"Compared with yesterday's dinner, I want today's dinner to be Level Up. This evolution may be to become more delicious, easier to eat, or cheaper, healthier, simpler... No matter what it is aimed at There is no problem in the direction of evolution, as long as there is one person who wants to take cooking to a higher level, human civilization will not stagnate."

He shrugged, half speaking to himself.

"Having said that, eh. I don't think new cooking methods are the best. For example, the amazing roast lamb I had when I was alive was not cooked in the newest oven in town. That was in When I visited the ruins of Deanne (located in the Republic of Armenia), I was treated to a desert dish where a whole sheep was grilled (a method used in Turkish cuisine, similar to the charcoal ash barbecue in East Asia).

"Ashes? ... What a surprise."

"Even if you use mud and plant ashes to roast mutton, it's not a dish that can't be served on the countertop, right? The preparation work is very particular, and the historical heritage and experience accumulation behind it can guarantee it. Even now, I still remember it The taste of that dish, as far as I know, is better than the lamb dishes in any restaurant in Europe. But from today's perspective, the situation has to be said differently...ah, I kind of want to eat it. Now off to Tunisia, man Orlando.”

"Don't talk nonsense. Before, we couldn't even leave the city. Now the situation is a mess."

Perhaps due to the influence of Miu Qiu Chun's followers, the situation in the city has not yet completely stabilized.

Probably the Pale Knight is just spreading a 'disease' of this nature to the city, rather than actively controlling the 'disease'.

The citizens who visited the hospital regained consciousness and were probably liberated from the dream world, but the forced concept of "somehow not wanting to leave the city" still seemed to remain in their consciousness. Most of the citizens who regained consciousness decided to leave the city. Swayed by the same fear and uneasiness, I returned to the city.

"The effect of mind control has weakened, right? If you are a magician, you can probably escape from the city by using some similar costumes."

"Wait a minute... Warlock, what do you know?"

Orlando felt a sense of disobedience to the sorcerer's speech, and immediately adjusted his state and woke up from his post-dinner time.

"Brother, do you have some ideas of your own? The meteorites that fell from the sky yesterday, artificial satellites and other things...it seems that they all start from this city. However, as the people behind the city, you (the police) I haven’t received any news. That’s why, brother, you came to this place to determine various situations. To be more precise, brother, what you care about is whether the fake Great Holy Grail at our feet has been moved to other places."

"……You're right."

"Well, after all, what happened in this city has had such a big impact on the whole world. Brother, your 'superiors' will become more concerned about the current situation. This is natural. Brother, your purpose is Managing the surrounding environment during the Holy Grail War...that is, human society. If people unrelated to the ceremony are involved and become victims, it will be a headache...Am I right?"

"Speak directly, what information do you have?"

Since a long time ago, the Warlock has had an intelligence network that even Orlando, the Master, doesn't know about. Based on the reports from the police station team members and Orlando's comprehensive speculation on Alexandre Dumas' ability, this guy transformed the personal computer, Internet, and wireless device itself into a 'story'. Although it cannot be said to be a noble phantom, it is a pseudo-ceremony. It is possible that the specifications of these devices have been improved on the base.

Orlando originally wanted to find an opportunity to verify his conjecture, but at this point, the higher priority thing than the truth about Dumas' abilities should be 'what information he has.' The director asked the warlock with a serious attitude that he had never seen before. Alexandre Dumas looked away and replied while organizing his words.

"...Code·983'Aurora Fall', do you understand what this thing represents?"

"...! When will this order be implemented? How much time is left?"

"Oh man, you have no doubt about it."

"I don't think you prepared the dinner just now just to play silly jokes on me now. You are a man who is more honest about food than anyone else. Just taste the current food and you will know!"

At these words of trust from Orlando, Dumas's expression faded for a moment, and then he shrugged happily.

"Oh, man, you are really rock solid. But that's okay. Let me check the time. This order was issued at 16:23 today. It will be implemented in 48 hours. Brother, you My superiors should have contacted Francesca and Faldius."

"That was 15 minutes ago... Warlock, did you predict that the situation would turn out like this, so you prepared a meal and waited for me?"

"I'm sorry, this is my willfulness as a heroic spirit. I thought it would be fine if I guessed wrong, but if I had told you first, brother, you and Miss Vera wouldn't have had a good meal. Alas, I really didn't expect that, brother Your 'superior' would be so messy."


For the silent Director Orlando, the smile on Dumas' face disappeared and he continued to ask.

"Even you, brother, have probably guessed what will happen next, right?"

"Ah, I can't deny it. Because of this, I thought Francesca would hide the Great Holy Grail somewhere else...or will she do such a thing next?"

Listening to the conversation between the two, Vera frowned and asked the director.

"Director, please excuse me, Code·983... What is 'Aurora Fall'?"

"Bombing with extremely high-intensity special warheads... This is the execution code for destroying everything in the entire city, along with the magic base of the land."


"There are still 48 hours left before the execution. Preparations are probably being made to hide from the outside world. It is indeed a world-scale disaster...it is claimed that the 'asteroid' fragments reported on the news fell directly into Snowfield...They are probably going to This is how you fool the public."

Vera was shocked when she heard the specific method.

Some people had warned that this might be the case.

Everyone at the police station is also prepared for emergencies.

However, when the situation really happened, she also felt unprecedented tension in her heart.

What came to mind were his fellow police officers and the view of Snowfield. There is also the figure of my sister who knows nothing about the other world and is performing her duties as a doctor day and night.

Vera was expressionless, with beads of sweat on her face. Seeing her like this, the director said calmly.

"If we judge that internal processing is useless under the current situation, we will use Faldius's authority to carry out a destruction operation called Code·982 'Abyss Rise of Naraku' on the entire city... Let the Holy Grail and the Dragon Vein go wild. , disguised as a volcanic eruption caused by abnormal magma activity, destroying the city in this way. And 'Aurora Fall' is external... In other words, when our senior leaders judge that 'the Holy Grail War cannot be managed', Only then will such measures be taken. Before the world suffers a devastating flaw..."

"Can't you apply to suspend the combat plan?"

"If the Holy Grail is forcibly destroyed, the activities of the Heroic Spirits will be almost impossible. If the Heroic Spirits go berserk, the possibility of dealing with it in that way is very high..."

Although Director Orlando looked calm, there was regret in his voice.

"The problem now is that there are uncertain factors other than heroic spirits."

"Are you talking about Flat Eskardes...and Einzbern's androids?"

"Either side was originally incorporated into the system of the Holy Grail War. Flat Escardos was the Master selected from an unspecified majority of mages... Einzbern's android was Francesca brought it here as the container of the Little Holy Grail.”

However, the existence of these two people is completely different now.

According to Faldius and Francesca's reports so far, Einzbern's artificial man, a being completely different from his original personality, has possessed her. Furthermore, the 'some kind of being' attached to the artificial man (Francesica seems to have concealed the true identity of that guy) has power far beyond that of inferior heroic spirits.

"If like the usual Holy Grail War, the heroic spirits are defeated one after another and withdraw... Will the Little Holy Grail - the artificial human of Einzbern, the "some kind of being" in her body obtain the energy generated by the ritual?

Although the Great Holy Grail used in the Snowfield Holy Grail War is a fake that cannot reproduce the third magic, the magic accumulated after the completion of the ritual should be enough to become a wishing machine.

——It is said that the Lesser Holy Grail will be transferred as a container instead of a human towards the end of the Holy Grail War... Does this theory apply to the current situation?

The power of the Holy Grail converges into a being with free will. If it wants to leave the city and move freely, it will become very difficult to hide mysteriously.

The consequences of supernormal power leaking out of this city were told to the world in an unparalleled form by the 'some kind of being' who was once Flat Escardus.

Countries with little understanding of magic may interpret this disaster as literally falling asteroid fragments and space debris, a country's missiles going out of control, or intentional acts of sabotage.

However, organizations related to magic, led by the Clock Tower, and major powers related to them should have grasped the truth.

That is the destruction brought about by the power of individuals.

Regarding the desert crater caused by the first battle of the Snowfield Holy Grail War, one could blame the gas company to cover up the situation, but this method is no longer feasible.

——If the Holy Church can fully assist, that would be a different matter...

Director Orlando recalled the face of the priest with the eyepatch.

Once upon a time, high-level vampires - extraordinary monsters called superior Death Apostles and Ancestors - turned a city into hell overnight.

The Holy Church uses connections and mysterious means every time to hide from others, but this Holy Grail War that took place in Snowfield was completely excluded.

The supervisor named Hansa Servatis was only forced to be placed in this city by the church in accordance with the tradition of the Fuyuki Holy Grail War in the past, so his level of cooperation was also very subtle.

——Having said that, does the Holy Church also aim at hiding the mystery?

——Now that things have happened, although we can’t save face, there is value in forming an alliance.

——However, according to the church's policy, it is also possible to adopt the method of 'the 48-hour preparation period is like a long night and a direct bombing after 3 hours'... I am taking a gamble.

"Ha... it's going well. Brother, the look in your eyes tells me that you haven't given up yet. It seems that you don't intend to regard the meal just now as the last supper."

Dumas said happily, to which the director responded.

"Of course, if Faldius and others are ready to abandon us, we will not act based on their faces. Whether as police chiefs or people who have dedicated their lives to the United States of America, we will prioritize the safety of citizens."

"Is this good? As a result, people in other cities may be ravaged by monsters pouring out from here? That's why your superiors want to destroy this place."

"I won't let that happen. Originally, destroying the Holy Grail together with this city was once a 'certain existence' of Flat Eskardes... Although I don't want to admit it, I don't To think that dangerous hurricane heading towards Snowfield would simply disappear."

"Oh! Brother, are you ready to risk everything and fight to the end?! Okay! This is how you become my good brother! If you use alcohol to drown your sorrows, you are tampering with your life!"

Dumas stood up with a smile on his face.

"The next twenty-eight monsters (Clan Calatin) will be very busy, right? But please bring them with you next time you eat. It's okay to come one at a time. I want everyone to have a meal. The same dinner as before.”

"...Does this have any magical meaning to you?"

"Huh? That's not true. If my brothers plan to survive, I just want to imprint my memory on them."

Faced with Dumas's words, Orlando and Vera were at a loss.


"Didn't I just say it? I'm a very willful person. My novels are still circulating in the world. It's not exciting to write a new book now, isn't it? Then let them try my cooking. What taste, they will remember for the rest of their lives that the food Mr. Alexandre Dumas cooked for us at that time was the most delicious in their lives. No, let me make more delicious food! Retire from police work soon! Come and try this dish!’ Anyway, it’s this kind of... Well, in short, it’s my own material support.”

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