Chapter 1012 "Vampire"

The stalker couldn't understand the situation in front of him for a while.

For example: Why are there so many guys holding noble phantoms and suspected of being heroic spirits gathered here?

Unfortunately, now is obviously not the time to think about these issues. Since that shield is a Noble Phantasm, the fierce charge in front of him cannot be treated as a simple ordinary attack and must be avoided.

Stalker was worried that the shield as a Noble Phantasm would have special effects and being hit would be detrimental to him, so he jumped up and landed on the huge umbrella-shaped chandelier in the atrium.

It was only at this moment that she accurately realized the current situation - at some point, about thirty police officers had gathered in the passages and halls on the second and third floors.

She is surrounded!

Stalker could tell at a glance that these people were no ordinary police officers. Because these policemen hold a variety of weapons in their hands, and each one is wrapped with extremely dense magic power.

At this moment, different magic waves seeped out from these treasures, seeming to distort the air in the entire room.

Although it is unbelievable, but... this represents a fact, a fact that subverts the concept of the Holy Grail War: every weapon held by these policemen is an out-and-out treasure.

"... Ordinary staff have been evacuated through the back door. The barrier has also been activated, which can be somewhat concealed from others."

While the secretary was reporting, another policeman walked into the hall and handed a long cloth bag to Orlando.

Orlando drew his special weapon from his bag—a Japanese sword with a jet black scabbard.

Of course, this is also a precious weapon.

"...There's a good show to watch." Hansa couldn't help but whistle when he saw that the policemen on the scene were all equipped with various treasures that seemed to appear here due to the chaos of time and space.

Orlando winked, and several policemen pointed their weapons at Hansa.

"Now that you've seen it, I can't let you go. Before we deal with that guy, please stay there." Orlando stared at the figure in black standing on the chandelier observing the situation, almost no Go to see Hansa and said calmly.

"Solve it? That's a follower, right? Why don't you use your own follower?" Hansa asked with some confusion.

Hearing Hansa's question, Orlando replied succinctly: "I don't want to leak the information to you. However, in order to stop you from hindering me, I can let you see it."

"See what?"

"The magician's ugly fight -" Orlando murmured, then took a breath, adjusted his breathing and the magic power in his body, and said clearly: "A force that is refined to defeat superior heroic spirits, almost evil."

The stalker looked down at the entire scene from the chandelier, silently adjusting his breathing. The scene now really surprised her, but it was not enough to shake her heart and belief.

There are seven or six heroic spirits.

In the knowledge given by the Holy Grail, the number of heroic spirits is unclear for some reason.

But the stalker didn't take it to heart from the beginning. Even though there were hundreds of heroic spirits who wanted to get the Holy Grail, there was only one thing she had to do.

Now it's just a chance encounter with thirty or so 'heroic spirits'.

"I'm going to get rid of them all."

At this moment, the stalker had only one thought in his mind, made up his mind, and began to whisper softly. That was the karma she carried with her own will, the power she borrowed from her great predecessors.

"... Zabaniya (Zabaniya)"

In an instant, darkness spread outward through the gaps in the cloak covering the stalker's face.

Orlando saw the "darkness" extended by the heroic spirit suspected of being a stalker approaching him, and immediately jumped back.


Escape from death. Orlando couldn't help but feel ashamed as he looked at the extent of the destruction before his eyes.

The place where he originally stood had been completely destroyed by the "darkness", and the marble floor was dug out like cheese.

This is the destructive power of heroic spirits. If he had not chosen to avoid it just now, he would definitely die.

The stalker's attack did not stop because it failed, and the "darkness" spread around the hall with her head as the center.

The police officers holding various "Noble Phantasms" only focused on defense or dodge in the face of this sudden attack, and had no energy to take other actions.

This is the difference between humans and heroic spirits. Even if they also hold Noble Phantasms in their hands, their error tolerance is completely incomparable to that of heroic spirits. They dare not easily try to resist the opponent's attack, otherwise they will pay a heavy price.

Just like this moment, a police officer next to Orlando had his arm cut by "darkness".


Along with the screams, "darkness" wrapped around the man's arm like tentacles, and then tried to pull his entire body up.

Judging from the degree of bending, this arm is at least broken.

Orlando jumped up without saying a word and drew his knife in a decisive moment.

The sharp sound of the knife sounded, and the alluring light of the knife flashed through the air, slashing at the darkness wrapped around the subordinate's arm.

With a solid hit, the "darkness" was cut in two and fell to the ground lightly.

Orlando didn't understand what "darkness" was until he saw what fell next to his men.

Is it... hair?

It is a magic technique that causes hair to "expand" dramatically, making it more flexible and easier to manipulate than limbs.

But when Orlando saw the pried up floorboards, he changed his mind slightly.

No, this is no longer hair, she transformed the hair into a blade. So that’s it, this is her Noble Phantasm.

"It's just like Medusa in Greek mythology..."

Although he felt a little headache about this, Orlando believed that since he had seen through the other party's tricks, there was still a way to deal with it.

If it was a one-on-one duel, or if the police officers present were just ordinary police officers, then their actions might have been completely blocked. However, everyone present has received the protection of the Noble Phantasm and has been trained to this day with the purpose of killing heroic spirits.

If they lose in the "frontal conflict" with the stalkers, it means that they do not have enough strength to compete with servants of higher classes such as the King of Heroes, the unseen cavalry, and the swordsman who appeared today.

"Anyway, this is a good touchstone."

Orlando looked at the stalker again, and gave instructions to the surrounding men in a cold voice: "Don't back down, even if the entire hall is destroyed, we must subdue her."

Then, he held a knife in his right hand and took out a pistol from his left hand.

"I will 'consume' this area before you destroy it."

That gun is a spell tool, and it is not filled with ordinary bullets, but bullets that serve as "activation" for specific spells.

Orlando fired a shot into the ceiling, as if signaling an "all-out attack."

He wasn't aiming at the stalker.

Because his purpose is to activate the trap of Orlando Revie's "Police Station (Magic Workshop)" buried in the surrounding ceiling.

After the magic was activated, the barrier in the police station hall was temporarily strengthened, as if the hall had turned into a different world, isolated from the outside world.

Even if a tank is used to fire cannons here, the outside world will not hear the slightest sound.

At the same time, several monsters and dozens of evil spirits appeared around the stalker. With clear hostility, they rushed towards the "intruder" designated by Orlando.

"Should we deal with that priest as well?"

While doing these things, Orlando looked towards a corner of the hall.

The priest wearing an eye patch walked around as if he was not involved, like a tourist visiting the hall. He also picked up the coffee pot placed at the front desk and poured coffee into paper cups.

"...Forget it, we'll deal with him later."

Seeing that this thing didn't seem to affect them, Orlando clicked his tongue in disgust and looked back at the stalker who was constantly extending his tentacle-like hair near the ceiling to attack.

The summoned evil spirits were flying in the air, and leopard-like monsters stood upside down on the ceiling, surrounding the stalker.

He planned to have his subordinates with long-range attack Noble Phantasms pierce both the stalker and the monster when these monsters pounced on him.

Although this method is a bit simple and crude, it should be enough to test whether your own attack is effective against the heroic spirit.

Orlando briefly chanted the incantation to control the familiar, and the evil spirits pounced on the stalker.

The subordinates also raised their Noble Phantasms together, ready to attack at any time.

However, at this moment——

"...Dream Marrow (Zabaniya)..."

No one in the hall heard the whisper of the assassin in black.

To be precise, only one person can hear it.

"...Hey! What's going on?"

Hansa was about to drink the coffee in his mouth, but he couldn't help but let go of the hand holding the paper cup.

He covered his ears and looked in the direction from which the "voice" came, and found that the singing voice was continuously overflowing from the gaps in the black hair of the heroic spirit extending in all directions.

Hansa squinted his eyes and calmly analyzed the "sound" made by the stalker.

"This is... a sound range that ordinary people can't hear?"

As Hansa said, no one else, including Orlando, could hear the sound.

However, the Stalker's singing did have an effect on Orlando's bodies.

Although Orlando and the others could not hear the singing, they were affected by it.


Orlando felt an unusual heat coming from his magic circuit. At the same time, the scenery in front of him began to spin, as if he was drunk.

What happened? What did she do to me?

Before Orlando had time to confirm, he was caught off guard by the changed situation.


A policeman saw the monster rushing towards him and quickly blocked its fangs with the machete in his hand.

There was more than one monster attacking. The evil spirits and monsters that had just been sent to attack the stalker seemed to have lost control and began to pounce on the surrounding police.

Not only that, the other police officers seemed to be as dizzy as Orlando, and they were all stumbling.

"Is this...the magic circuit out of control?"

Although his body was swaying this way and that, Orlando still killed the monsters he drove one by one.

Just giving instructions to the familiar led to such a result. If Orlando wanted to use attack magic, the out-of-control magic might directly blow through his body.

"Not only the magician, but other people's brains may have been directly manipulated by her. The cause of the dizzy state may be other than the magic circuit. Maybe she used some means to affect their brains, but it should be related to The hair control technique has nothing to do with it. It’s too careless. It seems like she possesses two assassination skills that are worthy of being a treasure.”

The stalker jumped down from the chandelier while the police showed their weakness. At the same time, she gathered up the hair that stretched out across the hall and sucked it all into the black clothes covering her head.

Then she jumped from pillar to post as if gravity had no effect on her.

This is a movement technique that the stalker used once in the opera house. It will give people the illusion that "she split into countless pieces."

Then she jumped up like a cannonball from the shadow behind Orlando just as she had done at the Opera House.

"Director! Watch your back!"

Hearing the urgent shouts of his subordinates, Orlando turned around without thinking and avoided the hand that attacked him.

Finally, because Orlando moved out of the way, an out-of-control monster standing in front of him that was about to attack him was touched on the head by the assassin's hand.


As soon as the heroic spirit murmured, the head of the monster exploded.

"Is this also... the power of a Noble Phantasm? How many Noble Phantasms does she have..."

Orlando couldn't help but murmur in his heart. Just like the stalker couldn't understand why there were so many heroic spirits holding Noble Phantasms here, he also couldn't understand why the stalker in front of him had multiple noble phantasms. This was inconsistent with what he knew about heroic spirits. Common sense is biased.

But the stalker didn't give him time to think calmly.

Almost at the next moment, the stalker activated the Noble Phantasm again.

Taking advantage of the impact of the explosion, she turned around, stretched out a weirdly long arm from behind, and stabbed Orlando.

"Delusional heart sounds (Zabaniya)..."


Seeing the length of the opponent's arm, Orlando knew that even if he pulled away and retreated, he would definitely be caught up.

"Then the only option is... to cut it off head on!"

Orlando made a quick decision and wielded the Japanese sword.

The tip of the knife sliced ​​open the arm, but the stalker did not stop his attack.

The blade was already embedded in his arm, and the stalker still reached out his cut hand to Orlando without caring.


Just as the stalker's fingertips were about to touch Orlando's chest, a gunshot rang out.

With a gunshot, the stalker's body was shot away.

"...Are you okay, Director?"

Orlando heard the sound and went to see the female secretary standing there, holding a large revolver.

That gun was obviously not a weapon issued by the police. Judging from the fact that it was powerful enough to knock away heroic spirits, it should be one of the "Noble Phantasms". Although this gun is a legitimate modern weapon, it exudes a strong magical power, as if it has been there since the age of the gods.

If you were hit by a bullet fired from such a gun, even if the opponent was a heroic spirit, you wouldn't be able to escape unscathed, right? Just when all the police are thinking this...

The stalker stood up neatly as if nothing was wrong, causing the police officers present to tense up again.

Seeing this, Orlando distanced himself from the stalker vigilantly, and said in a state of alert: "It really surprises me. It seems that your master is really not stingy about the use of the Noble Phantasm. From the fact that you just used the Noble Phantasm continuously. Look, your master should be a magician with a lot of magic power. Tell your master for me and ask him if he is willing to form an alliance with me in order to defeat Gilgamesh."

Although he knew it was impossible, Orlando tentatively proposed an alliance. Even if the alliance cannot be established, it may be possible to learn some information about the heroic spirit and its master from the other party's response, which may be the key to breaking the current predicament.

"You should have sensed the battle in the desert yesterday, right? It is our common strategy to eradicate the guys outside that standard first, isn't it? Just ask your master like this."

However, faced with Orlando's proposal, Stalker gave a completely unexpected answer.

"...I don't have any master." A young female voice came from under the black clothes.

Because Orlando had just heard her whispering the name of the treasure, he was not surprised by this, but many policemen still opened their eyes in surprise. After all, judging from the violent fighting style just now, the opponent neither looked like a stalker nor a woman.

"I have no intention of taking orders from the Magician, nor do I want the Holy Grail," Stalker continued.

"What?" Orlando was slightly startled when he heard this.

Stalker looked at the surprised Orlando, with firm determination in his deep eyes: "I will completely destroy the Holy Grail War that confused the great ancestors."

She decisively stated her purpose while raising her alertness to the enemies around her.

She used "Zabaniya" to make her skin as hard as "Magic Crystal", so she was not directly harmed by bullets. But whether it was the effect of the Noble Phantasm or other reasons, the impact of the bullet hitting her body was rapidly expelling her magic power from the body.

If they are seriously injured in this situation, or if a bullet enters their body, an ordinary heroic spirit will immediately die due to depletion of magic power.

These police officers are not heroic spirits...but humans whose bodies have gradually adapted to the Noble Phantasm through battle.

In just a few minutes of combat, the Rogue learned this.

Even though the person fighting her now is not a heroic spirit but a human being, the Noble Phantasm still has its due power and cannot be underestimated.

Although the stalkers didn't understand why humans could use the Noble Phantasm, after just a few minutes of fighting, these policemen transformed from a novice who was still not used to weapons to someone who could skillfully manipulate the Noble Phantasm.

Actual combat is the best way to improve oneself. The more they fight, the more they can unleash the power of their Noble Phantasm.

We cannot fight a protracted war.

There was no reason for her to accept the other party's negotiation.

In this case, you only need to think about which senior's divine deeds are the most effective, and there is no need to continue to listen to the other party's nonsense.

Just when the stalker was thinking this——

"Stop telling lies like this. Even a heroic spirit with the ability to act alone should have disappeared long ago if it kept adopting the same fighting method without a master!" Orlando judged with certainty.

After hearing Orlando's words, Stalker seemed to realize that there was something wrong with him, and he had slight doubts in his heart.

Indeed, she had been confused before, but she never paid much attention to it.

She barely transformed into a spirit body and never rested. She ran around the city for two whole days.

But she still hasn't disappeared, and is even full of magic.

Regarding this situation, she always thought that it was because she was not mature enough to effectively use magic power on the Noble Phantasm.

No, what matters now is not this, but the enemy in front of you...

The stalker suppressed his doubts in his heart and prepared to devote his energy to the battle again.

However, her doubts were soon answered.

Although to her, that was definitely the worst answer.

"Oh, that's good, that's good! I just like this kind of drama of exposing each other's shortcomings!"

A burst of loud applause suddenly sounded in the hall, followed by an extremely excited voice.

This sound has a strange power that makes the listener feel sticky and suffocated.

The applause that followed one after another sounded like the sound of shooting from a sniper rifle in the distance, which made people nervous.


Orlando scanned the surroundings vigilantly, but could not find anyone speaking.

No, the sound seemed to come from outside the barrier, from the direction of the police station parking lot.

However, the current hall is clearly isolated from the outside world.

Although they thought it was unlikely, the police officers couldn't help but look at the main entrance of the police station.

At this time, as if waiting for them to look over, the barrier changed abnormally.

On the glass front door, which was completely blackened by the barrier, someone used his index finger to swipe from top to bottom as if to open a crack in the door, and a young man emerged from the crack.

"I was watching from the outside and it was amazing, what a fantastic fight."

Seeing the young man applauding happily and commenting like this, the policemen looked at each other.

Orlando, on behalf of the police, asked the same question again: "...Who are you?"

The young man ignored Orlando and just kept talking to himself: "Oh, it's amazing. Although I don't know what tricks you used to release the power of the Noble Phantasm, but you actually dare to challenge the heroic spirit as a human! I I thought you were an ignorant guy, but after watching it, I realized that this duel was really good!"

The young man said with a smile, and walked towards the center of the hall with his hands open.

"One side has a spell that works in the dark but challenges it from the front, and the other side leaves their heroic spirits behind and goes to the front line themselves - such stupid and lovable heroic spirits and a bloody magician, both sides really make me admire It’s a fun show.”

Since he didn't know the identity of the other party, Orlando could only observe him silently.

Since there is no visual information from the Master's position, it means that this young man is not a Heroic Spirit.

So is he the master of the Diver? But the Diver also kept his distance from the young man with a confused look on his face.

Could he be the master of another heroic spirit?

In any case, since he can easily tear open the barrier and enter here, he must have the corresponding strength.

Orlando remained vigilant and decided to continue listening to the young man, maybe he could get information about the other party's identity.

Of course, Orlando was also wary of traps such as curses hidden in the young man's words.

But the young man didn't care about the tense atmosphere around him. He seemed to be an enthusiastic spectator watching a baseball game and spoke his opinions eloquently.

"According to my opinion, if the fight continues, about 70% of you will die tragically at her hands. After that, the remaining people will make the Noble Phantasm completely become a part of themselves and gain awakening. In this way , the odds of winning for both sides are almost 50-50. As long as one of the remaining magicians can accurately see through the nature of her Noble Phantasm, you will have a chance to win."

The young man speculated on the direction of the battle without permission and continued: "Oh, it's really exciting. If you can make use of the experience of this battle and add new combat power, maybe you can go head-to-head with swordsmen, archers and other combat classes."

At least they are definitely not one of our own. It is hard to say whether they are enemies. Could it be the people from Faldius and Francesca?

Orlando guessed this while listening to the young man's words.

But this does not constitute a reason to disarm him.

A policeman approached the young man cautiously and raised his dagger Noble Phantasm in order to block his movement.

At this moment——


The young man casually waved away the policeman's knife-wielding wrist with his left hand.

With a chilling sound, Orlando saw a strange scene. The policeman's wrist seemed to have been bitten off by a wild animal, and half of his forearm was missing.

"Ah..." The policeman stared blankly at his bloody wrist.

"Before this wonderful competition is decided, I will be very troubled if you die properly." The young man continued to talk to himself with a smile on his face. What he held in his hand was the policeman's severed hand. .

At this time, the policeman finally realized what had happened to his body, and at the same time he also felt "pain".

After a moment of silence, the police's screams rang out in the hall.


"Haha! What a pleasant cry! But it's a bit ordinary. If I cut off my left hand, would it make it more interesting?"

"Don't even think about it!" Orlando glanced at his subordinates who were kneeling on the ground holding their wrists, and fired without hesitation.

Like the bullet that was shot into the ceiling just now, this bullet is also a special bullet that activates the surrounding magic furnaces and traps.

"Team one and two surround the man! The rest continue to keep an eye on the heroic spirit!"

As soon as Orlando's order was given, countless evil spirits and monsters emerged from the magic formula buried in the floor. These familiars made strange noises and rushed toward the young man.

"Stop chirping, it's disgusting."

After saying this with a frivolous smile, the young man turned his right wrist down.

Following his movement, all the familiars seemed to be squeezed by something invisible to the naked eye, bursting like water balloons and falling to the floor.


Led by Orlando, all the police present were stunned.

The young man didn't seem to use any offensive magic, as if the twisted pressure he released negated the existence of the familiar.

In fact, the aura released by the young man was filled with an indescribable terror. Just standing there made goosebumps appear on the policemen's skin.

The young man's left hand slightly grasped the policeman's severed hand.

The hand instantly withered like a mummy - then turned into dust and scattered, disappearing without a trace.

Not only that, the young man also picked up the short knife held in his severed hand and put it into his mouth, chewed it like a biscuit, and swallowed it directly.

"This is indeed a treasure called a Noble Phantasm, and it is not a toy that humans should play with."

After witnessing the unbelievable scene, the officers were all sure of one thing.

This young man is neither a human nor a heroic spirit!

But a more alien "certain creature"! !

There was silence in the hall. The young man opened his arms as if grateful for this rare silence, and then kneeled down on one knee in front of the confused stalker in black in a respectful manner.

"I have not introduced myself to you, my beloved."

The stalker seemed to frown blankly under the cover of black clothes.

"My name is Jesta Caltore. As your master, I will affirm everything about you..."

Hearing the word "Master", the people around him became even more nervous.

The young man who announced his family put a ferocious smile on his face, and the look he cast on the stalker was like a tongue, licking her whole body.

"And as a non-human Death Apostle, I will also take away everything from you."

Dead Apostle! !

The word sent an eerie chill through the stalker's body.

It's not because she's afraid of vampires.

Rather, it was because she imagined the worst possible situation she found herself in.

——Aimlessly transporting things of death.

——The messenger of destruction that drives away mankind.

Although Stalker had not directly dealt with the "Dead Apostles" during his lifetime, he had heard rumors about them.

Whenever there is a large-scale war with the pagans, this terrible monster will appear on the battlefield, sweeping through regardless of camp like a violent wind.

It is said that during the First War, a monster with countless beasts inside its body dyed the desert blood red.

During the second war, a group of monsters that were different from the first appeared. They wreaked havoc for three days and three nights before leaving.

During the third war, a new monster appeared - but was defeated by the generals of both camps.

Was it that the monsters that attacked were too weak? Or were the generals who went down in history as heroes who could surpass the monsters? No one knows.

The only thing that is certain is that these monsters are murderous messengers that cause harm to human existence.

It is said that this kind of monster is called "Dead Apostle".

Now the young man said that he was that kind of alien. What else did he say besides that?


Needle-like cold air ran across the stalker's back, crushing her heart every time.

"Impossible, Master... I have already taken care of him..."

As if he had read through the stalker's mind, the young man named Jesta Caltore looked intoxicated and stroked his chest back and forth.

"The touch of your palms, like a passionate kiss, is something I will never forget. My heart was indeed held in your hands. Under the shock of death, even my face changed."

After hearing Jesta's words, the stalker was finally convinced.

This young man was indeed the one she killed back then.

"The reason why I haven't disappeared... is because I... got magic power from this monster?"

An indescribable feeling of disgust crawled through the stalker's body. She felt that her whole body was contaminated by poisonous sludge, and not even a drop of blood was spared.

A non-human creature - in addition to this, it can be seen from the young man's words and deeds alone that he is harmful to all humans in the world.

Stalker can't accept the magic of this monster flowing inside him.

He didn't even know that a Death Apostle's collar was placed around his neck. He was really immature to the point of being disgusting.

Wanting to remove the dirt on her body with her own hands - this thought drove the stalker's body, and when she realized it, she had already taken steps.

Destroy the monsters in front of you and wash away the filth.

Although Stalker also wanted to destroy herself, her faith did not allow this behavior.

Even the thought itself proved how immature Stalker was, and it made her feel ashamed. Therefore, the Diver tried his best to kill the "enemy (Master)" in front of him.


"I order you with a command spell to move as far away from this city as possible."

As Jesta said this with a smile on her face, the stalker's body glowed with light. Before she could scream, her whole body was enveloped in light and disappeared, moving to another place.

Jesta looked at the policemen, shrugged and announced: "Substitute. I am also determined to win the Holy Grail, which means, well, how should I put it-"

"Can you please die quickly, my blood bags?"


Somewhere in the city, in a dark room.

"A Dead Apostle is actually a Dead Apostle! A vampire! Real or fake?" Hearing the voice coming from the surveillance screen, the warlock clapped his hands as if he was very surprised.

He installed communication systems in the Noble Phantasms of several police officers.

Because the warlock is not a magician, he is only half-assed in this aspect, but he finally managed to put it to use by using the ability of the "Noble Phantasm of Change".

Although this is no longer communication but eavesdropping, Warlock believes that this is a part of after-sales service. After all, without knowing the user's usage, how can he make improvement plans in the future?

All in all, the warlock didn't seem to feel any guilt about eavesdropping in this way.

"This scene is becoming more and more interesting. However, in terms of opera, are there too many ridiculous elements? Even vampires appear... Forget it, it doesn't matter, anyway, I'm just here this time Just an audience responsible for heckles."

The warlock said, showing a somewhat troubled expression.

"However, it's not good for the brothers."

He sighed as memories from before his birth came to mind.


Paris, first half of the nineteenth century.

At that time, the young sorcerer had just arrived in Paris.

In order to appreciate authentic Parisian drama, he visited a theater in Saint-Martin.

I remember the title of that play was "Vampire".

After going through several twists and turns, the warlock finally sat down in his seat.

However, sitting next to the warlock was a somewhat strange man.

The man seemed to be immersed in the book, but from time to time he would suddenly raise his head and say something like "This is also called a vampire? Are you kidding?" or muttered "The actor who plays this vampire lacks imagination and creativity." I'm so strong..." I don't know who he was talking about.

Seeing that this man who was more than twenty years older than him had been making noisy stories about this kind of thing, the warlock felt amazing and couldn't help asking the man directly: "If you don't like legendary stories like vampires, why do you want to come here? Woolen cloth?"

Hearing the warlock's question, the man shook his head and asked: "Vampires are legends? How is it possible? They are real, because I have seen them, so I am looking forward to this scene. But look at their performance What do you call this! My acting skills are not up to par! I don’t understand vampires, and I don’t want to understand them at all!”

"..." The warlock heard this and thought to himself, this is really an interesting man. At least the man is serious about drama. So, he no longer paid attention to the performance on the stage, and instead asked the man about various things about vampires.

"The first vampire I met was in Illyria. During that time I would go out every night, talk to living corpses, and have dinner with them."


"Either sucking blood with him, or just eating normally. But he always wanted to die as a human being. After I learned about his wish, I took advantage of him while he was sleeping in the tomb - that is, when he was in a state of death. , dug out his heart and burned it. In fact, it was after that that I saw the 'vampire' in the real sense. Because I communicated with the vampire and gave him eternal sleep, so a The more powerful vampire came to me."

The man looked into the distance and said something that would sound scary to normal people as if he was remembering the past.

After briefly describing his interactions with "stronger vampires," he revealed the vampire's alias.

"They are called Dead Apostles. They are different from the evil spirits or goblins that possess humans. They are part of the earth, but they hate human beings. Yes, they are self-aware, the shadow of the earth. "

"Hate humanity?" The warlock was not doubtful or afraid of the man's words, but just a little confused.

When other people heard the conversation between the two of them, they would probably secretly curse the crazy ones.

"Yes, but not all Dead Apostles hate humans. There is a clear wall between them and humans. If you want to penetrate this wall, it will not work with the swords made by humans. Unless you have the blessing of the gods, or It is a similar 'power' that is different from humans, otherwise it would be impossible to penetrate their bodies with swords. In short, if you think of them as ordinary evil spirits or monsters, you are totally wrong."

"In other words, the vampires in this drama are just ordinary evil spirits... But, after all, they have never seen a real vampire, so it is normal for them to understand wrong, right?"

"Even if you haven't seen it, you can still interpret it, because human imagination can allow anyone to reach the fantasy world."

The man finished speaking in a calm tone, and then talked about other topics to the "studious" young man sitting next to him, ranging from various experiences to the urban structure of Paris, from the story of the Roman Emperor Nero to the A look at the literary works.

These topics all confirm that men have rich life experience. At some point, rather than the drama on the stage, the man's words became the reason that attracted the warlock to sit here firmly.

However, after chatting for a while, the man looked at the stage again, then changed his expression again, and began to criticize the actors on the stage: "Ah, this is wrong! Vampires are not the kind of ghosts that only use a terrifying atmosphere to scare people. !”

Then, the man said, "I want to sit down where it's easier to protest to them," and stood up.

"By the way, I am lucky enough to meet you. What is your name?"

Hearing this question from a man old enough to be his father, the warlock replied with some embarrassment: "My name is... Dumas, Alexandre Dumas."

"My name is Charles. See you soon."

Watching the man's back gradually disappearing, the young warlock prayed in his heart that one day he would be able to meet this interesting man again.

The Warlock - Alexandre Dumas did not know at that time that the man he had just spoken to was one of the famous French writers and one of the original authors of the play "Dracula".

He was also a very important person who later helped him connect with the literary world.



"Hey, people like me are here. I thought Teacher Charles must be there too. Why didn't I see him? I caused him a lot of trouble back then..."

The warlock's murmur revealed a completely different respect than when he faced Orlando. After saying that, he quickly focused his attention on the current topic.

"Oh, if the opponent is really a vampire, then there is no chance of winning with the current equipment."

The warlock sighed and started typing on the keyboard.

"After all, the current weapons are specially strengthened to increase 'human power'. But then again, are vampires 'Dead Apostles'?"

The warlock stared at the information that appeared one after another on the screen, and said with a somewhat self-deprecating tone——

"I didn't expect to see this thing. Living a long time has its benefits. However, I am actually dead."


Police station passage.

The swordsman and Ayaka were walking in an area far away from the hall.

As the two of them walked along the passage, the swordsman suddenly stopped and looked somewhere.

That was the direction of the hall where Orlando and others started fighting, but the swordsman naturally didn't know.

Ayaka asked: "What's wrong?"

The swordsman narrowed his eyes slightly and replied: "...It smells like a monster."


"...Well, that was a long time ago." The swordsman, who was always unrestrained, showed a rare sad look and said, "Once in a certain war, a monster intervened in the battle between me and a powerful enemy. , and also tortured and killed a large number of subordinates from both camps. This aura is very similar to that monster."

"...I don't quite understand. It means that monsters are summoned as heroic spirits?"

"No, they are not heroic spirits. Besides, I am not sure whether those guys are qualified to be on the seat."

The swordsman had an ominous premonition in his heart. He increased his vigilance around the surroundings and decided to let Ayaka escape outside as soon as possible.

They continued walking forward, and the swordsman said while recalling the characteristics of the monsters: "To put it simply, in your culture, they are called vampires."


Police station reception hall.

"Just in case, let me ask first."

Jesta's voice echoed in the hall.

"Is it really okay not to call out the servant who gave you the Noble Phantasm? However, if his main ability is to make Noble Phantasms, I'm afraid he won't have much hope in fighting."

From the moment Jesta said, "Can you please die quickly, my blood bags?", he has not moved a step.

Even so, many police officers fell around him.

The dead have not yet appeared, but this is normal, because the Death Apostle who calls himself Jesta has not launched any "attack" so far.

A female police officer drew her bow from the third floor and pointed the tip of her arrow directly at Jesta.

Three golden arrows were shot out at the same time, drawing three arcs at a speed close to the speed of sound, heading towards Jesta's heart.

However, the closer those arrows were to Jesta, the dimmer their light became. When it arrived at Jesta's side, it had completely transformed into an ordinary iron arrow, and was deflected away without even scratching Jesta's clothes.

Jesta did nothing, the arrow was simply blocked by her skin. Jesta's skin didn't grow into dragon-like scales or turn into steel. It looks like just fair and soft ordinary skin, but even sonic bows and arrows cannot penetrate it.

Not only that, the more they attacked the man named Jesta, the more the police officers felt like their physical strength was being taken away from them.

The policeman using the ax has begun to exert the power of the Noble Phantasm, unleashing slashes with the characteristic of "crushing the enemy regardless of distance".

Although it hit, it couldn't move a hair on Jesta's head.

"Ooooh! Ooooooh! Ooooh!"

The tall policeman rushed forward with a large shield, but he seemed to have hit a high wall. All the force bounced back to him, and he was seriously injured.

About thirty police officers each activated their Noble Phantasms to attack. But Jesta not only ignored all of this, but also made a condescending comment.

"Fear" gradually appeared in the eyes of the police.

They had a decent fight with the assassin hero just now, but what's going on now?

Monsters like "Dead Apostles" should normally have nothing to do with the Holy Grail War, but now they are invading the battlefield without reason.

What are the so-called heroic spirits? What are they who want to defeat the heroic spirits?

There is no need to summon from the "seat", is there such a powerful monster in this world?

Jesta happily enjoyed the looks of fear and despair, and said with a sinister smile: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not as strong as a heroic spirit. In fact, I was killed once by that beautiful stalker."

Hearing Jesta's words, the policemen all frowned in surprise.

Most of the policemen fell to their knees due to inexplicable fatigue. At this moment, they still maintained their normal fighting spirit and continued to stand. There were only about five people including Orlando and the female secretary, but their attacks could not cause harm to Jesta. .

A policeman, protected by the Noble Phantasm of a Spear, rushed towards Jesta with all his strength.

However, Jesta only used one index finger to block the spear that was thrust out as fast as the claws of a carnivorous beast.

"to be honest--"

Seeing the shattered spears and desperate policemen, Jesta said with a compassionate smile: "The heroic spirits affirm the history of mankind and maintain the order (rules) of the human world."

Jesta fiddled with the fragments of the spear with her fingertips, shook her head slightly, and continued: "We Dead Apostles deny the history of mankind and exist to disrupt your rules."

"Negative... human history?"

"Yes, you heard it right. Therefore, whether it is a Noble Phantasm made by humans or the blessing of a Noble Phantasm prepared by God for humans, we can deny it. If it is a Noble Phantasm made by God for God, it may be different. , but this kind of thing is not easy to get, right? This is simply a matter of mutual generation and mutual restraint. If I am a snake, then you are frogs, it is as simple as that."

Having said this, Jesta finally moved.

To put the finishing touches on a hall already filled with negativity.

"Of course, even if it is the same Noble Phantasm, it will be different if it is used by the messenger of the Seat, that is, by a heroic spirit. The heroic spirit may be able to defeat me, but as humans, no matter how many Noble Phantasms you use, you are bound to fail. Defeated. This is not something that can be accomplished with strategy and drive.”

Heroic spirits might be able to defeat him——

This sentence tightly squeezed the hearts of the police officers. Instead of giving them hope, they sank into the abyss of despair.

Precisely because they gave up the path of fighting with heroic spirits and chose to fight with human strength, they were unable to resist at the hands of monsters who were not heroic spirits and suffered unilateral torture.

Faced with this ridiculous reality, many police officers could not help but grit their teeth.

However, their hearts still did not give in.

Because Orlando was still standing in the middle of the hall. He seems to be showing the remaining possibilities of mankind, like the last bastion.

Jesta also discovered this. He showed a arrogant smile, walked slowly towards Orlando, and asked: "Do you know what you are missing?"

"...Power?" Orlando answered Jesta's question seriously, holding a Japanese sword and a pistol in his left and right hands respectively.

Jesta shook her head and told Orlando the correct answer: "It's the sublime."


"I know very well that, let alone gods, you don't believe in anything as long as you are a superior species. Be it heroic spirits, 'seats', or even the Holy Grail. Not only that, you don't believe in your own power, so You just want to rely on props. Your actions lack a respectable sense of nobility."

Jesta smiled sinisterly and easily lifted the nearby bench with only one hand.

He held a bench that turned into a three-meter blunt weapon and declared to all the police in the hall: "I can't teach you to have a sense of nobility, but I can make you see your own fragility. Next, I will use this weapon Smash the head of your trusted director with pieces of furniture that cannot even be called. Then, starting with the people who are trying to escape, I will break your legs one by one. I can probably break the legs of ten people at the same time. If you shout 'one two three 'Flee away together, maybe a few fish will slip through the net."

Jesta Jie Jie smiled strangely and took another step towards Orlando.

The distance between the two of them was enough to launch an attack with the bench.

Orlando feels that definite "death" is gradually approaching him. But he neither cried nor screamed, but concentrated.

——It’s the same, whether the person walking towards me now is a Dead Apostle or the King of Heroes, it’s the same.

Orlando has already imagined the possible death he would face in a duel with the extremely powerful heroic spirit.

Although death came earlier than he expected, he was mentally prepared to accept it.

——But don't let me be killed by your neck, damn monster.

Orlando dropped the gun without a single thought and held the knife tightly with both hands.

"...Oh?" Jesta noticed that the atmosphere had changed. He stopped, curled his lips and said, "I see, you still want to make some meager counterattack as a human being. I thought you would I used the Command Spell to let my servants act as shields, and I have been living an elusive life from now on. But this determination is useless and will not move me in any way."

Jesta let out a chirping laugh and raised the bench happily.

"Although I am curious about who the heroic spirit behind you is, it doesn't matter. I can eat you and receive your command spell. I am not an ordinary body now. I can control two, no, five servants at the same time." …”

Jesta's words stopped abruptly.

With a "splash", someone suddenly poured black warm liquid onto Jesta's back.

Jesta knew it without looking, she could smell it was coffee just from the smell on her clothes.

Jesta turned around helplessly...

"It won't move you in any way." A few meters away, a priest held a paper cup and asked with an arrogant smile, "Did the coffee move you in any way?"

Seeing that the other person was a priest, the smile on Jesta's face immediately disappeared and turned into disgust.

"It turned out to be the supervisor of the Holy Grail War." He sighed, shook his head and said, "What a pity. I heard that the Church did not participate in this Holy Grail War, so I participated. I didn't expect that this city was still controlled by the Church..."

"Wow!" - Taking advantage of the moment when Jesta shook her head, the priest poured the rest of the coffee over.

"You talk too much, corpse." The priest crushed the empty paper cup, threw it into a nearby trash can, and said to Jesta, "If this was an opera or a musical, I really wish I could put your Cut the lines in half.”

"Hansa haven't left yet."

When Orlando called out his name directly, Hansa shrugged and said, "Director, you are in a bad situation now."

"what do you want?"

"As a supervisor, I want to give you some advice to help you survive." Hansa ignored Jesta, who had coffee dripping on his face and bowed his head silently, and just continued to Orlando indifferently, "To deal with this Dead Apostles of this level must either use special weapons that have been consecrated...or they must be people with 'singularities' such as magic eyes and beast transformation, or they must be high-level magicians."


"It's not because you are not strong enough, it's just that you were restrained by him. To be honest, I think you did a good job fighting against the heroic spirits. I enjoyed a wonderful battle."

Hearing Hansa's candid expression of appreciation for Orlando and others, Jesta wiped the coffee on his face and said calmly without showing emotion: "It seems that you know something about the Dead Apostles (us). It turns out that In this way, you are worthy of being a supervisor, which means that you have a certain status, so you are qualified to know this."

Then, Jesta looked at her clothes, pinched the place where the coffee was stained, and asked, "Then what? What do you mean?"

"Let me buy you a drink, and use it to replace the blood of these civil servants."

"Hahahaha! That's it! So you invited me to drink!"

Jesta laughed uncontrollably. The only thing that could be heard in the hall was his laughter, which seemed to be endless. But the next second, he suddenly turned his back and threw the bench towards Hansa.

"Isn't that the free coffee provided at the front desk?"

The benches whirled menacingly toward the Hansa like boomerangs. But Hansa didn't even try to dodge - he just kicked vertically upwards.


After a moment's delay, there was a shattering sound from the ceiling.

The police looked up and saw that the bench had been deeply embedded in the ceiling of the three-story atrium.


Orlando, the secretary, the police, and even Jesta, who threw the bench, couldn't help but be stunned when they saw this move, which was far beyond what anyone could do.

The next moment - Hansa disappeared without a trace on the spot.


Jesta was stunned because he suddenly discovered that Hansa, who was just a few meters away, appeared in front of him at some point and raised his fist.

Then, Hansa, who reacted a little faster than Jesta, smashed his right fist into Jesta's face.

Jesta was hit hard by a punch, smashed through the wall of the hall, and fell directly into the room inside the police station.

"...I originally thought this punch would knock his head off, but I didn't expect him to be quite strong."

Seeing Hansa wave his hand, Orlando narrowed his eyes and asked, "What do you mean?"

Hansa replied simply: "It's just a substitution. I will eliminate that guy."

"Are you going to help us?"

Seeing Orlando's surprised expression, Hansa turned his neck and said: "Before I am a supervisor, I am first a priest. But... I have a request."

"any request?"

"I hope you can keep the matter of my wasting coffee (beverage) a secret from the church - I'm afraid Master will teach me a lesson."

That happened about twenty years ago.

At that time, an elderly priest named Dilo came to a mountainous area in Spain to take up his post.

Because he heard from mountaineers that "there are evil spirits in the mountains", the priest decided to go into the mountains to find out what was going on - only to encounter a young man sitting halfway up the cliff, eating something with a few lynxes.

"Child, what are you eating?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the young man stared at him warily, and then jumped directly to the cliff. The young man just jumped back and forth between the cliffs, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When the villagers who led the priest saw the boy, they all shouted, "There is indeed a monster! The climbers who got lost in the mountains must have been eaten by him." They immediately ran away. Only the priest decided to chase the boy.

He could tell at a glance that what the boy just ate was not a human being.

Because there is a giant bear carcass in front of the road, and there are traces of dried meat production next to it.

——You know how to make dried meat... It shouldn't be a monster like a monster.

The priest continued to move forward while thinking about this. Not long after he walked, he was blocked by the young man who had just escaped.

"Grandpa, are you a human or a monster?"

Hearing such a strange question from the childish boy, the priest replied with great interest: "It's hard to say. In my opinion, I am naturally a human being, but in your opinion, I may be a monster. After all, I am also a monster." I don’t know if you are a human or a monster.”


"But, both humans and monsters can be good friends. What do you think?"

Dillo's words were listened to by the young man, and with his persistent contact, the young man gradually began to talk about his own affairs.

Spain's "King's Trail" is known as the most thrilling cliff path in the world. This mountain road is not inferior to it. Walking along a hidden path on the mountain road, you can see a ruins. The boy said that he lived there alone.

The priest also asked the boy if he had any family. The boy said that not long ago, they lived in village-like groups composed of dozens of people.

"Are there monsters outside the mountains that can be friends with humans?"

"Yes. The world is very big. If you look for it, you will definitely find it. Maybe there are monsters that can form families with humans."

The old priest spoke in a gentle tone that was not what a believer of God should say.

"Really? However, the monsters I have seen seem to be very merciless." The young man told his experience in a calm tone, "People in the mountains... were all killed by blood-sucking monsters."


"That monster was eventually killed by my mother, but my mother was seriously injured at that time and died soon after."

The old priest did not continue to ask questions at that time.

Later, after visiting the mountain several times, he brought the boy to the city.

A few months later——

The boy who had stayed in the orphanage for some time had completely integrated into the life in the city. At this time - a certain priest came to the city.

The priest looked younger than Dillo, in his prime, and always looked tired.

Hansa was called to the orphanage. The strange priest complained to Dilo in front of Hansa: "I want to ask Bishop Dilo why you chose me?"

"Oh, because among the people I know, your kung fu, or martial arts level seems to be the best. This child seems to like it very much. If you want to tell a powerful child the importance of coordination, you have to let a stronger person He needs someone stronger to teach him so that he can understand more easily, what do you think?"

Hansa understood. It seemed that the priest who refused to look at Dillo was called here because of him.

Just a few days ago, he dragged the children around him with him because he "wanted to do what he did when he lived in the mountains." He almost caused other children to be seriously injured. The reason why Dillo called this priest here must be related to this matter.

——I've caused trouble for Mr. Dillo.

Hansa couldn't help but become frustrated. At this time, the foreign priest who still refused to look at anyone said to Dillo again: "Well, I would like to ask, Mr. Bishop, if you want to use martial arts to train children, Mr. Kotomine should be able to do it, right? His Bajiquan is a master, and his relationship with you is better."

"Li Zheng seems to have some important work to do in Japan. I don't know much about that area, I just know that it is very important. Moreover, he has a son now."

"Sigh... Do you mean that you want me to take good care of this child as my own son?"

"Didn't you say before that you wanted a good heir? It just so happens that this child has better physical strength than ordinary people and learns things quickly. You should teach him how to use his power correctly."

"...Do you think of me as the dojo master?" The strange priest sighed, turned to Hansa and asked, "Do you want pocket money?"

"Pocket money?"

"Yes, if you 'can get it', I'll give it to you."

The priest, who was still not looking at anyone, said this and shot out a certain country's silver coins like bullets.

"Well, although the bishop entrusted me with this job casually because he didn't know my true identity..."

The silver coin flew one meter away from Hansa and should have been embedded in the tree deep in the courtyard.

"But if you involve a child, you will still feel guilty. If you scare him a little, the child will probably not be willing to do it himself."

The priest Dillo found seemed to have such a plan, but...

As the silver coin shot out, the boy rushed towards it and grabbed the silver coin.

The silver coin was thrown with enough force to be inserted into the tree, but it was caught by the young man with his bare hands——


At this time, the mature priest turned his attention to the boy for the first time.

The young man looked at the silver coins in his hand, his eyes sparkling and an innocent smile on his face.

"Wow! It's a silver coin! Thank you, Father!"

Dillo looked at this scene with a smile and added some information about the boy: "The trainer at the combat sports gym in the city said that the gym cannot take care of him."

This was probably in response to what the mature priest said just now: "Do you think of me as the master of the dojo?"

The old priest continued with a kind smile: "It is said that it is because he uses ordinary fighting skills. If he doesn't show his true skills, he may stop the opponent's heartbeat."

The mature priest looked at the young man and asked tentatively: "Well, um... can you tell me what your name is?"

"My name is Hansa."

The mature priest made eye contact with the boy who answered readily, and also said his name: "My name is Delmio Cervantes... Anyway, please take care of me."

Twenty years have passed.

The old priest named Dillo now only hopes that Hansa can be "healthy throughout his life", and the adoptive father named Delmio simply hopes to "see what this child with an abnormal physique can be trained into" - after several twists and turns, Hansa Sa was finally able to realize both parties' wishes.

He was raised to be healthy and strong, and he was celebrating his life.

What is unexpected is that this young man who came out of the mountains chose a career related to the monsters that attacked his hometown - the Death Apostles.

He becomes the “agent” who represents God to destroy evil.


Now, the police station lobby.

"I was careless, I was careless!"

Jesta's laughter came from the crumbling wall.

"Ah! I can say for sure! I was careless just now! It turns out that this is the so-called complacency! What a good experience! It seems that the saying 'complacency is a poison that can shorten the life of the strong' is true! "

Only the sound could be heard, which made it seem even weirder.

Orlando and others held their breath and prepared to act according to the opportunity, but Hansa stood directly in front of the hole and said: "Don't be modest, you are not careless at all. The spirit of always going all out is really admirable, it is amazing."

"Ha ha……"

"You were punched away by me while you were at full strength, right?"

The laughter ceased at Hansa's obvious defiance.

"It's so unpleasant. You are so unpleasant, Father. Are you... the 'Agent'?"


Orlando knew the word too. They claim to exercise the power of God to make judgments on their behalf, and their duty is to obliterate, not purify, "things that should not exist in the world according to doctrine" such as demons, demons, and Dead Apostles.

Unlike exorcists who temporarily purify inhuman things, they are a militant group that advocates their complete elimination.

It goes without saying that the people who will be appointed as "Agents" are capable generals who can deal with these inhuman things. It can be said that they are always on a battlefield different from the Holy Grail War.

"The duties of the agent have been suspended. Today... I am here as a supervisor."

Hansa's tone was very calm, but it made the inside of the cave quiet——

The next moment, countless rubbles were shot out from the broken wall.

It was not ordinary rubble, but an attack in which rubble was stuffed into a cannon that was several times more powerful than ordinary ones and then blasted out.

I’m afraid no one will believe it, but everyone who sees this scene will have the same association in their hearts.

Hansa took out several sword-like hilts from his arms and held them between his fingers.

Then the silver blades appeared on the hilts of the swords, making Hansa's hands look like huge iron claws.

"Black Key"——

It is one of the basic weapons of the agents. By injecting magic power into the hilt, it becomes a physical blade.

The priest held his breath, stepped hard on the ground, and prepared to face the rubble head on.

His arms swayed like steam.

It was too late and then it was so fast - I saw the rubble shot with a piece of concrete more than one meter wide turned into mist and passed through the priest's body.

But to be precise, it just looks worn.

The rubbles shattered into powder one after another in front of Hansa and scattered in the hall like sand.

How fast do you need to go and how do you use sword skills to achieve such an effect?

Although Orlando barely managed to capture Hansa's movements with his naked eyes, if you want to ask whether Orlando can keep up with Hansa's speed, the answer must be "no".

"I see. No wonder you are so calm and calm even when you are surrounded by us."

Hansa heard what Orlando said subconsciously. He turned his back to Orlando and replied: "It's hard to say. Although your Noble Phantasm is ineffective against Dead Apostles, it is effective against me. This is all a matter of compatibility. If performance determines everything , then the Holy Grail War has long been a Berserker War."

That makes sense - Orlando thought.

The information he had obtained previously mentioned that during the Fifth Holy Grail War in Fuyuki, Einzbern summoned the highest-level hero as a berserker, and used his various abilities to become berserk. The values ​​have improved a lot.

However, Orlando did not know the specific process of the Holy Grail War, but at least he did not receive intelligence that the Holy Grail fell into the hands of Einzbern.

Francesca said this - "Einzbern is too extreme. This time the trick fails, next time I want to summon an upright hero. If it fails again, I will use the Berserker class to summon other heroes." Hero, and then drastically increase his stats. Can’t you just relax and enjoy the war?”

In the Holy Grail War, in addition to the numerical difference, the issue of mutual conflict is also critical. In this case, how to make full use of the characteristics of the Heroic Spirit and the Master has become an important issue.

Sometimes timing and luck even need to be taken into account, which is commonplace in the Holy Grail War.

From this perspective, Orlando is now favored by the goddess of luck.

Although he and the priest did have an antagonistic relationship, he did not intend to let the priest return to the church.

But at least for now - he was grateful that fate had not arranged for the priest to be his enemy.

After an unknown number of "shootings" of rubble were resolved, Hansa saw familiar clothing material between the flying rubble.

When Hansa realized that it was Jesta's clothes, he eliminated the largest piece of rubble, deliberately withstood the attacks of other rubbles with his body, and crossed the black keys that turned into "claws" in front of his heart.

At this moment, Jesta's hand knife struck.

That power is almost as powerful as a pile driver.

Seeing that the blow was about to hit, Jesta continued to jump forward, trying to catch up with Hansa who jumped back due to the impact.

Hansa tried to fight back while resisting Jesta, and the Black Key's blade collided with the Death Apostle's hand.

There was an unfamiliar metallic sound as the hand knife collided with the blade, and the smell of burnt meat began to spread around.

"Stupid choice! Hansa Cervantes! Doesn't defeating me mean that you have given up your neutral position as a supervisor? Do you think your superiors will allow you to do such an unfair thing?"

"Oh, I never heard that you are the master of the Holy Grail War!"

Both sides launched a series of attacks aimed at each other's heart, but each counterattacked to neutralize the opponent's attacks.

In this life-and-death offensive and defensive battle, people are still in the mood to chat, either to draw out the other party's weaknesses, or simply because they are too excited.

"Didn't I just say that in front of the stalker?"

"But why do I feel that the servant wants to deny you?"

"This is also her... beauty!"

"Oh... what an answer this is!"

I don’t know if this is showing off or another kind of madness, but the priest and the dead disciple were both laughing and fighting.

The two of them jumped back and forth between beams, pillars and walls, fighting non-stop. Whenever they jumped to a place, cracks would appear on the floor and beams, making the police watching on the sidelines deeply feel that this was a battle beyond the human realm.

However, just a few seconds later, the people who had this idea were not limited to the police.

Jesta deliberately took Hansa's kick to restrain him, and used the momentum to jump to the entrance and exit of the hall. He then burst through the revolving door made of tempered glass and rushed straight into the street, as if to lure Hanse, the agent, outside.

Although it is still dark, there are still countless pedestrians coming and going in the central streets of Snowfield, and this is exactly what Jesta wants.


Boulevard near the casino.


A Cadillac convertible full of unique luxury is driving on the road.

Gilgamesh put his arms on the back of the rear seat. Although he was sitting in a very unruly posture, he frowned and looked ahead at the road.

The car was driven by Tini's subordinate, a nervous-looking young woman dressed in black, while Tini, who had lost her invisibility, was sitting in the passenger seat like a doll.

This car was originally placed as a decoration in the casino, but it gained the favor of Gilgamesh, who bought it back with half of the chips he won.

If all the chips Gilgamesh won were converted into cash, it would be enough to buy several identical cars from the car dealer. From the perspective of the casino, this deal seemed quite cost-effective, so the other party made an exception and gave the car to Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh quickly completed the transfer procedures in the name of Tini's subordinate, and left the casino in a happy mood——

At this time, he noticed the commotion in front of the car.

The incident took place in a tall building.

A crowd of onlookers gathered around the building's parking lot, where deafening crashes were heard from time to time.

"...That should be the police station." Tini, who also noticed something strange, whispered and looked at the police station.

Several police cars originally parked in the parking lot flew high into the air with the roar, and two figures crisscrossed back and forth between the police cars.

Seeing such a bizarre scene, Tini thought it was two servants fighting and tensed up her body - but no matter how she looked at the two figures, she could not feel that they had the unique aura of servants.

"Not a heroic spirit?" Tini said in shock, and at the same time used far-sighted magic to allow herself to observe the two figures more clearly.

"That was...the priest who was in the casino just now...and a strange man...who is he?"

Tiny looked at Gilgamesh as if seeking answers.

Gilgamesh could clearly see the other side with his naked eyes, but he replied with a confident voice: "Well, I don't know."

He frankly stated "I don't know", and then simply stated his opinion: "Although I don't know...but I am sure that he is not a human being. He is probably a monster or something strange. If the enemy's You can get rid of him if your identity blocks my way, but I have no interest in it."

After hearing the King of Heroes' answer, Tiny thought for a while. This king may have little interest in anything other than human beings.

The divinity in Gilgamesh is also much weaker than it should be. Tini once asked him about this matter, and the answer he received was, "I am done with them, and I do not need their protection." So Tini guessed that it might have something to do with this.

At this time, what Gilgamesh said inadvertently seemed to be verifying Tini's guess. Gilgamesh was obviously more interested in the priest. He looked at the man with eye patches who was completely different from ordinary people and whispered: "However, the sins committed by human beings really amaze me."

Seeing Tini's confused gaze through the rearview mirror, the King of Heroes put on a sarcastic smile and continued:

"I didn't expect that the priest...with a body like that, has not yet become a tool of God."


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