A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1035 1035 The birth of another ‘I’

Snowfield City, in a forest mansion in the mountains.

This is a luxurious mansion located within the natural boundary of the mountains.

A group of people who are incompatible with the vast natural environment around them are holding a meeting in the conference room in the central area of ​​the mansion.

In the dim light, several figures of men and women in high-end suits could be barely seen, as well as some in military uniforms. They wear medals on their military uniforms, and their styles are rarely seen in the outside world.

Among these figures, a few were very conspicuous, and they had the aura and majesty of high-ranking generals - but they were all faces that would not appear in ordinary ceremonies and news reports.

Even so, people who see all this will be able to react immediately.

About half of these people dressed in modern suits and military uniforms are qualified magicians.

Unlike the Clock Tower, there were many people present who were neither magicians nor magic users, and probably did not possess magic circuits in the first place.

Everyone continued the meeting with a nervous look - when the report was presented, a look of relief appeared in the eyes of the participants.

"Is that so? The Clock Tower's attitude has softened?"

"Yes, Monarch Tremberio's agent said this, 'This matter is not a matter of loan or favor, but should be handled as a formal business'..."

"Ah, that's good. Our advantage is that we don't rely on magic as a country, but no monarch in the Clock Tower will trust us from the bottom of his heart. On this point, we have the same attitude."

Many attendees echoed his voice and expressed their approval.

"In the final analysis, there is no true trust between magicians."

"If we were regarded as magicians, there would be no need to talk about trust or distrust."

After expressing a slightly self-deprecating sentiment, the male officer who seemed to be the central figure spoke.

"However, the Clock Tower's attitude towards this incident is to 'turn a blind eye'. At the same time, it also showed compromise with the Clock Tower personnel who are already in Snowfield."

"Is this really good? The strange disease Faldius reported...maybe it's a curse or something like that. The current situation means that he can't leave the city, right?"

"Since there is no way to escape the curse, it means that there is no place for these people in the magic world. In other words, the Clock Tower hopes that the Clock Tower magician in Snowfield will disappear."

"Is it a factional struggle? The confrontation between the three factions in the Clock Tower will continue in the future...Is that so?"

"If they don't fight among themselves, we will be in trouble. If there is serious internal strife at the Clock Tower, we will have a chance to take action. A Clock Tower with constant disputes is always easier to deal with than a Clock Tower with the same line."

Judging from the way they spoke, they seemed wary and afraid of the Clock Tower, but seemed to be looking for an opportunity to eat it.

"What's going on with the President?"

the tall woman in a suit asked another man in military uniform.

"No report has been filed. We will take care of everything."

The officer's words made the woman in the suit frown.

"...Are you serious? How are you going to explain it to the president?"

"Emergency measures taken to stop the rampage of their own magic...just explain it to the President. While other countries and mass media need other cover stories, anyone will now believe 'The aftermath of a collision between asteroids'" 'Isn't that the way to say it?"

Having said this, the male soldier looked at his subordinates.

The male subordinate nodded, and multiple TV stations appeared on the video monitor in the conference room—several of them were large foreign TV stations.

"...There is a country's TV station that is showing cartoons."

"Is it Japan?"

"...Well, if the direct loss is small, some people won't care."

"The affected area on our side is not limited to Washington. This impact is also within Russia. If you are not careful, nuclear warheads will fly around."

The woman in a suit smiled bitterly and checked the picture on the monitor again.

With some exceptions, television stations in various countries all broadcast images of the disaster-stricken areas.

Words such as 'meteorite' and 'missile attack' were flashing on the screen in various languages.

"It's just, what a pity."

The man in military uniform looked at the image that occupied half of the screens of major TV stations - a signal of the large-scale disappearance of sea ice in the Arctic Circle, and said calmly.

"This power... is not a mystery controlled by personal will, as long as we can control it..."

"Has your head been caught in the door? If you regard mystery as a weapon, and the Clock Tower and Atlas Academy use your strengths to attack my weaknesses, it will be a game over. Although it is a pity, in terms of magic, , but don’t forget that we are just young people. If we can absorb ancient groups like Tini Cherk’s family, maybe it will be different.”

The woman in the suit scolded the male soldier with a wry smile, and then said half to herself. "Because of this, we adopted Francesca's plan... and chose the path of degenerating magic into magic. Although we did not achieve this goal this time, the original plan was based on hundreds of years."

Hearing this, people around him began to sigh.

"Is America's First Holy Grail War an ineffective trial?"

"The Land of Fuyuki has also failed four times in a row, right?"

"Concerning the outcome of Fuyuki's Fifth Holy Grail War, the current investigation has encountered difficulties..."

"Uriphis has come out of the mountain. Don't act rashly."

The military leader raised his hands to stop the commotion and continued.

"Snowfield will be purified, and Francesca will take out the underlying system of the Great Holy Grail and use it as the basis for the next Holy Grail War. Considering that this action will cut off the source of magic, the heroic spirit that appears this time will be in the underlying system. At the point when they are taken out, most of them will be destroyed.”

“From now on, start Code·983 ‘Aurora Fall’”

After hearing this, the woman in the suit lowered her eyes, then looked at the surrounding participants with a strong look and said.

"Forty-eight hours from now, Snowfield will be 'cleansed'... but I wouldn't say it was for the sake of the country. I wouldn't say it was an act of justice."

"In the long run, this is a sacrifice for the benefit of mankind. You don't have to worry."

So, two days after this meeting——

The city of Snowfield will disappear from this planet.

More than 800,000 residents were wiped out without leaving any one behind.

Why did the operators behind the pseudo-Holy Grail War reach such a resolution?

That was, one day ago.

The cause was the death of a young magician, Flatt, and the birth of a new life that accompanied it.


Once upon a time, there was a magician.

Although he has not reached the level of a magician, he is an ancient and powerful magician who is possessed by strange ideas.

The magician's name is Messala Eskaldes.

A magician who owned a small but unfathomable workshop near what is now known as the Kingdom of Monaco. While communicating with his friends, magicians, and famous magicians, he suddenly noticed something. thing.

This is because I heard a statement from an acquaintance.

Perhaps there is the possibility of walking side by side with this world, but with countless differences that are different from this world.

It wouldn’t be surprising even if it were just some fiction, or passed down to future generations as fairy tales or jokes, but——

A magician named Messala Eskaldes saw hope in it.

He was convinced that the reason why the proposition of being a magician had been ambiguous so far in his life was precisely because he was waiting for this idea to emerge.

For the magic world, it is natural to keep one's research secret. Messala enthusiastically told the rest of the world about her dream, lobbying everyone to move forward with her.

Most people laughed at him, saying that it was an impossible dream and dazed nonsense.

Some people also say that it doesn't take a long time, you just need to transform someone's body to reach the end.

In fact, considering Messala's level of magic, this might be a shortcut.

However, Messala believes that ‘that being’ has no meaning if it has not reached the end of evolution. Although they did not express their agreement, there were only two individuals who listened carefully to this idea.

One of them was the key figure who prompted Mesa to come up with this plan - the magician who was known by later generations as the 'Magic Marshal', the 'Wanhua Mirror', and the 'Jewel Man'. These aliases pointed to the magician.

There is also a whimsical puppet master with a special background, who is called the "Magic City" and "Financial Demon King" by later generations. These aliases refer to the magician.

From different standpoints and based on their own experiences, they realized that although the odds were low, Messala's wish could still come true.

Perhaps it was precisely because they understood the consequences of realizing this wish that they did not agree.

But, for Messala, that was enough.

Have confidants who listen carefully, discuss and raise objections.

"It's a project worth blocking out your life and putting everything you have into it," he said with a smile.

No, it wasn't just his own life that was on the gambling table.

Children, grandchildren, hundreds of years, and even thousands of years of blood are all materials for this plan.

——‘Since we are from a family of magicians, this is natural, right? ’

Hearing this sentence, most magicians will answer this.

Many ancient magician families have sacrificed their blood for the propositions their ancestors once revealed.

However, Messala's actions more or less defy this common sense.

The ancient magician who founded the Eskaldes family was also making some preparations while conducting research.

As the lineage is passed down – the purpose of the family gradually disappears.

Messala does not believe in her children and grandchildren whom she has never met.

As long as the goal is close to completion, some people will think that it can be completed in their own generation without waiting for the fruits to fully mature.

——But this is not possible.

Messala denied the enthusiasm of her descendants before this situation arose.

——Suddenly one day, ‘that existence’ was completed.

——This must be the result.

——There is no point in giving up halfway.

If his theory is correct, 'that being' will naturally appear and should take away everything from the Escardes family.

Using the blood itself as the material refers to this.

In the process of the formation of 'that existence', the descendants of the Eskaldes family will surely believe that 'the Eskaldes is a family with no history and no proposition'. Therefore, you may use the specificity of magic markings to find new propositions, or you may simply want to stand out in the magic world.

Messala Eskaldes is worried that her descendants will modify the evolution system of the magic circuit and the magic seal out of the desire for fame - to 'become that existence'.

Rather than this, it would be better for those magicians who laughed at their own ideas to realize that ‘it is indeed possible’ and snatch away the research results. However, the first thousand years seemed to be fruitless.

Everything was just as Messala expected, the Escardes family gradually forgot the purpose of their existence, and only continued to exist in the magic world as an existing existence.

As a result, even the descendants in the distant future did not believe it, and even unbelievable trials were engraved on their own descendants and magic seals——

After more than 1,800 years, Messala Eskaldes miraculously completed the feat of walking a tightrope.

While Messala was still alive, he didn’t know if that day would come.

What he was thinking about was not the blood of the descendants who sacrificed for this, but the only one - the children of the generation that will be 'finished' in the distant future, he said to himself.

——'Ah, ah, descendants from the distant future. I don’t know what it’s called, and I don’t know if it’s a male or a female descendant.’

——'If you were born before the end of humanity, then I would have won the bet'

——‘I would like to express my gratitude to you and my apology’

——‘In the mysterious and rare distant future, you will be regarded as a child prodigy, right? ’

——‘So you might be alienated by people around you’

——‘Your body should have such qualifications’

——‘I’m afraid I will experience a painful life’

——'Furthermore, the moment you inherit the magic seal... your existence will disappear'

——‘Not die, but disappear’

——‘It will not arrive anywhere, nor will it leave any traces in this world, it will just disappear’

——'But, in exchange, new primates will be born on this planet'

——'Goodbye, descendants who will never meet again. I’m so sorry, thank you’

Out of earshot, Messala apologized and thanked her unborn descendants.

In a sense, this is perhaps what makes him least like a magician.

——'You are a necessary sacrifice'

Then - after a long time, a child was born into this world.

He is what Messala calls the ‘finished’ generation.

Flat Escaldes, this child is a sacrifice to the long-cherished wish of the Escaldes family.

Messala Eskaldes ultimately won the bet.

However, he made several misjudgments.

One of them was too worried about Flatt's parents suddenly changing their mind and storing the Magic Mark in a place where they could never be retrieved.

Flatt's parents, who deliberately lost everything at an underground casino that was very famous among Monaco's local magicians, used the magic seal as collateral to pay the casino.

The gentleman who runs the underground casino is Messala's old friend - a dead disciple known as the 'Financial Demon King'. This may be a great irony for Messala.

But a miscalculation of this magnitude doesn't hurt. In fact, with the help of his companions, Frat Eskaldes challenged Feim's boat party and won back the seal.

For Messala Eskaldes, the remaining two miscarriages of justice were completely unexpected.

First, Flat Eskardes is a genius far beyond Messala’s expectations.

Secondly, the person this young man met was a mediocre magician who borrowed the name of the Lord of the Clock Tower.


Modern, clock tower.

"The monarch of the Modern Magic Division (Nolighi) is currently prohibited from contact with the outside world. Please return home."

"how so……"

After being told this by the person wearing the badge of the Legal Affairs Department, a young man stepped back dejectedly.

The boy was a disciple of the puppet master Langar, and he came to the modern magic department with an important message that he wanted to convey directly to El-Melloi II.

However, at the entrance of the teaching building, he was stopped by personnel from the Legal Affairs Department.

Looking around, the young people who seemed to be the students currently led by El-Melloi II were still protesting. They had an argument with the fat young man who led the android guards.

When the young man saw the appearance of these students, he thought to himself, 'They really admire this adult.'

Lecturers of the Clock Tower, especially the Sovereign. They were given more looks of fear than respect.

Even the monarch who is said to be approachable and approachable does not know whether he has such ardent admirers.

However, from the young man's point of view, this is understandable.

After El-Melloi II became the king, many people from other departments came to take classes with him, but the number of students who registered in the modern magic department from the beginning was far less than this.

However, El-Melloi II's modern magic department is considered to be an existence with the ability to change the balance of power in the current game of forces in the Clock Tower.

Of course, they do not have the powerful power of the three famous nobles in the Magic Association.

However, in the delicate balance of the three forces of neutralism, aristocracy, and democracy, El-Melloi Classroom can be said to have the weight to tip the scales.

The boy remembered the conversation he had with his teacher Langar a few days ago.

——'The heirs of Butterfly Magic, sisters Werner Sissamund, Roland Belkinski, Olgu Ram, Radia Pentel and Najika Pentel, Fitzger Lem Wall Senborn. There is one thing in common between these names’

——‘You are referring to the magician who has raised his rank to the level of sex and canon in the past few years? ’

The teacher's answer surprised me.

——'They are all students in El-Melloi's classroom'

At that time, I was simply surprised and kept silent, but when I actually saw El-Melloi II, I was shocked by his unattractive image.

Although he didn't look like an outstanding lecturer who trained several famous magicians, the boy thought that it was probably an acting technique to make people around him relax their guard.

——‘This classroom is really amazing. I would like to ask Mr. Langar to let me come here to take classes...'

After that, he also investigated the situation of El-Melloi II. Overall, he left behind many great achievements.

In addition to the few mentioned above, there are many students who have been trained, and there are many talents that young magicians like teenagers dream of.

The genius of beast transformation magic, Sven Gulashet, who ascended the throne during the school year.

Yvette L. Lehman, who can create gems that are close to natural high-level magic eyes.

Calles Fulvig Yogdomirenia is a master of electrical magic who can control thunder and lightning as a clone.

Marie Leal Fagot, who created a new theory in this generation, was known as the comet of the astronomical sciences.

Although she is only temporarily enrolled, Ayaka Sajo shows extraordinary talent in the plant department.

"And...no, it's okay to include those two..."

If you include notoriety, two famous female magicians will come to mind, nicknamed "Nightmare of the Ore Division". But considering that I was also involved in that disaster, I might as well forget about these two.

Finally, the boy remembered.

A few facts about Flat Escaldes.

Flat Escaldes is the most senior student in El-Melloi's classroom and is currently participating in the Holy Grail War in the United States.

I once asked the teacher about this genius who was called the forbidden son of God.

However, Rangel's expression froze for a moment, and he said after confirming that there was no one else around.

——‘You’d better not take it seriously’

——'This kid asked me to make a doll that looks like himself'

——'Although I refused in the end, I am very interested in the magic circuit called the forbidden child given by God'

——'I discovered this after investigating... I'm afraid Lord El-Melloi II also noticed it. The talented puppet master once commented on this guy with the word 'interesting', so he must have noticed it... '

——'His body was originally a doll made as a 'container''

——'What did the ancestors of the Eskaldes family plan to put in it... It's really curious.'

People who witnessed that existence with their own eyes or confirmed it through magical perception showed various reactions.

While some may find it unworthy of mention and put it on the back burner, no one is completely ignoring it.

They noticed.

That was probably an uninvited "foreign object" - something similar to a heroic spirit had appeared.

At the moment of its birth, the closest ones to it were the swordsman Lionheart King and his master, Ayaka.

"Ah, ah..."

Ayaka held her head, not looking directly at the tragic result in front of her - the body of the young man whose head was blown away.

She just knelt on the ground.

"Ah ah ah ah ah------!"

Ayaka screamed as if she was trying to deny reality, but another emotion surged in her heart.

——That’s it again.

——I am desperate again...

The feeling of almost resignation, and the anxiety and fear that covered it, came over her.

The young man he met for the first time died in front of him, and all kinds of emotions burst out. Then, like a mental defense reaction, another self that wanted to calm down appeared.

——Why was that person killed?

——He seems to know about me...but I don't know that person.

——Because I am the Master?

——So, he is also the Master? That's why he was killed?

So, who will be targeted next?


Immediately understanding the situation, she raised her head and tried to stand up.

However, the impact of the tragedy in front of him seemed to have messed up the nerves in the whole body through the brain. Even if he tried to exert force, all the sensations in the body were completely absorbed by the tremors in the spine.

In this state - when she came back to her senses, she was already being held by the swordsman.

The swordsman quickly carried him into a nearby building and put him down in a blind spot of the surrounding buildings.

"Ayaka, are you okay?"


——That's right.

——Now is not the time to tremble.

"Well, thank you."

What made Ayaka stop trembling was the memory of renewing the contract with the swordsman.

——"Just a question."

——"Are you my master?"

He answered the swordsman himself.

I don't understand the form, and I don't know what to say.

Just nodded.

Although it was just a simple movement of his jaw, this was the first time in my memory that he had taken such a determined action.

——I chose the path of becoming a Master based on my own will.

While realizing this again, she recalled her determination at that time.

The trembling stopped immediately, and the scream was swallowed deep in the throat.

I still don’t fully understand the relationship between Master and Servant.

However, this cry of being an ‘outsider who got involved’ doesn’t work anymore.

No matter what he does, he can't seem to escape the shackles of fate.

A choice must be made whether you like it or not. His life was being targeted and trampled on by unreasonable circumstances.

But this is no longer just about me.

If he collapses easily, the existence of the swordsman who signed a contract with him will also turn into dust.

——This is not possible.

——So far, I have never repaid the King.

──No, it’s not to repay the favor.

——This is my willfulness.

Even the meaning of his own existence is ambiguous. He doesn't know what he is living for, and he is involved in a life-or-death battle.

In order to overturn this fate.

In order to go on with this nosy and bold swordsman who is completely different from me.

I couldn't run away screaming while I was here.

Ayaka's whole body was full of strength, and the lost feeling in her body and the color in her face were restored.

Is this commotion that surrounds me magic, or is it an illusion?

——And... this is not the first time that an acquaintance dies in front of him...

Ayaka thought mockingly to herself, suddenly feeling confused.


——The first time is, who died...?

——No, now is not the time to think about such things.

Ayaka's heart began to be filled with chaos, but she still stood up.

Then, in order to think about what to do next, you have to understand where you are now.


Recalling the tragedy that happened dozens of seconds ago, the fishy smell of blood keeps flashing back, making me sick.

However, Ayaka suppressed the urge to vomit and asked the swordsman about the situation.

"What happened?"

"It's a sniper attack. There are several snipers around. Ordinary bullets can't hit us heroic spirits, so we aimed at the Master."

"Huh? You mean...not the attack of heroic spirits...but firearms?"

Ayaka swallowed and looked around her.

Obviously, it was impossible to find the attackers, including snipers, but he still had to confirm.

"The person I'm talking to...has..."

The Holy Grail War is a fight to the death without rules. It is not difficult to imagine that even in broad daylight, it does not exclude people who dare to do this.

Regarding the mysterious concealment, I had temporarily heard it from the swordsman, but the result was that the swordsman himself even accepted a TV interview. Referring to the fierce battle at the entrance of the hospital, blending into the crowd may not be a safe choice.

"Is that so... If you just use a gun to kill people, it has nothing to do with the 'mysterious concealment'."

"Well, that's it. Maybe there was a similar example in the past Holy Grail War. No, maybe some magicians who value efficiency more may even recommend this method. That's why we are here These followers.”

Judging from the example of Sigma and the situation of armed groups monitoring the area around the swamp cabin, these mercenary gangs equipped with modern firearms do indeed roam the city. It would be better to say that as a police force but mostly using guns and swords, John and his team are an anomaly.

But if the bullets of militants are aimed at me, wouldn’t it mean that there is almost no place where I can feel safe?

Thinking of this, Ayaka felt a cool breeze pass by her back and asked.

"...So, is there a possibility that the building will be blown up as well?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out. If the purpose was purely to kill, wouldn't there still be missiles or chemical weapons in this era? However, if we really want to do that, the city's ritual base itself may be destroyed. Spread. On the other hand, if you want to hinder the ritual of the Holy Grail War, well, just use weapons such as hydrogen bombs to blow up the base and the city into the sky. Even if the goal is to win the ritual, destroy one or two skyscrapers You don’t even blink your eyes.”

Having said this, the swordsman looked at Ayaka seriously and said.

"We won't hesitate even if it's as crowded as the Colosseum."

"...This is a veritable war."

Ayaka used sarcasm to cover up the heavy reality, and calmed down to ask the swordsman.

"What happened to that man's body..."

He should be a young man who knows that he - to be precise, is 'Sajo Ayaka' who has the same name and appearance as him.

Ayaka wants to know more information. At the same time, he felt guilty that he was shot because he came to see him, so he at least wanted to know his name.

However, the swordsman looked troubled and turned his attention to the entrance.

"?What's wrong?"

"No... I also find it incredible... I heard from Roxley that the young man who was shot stood up."


Roxray is one of the accompanying companions given by the Swordsman's Noble Phantasm.

He learned about this situation from his companion's words, but Ayaka couldn't understand what was going on.

"Huh? But, his head was smashed...and yet he's still alive? Is there any magic in the world that can do this?"

"He is not a heroic spirit - if there is no problem with the judgment based on this premise... I have several conjectures."

As he spoke, the swordsman raised his fingers one by one while stating his speculations.

"The first possibility is that this is an illusion. Or a substitute familiar. This possibility cannot be ruled out, but in this case, it is unreasonable that he can get up from the ground so quickly. The second possibility is that he The destroyed head regenerated... My companions who are proficient in magic told me that if there is a high degree of magic imprinting or a mystery similar to magic, it may be possible to reluctantly regenerate the shell... This situation will not be discussed for the time being. Third. There is a possibility that he is a high-level vampire or elf species, a fantasy species from the inner sea of ​​​​stars, and a series of special cases that come from the distant star sea. In short, this situation is really a bit tricky at the moment..."

"how do I say this?"

"This is a problem at the previous stage of the principle of 'mystery and concealment'. To those beings, the so-called cities of humans are nothing more than sandcastles that do not need to be taken care of."

I don't know if he remembered something he had seen in the past, but the swordsman's expression was very complicated, with domineering and excitement, fear and curiosity intertwined.

However, perhaps after hearing his companion’s next report, he spoke to Ayaka with a serious expression.

"The shooters who shot that young man... have been dealt with."

"deal with……"

Ayaka understood the meaning of the word and swallowed.

"Ayakashi, what should we do? Of course I look forward to fighting again, but at the moment we and the enemy are unclear, I suggest you give priority to safety issues. Regardless of the amount of magic power, mental fatigue will reduce your ability to continue fighting."

The intuition of the swordsman, who had fought on countless battlefields and could even see through his own people's strategies, told him that the aura he felt from outside the building now came from a being that was more dangerous than ordinary heroic spirits.

"And that's without even considering the possibility that, while we were assessing the situation, that guy would level the building in one fell swoop."


The next ones nearby were the police officers who returned to the real world from the inherent barrier with Ayaka.

a few minutes ago.

John and Vera heard the wind roaring through the streets and the cracking of asphalt, and realized it was a sniper attack from a distance.

They looked around, and not far away stood a Flatt with blood pouring from his chest.

Then, the moment they saw his head being blown away, they hid behind nearby buildings and cars before Vera could give instructions.

"Ayaka...is the swordsman protecting you now?"

Although John was worried about Ayaka, who was an ordinary citizen, he still felt a little relieved when he saw the swordsman building a water barrier while taking her away. At the same time, unspeakable anger and sadness dominated his brain.

——Damn it, Flat Escardus was...

——Who did it? ? Masters from other camps? ?

The first thing he thought of was the sniper attack from members of the Scuradio family from the Bazdilot camp.

However, this is the main road of the city.

Because there was an attack on the police, the surrounding citizens were restricted from entering, and this was the jurisdiction of the 'operator' of the Holy Grail War.

——Could it be someone from the operator?

——Does the director know anything?

Although there are companions who are on sniper missions and have prepared long-range attack type Noble Phantasms, the situation in front of them should not be Noble Phantasms but physical sniping using ordinary firearms.

So who did it?

This is not a situation where we can speculate slowly.

Vera seemed to be trying to contact the director, but things also changed during this period.

They saw it.

An indescribable monster that tried to take away the sanity of others was born next to his ally, Flat Escardus, whose head was crushed, and it flew towards a nearby building.

This is probably the heroic spirit's last resistance.

However, the heroic spirit, driven by emotions and using up all its magic power, turned into light dust and disappeared before it reached the top of the building.

If the magic channel is cut off, it will be impossible to maintain the body shape.

It is still unknown whether he disappeared completely or was forcibly transformed into a spirit.

No matter what, the servant will return to dust without signing a new contract after the death of the master.

To John and others, although they were just young men who chatted for a few words in the church, based on this alone, they had grasped the nature of Flat Eskardes to a certain extent.

Flatt is indeed not like a magician. As an ordinary person, he also has a quite off-kilter personality. However, they also understand that this young man is definitely not a bad person.

This may also be related to the fact that although John and the others are magicians, they completely deviate from the position of the Clock Tower people. It is the special value of magic that puts them in the position of the police.

——"You are righteous."

When the Holy Grail War began, the words spoken by the Director were like a blessing and a curse, hovering in their bodies.

Because of this, it is difficult for them to accept that the lives of young people who are their allies are easily taken away in front of them.

If it is for justice, the members of the 'Monsters of the Twenty-eight (Clan Calatin)', who can even make the decision to kill the girl Tsunuki Tsunaki with their hands depending on the situation, will be shown a cruelty that is not even given time to prepare. Death's anger is etched in my heart──

The next moment, that passion turned to confusion.


It's not just John.

Vera also opened her eyes in surprise and interrupted the call with the director.

The other police officers also showed various expressions, confused by the situation in front of them.

In any case - the body of Frat Escardus, who was supposed to have his head crushed, was shrouded in shadow, but in front of their eyes he found his lost head and stood up.

For a moment, people were reminded of the ‘black mud’ wrapped around the bodies of the archers fighting in front of the hospital.

However, it was immediately clear that this was not the same thing at all.

The red-black ‘black mud’ seemed to melt everything down. Tsubaki's servant who later swallowed everyone was so gloomy that it made people feel cold.

Compared to these, what enveloped Flatt's body was complete nothingness.

The pure darkness seemed to absorb all the light, and finally focused on the bullet marks on Flatt's body——

After seeing what appeared in the depths of nothingness, several people in the police team screamed. John and Vera broke out in a cold sweat, and at the same time they understood——

That was no Flat Escaldes.

That being is no longer human.


Crystal Hill, top floor.

Tini Cherk, who felt the aura of the being's birth, was bound by the illusion that her whole body was filled with poison.

However, even so, she has no intention of stopping the magic that maintains the physical existence of her servant, Gilgamesh.

Because she knew that if she didn't pay attention for a moment, the body in front of her would lose its spiritual power and collapse.

Confused voices came from the family subordinates who gathered at the window to look at the situation outside.

Even so, she remained motionless.

Immediately afterwards, the sounds of fear and anxiety from his subordinates were heard.

what is that?


Noisy speculation swirled around the suite.

Listening to the too vague shouts of the magicians, she did not feel that her subordinates had mental problems.

Her magic can draw magic power from the dragon veins of the earth.

Therefore, it can be clearly felt.

Some kind of 'abnormality' was born on that land.

Different from heroic spirits and magicians, some kind of incomprehensible existence has arrived.

However, even after understanding this, she did not stop using her magic hands.

It’s almost like saying these are small things.

While injecting magic power, she kept asking herself questions about her own way of existence.

What are your shortcomings?

What do you have to do?

Myself—who is Tiny Cherk?

Trapped by regret, the girl continues to search for answers.


The master of this rare heroic spirit.

As a subject of the great heroic king.


Snowfield City, West Forest Region.


The beautiful silver hair is floating like the surface of a lake in winter. The 'being' that resided in Filia's body turned around.

Seeing her looking in the direction of the city streets from the forest, Harley, the master of Humbaba, the Berserker, asked.

"……What's wrong?"

"Well, that's it"

Although he answered easily, just hearing these words made the magic power in his body violently turbulent.

The man in front of me is the homunculus inhabited by the spiritual foundation of Ishtar, the god of Uruk.

To be precise, it is the 'blessing' left by the god Ishtar in the world as the form in which the personality resides. However, to Harley, it is no different from the god himself.

The android paid no attention to Harley. The god was attracted by the lingering sound and muttered curiously when he saw the crystal hill standing in the center of the city.

"Huh? That kind of thing will also happen in this era."


"Forget it, now is not the time to decide whether to bless it or get rid of it. Speaking of which, we must be prepared to meet Gu Jialana! Although it is quite troublesome, I have already declared to the child that before we meet, I I won’t interfere in those two guys’ affairs.”

Although it aroused her interest, the 'possessed spirit' brought the topic back.

After hearing her words, Harley tilted her head inwardly.

——"Those two guys"?

I'm afraid it's the 'reason why I'm here' that I mentioned before, that is, those two people. And Harley thought one of them was an archer wearing golden armor fighting in front of the church.

However, that archer should be handled by Humbaba.

Still, what does 'leaving those two guys alone' mean?

——I don’t understand what the gods are thinking.

——Is there a bug? Or……

"In this sense, the absence of the waste in the forest is a fluke. This is also evidence that the world surrenders to me."

Without any doubt of her own absoluteness, she sat looking down at the forest.

"Such a good piece of land can't be let go to waste. It has to be put to good use by me."

Then, she spoke the ‘oracle’. Although it sounds like a joke, if it is the words of a god, the meaning is completely different.

"I want to turn this land into the new Mount Abif!"


Harley couldn't help but react with confusion to the overwhelmingly mysterious voice of Filia (Ishtar).

——Mount Abif...Jebel Hamrin of the Zagros Mountains?

——The one that Lord Ishtar destroyed in the Enheduana narrative?

Facing the confused Harley, the beautiful artificial man showed a divine smile with charm that ordinary people could not resist.

As if to emphasize that this is not a joke.

"Before that child - Gu Jialana comes, build the temple...come and help, the goddess will give you the work!"


Snowfield city, industrial area, meat processing plant.


The factory that serves as the Bazdilot camp workshop.

Most of the structure was destroyed by Harley's servants, and could only be repaired by François Pulela's illusions - but on this day, the reconstruction task that did not rely on illusions went quite smoothly.

At the same time, the spiritually transformed archer Alcides appeared and stood in front of Bastilot, who was absorbing magic crystals through the 'black mud'.

"What's wrong?"

Bazdilot asked in minimal language, and Alcides answered.

"The magician who pulled me out of the inherent barrier... I'm afraid he was betrayed by the man in the land with whom I was destined."

"Is it a problem for us?"

"It's hard to say without seeing it with your own eyes. However, judging from the nature of the breath... it may be the case for humans."

Facing Alcides who spoke indifferently, Bazdilot did not stop what he was doing, and did not even move his head.

"Then let him be."

Bazdilot also answered in a calm tone. While instilling magic and emotion into the 'black mud' that continues to rage in the body with the intention of corroding him.

It's like loving and nurturing the 'black mud' filled with human evil.

"The enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend...but the more vulnerabilities you can exploit, the better."


Snowfield, North Grand Valley area.

"Master, are you okay?"

Hippolyta, who appeared as the spirit base of the cavalry, asked with a worried tone.

Because she had a magical connection with her Master, she noticed the Master's intense wavering.

No reason was asked.

The reason why she was wavering was that she had some confidence in her heart.

This is a natural workshop built by occupying part of the valley and transforming the land and space itself.

Although the outside situation can be widely understood from the inside, all external interference is blocked, making it a highly alienated space.

While Hippolyta sincerely admired this technique, she cheered up and realized the reason for her Master's wavering - the unusual aura that appeared in the direction of the street.

"I can act at any time. Although I am here as a servant, even if I stand as the Amazon Queen, I will not hesitate to fight for equal friends."

"Ah, no problem...I'm sorry for worrying you, Trooper."

A young man's voice came from deep in the workshop.

Hippolyta believed this and stopped asking further questions.

Your master is a trustworthy being.

As a Servant, as the Queen of the Amazons, and as Hippolyta, they are all so convinced.

I am afraid that I have met the best Master in this Holy Grail War.


——For "me", Flat Escaldes is a neighbor worth loving.

Something seemed to be talking in the snipers' minds.

——A little different from brothers.

Nor is it multiple personalities.

Because from the perspective of soul and existence basis, "I" and "Frat" are different existences.

"What is this sound?


"Something in the body is broken, broken, broken. What is it?" The snipers couldn't see anything at the moment and couldn't feel clearly, so they fell into a confused panic.

And the sound still continued.

——The sprout of self sprouts first on the ‘I’ side, ‘I’ thinks so.

However, it is impossible to say for sure.

If 'my' self grew up using "Flat's brain function" as a springboard, then the question of who came first would be meaningless.

"What sound, voice, body, body movement...ah, what am I?"

"The voice, mine, inside. The spine, hot. It hurts. So cold."

"What's going on with my body?"

——At the moment of inheriting the magic seal, the temporary master... "Flat"'s self ended its mission and completely disappeared from 'my' body.

This is a script that was finalized 1800 years ago.

Frater's ancestor, Messala Escaldes, was not only a romantic but also a magician.

He is indeed the kind of magician you are familiar with.

That way you can rest assured, right?

"Sound, voice! Whose voice is it?"

"Can't see anything, who, where. Where? What are they talking about?"

——The soul that is called the Forbidden Son, and whose parents are estranged from him, will not even be absorbed by me, and should just disappear as useless data.

However, "Flat" noticed "me".

was noticed. Can you believe it?

From the moment his 'I' consciousness sprouted, he knew that there was an 'I' on the inside of the circuit in his body.

This kind of genius has nothing to do with ‘me’ but belongs to the talent of the individual named ‘Flat’ itself… ‘I’ think so.

As the completed individual of the physical body of 'I', although it is only in terms of observation, it can indeed show his abilities.

But that's not what's great about him.

"Where are my eyes?"

"I remember, the monster dug it out with his fingers."

"Flat, Flat!"

"That's right. Flat Escaldes!"

"That's the name of the sniper target."

"The kid we beat to death..."

"Fardius said he was just a magician."

"Obviously he should be dead, what's going on?"

"What the heroic spirits did? No, that's not right."

The snipers were talking a lot, completely confused about the situation at the moment.

The voice still continued to narrate.

——If the magic imprint of the program that determines the existence of 'I' is not transplanted, 'I' will only be an incomplete existence.

Therefore, as long as you want to eliminate 'I', you should be able to eliminate it.

I have heard of vampires who imprint their souls on others and reincarnate, but unfortunately, the existence of 'my' is not that strong.

Combined with the magic seal designed by Messala, it should be the first time that 'I' has become a complete form.

If it was noticed in the previous stage, it is possible that 'I' will be eliminated. If this happens, the completed body can activate Messala's magical seal, and the opportunity will be passed on to the next generation.

This is the next best thing.

However, Flatt did not eliminate ‘I’.

Even after growing up to a certain level, after realizing what kind of existence ‘I’ is, even after knowing how to eliminate ‘I’.

Flat still extended a helping hand to 'I' who was preparing to destroy him.

After understanding everything, most people don’t regret doing this, right?

If he were a magician who understood the meaning of his ancestors' pursuit, he might happily dedicate himself to his ancestors' obsession... but Flatt was obviously not that kind of person.

Well, 'I'... It should be said that Messala is also a bit special.

The information engraved on the magic seal does not require 'I' to perform calculations like a magician.

All Messala pursues is to continue to live and continue to exist.

Not the survival of oneself, but the survival of something created by oneself.

If possible, we should still find a way to survive on this planet even after the end of humanity or after humans have severed ties with the planet.

"What's going on with that sound?"

"I...are you talking to us?"

The snipers couldn't feel their presence and asked in voices mixed with panic and fear.

——Oh, my consciousness finally turned to ‘me’. It seems like you can clearly hear what ‘I’ am saying?

No, is it because the consciousness is accustomed to the situation?

Finally—let’s put it this way, it’s actually a bit strange.

After all, according to the standard flow of time on this planet, it has only been about three seconds since 'I' accelerated your awareness.

"Accelerate consciousness? What do you mean..."

"You can't see anything, it's pitch black."

"Reading? What's the situation? I can't move my body!"

- It won't be completely dark.

The world is so bright, so dazzling... there is value in living.

Flatt told me so.

It couldn't be total darkness.

Yes, it’s just... you may not be able to see it now.

Because I dug out your eyes.

However, Flatt said that light is probably not visual information, but light in a perceptual sense.

Alas, you who are trapped in death from now on may not feel anything.

Maybe if we could see hope from death, that would be a different matter.

Ah, so to speak, Flatt is quite fond of things like the "mind's eye".

"Eyes? Eyes, my eyes..."

"Who, who...what happened to you?"

"The figure I saw last..."

"It's just..."

"Are you...Flat's...other personality...?"

The snipers seemed to finally remember the status quo.

They are being killed.

Being killed by a 'being' that looks like Flatt.

With his eyes dug out, he has no defense and can kill easily without even being able to recognize the current situation.

——You should have said this from the beginning, right? it's not like that.

‘My’ thing…well, really.

If you can't understand it even if you explain it, just think of 'me' as the devil.

In fact, it is just "that kind of existence".

It's not like the true devil lurking on this planet, that kind of amazing existence.

But it's more subjective...you guys who often appear among the parents of human society.

For example, Bennett may be similar to ‘me’.

In any case, Messala Eskaldes aims to make "that kind of being" herself.

"Messala? Who is it? What are you talking about..."

"Ah, ah, eyes, my eyes." The snipers had no idea what the voice was saying. Because the other party's self-report was too self-centered and completely illogical, and they didn't even seem to care much about whether they could understand it.

——The heroic spirit...the man who claimed to be Alexandre Dumas recognized the existence of 'me'.

But, he ignored ‘me’.

In areas where there is little 'me' involved, Flatt and Bennett are simply lumped together.

His methods can only be described as superb, and the unclear purpose is disturbing.

But, at that moment, ‘I’ didn’t have time to think about those things.

In terms of human emotions, it might be jealousy.

Ah, yes, 'I' am jealous of that heroic spirit.

A heroic spirit that is truly fused with Flat's soul.

If 'I' could do this, I wouldn't have let Flatt die.

It can easily bounce back the mere bullets you fired.

Rather, the Holy Grail War itself...

No, forget it.

This Holy Grail War belongs to Flatt.

It is not something dedicated to the wishless ‘I’.

‘I’ only occasionally help with technical analysis.

Flatt is a genius and can do it alone, but Flatt is also a slacker, so there are many occasions when ‘I’ help.

Just like the navigation system you mentioned.

"what are you saying?"

"What do I hear now?" The snipers still didn't understand what this inexplicable voice said at all, and asked in fear.

——Sorry. I digress.

After all ‘I’ am immersed in sentimentality.

If it were Flatt, he would probably be more positive, but ‘I’ would be more negative.

‘I’ prefer poetry and melodrama.


There is a reason why ‘I’ speeds up the thinking circuits of you, all the attackers, and makes you speak one by one.

If Flatt valued efficiency, he would never do this. I will let you go with a smile.

But, ‘I’ cannot do this.

This is also the first time that I have been talking outside like this.

That incredible teacher at Flatt.

'I' thought, it would be great if I could talk like him.

That person spoke very clearly but was very verbose, and was clearly disconnected but very opinionated.

the most important is……

...Ah, I'm sorry. Changed the topic again.

The most important thing, the most important thing, is what was said at the beginning.

To me, Frat Escardes is my neighbor worth loving.

The self-narration so far is only a preparation to emphasize this point.

After retrieving all the magic seals from the boat party (Casa), after 'I' gained all the knowledge.

The moment when I was convinced of my mission and wanted to make Flatt disappear——

The hopeless genius who still smiles at 'me'.

Flatt who saves 'my' soul.

Flatt vowed to live with 'me'.

You killed him.

"Ah, ah——"

"I remember it, I remember it, I remember it."

"Ah, my body, body body body."

"It got folded, folded, folded by this guy."

"The creaking sound is my spine."

"Fester, break, no, which one is it? No, no, no -"

——Please don’t get me wrong.

‘I’ didn’t do this out of revenge. 'My' intention is not to put you through a long period of pain.

Of course, killing you is to avenge Flatt's murder, and it is also a means to complete the mission engraved on 'me'.

However, the reason why I am accelerating my consciousness and repeatedly emphasizing the idea of ​​‘I’ is just to let you know.

Why did you end up in such a tragic end.

If it's Flat, even if 'I' are killed, I won't kill you.

When ‘I’ say someone should be killed, Flatt says this:

"It's not absolutely impossible...

At least, it would be best to tell him the reason why he was killed...

In that case, they will definitely be very happy with each other...

Even if it is not accepted, it is important to convey the fact well..."

——You also think he is a fool, right?

What does it mean to kill the other person directly when you have the opportunity, but to make it look like a mother-in-law and a hospice care?

Obviously they don't want to kill people because of efficiency issues, but when it comes time to kill people, they say, 'We'd better not feel indebted. In the long run, this is more cost-effective.'

It was different from 'me' just now... I took all those things to heart.

Although we don’t know if it looks similar to Sayō Ayaka, but from our point of view, it’s not the same person at all… No, that thing isn’t even a person, it’s obvious at a glance.

So, he died.

You ended Flat, so 'I' began.

‘I’ tell you all this to pay homage to Flatt.

‘I’ have already said what I want to say.

I'm really sorry to keep you here.

The acceleration of consciousness is also lifted.



It seems that they are aware of the current situation and what they will face after the acceleration of consciousness is lifted. They are being killed, or have been killed. The reason why they can think now is just because the other party is accelerating their consciousness at the moment of death. That’s all.

Undoing acceleration means complete death.

The snipers screamed for help in panic.

But the voice didn't care.

--sorry. ‘I’ lied.

In fact, the process of dying can be long, futile, and painful.

Please be grateful.

Not to me, but to Flat Escaldes.

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