The young man decided to meet the new monarch.

But he pessimistically determined that "this new teacher will definitely drive me away."

- I might be sick. I've obviously been trying hard to become a decent magician, why can't I do it? Will I be hated by the teacher again... When will this teacher hate me?

The young man was thinking about sad things in his mind, but he was trying hard to put on a smile on his face. He even worked magic on his facial muscles in a desperate attempt to perfect his smile. Although he has never learned anything, he has known how to smile since he was a child.

In order to become like a magician, the boy used all his tricks to maintain a fake smile. Once, and again, and again. In order to show the same smile, he never stopped performing muscle-fixing magic.

Just when the boy suspected that he would do this again for the rest of his life and was about to give up the struggle - that man appeared.

"Are you Flat Escaldes? You don't need Mana or Od, and you can control many magics without any knowledge."

As soon as Flatt entered the classroom, he saw a young man. He frowned and scowled. He is quite tall and has long hair. But what attracted Flatt's attention most was that among the lecturers he had ever seen, this man had the lowest inner magic power.

Frater looked at the other party in disbelief, and saw a small black shadow suddenly protruding from behind him. It was a boy about the same age as Flatt. He roared like a beast while glaring at Flatt with sharp eyes.

"Teacher! Teacher! This guy has a very strong smell of mess! Can I break him?"

"Sfin, be honest. At least now he is my official guest."

The male magician called "teacher" turned to Flatt again, with a face that had neither a friendly smile nor any other expression, and said, "What's that expression of yours? Are you testing me or looking down on me?" If this is your way of life, then I advise you to change it quickly."


"I mean, a kid shouldn't use magic to fake a smile." Flatt was surprised. He had perfectly blocked the aura of magic and was sure that others would not be able to tell that his smile was made of magic.

——Could it be that this person, like me, can see that thing?

Flatt instantly raised his expectations, but soon discovered that this was not the case.

"What's wrong? Do you have something to ask me?"

"...Yes. How did you know?"

"Everyone will know it after seeing it. When you smile, the zygomaticus minor, apple muscles and levator anguli oris muscles do not operate according to their original functions. This proves that you used magic to forcibly fix your expression. It seems that you only value the results. , want to project it (Trace), but ignore the observation process. It is indeed a childish idea to manipulate magic without any knowledge. I admit that you have talent, but you'd better get rid of this habit."

The male magician simply gave an answer that was completely different from what the boy expected. But after hearing this explanation, the young man did not feel disappointed.

Flat felt that the tall magician in front of him saw a world that was not only different from his, but also different from that of his parents and other magicians.

Although he only had a little premonition at this time, Flatt still removed the magic on his face and bowed to the male magician with a real smile that he had not seen for a long time: "My name is Flatt! Please allow me to study in the teacher's classroom from now on." !”

"I refuse... Even though I really want to say this, since you have Lord Belphebon's recommendation, there is nothing you can do."

The male magician sighed, stared at Flatt and continued: "Okay, class is about to start. Please find a corner and sit down, and get used to the atmosphere here first."

Hearing this, the young man standing next to the male magician, Sfen, looked back and forth at the male magician and Flat, and shouted: "Eh? Does this guy really want to be my junior brother? But on him This unpleasant smell will definitely cause trouble for the teacher! It’s better to bite him to death before being bitten by him!”

"Wow, biting sounds like Lou Xian (dog)... but it feels very handsome!" "Look! What he said is incomprehensible, but he doesn't lie when he smells it! It smells like rotten to the core! It's too It’s dangerous! Let’s destroy him before he destroys the classroom!”

Seeing Sven sniffing and roaring like a wild animal, Flatt felt very happy.

In the classroom he had been in before, the magicians who saw the truth would only look at it from a distance as if it were some strange object. Sven was different. Although he had a beastly hostility, he showed his attitude straightforwardly. This is new to Flatt.

Flat's eyes lit up excitedly, looking at the young man who looked like a wolf, a tiger or a lion, and began to murmur: "Is it Lobo (rabbit)...or Bet (donkey)..." No, it’s still Lu Xi’an (dog) after all…”

"Wait a minute! These things you are talking about are not my options for titles, right?"

Seeing that Sven was about to jump up, the male magician pressed his head, sighed and scolded: "Be quiet, do you both want to be kicked out by me?"

At this moment, the magician students filed into the classroom. It seems that there are many new students besides Flat. Some people lit up their eyes and said, "That's the monarch!", and some people tilted their heads and said, "That's the monarch?" They all observed the male magician.

Flatt obediently found a corner and sat down alone, while the beast-like boy occupied the center position in the front row. After everyone was seated, the male magician announced his name to everyone in the classroom: "I am Weber Velvet, a third-level lecturer in the Modern Magic Department... However, this name was no longer used not long ago. "

After speaking, the man revealed his new name. This name will not only be engraved in the history of the Clock Tower, but will also change the fate of countless magicians, including Flatt.

"Now I borrow the name of the second...Lord El-Melloi II."


About ten years have passed since the initial encounter, and Flatt's fate has indeed undergone a thrilling change - from being forced to stay in seclusion by the world, to participating in the Holy Grail War held in the United States.

El-Melloi II also had to suffer from stomach pains all day, but that's another story.

"Then let's go, Mr. Berserker."

"Well, let's go."

Flatt was now handcuffed by Bennett, who had turned into a police officer, and arrived in front of the police station on Central Avenue in Snowfield.

No matter what, Flatt was not stupid enough to come here exactly as he was. He not only changed his clothes to regulate the flow of magic power in his body, but also used measures such as setting up barriers to prevent others from discovering that he was a magician.

Fratella lowered the brim of his hat, put on sunglasses and a leather jacket that didn't suit him, and said: "Wow - let me go, let me go, I am innocent - I did not kill my wife! The real murderer is The man with a prosthetic hand!"

"You don't need to speak."


Flatt shouted dully like he was reading a text. When he heard Bennett say this, he immediately closed his mouth in frustration and followed Bennett dejectedly.

As he approached the entrance, he stopped and looked above his head expressionlessly.

"……What's wrong?"

"There are several layers of barriers here. It was probably destroyed once recently? It feels like it was re-paved in a hurry."

" many seconds will it take?"

"Five seconds. Once it's done, your identity shouldn't be noticeable for a while."

Flatt answered simply, and then slowly squatted down.

At this moment, a policeman happened to come out of the entrance and asked Bennett, "What happened?"

"Ah, this guy got drunk and made trouble in broad daylight, so I brought him back. But he said he was disgusting, so I let him take a rest first."

"Really, thank you for your hard work...don't let him vomit there, yesterday's terrorist attack has not been fully verified."

"Yeah, no problem."

As they talked—Flat silently recited the incantation.

"Start intervention (Game Select)."

He put his hands on the ground in a squatting position and input the new spell into the barrier.

This means that he launched a large-scale invasion of the barrier like a hacker.

Frater soaked magic into the complex gaps in the barrier, pretending to be the barrier maker to deceive the perception function while performing "repair operations."

It only took four seconds to complete the technique and let it sneak into the barrier.

This technique is similar to an automatic program, which can continuously change the meaning of the barrier to meet Flat's requirements.

"Game Over." Frater murmured with a smile and slowly stood up.

"Mr. Police, thank you. I feel much better now."

"Really? Let's go then."

Seeing Flatt's cheerful expression, the policeman was surprised, "He doesn't look like he was drunk...", but maybe because he was on a mission, he finally left the two of them and left.

So Flatt and Bennett stepped into the police station.

It can be said that among the participants in this Holy Grail War, Flatt is the one with the weakest determination.

Even so, he still took this step.

With a determination that is pure because it is so weak that it becomes transparent——

Go face to face with the people behind this case.


Twenty meters underground in Crystal Hill.

Snowfield is a city without a subway.

But there is a huge underground space fifty meters underground in the center of the city, which is an area managed by the magicians and state agencies who established the city.

There is also a small-scale management area between the ground and the space, located twenty meters underground, part of which is divided into the "workshop" of the warlock Alexandre Dumas.

"I said, there are casinos, entertainment cities, and high-end hotels directly above, but I can't play freely. Is it ridiculous? The so-called life is worse than death, just like me. Why on earth do I want to be a heroic spirit? Come here?"

Dumas sighed and looked at the five young people in front of him.

"Listen, if you make money, you must enjoy it. Money is the same as food. When you think it is wasted, it will rot one by one."

Dumas complained, but his hands never stopped moving.

"I told my brother...even your boss just now that I made a lot of money in the past, and then built a dream-like house. The second floor is filled with busts of geniuses, including that guy Hugo, There are also those of Goethe, Homer, Shakespeare and others. Of course, the one placed in the most conspicuous place is my bust. I spent a lot of money to have it made by a first-class sculptor. Isn’t it amazing?”

"Well...yes, in every sense...very powerful."

Hearing the hesitant reply from behind, Dumas didn't even look back and continued to write something in French on something like a long roll of paper.

"When Balzac saw my home, he said, 'Anyone who comes to see my house will feel it is absolutely crazy. However, being so crazy makes people feel comfortable.' I really don't know what he was bragging about. I still scolded me...yes, maybe...'that guy' also came to my door, but he went back because he couldn't bear it..."

"……That rascal?"

"Ah, did I say it? It's not a big deal, just forget it."

Alexandre Dumas chuckled and dipped his pen in ink. Having said this, he finally turned his attention to the person behind him.

"You are the only five here... Brothers are really cautious, don't you think so?"

He asked with a shrug and started fighting with the paper again. At this time, the people gathered here—that is, a young man from the "Twenty-Eight Monsters" spoke out: "I'm sorry, most people have gone to deal with the turmoil in the industrial park..."

The man who apologized was probably over twenty-five years old, but he looked younger than his actual age. It would be an exaggeration to say that he was a recent graduate who became a police officer.

This young man is the policeman who lost his right hand in a battle with vampires a few days ago. He is currently wearing a special plaster and bandage.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you are here. Does your brother allow you to fight?"

"not yet……"

The young man remembered the instructions he had received from Orlando - "Don't go to the front line until you prove that you will not drag everyone down." He clenched his left hand into a fist in frustration.

While "writing", Alexandre Dumas asked again: "Speaking of which, what is the reason for your fighting?"


"The participants in this war are all magicians. We don't know when people will die. It's rare to have a chance to quit midway. Why do you have to go back to the front line? What good does this do to you?"

Hearing this, the young man who lost his right hand thought for a moment and replied decisively: "Mr. Warlock is right... we don't know when someone will die."


", none of us who have been gathered together by the Director consider ourselves magicians."

"Then what are you doing for?"

The young man replied to Dumas who was writing and asking: "We are police. Our job is to try our best to save as many people as possible without knowing when they will die."

Hearing these words spoken with pure emotion, Alexandre Dumas laughed happily and asked again: "You really know how to speak beautiful words. Can beautiful words be used as food?"

"You can build a mansion, and I think food should be no problem."

"Haha! You are quite good at talking. Do you want to say that my novel is a 'pretty talk'?" Seeing Alexandre Dumas stand up suddenly, the five policemen broke out in cold sweat involuntarily. As a writer, Alexandre Dumas is often regarded as a gentle man. But in fact, he had a strong ability to take action. It is said that when he was approaching his later years, he even went hunting himself in order to write a cooking book.

The sense of oppression emanating from his whole body is enough to make people think of Alexandre Dumas's origins. Alexandre Dumas's father was a soldier under Napoleon, and Alexandre Dumas himself inherited a strong figure. Although Orlando said, "If we fight with him, I'm afraid even I can beat him." However, the police believe that if there is a fight with bare hands, it is really hard to say who will win and who will lose.

With a sense of oppression, Alexandre Dumas grabbed the young man's arm that had lost his right hand——

"You're right." He shrugged and embedded something in the young man's right wrist. "I also like other things besides beautiful words. But the kind of protagonist who can say beautiful words and follow them through to the end. , it was very popular both in newspapers and in plays.”

Soon after, along with a crisp sound, the young man found that he felt slight pressure and moderate weight on the wrist of his right hand.

"This is……"

He has a perfectly sized prosthesis on his right arm.

"There are special mechanisms here. I'll explain them to you later."

"No, but...I haven't heard from the director yet..."

The young man stared at the prosthetic limb helplessly.

Alexandre Dumas took up the pen again and said: "John Wingard, twenty-eight years old, born in New York, AB blood type, the second son of a magician family, did not inherit the magic mark."

"What..." Hearing his name and personal information suddenly being announced, the young man looked at Alexandre Dumas in surprise.

Alexandre Dumas continued with a bad smile: "I'm sorry, I have investigated all of you. John, your mother died when you were very young, so you decided to become a policeman, right? For this This kind of tragedy will not happen again to others."

" idea is not that great, I just want revenge..."

"Ah, you don't need to confirm what I said. It doesn't matter if you take revenge. I will polish it into beautiful words."

Alexandre Dumas grinned, dipped his pen in ink again, and began to write a new "story."

"When I serialized "The Count of Monte Cristo" in the newspaper, everyone from the street vendors to the ministers of the country were very concerned about the ending of the Avengers. By then you will also become the focus of attention of the people around you. After all... you use I built the prosthetic leg (legend). If the performance is not exciting enough, how can it be justified?

John, remember to tell the director (brother)...'You are the one dragging others down'! "


Office of the Police Commissioner.


Orlando looked at the report from the industrial park this morning and felt puzzled.

What methods did Francesca and her followers adopt to solve the tragedy that might spread to the streets; Bazdilot and Harley disappeared in different places, escaping from the police surveillance network; The same goes for Einzbern's android, and it's still unclear why she goes with Harley.

But for Orlando now, these are not the focus.

The members of Twenty-Eight Monsters originally wanted to set up a large-scale human-repelling barrier and provide manual evacuation guidance to allow the onlookers to leave the industrial park smoothly. But before they could do anything, the people had already started a large-scale evacuation operation. The report said that more than 100,000 people from around the industrial park flocked to the central and residential areas of the city, looking like some kind of demonstration.

And in this kind of chaotic situation, people with evil intentions are usually indispensable to stir up trouble and cause destruction, but this time nothing happened. Apart from "escape", no one did anything extra.

"Did Francesca do anything...but...for that old thing, the panic among the people will only make her happier..."

Francesca tidied up the situation to prevent the neighborhood from being abandoned. But normally, she is not the kind of person who cleans up the situation, but rather someone who stirs up trouble and completely makes the situation get out of control.

It seems that the evacuated people are still wandering around the central area and residential areas... There are no signs of using area magic... Then let's investigate whether people are under the influence of hypnosis or something...

Just as Orlando was thinking of this, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Come in."

The familiar face of his subordinate appeared outside the door. This female subordinate is Orlando's assistant and is responsible for secretary work.

"Director, I have an emergency to report to you."

"What's wrong?"

"Flat Escardus is in the lobby."


After hearing what she said, Orlando looked at the special monitoring screen in the director's office that was different from the usual monitoring system.

I saw that the boy in the report did appear in the field of vision seen through the familiar. I don’t know why he was wearing handcuffs on his hands, and he looked timid and looking around, making him look like a very suspicious person. Orlando looked at the policeman beside Flatt and couldn't help but narrowed his eyes. Those were not members of the Twenty-Eight Monsters, but ordinary police officers who were not on duty today.

"I remember when he was summoning heroic spirits in the park, there were also reports of seeing people suspected of heroic spirits dressed as police officers."

"Yes, I think it's very possible that he brought the heroic spirit into the police station. But the barrier didn't respond in particular. I'm afraid he completely blocked the magic power."

"Well... there is another thing that I am very concerned about."

"What is it?"

After the female police officer who looked like a secretary asked expressionlessly, she saw Orlando's figure flashing——

The next moment, the blade of the Japanese sword was pressed against her neck.

"Who are you?"


Alexandre Dumas' workshop.

A policeman said: "Excuse me, why can Mr. Alexandre Dumas produce Noble Phantasms?"

Probably because it was their first face-to-face conversation with a "heroic spirit" from the same camp, the five policemen all had nervous looks on their faces.

The opponent is the great writer Alexandre Dumas.

There are people in the police force who have read the novel "The Three Musketeers" as a child. There are countless people who have kept his works in mind through movies, TV series or puppet shows.

Upon hearing such a basic question from a "fan", Alexandre Dumas shrugged and replied calmly: "Things like heroic spirits are actually very flexible, and their achievements during their lifetime will be combined with various legends to be further exaggerated. . As for me, I was not a magician during my lifetime, but I had other ways to make money besides writing, and I did a lot of things with the money I earned."

Alexandre Dumas smiled like a child who had succeeded in playing a prank, and talked happily about his past: "I have a friend named Garibaldi. When he proposed to unify Italy, I used my ship Emma to give it to him. He provided an unknown number of weapons and published newspapers to provide him with support. In contrast, he made me the general director of the museum and participated in the excavation and investigation of relics and relics from the past. Oh my, I really saw and touched a lot of interesting things at that time. stuff."

"Relics of the past..."

"So this matter was combined with anecdotes such as the sorcerer's 'prop creation', 'position construction', and my lawsuit, and became a technology. It is not magic, but the past of tampering with the Noble Phantasm... ...The 'technique' of tampering with the story and redesigning it. Maybe it was influenced by the ruins or relics that I touched at that time. After all, all kinds of incredible things were unearthed in Pompeii."

He doesn't seem to know why he has this ability, but as long as he has the knowledge given to heroic spirits in the world, he can use this ability perfectly.

Alexandre Dumas laughed twice as if he was nostalgic for the past, and returned to his writing work.

"Although there were a lot of troubles in that era, I finally avenged my father in a roundabout way."

Alexandre Dumas's father, Thomas, was a great general who went down in history. When he was captured in Naples, he was injured by arsenic dropped by the enemy, causing his life span to be greatly shortened. With the support of Alexandre Dumas, the son of General Thomas, the invasion of Naples accelerated. The citizens on their side showed their respect by decapitating the statue of the king who had captured his father in front of Alexandre Dumas.

Although he did not take action directly, formally speaking, Alexandre Dumas still avenged his father's murder. However, the police were more interested in Alexandre Dumas's father than his revenge against the King of Naples.

"Your father was the one who served under Napoleon..."

"Don't mention it. My dad is indeed a subordinate of Napoleon, but he and His Majesty the Emperor had some disputes over policies. My grandfather was a marquis somewhere, and my grandma was a black slave. They gave birth to my dad. . As a result, my father was kicked out because he had black blood, and he gradually weakened and died in frustration. But the army refused to even pay pensions, so my mother and I have been living in poverty."

"Then you hate Napoleon?" the policeman asked enthusiastically.

Alexandre Dumas did not evade, but replied with some pride: "This is another interesting point. After my father died, I only met Napoleon twice... I will find time to tell you about this later."

Perhaps because he thought it was a long story, Alexandre Dumas ended the topic for the time being.

But at this point, he remembered another memory and continued to talk happily: "When my father died, I was still an idiot. I ran to the second floor with a shotgun, shouting 'I I want to kill the god who killed my dad! It’s stupid, right? Because heaven is above, I thought if I fired from the second floor, maybe the bullet would hit me. I was so stupid when I was a child.”

"No...children are all like this."

"The same goes for my mother. She slapped me and said, 'Our family no longer needs heroes who challenge God!' Because the so-called heroes are those who are messed up by history and eventually leave their families to die. However, the reason she beat me was because I blasphemed God, is it ridiculous?"

Dumas smiled and shrugged, but the policemen looked at each other, wondering whether to laugh too.

"What's wrong?"

"Ah, it's nothing... We don't know whether we should laugh or not..."

"What, are you worried about me? Don't think so much, just laugh. But most people may find this kind of thing difficult to talk about, and it is indeed not appropriate to talk about the past endlessly. But, like me If I can help others kill some time by planting such a nutritious past, then I can talk as much as I want. If you can give me some speaking fees, I can talk more interestingly."

Alexandre Dumas laughed loudly, and then asked the police: "Is there nothing else? There are not many opportunities to talk to a great writer like me. If you have anything to ask, please take advantage of it now."

Only then did the police realize that Alexandre Dumas might be a talker, so they thought about how to properly induce him to tell some stories worth showing off in order to please him——

The policeman who kept moving his right hand back and forth, trying to get used to the prosthetic leg - John asked with a serious look: "Will we... win?"

"I am a writer, not a strategist or a prophet."

"The Noble Phantasm you created is really powerful, but as users, we are only human beings after all. Just like imitation heroic spirits (knockoffs) that only have Noble Phantasms... Can we really defeat those monsters?"

Hearing this, Alexandre Dumas was silent for a moment. He moved his neck before he started talking: "I want to... tell another story about my past.

At first I was not interested in either drama or novels. My mother made me watch some boring classical tragedies all day long, which made me very disgusted. day I watched a tragedy called "Hamlet". It was different from other plays. I was immediately attracted by it, so I couldn't help but force people to give me the script. I read the script over and over again, to the point where I knew it by heart. From then on, I became interested in theatre. That was the beginning of my path. "

"Hamlet is William Shakespeare's masterpiece, and it does have such charm."

Seeing the police officers nodding, Alexandre Dumas grinned.

Then, he once again showed a look as if the prank had succeeded, and continued: "But, that "Hamlet" was actually translated by a man named Dixi... No, it should be regarded as an adaptation. In short, he changed the original work beyond recognition. , and then re-wrote it with my own interpretation. Later, I also read the script that was actually written by Shakespeare, and I was shocked. Compared with the original work, the one I watched was simply too much, both for fans of the original work and for Shakespeare. It would make me furious, it’s like a ‘copycat Hamlet’.”

Alexandre Dumas laughed for a long time, then suddenly stopped laughing and looked at the policemen with a grin: "But, it was the 'copycat' movie that changed my life. No one can deny this. However, it is also possible It’s because the original work that serves as the basis is so well written. Regardless of whether it’s a fake or something else, to me, that work is full of the true passion of the writer Dixi, and that’s what I want to say.”

Then, Alexandre Dumas handed the repaired and improved weapons to the police, with an expression of appreciation for comedy on his face, but his tone was as confident as a director controlling the stage.

"Don't worry. You may not know yet, brother... your boss's enthusiasm is real. As long as you always believe in him, no matter how many genuine legends there are, you will be able to overthrow them."


Office of the Police Commissioner.

The silver blade flashed, and time seemed to have stopped. The person who broke the long silence was the policewoman who was held at bay by a knife.

"Director, what's wrong with you? I am Vera Levitt, one of the twenty-eight monsters you summoned, and also your loyal subordinate. Can I regard your behavior as power harassment?"

Orlando narrowed his eyes and stared at the expressionless woman.

"It's amazing. These words really sound like what a real Vera would say."

"Because I am real."

"No, really she is on her way to the control room now."

Although he didn't say the reason, Orlando knew it very well.

The members of the "Twenty-eight Monsters", including himself, have electronic chips embedded in their shoulders. Orlando can sense the distance between the chips by amplifying them through magic in his body, just like a radar screen displayed in front of his eyes.

If his feeling was correct, then the person heading to the control room on the third floor was Vera, and there was no reaction from other members in the director's room.

The person pretending to be Vera seemed to be wondering whether Orlando was defrauding her - but the next moment, she shook her head and sighed: "I read it, IC chip... I can't copy such a complicated thing immediately .We should spend more time, Master."

Master——Hearing this word, Orlando's body suddenly became tense.

At this time, a voice sounded from the director's room, as relaxed as if he wanted to relieve Orlando's tension.

"Ah - IC chip? Is it an electronic device or something buried in the body? It's amazing. I really can't find it this way. It's such a failure."

While Orlando remained wary of people pretending to be subordinates, he turned his attention to the sigh coming from the corner of the room.

Then he saw Flat Eskardes who looked disappointed.

"So... is the Flatt shown on the monitor a fake video fabricated by magic?" Orlando thought, and immediately understood the current situation and decided to act immediately. He wanted to instigate the monsters hidden in the room's barrier to seize the hostages and block the movements of the servants.

"Since he used such a sneaky trick to get in, it means that the fighting ability of the heroic spirit itself is not high. I wonder if he can get through this before his subordinates come back."

As long as the defense system in the barrier is activated, twenty-eight monsters can be notified.

Orlando immediately pulled out his pistol with his free hand and fired a bullet into the ground.

Accompanied by the almost silent sound of gunfire, the special warhead hitting the ground activated the indoor barrier - three magical beasts appeared around Frater Eskaldes.

"Start interfering (Play Ball)."

After Frat read a sentence, the monsters lowered their heads to him and even waggled their tails.


Not only that, all other defensive magic also failed, and the emergency notification system for contacting the twenty-eight monsters was also shut down.

It's unbelievable... His methods are different from those of the stalkers and vampires two days ago. Can he rewrite the magic that has already unfolded in real time and take all my systems as his own? The nickname given to Flat Eskardes, the taboo son of God, is definitely not an exaggeration.

Just when Orlando really had this thought - "Game Set." Flatt murmured again, and then closed his open hands. The monsters returned to their original activation location and transformed back into spirit bodies, and the room returned to the state before the defensive barrier was activated.

I still have a chance to fight back. The moment the monster appears, the twenty-eight monsters in the department will sense its aura and should have arrived by now. Including the real Vera, there were five people in total. If everyone goes together, even if the opponent is a genius or a servant, they can still have the upper hand.

The problem is that this servant must be controlled first...

Orlando's eyes widened again. I saw another person who looked exactly like Vera standing next to the fake Vera who was held up by him with a knife.

"Please remove your attack stance, Director Orlando Reavie."

The person who seemed to be a follower of Flatt said calmly in Vera's tone.

As she said this, two more identical figures appeared in the room and pointed to the screen on the table.

Orlando immediately distanced himself from them and glanced at the screen while jumping back. The picture reflected on it shocked him.

All the cameras reflected the figures of Orlando Revie and Vera, who were explaining something to the members of Twenty-Eight Monsters in different positions.

The images on the surveillance...were not tampered with into video.

The scene before him clearly shows the ability of the servant in front of him.

This guy can transform into anyone he wants, even in different areas at the same time. It's almost like a clone of the concept.

And now...they have turned into me and Vera? Are these...all of them?

As if seeing through the doubts in his mind, the heroic spirit pretending to be Vera said: "At this moment, 40% of the people in this police station are 'me'."

Orlando looked at each other and Flat, and quietly put away the knife.

"It seems that the initiative is in your hands."

"Ah, you understand?"

"Well, if you want to kill me, you can use easier assassination methods. But your purpose is to let me see part of your power, thereby increasing the bargaining chips. It is simply a mafia act."

"No... Because the barrier is all connected to you, Director, I wanted him to become one of your men to find out the situation... But I didn't expect that you would see through it and it would turn into a situation like this, which looks like a war. . I’m sorry for frightening you.”

Seeing Frat bowing his head in salute, Orlando couldn't help frowning and murmuring in his heart: I'd heard that he didn't look like a magician, but why did a laid-back young man like him want to participate in the Holy Grail War? Or, Is this temperament also his disguise?

"What do you want from me?"

"Well, actually I was thinking that if someone in the police is a master, it would be better to meet him beforehand."

"Wait a minute...why do you think someone in the police station is the master?"

"Because several of the police officers on the street are magicians, and there is a magic surveillance system organized around the police station. In addition, I think maybe the swordsman who gave a speech on TV is also here..."

"Fortunately, I also made several disguises just in case."

Although Orlando looked ugly when the surveillance system was discovered, he was not surprised because he had just seen the other party's abnormal technology.

"Another surveillance system is connected to the correctional center in the city - is that a correctional center or a prison? But because it's closer..." Flatt continued nonchalantly.

Flatt was talking about Faldius's surveillance of the Internet cafe, wasn't it even possible for what he did? Thinking of this, Orlando felt a little better, so he asked again: "You come to me to form an alliance, it means that you want to The target? Who is it? "

"Huh? Ah, I'm sorry, it shouldn't be alliance."


"We...are here to call the police!"

Before he was a magician, Orlando was a police commissioner. In his life, he had heard the word "call the police" countless times. But now he frowned and showed an expression as if he had heard about it for the first time.

Frant continued to Orlando: "Actually, there is a person who is in hospital, who seems to be the master of the Holy Grail War."


"Since this morning, the man in the hospital has been connected to many people in the city through weak magic power. So...if there is someone in the police who knows more about magic, I think it would be better to inform them first."


Snowfield Central Hospital.

Qiu Chun's attending doctor heard that there was a call for her and came to the office.

"Ah, Dr. Levitt, your sister called you."

"Thank you. It's so rare...she actually took the initiative to call me."

The doctor took the receiver from the female nurse and said to his sister who had just contacted him yesterday: "Hello, Vera? I'm sorry, I'm at work and can't use my phone."

"It's okay, sister. The city seems to be quite chaotic today, and I'm worried about whether the hospital will be affected."

"Ah, the industrial park is on fire, right? The hospital is fine, but there are still many people who come to see the psychiatry department with their family members who are unwilling to leave the city... What is going on..."

"By the way, sister, how is Minqiu Chun's physical condition?"

"Ah, are you talking about Xiao Chun? She is doing very well these days. She may wake up at any time. If there is any change, it is that she has a strange mole on her hand."

" it?"

"At first I thought it was someone playing a prank, but the mole couldn't be wiped off, and it was different from a tattoo... However, her physical condition improved after getting the mole. Ah, don't get me wrong, I didn't It’s so mysterious to say that she got better because of something like a mole.”

Afterwards, the female doctor, Amelia Levitt, chatted with her sister for a few words before hanging up the phone. The female nurse on the side asked: "I remember that your sister became famous in the police station at a young age, right?"

"Yeah, maybe it's because she has lived with her mother since she was a child, and her way of speaking is as rigid as her mother. Maybe her personality is suitable for being a police officer."

After Amelia left the office, she walked towards Chun's ward and said to herself: "Speaking of which, she hasn't cared about Xiao Chun's condition for a long time..."


Office of the Police Commissioner.

"Really?" Vera hung up the phone and looked at Orlando expressionlessly.

"Confirmed, just as Eskaldes said, the Command Seal appeared on Cao Qiu Chun's body."

"The person who just told you about the mole on her arm must be your relative."

"It's my sister. She has no magic talent, so she hasn't known anything about the magic world since she was a child."

After hearing Vera's calm reply, Flatt smiled and replied: "You two sisters are doing the work of saving people. It's really amazing."

"Thank you. My sister is different from me. She is a pure hard worker."

Feeling that Frater's tone was not mocking but genuine respect, Vera thanked him in a cold tone. It can be heard from her words that she seems to be happier that her sister is recognized.

Orlando coughed twice and interrupted the conversation between the two of them: "In other words, Nuqiu Chun summoned the servants while this what you mean?"

"Yes. In some cases, heroic spirits should be able to act alone."

"Why is it that it is not Caoqiu and his wife who summoned the heroic spirits, but their daughter? Does it have anything to do with the fact that they are still hiding at home?"

The more I try to clarify the situation, the more new questions arise.

Even if you want to use police power to take action against the hospital, it is useless. Not knowing the identity of the other party's servant is tantamount to throwing yourself into a trap.

"Can we use large-scale magic to blow up that ward?"

Frater's suggestion made Orlando's brows tighten even more.

"If necessary, I can only do this... But I have used my stance of justice as a shackle to form an alliance with the twenty-eight monsters. I promise them that justice will be done. At least the current situation is not enough for me to sacrifice that A girl to maintain justice... Unless the situation develops to the point where there is no other choice, I still hope that this option is not available."

Flatt breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Orlando say these words in displeasure.

"Really? I feel relieved to hear you say that!"

"What's the meaning?"

"That is to say, if you have thought about killing her from the beginning, then I can't join forces with you. Maybe... most of the people who call them 'magicians who look like magicians' will decide to kill her without hesitation. Her."

"...Are you testing me?"

After Orlando let out a long sigh, he looked at Flatt and thought: Maybe, he really doesn't look like a magician...either this boy or me. A magician who puts rationality first will usually choose to get rid of the "comatose girl" without mercy.

"But... what I choose in the end will be what most ordinary people do. I can tell you for sure, if the murder situation further expands, I will also point my gun at that girl."

"Yes! However, since Mr. Director told me so frankly, I can safely introduce him to you!"


Frater looked at the surprised Orlando with a smile, took out a machine from his arms and threw it to him.

It was a mobile phone, and it was on a call.

"I have applied twenty-seven layers of encryption, and the other party has also done the same. Whether it is magic or science, it should not be eavesdropped by others. Please go ahead."

At Flatt's urging, Orlando put the phone to his ear.

Probably sensing that someone was listening, the man on the other end of the phone began to speak: "You are Chief Orlando Revie, who is in charge of the Snowfield Police Department."

Although this voice is young, it is full of majesty.

"That's right. Who are you?"

When Orlando said this, he guessed that the man opposite was Flat's collaborator. But another guess suddenly came to his mind, causing him to stop. ——Is he...

As if to tell Orlando whether his hunch was correct, the man on the other end of the phone gave his name.

The purpose is to reveal the identity to one of the people behind Snowfield.

Soon, this name will not only be engraved in the history of the Holy Grail War, but will also change the fate of countless magicians such as Flatt and Orlando.

"I am the modern magic lecturer at the Clock Tower. I usually go by the name of Lord El-Melloi II..."


Orlando's eyes widened in astonishment.

The man who claimed to be one of the highest powers in the Clock Tower continued on the other side of the phone: “But since I want to talk to you, let me tell you another name.

"My name is Waver Velvet... I'm just a third-rate magician who participated in the Fuyuki Holy Grail War."


Swamp Bungalow.

By noon, Faldius's troops had not returned to the vicinity of the bungalow.

After confirming what the watcher shadows said, Sigma opened the manual and compiled the information.

The swordsman said, "It's too hard for the soldiers who monitor us to be hungry all the time." He took food made from ingredients in the house to warm the snipers, scouts, and monitors who stayed here.

According to Shadow, when they saw the swordsman suddenly appearing next to them, the snipers and monitors were so frightened that they almost attacked him, but now it seems that they have successfully solved the problem.

Ayaka remained in the house during this period, but it would be wrong to say that she was unprepared. Shadow tells Sigma that the magician brought by the swordsman protects her.

"The Noble Phantasm that summons companions... it's really unfathomable that a heroic spirit can do such a thing."

Sigma never thought that the heroic spirit who made a contract with him was the most special one, and continued to collect information.

The stalker is patrolling near the bungalow. She refused to use her master's vampire magic power, and now it seems that the magician summoned by the Swordsman's Noble Phantasm is providing her with magic power. Instead, she agreed to a temporary truce. Sigma felt some sympathy for the Rogue who left his life in the hands of others.

Shadow speculated that the stalkers had been on guard against Faldius' troops, and once the remaining scouts and others attacked, she would immediately get rid of them.

Sigma sighed in his heart: Watchers are not omnipotent. Their ability cannot completely see into other people's hearts, they can only infer other people's personalities through their previous actions.

It was the same time when Rogue used the Noble Phantasm, because she had used her hair to attack at the police station before, so the captain could remind Sigma. If it was the first time he saw the move, the captain probably wouldn't be able to give any advice.

"It seems luck saved me."

Sigma thought as he recorded it in the manual. What he wrote were secret codes that only he understood, to prevent them from being seen by swordsmen or stalkers.

"In the eyes of others... you seem to be being controlled by an evil spirit and writing incomprehensible words."

Sigma ignored the captain's words and asked: "I want to confirm the combat power gap of each camp in advance. Apart from Faldius' troops, how many people participated in the Holy Grail War as an organization?"

"If you only look at the number of people, it would be the combination of the police commissioner and Alexandre Dumas. After all, they can also mobilize ordinary police operations. But the one who is small and dangerous is the guy in the android body, Harley Borza Ke is taking her everywhere.”

" the body? Who is that?"

"That's the problem. Her true identity hasn't been revealed yet, and the Watchers can't fully grasp it. No, if she's strong enough, the Watchers should be able to guess it through her breath..."

The captain disappeared before he finished speaking, and a young man holding a snake staff took over and continued: "She completely blocked her breath, but she was still able to use her power. It's amazing. Not just the Watcher, even Enkidu - he Even though he has the most advanced aura sensing ability, he didn’t notice that guy or Harley’s heroic spirit.”

"……I see."

"Besides this, there are many camps that deserve vigilance, but some teams are taking actions silently, and we cannot fully grasp the other party's purpose. The movements of Hippolyta's group cannot be read, and neither can the Silver Wolf and Enkidu. , no one knows what they will do until they do something.”

"It seems that the camp with a smaller number of people cannot be careless."

Sigma thought to himself that his opponents were indeed not light-hearted, and he couldn't help but get more energetic.

"Where is the local clan led by Tiny Cherk?"

"There are currently fifty-six members of the executive force operating on the streets. There should be many people in their base over the canyon, but that tribe is outside the watcher's observation range. Tini Cherk's combat power is about There must be forty-six people.”

"Aren't there fifty-six people?"

Sigma was surprised that the number of people was not enough. The snake staff boy explained calmly: "Seven of them are moles from other organizations, and three of them have been lobbied to be moles. They are swinging around and should be of no use."

"...Really? It's not easy."

"No matter where the organization is, there will be moles. Faldius's army also has three moles who colluded with the Scladio family, and a magician like Francesca, even if he does not send moles to other camps, , she can also use a hint to easily make people from other camps switch sides to her side."

"Much like something Francesca would do on a whim."

Sigma expressed a sarcastic thought to his original employer, and then asked the Watcher: "What factions can predict future actions?"

"Frat Eskaldes and the Police Commissioner have temporarily joined forces. At ten o'clock in the evening, the Commissioner will summon twenty-eight monsters to convey the combat strategy and launch an operation at the Central Hospital."


"There is an unconscious Master in the hospital. Although the heroic spirit has not yet revealed its true identity, it seems to have begun to take action, that is, it is attached to the citizens to control their actions. Now the scale has grown to tens of thousands, and the police chief cannot let it go. Bar."

Sigma asked about the situation in detail and learned from Shadow that Flat planned to join forces with the police to isolate and investigate the girl. Because the girl was infected by the modified bacteria of the Caoqiu family, she needed to act with extra caution.

"The strange thing is that the vampire was lying under the girl's bed for unknown reasons. But he said something to himself, and it seemed that he wanted to use the girl to corrupt Miss Stalker."

The shadow transformed into a boy with mechanical wings on his back, and presented information about the vampire Jesta Caltore.

Sigma silently said in his heart, "The master of the Diver has a very bad character," and then thought about how to act in the future.

"Should we stay calm or intervene directly? Or reveal part of the information to Faldius and let them take action..."

Sigma considers a variety of possibilities. Just then, Shadow said something that made his head even more confused.

"Hmm... let me tell you something I'm not sure about. After ten o'clock at night, Alcides may go to the hospital."

"Bazdilot's archers? Why?"

"I'm afraid it's because he will know about the girl in hospital."

Seeing Sigma's blank expression, he turned into the captain's shadow and added: "It's very simple. Boy, didn't I just say that at ten o'clock, the director will issue the battle plan to the twenty-eight monsters?"

"Could it be..."

"They are the so-called derelict police officers. The police chief must not have thought that there are pawns of the Scladio family among his subordinates." ()

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