiling water, then unplug the two charged batteries, and quietly go out with the kettle and battery.

Riding a broken second-hand battery car that he bought from a certain fish shop and looked like it was about to fall apart, he traveled to almost every corner of the city.

Every day at noon, when he was hungry, he would buy two steamed buns and make do with them on the roadside. When he was thirsty, he would drink boiled water brought from home.

His sister would eat in the school cafeteria at noon, so he didn't have to go home to prepare lunch for her.

"I just don't know if that girl has eaten well..."

Xuan Hao had a headache. He was worried that his sister would not have a good lunch in order to save money.

And it turned out that his worries were not unnecessary.

Xuanya, 17 years old, is studying in the best national high school in the county. She is naturally beautiful and beautiful, but she is not a beauty. On the contrary, her academic performance was very good. She passed the exam with excellent grades and entered the school. From the moment she entered the school, she has been ranked in the top three in the school and has never fallen out. Even the annual scholarship is enough to cover the cost of study.

She is beautiful, has good academic performance, and is recognized as the school beauty. Naturally, there are many boys chasing her, but because we are in high school, maybe everyone is more reserved, or maybe she is just too "cold". I have never seen her have any contact with any boy.

The word "cold" may not be very appropriate to describe her. She just takes it too seriously.

In school, she seemed to only have eyes for books, and her whole mind was focused on learning. It's not because she loves studying, it's just that she knows that the opportunity she has now is hard-won, and she has no choice but to study hard.

Therefore, in the eyes of girls, Xuanya may be a woman who holds books all day long and pretends to be aloof. She reads a book all day long and frowns from time to time. If she wasn't beautiful, who would look at her?

And boys like this kind of tone very much. The more inaccessible it is, the more exciting it is. In their opinion, Xuanya, who keeps strangers away and is always so serious, is much more attractive than those girls who show off their beauty. In fact, to put it bluntly, they have to be beautiful.

Boy: "Even the frown is so beautiful, Ergouzi, do you think someone made the goddess angry?"

Girl: "Perhaps you have disturbed others' eyes. Didn't you see them reading?"

In fact, it is not the case. Xuanya just cannot understand the content in the book. She is not a person who loves to learn, but she has to study hard and study hard! When you encounter a problem that you don't understand, you will also have a headache. This feeling is like eating coptis for a mute. In short, it is very annoying.

If you like being abused, please start reading from Chapter 7 (Awakening)

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