Chapter 1005 Tourists and Arrested Knights

"Danger..." Ayaka said subconsciously.

The police officers who realized this tried to run away, but several people were unable to escape in time.

At this moment, the man in the VIP box reached to his waist and pulled out his sword with a movement similar to the Japanese sword drawing technique.

A beam of light stretched out from the sword again. Although it was not as powerful as the previous one, it still chopped the fallen stones into powder.

Whether it was the policeman who was rescued at the last moment before he could realize what was happening, or the policeman who was in a safe place but could only watch helplessly, they were all too scared to move.

After using such an extraordinary move, the man neatly put away his sword and looked at the frightened police officers. At the same time, he glanced at Ayakashi and smiled softly.

"Does this prove that I am a criminal?"


At the same time, Snowfield West Forest.

"...There is a strange smell."

The spearman Heroic Spirit (Enkidu) and his master Silver Wolf spent a day turning the forest into a barrier. At this moment, he noticed the chaotic magic coming from the city and felt a little weird.

"There are seven souls attached to a powerful soul, and there is a wonderful soul next to it. What is it?"

Perhaps because he was a little nervous about catching Enkidu, the silver wolf howled uneasily.

Enkidu touched Silver Wolf's back and comforted him in a gentle voice: "Don't worry, I won't act tonight."

"In order to face Jill with all my strength in the end, I have to make some preparations."


In front of the Opera House.

"I am now in front of the Opera House in the city center. As you can see, part of the Opera House has collapsed. What happened in this Opera House with a history of more than 50 years?" Snowfield local Cable TV reporters were reporting live in front of the half-ruined opera house.

After interviewing several people, the reporter asked a young man next to him: "Sorry to bother you, do you know what happened at the scene?"

"Eh? Is this a TV interview? Wow - I wonder if the professor and sister Lenise are watching!"

The young man being interviewed was very young. He was wearing a steampunk-style watch on his hand. There was also a slightly older man standing behind him. The man's face looked like he was watching the fun.

"Are you citizens here?"

"Ah, no! We just happened to come here for a trip. Actually, I don't know what happened. Just when I was sleeping, I suddenly woke up feeling uneasy. Then I glanced in the direction of the Opera House, and then I heard 'Boom ——’ with a sound, the opera house began to collapse!”


"Well, this... is similar to the sixth sense!" The boy scratched his face and explained with an embarrassed smile, as if he knew that what he said was difficult to explain to ordinary people. He can't tell the other party that he sensed the magic wave here. Someone summoned a heroic spirit, right?

The reporter looked at this young man in surprise, who seemed to be hiding something, but soon, she noticed the movement in the opera house. So she didn't bother to question the young man. She thanked him in a low voice and ran to the opera house.

"The police who just entered the opera house came out! The police arrested a person! Does this mean that the explosion that occurred in the opera house was not an accident, but a man-made case?"

The cameras will capture all the people coming out of the scene and transmit it to every corner of Snowfield via live broadcast.

Among the people captured on camera was a young man wearing attire that was out of date with his time, his hands handcuffed by the police.

Same time, Koltzman Special Orthodontics Center, Northwest, Snowfield.

"Oh, it's really troublesome. I didn't expect that there would be a problem with the most important summoning place of the 'Swordsman'... That place should be under the jurisdiction of Miss Francesca. Could it be that her old habit has recurred? "

Faldius sighed and began to notify his subordinates everywhere, as if he had expected such a problem.

"It's me. The incident at the Opera House was determined to be an accident caused by the paint used during decoration accidentally catching fire..."

At this point, he couldn't help but stop.

"...Sorry, I'll contact you later."

Faldius hung up the phone and stared at one of the screens in front of him, which was showing a live broadcast from the city's cable TV station.

When Faldius saw the man appearing on the screen, his first reaction was to suspect that the hostile magician had done something to him to make him see hallucinations.

The more a magician knows about the Holy Grail War, the more likely he will have the same suspicion as Faldius.

Although it was a live broadcast on a cable TV station that was only broadcast in the city, the real "heroic spirit" was clearly reflected.


In front of the Opera House.

The crowd watching the excitement noticed the young man's attire that was inconsistent with the times, and couldn't help but whisper to each other.

No matter how you look at it, this young man looks like an actor preparing to perform at the opera house.

Since the news only reported the oil pipeline explosion in the desert this morning, many people thought that this time was also an accident. For example, when an actor is practicing, gas suddenly explodes.

Even reporters began to feel that this was not a case, but an accident that occurred during renovation.

However, the man who was brought out by the police, with handcuffs on his hands, suddenly jumped up from the ground and jumped onto the roof of the fire truck, the tallest vehicle at the scene.

Seeing that he climbed onto the roof of the car without using his hands and relying only on the strength of his legs, people around him were shocked, and the police also shouted and raised their stun guns.

Just when the scene became noisy——

"People, listen to me!"

Incredibly, the man's voice could sound far away.

"The Opera House is a sacred place for reciting poems and telling stories. Now it has been damaged because of me. I am really ashamed. This is all my fault and I will not make excuses for myself."

The man's words seemed to enter directly into the brain, penetrating into the hearts of the listeners without any hindrance, like a magical oath.

"However, I will replace excuses with a promise! I swear to Arthur Pendragon, the great ancestor of the spirit of chivalry, and to the triumphal song of chivalry that resounds throughout my hometown! I will stake my reputation to make up for the loss of the Opera House!"

The citizens listened quietly to the man.

This speech lasted not even half a minute and was not a speech at all. Just by looking at what the man said, people would probably laugh at him for being so confused. However, these words spoken by a man have a magical sense of reality that shakes people's eardrums and hearts.

Is this man really willing to do anything to compensate the Opera House? Who is he?

"Thank you all for listening! I wish your life will always be filled with wonderful singing!"

Everyone fell into silence due to doubts. The man finished what he wanted to say in this silence and jumped off the fire truck with satisfaction.

As soon as he got off, he was put into a police car and taken away.

Everyone was captured by the aura released by the man and could not make any sound, except for the young man who was interviewed just now.

The young man clapped his hands and whispered to the watch on his wrist with bright eyes: "How awesome! So handsome! He should be the king of a certain country, right? He exudes leadership charisma! Mr. Bennett, that's what I want. What an effect! Why not set your true identity to be the king of a certain country?"

Hearing this, Bennett, the berserker who transformed into a watch, let out a long sigh through telepathy and replied: "It is true that I can transform into any existence. It is not impossible for me to set my identity as a noble or a royal family... ...But, is this the point of this incident? It’s the first time you see a hostile heroic spirit with your own eyes, and you only have this feeling, isn’t it a bit inappropriate? I remember him talking about King Arthur, etc., these are all related to him There are clues closely related to his real name.”

"How boring it is to find out the other party's true identity so quickly! Of course, it is exciting to leave the suspense until it is revealed later. Ah, let's not make enemies of him and make friends with him. He is so handsome anyway. ." The young man said seriously.

"I'm really starting to worry. Do you understand the meaning of the Holy Grail War?" Bennett felt speechless for a while. Even when he first came to this world, he had a general understanding of the cruelty of the Holy Grail War because of the knowledge he gained from the Holy Grail, but His master knew this but didn't seem to care.

While a group of heroic spirits were having such a conversation with their master, a woman wearing glasses silently followed the police out of the opera house. She was not handcuffed but was placed in a police car.

The crowd's thoughts remained on the man delivering the speech, and almost no one noticed the woman.

Only the young Master, Frat Eskaldes, showed a different reaction.


"What's wrong?"

"That person just now... was it my imagination?"

After Flat watched the police car drive away in confusion, he happily chatted with the heroic spirit through telepathy again.

However, although it was said to be telepathy, Flatt actually made a sound. If Xuan Hao hadn't been standing next to him, perhaps to the onlookers around him, he would have looked like a "dangerous person who dances while talking to himself."

In this way, in just a few minutes, the "mysterious man's speech" left a deep mark on the hearts of Snowfield citizens.

Whether it was onlookers at the scene or those watching the man's speech on cable TV in the city.

Or the magicians who spy on everything through their familiars and surveillance cameras.


At the same time, Kolzman Special Corrections Center in northwest Snowfield.

"Well, even if it's unexpected, there is a limit."

Faldius, one of the central figures in this false "Holy Grail War", sighed and shook his head repeatedly when faced with such a difficult situation.

"This guy had no intention of hiding his identity at all. He got the relevant knowledge from the Holy Grail the moment he was summoned, and knew that magic must be hidden..."

Faldius watched the live broadcast on cable TV and the images from his familiar at the same time, and said distressedly: "I have long thought about becoming an enemy of the association and the church, and I did not hesitate to vigorously promote it to the magicians, but I did not expect that There are heroes on TV and they threaten to compensate ordinary citizens. Who could have imagined it?"

As if he was complaining to Aldora, his subordinate, he shook his head slightly again.

Just by the aura he felt through his familiar, Faldius was able to confirm that the man was a heroic spirit.

"As long as he becomes a spirit, let alone being handcuffed, no police will see him. I really don't know what he is thinking..."

Then, Faldius’s eyes fell on the bespectacled woman who appeared silently following the man.

"...tattooed girl..."

The woman came to Snowfield just half a day ago, and she had a tattoo similar to a command spell on her body.

"I have already reported to Miss Francesca that this woman is going to the opera house..."

Faldius sighed, "Why did he raise the surveillance level?" Several questions came to mind.

——What if getting arrested by the police was this woman’s plan?

——Where is the magician (Kashura) in charge of the swordsmen? Was he killed by that woman?

——Could the other party realize that the police station is on the same side as us, so they sent heroic spirits to infiltrate it?

——But even so, there should be a better way, right?

Although there are endless questions, no matter how much I think about it now, I can't come up with a conclusion. Faldius looked up at the ceiling in boredom and murmured softly.

"...Miss Francesca, is this all within your expectation?"



"Ah, it's true! Unexpected, unexpected, so unexpected! However, it is precisely because life is full of such interesting things that makes people persist in living! It's so interesting! Hahahahaha!"

Francesca laughed heartily in the dark room.

"Haha, hahahaha! Hahaha! Ah, ah, ah, it's so great! I hate it, I hate it, it makes my liver and spleen hurt from laughing!"

Francesca was seen lying on her back, shaking her legs excitedly, with a heartfelt smile on her face.

She flushed with excitement and said loudly: "Ah! Ah! I don't know how many Holy Grail Wars I have seen in my life. This is the first time I saw a 'servant arrested by the police'!" Really, I was wondering why I didn’t see Alto even though I used that catalyst, but it doesn’t matter now!”

Francesca laughed for a full three minutes before wiping her tears she got up from the ground and looked at the crystal ball.

The crystal ball reflected the scene where the "Swordsman" hero stepped out of the police car and was taken to the police station.

"Ah, yes, there is such a thing." Francesca kept nodding and continued to talk to herself with a smile on her face, "Now everyone knows that there is a heroic spirit in the police station, which means that other Master will target the police station! Wow, this is incredible!"

"Police Commissioner (rookie), I will be here to cheer you up with some snacks, so just work hard!"


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