A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1038 1038 Information Compilation

Off the coast of Singapore, with their huge magical power and force, they gathered the users of the Eastern Bajiquan of the pirate organization. In order to fight against it, the two daughters who used their magical power and capital power to create a private military company are the two mentioned above. representative of risk factors.

Aside from those characters who leapt beyond common sense, Flat Escaldes and the two Sphinx Gulshet who "wound the beast" are also considered to be characters to watch out for.

...No, there was originally a warning among many magicians that "Ignore the clock tower for now, but you must not take action against the people related to El-Melloi Classroom."

For a few seconds, Sigma ran the compressed information in his mind and asked Shadow again.

"...Is it really Flat Escaldes who did it? Instead of using the power of the heroic spirit?"

The repeated questioning was more like reconfirmation than suspicion.

At this time, Sigma no longer considered the 'shadows' to be suspicious, but relied on them as tools he could rely on on the battlefield.

It's like trusting the performance of your own gun in a duel.

Of course, no matter how carefully you prepare a gun, problems will occur.

Even the intelligence agent's extremely accurate information may conflict with reality. Sigma, who was betrayed by the magician who grew up with him, has to be more cautious.

In a battlefield full of magicians who mix illusions and charms, even your own eyes and ears cannot completely believe it.

But even so, compared to his weak magic and the useful information provided by Faldis and the others, Shadow's life is more valuable.

In fact, now that we have used this card to enter the war, no matter how much we think about it, it will be useless.

Faced with Sigma who asked with the purpose of confirming... the shadow that once again returned to the form of the old captain gave an answer completely different from what he imagined.

"That's not right. You have to listen to the whole thing, and don't get the ending wrong, otherwise it will cause a fatal situation."

"?" Sigma was confused, "Didn't I say it was Flat Escaldes?"

"Haven't the situation over there been fully explained to you before? Flatt is dead. Now, the 'Flatt Escaldes' who killed your colleagues is no longer, to be precise. The original Flat Escaldes."


Coleman Special Corrections Facility.

"...Should it be deemed that Sigma cannot participate in the battle?...No, he is Francesca's pawn after all. Is it possible that he followed her instructions and rejected our communication request?"

Regarding the situation where he was unable to contact Sigma, Faldius made an on-the-spot deduction.

However, his suspicion of Sigma has not yet risen to the level of "active defection", and the final conclusion is to let him live until he gets in touch with Francesca.

"The surveillance system in the central area has suffered physical damage... The surveillance systems in other areas have been destroyed by magical hacking techniques... Then using magical processing methods on the surveillance cameras will not help..."

Faldius, who checked the damage to the surveillance system, was a little surprised by the tragic situation but also calmly confirmed the current situation.

In other words, sensing the aura of the assassin, Hassan Sabah, nearby might have played a big role in calming him down.

If the assassin who wanted to completely eliminate the aura could be said to have easily discovered it on purpose, then there might be some point in that.

——He is monitoring my words and deeds to verify whether his beliefs are firm... maybe so.

Faldius thought so.

‘Calvaroso Scuradio, the patriarch of the Sculadio family, kill him. ’ When he gave this instruction, Hassan Sabah specifically asked: “Do you have the conviction to kill others?”

Therefore, Faldius was very cautious in everything he did in front of the assassin, fearing that he would make a wrong step.

No matter what the meaning of the words is, it is an agreement between oneself and the follower. Even if there is no formal magic contract, if the promise is broken, it will probably turn into some kind of curse backlash.

However, in the final analysis, Faldius firmly believes that he will not change his belief now.

He could assert that the choice to kill Calvaroso Scuradio was still the right one to this day.

Judging from the results, his actions caused losses to the politics and economy of the United States. However, if you think about it conversely, it can also be said to be a timely stop to the secret activities of the Scuradio family in the future.

However, the use (command) of assassins requires careful consideration.

In any case, he was still not sure about the Noble Phantasm and skills that Hassan possessed. Although you can use the Command Seal to forcibly learn it, considering that this will lead to Hassan's betrayal, you can't decide casually.

However, if you just look at the results, Hassan's performance is remarkable.

When asked about his beliefs, Faldius subconsciously strengthened his mental state.

If I don't do this, I might be embarrassed in this question and answer session.

"The first step is to restore the surveillance system. Please contact Chief Orlando of the police department. Ask the police department to transfer the data from the regular cameras deployed on the street here. Wait for the surveillance system to be restored, and then use physical surveillance, magic surveillance and magic surveillance at the same time. A magic dedicated monitoring network."

Faldius began to deal with the current situation while deploying the order.

"...? Francesca's workshop was damaged? She made an emergency landing in the southern desert area...is that so? Is that also because of Flat Escardes...?"

In order to facilitate the collection of information, Faldius assumed that the person who attacked the snipers was 'Frat Escardus', and issued the order based on this premise.

At first, I thought that due to the changes in the situation, it was necessary to deal with them as a threat target alongside the heroic spirits, but the current situation is no longer the same.

Faldius' instinct told him that the magic power of the spearmen spread out over Snowfield had already reached here, so he should identify the spearmen as higher-level targets who were more dangerous than inferior heroic spirits, and start preparing ways to capture them.

Rather, the Lancers inflicted our greatest losses yet.

At the same time, Faldius was even more wary of Frat Eskaldes, who could confront the spearmen in the sky at this moment, or some kind of existence that could seize Frat's body.

"...Perhaps this is what the so-called authorities are obsessed with and bystanders are clear... I originally wanted to control this Holy Grail War until the end through my own means... How stupid. I have fallen to this point, so I have no right to laugh at the person who participated in the Fuyuki Third He’s a senior in the Second Holy Grail War.”

"I'm such an idiot." Faldius's complaint was full of similar words.

At this time, Aldra, a female subordinate working in another room, returned to Faldius and handed him the document.

"A message from the analysis team."

"Thank you for your hard work, I've been waiting for this report."

Faldius shrugged his shoulders, took the document, and opened it.

Using the usual Holy Grail War as a comparison object, the data collected on site can be said to be foul-level.

This is an analysis result fed back by a system that determines the magical response of the heroic spirit and the approximate location of the individual (Master) linked to the heroic spirit based on the spells arranged in advance throughout the city.

Where is the hostile master? Results like this can also be reflected in this analysis report.

Of course, if you are a magician who is good at magic perception, you will be able to realize that you are being monitored by this city to some extent.

Linking the surveillance systems of the entire city's streets and processing them as a large-scale information network can be the meaning of Snowfield's existence as "a city built for the Holy Grail War."

If it is a Master who has arranged his workshop and put on a defensive posture, it will not cause any harm even if his position is discovered. However, there may be Masters among the contestants who are lurking in the area and will never let the other party discover their whereabouts.

For such a Master, participating in the Holy Grail War in this city was at a disadvantage from the very beginning.

For example, if oneself transmits information to the archer camp, under normal circumstances, it is possible to launch a sniper attack on the master of the enemy camp from a super long distance where magic power cannot be sensed.

In fact, the archers controlled by Bazdilot used the location information he provided to them to snipe Gilgamesh's master Tini from outside the city, although they failed in the end.

In short, no matter what, this analysis report was originally valuable information.

If Faldius, who has an assassin, considers assassinating all the Masters, this information will be even more valuable. It is not an exaggeration to say that this is the condition for "completely holding victory in his hands."

However, Faldius narrowed his eyes after seeing the data on the report.

"I see. Based on the reports so far, I know this is a possibility..."

Faldius guessed this situation, and Aldra, who had confirmed the data in advance, raised a question lightly.

"The number of Masters doesn't match up...what's going on?"

The data in the report shows that the number of individuals possessing high-density magic power recognized as heroic spirits is not consistent with the number of individuals (Masters) linked to the magic power holders.

Furthermore, it is not clear how most of those individuals entered the city. Even with the use of surveillance cameras, their whereabouts cannot be determined.

It is possible that the face was changed through illusion, but it is very unreasonable for the same person to disguise himself as several people.

"The 'alone' servant who has lost his master has changed his master several times... This possibility cannot be ruled out."

After continuing to read the report for a while, the corners of Faldius' mouth twisted.

The next part of the report records which heroic spirits in the agency have changed their masters many times.

One of them is a fake assassin.

She was a Servant who attacked the police station, and received a supply of magic power from a different Master than the one she initially contracted with.

The opponent turned out to be an external magician who signed a contract with the swordsman, which surprised Faldius.

From the first time that guy appeared in the surveillance video, Faldius has been very curious about the true identity of this woman, but he still hasn't figured it out yet.

"...A person signed contracts with multiple Servants at the same time? And...with those heroic spirits who wield their Noble Phantasms randomly? Although it cannot be said that there is no precedent, but she has such a huge magic power reserve...?"

The activated magic power can be sensed, but Faldius's system cannot measure the amount of magic power held by an individual.

"...Maybe it's the same as Lord Tremberio, that Od's recovery volume is extraordinary and his physical fitness is extraordinary? Regarding this guy, it is necessary to raise the alert level. Please continue to monitor the observation troops who are still alive. .”

After Faldius gave the order, he turned his attention to other troublesome issues.

"There is another one, a spiritual base that has changed its master many times... um?"

After reading the report, Faldius muttered with a serious face.

"Doris Lucendra...did this guy lose the battle somewhere I don't know about?"

The spirit base recorded in the report is the cavalryman who appeared through the true summons.

If the news is true, the true identity of the servant calling herself ‘Hippolyta’ is the Queen of the Amazons.

There are countless magicians gathered in this city.

It is not surprising that there are those among these magicians who want to usurp the Master's identity. Although it is not believed that a battle between heroic spirits took place, there is a possibility that the master was killed in a battle between magicians due to the absence of the cavalry.

"Yes, in fact, Doris's magic power has not been recorded by our system since two days ago."

"The guy who defeated her may be a candidate for heir to the Lucendra family, or a powerful magician in the market... In this case, it has been confirmed that Frau appeared in Snowfield. A powerful magician like him It’s not impossible for the divisions to form an alliance and attack together, right?”

"Are we going to send surveillance troops to the location where Hippolyta's magic reaction recorded by the system occurred?"

Faldius thought about Aldra's question for a long time.

Of course, this is more appropriate.

However, if you do this, manpower will become an issue. It is best not to blindly disperse the fighting force until reinforcements arrive.

While thinking this way, Faldius sighed and gave instructions to Aldra.

"Add a message to the communication sent to Director Orlando, asking the 'Twenty-Eight Monsters' to monitor Hippolyta."

"Will the police department accept it?"

"They don't think the uncertainty at Snowfield is a good thing, do they?"

While Faldius was convinced that Director Orlando Levy would accept this instruction, he browsed other intelligence.

"There has been no movement since the accident in the hospital... Although we are very concerned about the current situation of the heroic spirit who signed the contract with her, we must remain vigilant in the future."

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