Chapter 1002 ‘Swordsman’

"May I ask, are you my master?"

Although the mysterious man is still very young, his voice is full of majesty, which is enough to make up for his lack of age.

He has blond hair mixed with a few strands of red hair, and is dressed solemnly. At first glance, he looks like an "old Western aristocrat or even a royal family."

Aged between fifteen and twenty-five years old. Although he looks handsome, his eyes have a beast-like light, making those who look at him involuntarily have the illusion that they will be swallowed up.

If Xuan Hao were here, he would probably use a very familiar phrase to describe this man.

‘This is a man with a lion in his eyes’.

But unlike Lu Mingfei from a certain "Dragon Clan" world, this one has a real 'lion' hidden in his eyes.

Because he is inextricably linked to the Lion-Hearted King of Great Britain.

At this moment, the man held a sword in his hand, with the residual light of magic still on it.

The reason why there was peripheral vision was naturally because——this heroic spirit had swung his sword just now.

It was a blow far from "full force", and the result is deeply engraved on this opera house.

Viewed from the stage, the auditorium was severely damaged. The second and third floors had completely collapsed, and part of the ceiling was shattered, slightly exposing the starry sky.

There are only a handful of such magnificent opera houses in the entire state, but they were half destroyed by his sword.

The heroic spirit looked back and forth between a corpse lying on the stage and the girl with glasses who was slumped on the ground in fear. As if he wanted to reassure the girl, he said: "Don't worry, no ordinary people were involved, but it seems that the thief escaped... Well, it seems that he was able to escape from my hands for a while. But now, the other party should Won't come back again."

Hearing the heroic spirit's comforting words, the girl's mind echoed with the words that the heroic spirit had just spoken.

"...Sword of Victory (Excalibur)."

Although I couldn't hear the full name clearly, with this loud shout, half of this magnificent opera house was destroyed.

After realizing the current situation again, the girl deeply regretted it.

She knew she was involved in the worst thing in her life.

Facing this girl who was regretting her life, the heroic spirit asked again in a more approachable tone: "Based on this, let me ask again. Can I consider you to be my master? As you can see , my rank is Swordsman. If you can understand, then we will complete the contract immediately——"

"I'm not."

The girl replied immediately, her tone extremely firm.

"Absolutely not."


As if he couldn't understand what the girl in front of him said, the heroic spirit's eyes widened in shock.

Seeing this, the girl slowly stood up.

The sirens grew closer. The sounds of ambulances and police cars mingled together. It seems that residents discovered that something happened at the opera house, and now there is chaos outside.

The girl's wrists were exposed from the cuffs, and the pattern floating on them was emitting a strange light, seeming to resonate with the heroic spirit in front of her.

However, she ignored the vibration of the pattern, ignored the sirens, ignored the noisy voices, and just stared at the heroic spirit.

"I will never listen to you again." The girl swallowed the trembling sound caused by timidity in her throat and said decisively, "Don't... interfere with me."

Ayaka Sajo, a girl with blond hair and glasses, and a knight wielding a magical sword, got to know each other in a half-destroyed building next to a mysterious corpse.

This is how the two of them met.

From this moment on, the strange Holy Grail War that is both fake and real begins.

Is this swordsman who appears in this Holy Grail War, where the class of ‘swordsman’ should not have appeared, real or fake?

No one knows yet.

Whether it was the masterminds behind everything, the magicians who were involved, or the servants led by the King of Heroes, or even the Holy Grail that made him appear here.

Ayaka is just a tourist, so why did she encounter a heroic spirit who calls himself a "swordsman"?

The reason may not be these days, but the fate that was determined a few years ago.

If you want to tell it, you have to start with a ghost story in Fuyuki City, Japan.

The story is called "Little Red Riding Hood in Chancai Apartment" and it has almost become an urban legend in Fuyuki City.

Why start from here? Because she is the one in this ghost story...

This is a very common ghost story.

There is a place called "Fuyuki".

A large river runs across the center of the city, dividing the city into two. On one side is the "New Capital" with rows of high-rise buildings and commercial streets, and on the other side is the "Mountain Town" where many old-style houses and natural features still remain. The two make this local city show different colors on the same land.

But there is another unknown side to this land.

This is one of the few spiritual places in Japan. The magicians from the three major families of "Einzbern", "Tohsaka" and "Maqiri" built the foundation of a certain ritual on this land.

In other words, Fuyuki is the battlefield where magicians conduct rituals - the "Holy Grail War."

In the past five Holy Grail Wars, countless life and death, miracles and destruction have occurred over and over again on this land.

However, since the end of the Fifth Holy Grail War, Fuyuki has been peaceful in the past few years, as if such cruel fighting had never happened.

Although it may only be peaceful on the surface, at least for high school students who are busy participating in club activities every day, the life here is peaceful enough for them to chat as much as they want during their breaks.


In front of the archery dojo of Suiqunhara Academy.

After school, the activities of various clubs are in full swing.

The members of the Kyudo Club took advantage of the break time to chat happily.

"What I said is true. A ghost wearing a kimono really appeared in Ryudouji Temple before!"

"I've never heard of it. You said it appeared before, which means it's gone now, right?"

"Well, I heard from inspired people that ghosts can no longer be seen."

"Has it been transcended?"

"After all, we are in a temple."

"Speaking of which, there seems to be a snapping turtle in the temple's pool."

While the club members were talking to each other about whether they were ghost stories or rumors, a girl suddenly mentioned a ghost story that had been circulating in Fuyuki in recent years.

"By the way, do you know 'Little Red Riding Hood in Chancai Apartment'?"

"Is that the ghost story that Meizu-senpai told?"

"That's right, were you there at that time?"

Hearing the conversation between the seniors, the junior club members interjected in confusion: "Ah, I've never heard of this ghost story."

"Meizui-senpai? Is Meizu-senpai the graduate who occasionally comes to our school to play?"

Seeing that this topic aroused everyone's curiosity, the girl happily told the "ghost story".

"Yes, I heard about it from her. You know, isn't there an apartment in Xuanmuzaka in Xindu called Chancai Apartment?"

At this point, the smile on the girl's face suddenly disappeared, and her tone became serious. Because the girl knew very well that this ghost story was related to a real suicide case that happened a few years ago.

"It's from that apartment that the story came out."


If you don't tell it in a mystical tone, the story is actually very simple.

A couple moved into Chancai's apartment in Genmizaka. They often abuse their daughter, and the little girl always wears a red hood.

Although the neighbor "Mr. A" was aware of the little girl's situation, she remained a silent observer.

The relationship between "Mr. A" and the little girl is infinitely closer to that of strangers. At best, "A" would respond to the little girl's request to "press the button" in the elevator and reach out to press the elevator button because the little girl was so abused that she couldn't even lift her arms.

However, in the eyes of the little girl, this neighbor who is willing to press the elevator button for her may be more trustworthy than her own parents.

Therefore, when the little girl's mother planned to send the whole family to hell, the little girl escaped covered in blood and asked her neighbors for help.

The little girl knocked on her neighbor's door over and over again, trying to beg him to save her.

However, "Ms. A" thought that the little girl was being abused by her family as usual, so she ignored the knock on the door.

"This is other people's business and has nothing to do with you."

No matter how many times the little girl knocked on the door, "A" never answered.

The little girl did not give up, because for her, "A" was the only life-saving straw for her.

"Ms. A", however, looked away from the little girl's cries of grief and the little girl's life.

"A" amplifies the sound of the TV and shuts himself into his own world.

"It's other people's business anyway."

Just like that, the little girl was betrayed by the person she trusted most.

Although the parties involved are not aware of this.

The couple's bodies were found the next day, and the whereabouts of the little girl were unknown. The amount of blood left on the ground was enough to kill, but there was no sign of her.

After the little girl's cries of being abused disappeared, "A" began to hear knocking on the door late at night every day.

Finally one night, "A" who couldn't bear the disturbance opened the door. I saw a little girl wearing a red hood standing outside the door. She raised her face covered in blood and said to "Mr. A"——

"Please, press the button for me."


"That's it!"

The girl reminisced and finished the story in a hurry. The club members surrounding her commented helplessly.

"...Now that you say it, it's not scary at all."

"The same story is told by different people, but the effect is so different. It's not scary at all..."

"Yeah, how scary it is. If you ask me, your level of storytelling is scary!"

Seeing that the students who had heard this story booed repeatedly, the girl who told the story quickly waved her hands and said: "Senior Meizu tells stories very well and makes people feel like they are actually there. How can I possibly learn that?" "

"Well, Senior Sister Meizu was really awesome when she performed the scene in the long corridor. Ah... when I first opened the door, Little Red Riding Hood was not outside the door at all! When 'A' looked back, she found that Little Red Riding Hood was standing in the long corridor. Deep in the corridor!"

"is that so?"

"Yes! You also skipped a lot of details in other places! For example, how did 'A' like to be alone and told the police? Really, it is a real thing that a family committed suicide, but after you reported it like this, even Zhen It all looks like it’s made up.”

As soon as he finished speaking, other club members joined in the conversation one by one.

"Senior sister, you are too ungrateful. However, telling real events as ghost stories is quite good in itself."

"Hey, is it true that a family committed suicide?"

"Speaking of which, there seem to be many other strange rumors surrounding this suicide case."

Everyone, including the club members who heard this ghost story for the first time, got involved in a lively discussion. After a short discussion, the junior club members began to express their dissatisfaction with hearing such a crude ghost story.

"However, I really hope that senior sister who has graduated can tell us in person."

"Yeah, it's too anticlimactic and boring!"

Hearing this, the girl who told the story laughed loudly and replied: "It's a pity, at least Senior Sister Meizu won't tell it here anymore."


"The ghost stories she told were so scary that Tiger himself issued a ban. As you all know, Tiger is afraid of such stories."

"Speaking of which, I heard that the track and field club also prohibits discussion of such topics. They say there is a senior who is very afraid of ghosts or something."

"Tiger is usually very courageous, but it is afraid of some strange things."

As soon as the club members mentioned the nickname of the Kyudo Club's consultant teacher, they heard a shout of "Hey - break time is over" coming from the distance.

"Wow, it was said that Cao Cao Cao Cao has arrived, and Mr. Fujimura is here."

"It's already this time."

"Because of a ghost story, the break ended like this..."

Although the story was a bit confusing, the club members still stood up for the following club activities. While they were doing preparatory activities, they talked about the topic again without finishing it.

"...Where did that 'Mr. A' end up?" The girl who told the story, probably a little embarrassed because of her poor memory, quietly asked her classmates.

"She seems to have disappeared, right?" the other party replied lightly. Although he knew it was not serious, he still added a joke, "Maybe 'A' is still running for his life under Little Red Riding Hood."

This is a very common ghost story.

It is also a common rumor that is spread among the young people of Fuyuki.

However, there is an unknown follow-up to this story, which takes place in a distant foreign country.

"Little Red Riding Hood in Chancai Apartment", the protagonist of this ghost story is involved in a war that is much more absurd than cheap gossip——

A "Holy Grail War" made of lies.


" that's where it is. Little abandoned child, I didn't expect you to appear in 'that place'."

In the darkness, Francesca looked at the picture reflected in the crystal ball and lowered her shoulders as if disappointed.

Reflected in the crystal ball is an old opera house in Snowfield.

"Really, we have obviously decided to summon Alto there."

She saw a familiar girl appear in the opera house. Perhaps she was afraid that this girl would have an influence on the summoned servants, so she complained.


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