A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1046 1046 The Trial of Your Own Choice

Day 4, Night, Snowfield Live House.

Night fell in Snowfield.

Night is the time for magicians.

The Will of Sigmar is vigilant to see if there is any camp that is plotting evil, but according to the report submitted by Watcher, the situation is developing too smoothly.

"There are still 41 hours..."

At half past eleven in the evening, Sigma looked up at the clock in the room and confirmed the time on his watch again.

He hid in the Live House underneath the building for nearly a day.

In order to prepare drinking water and food, he only went out once a few hours ago, but it was under the guidance of the Watcher's shadows that he did not let Faldius and others discover his traces.

Even so, Sigma remained calm.

It is entirely possible that the situation can change faster than the Watcher can provide intelligence.

Therefore, the strategy of protracted war originally intended to be adopted now seems to be unworkable.

According to the intelligence provided by the shadows, the city will be bombed in the evening two days later.

If it were a magician without a purpose, running away would be the best option, but now Sigma has a clear purpose.

In order to achieve their own goals, the half day after obtaining the information - until the early morning of tomorrow is the time to collect intelligence and formulate strategies.

"This is not Watcher's will or proposal. It is purely out of the interest of the pseudo-personality that was programmed into the shadow, so I asked this."

The shadow that looked like an old captain asked Sigma who was thinking.

"Why don't you kid escape quickly? The subsequent bombing will fulfill your wish (to destroy the Holy Grail War). Now you only need to give the attending doctor a suggestion magic and let her get in the ambulance and leave the city. Now that the curse of the Pale Knight has been greatly weakened, can you escape from this city with your boy's level of magic power?"

Then, the shadow turned into a woman wearing a pilot suit and continued to talk to Sigma.

"But will the Great Holy Grail blow up? ... If Prelati uses illusion to hide the Great Holy Grail before the bombing, Watcher will also leave this sky. After we leave, if you are captured by the special forces If you are targeted, you have to rely on yourself."

So Sigma narrowed his eyes and told the reason why he didn't escape.

"You were the ones who told me that Miu Qiuchun's life activity level has dropped, right?"

In response to Sigma's words, the shadow that transformed into a boy holding a snake staff weaved his words in a voice filled with regret and sadness.

"...I don't deny it. It's really shameful. If I had appeared not as a shadow, but as a heroic spirit...I would never have let that girl die. I would have done everything possible to cure her. Although and now My personality is completely different, but that shouldn't change."

"...Can't you tell me the treatment now?"

"Contradicts the rules of the shadow. Everything Watcher observes from the sky of this city can be conveyed to you, but the knowledge we (the shadow) have during our lifetimes cannot be conveyed excessively. However, even if we can do it, we want to cure that little girl You also need my skills and magic power. Your time to study the medical skills is not enough."

"is that so?……"

If this is the case, the bombing should still be suspended.

Sigma also spent these hours thinking carefully about the possibility of aborting the bombing.

If the Holy Grail War was ended before the bombing started, wouldn't those big shots have to make unnecessary sacrifices?

the answer is negative.

According to the information sent back by Watcher, the problem does not lie with the heroic spirits.

Although he is not a heroic spirit, he possesses the level of a heroic spirit and is even more powerful.

High in the sky, facing Lancer, there was a boy who called himself 'Tia Eskaldes'.

There is also a woman who is literally 'transforming' the forest area west of the city - a god-like existence named Ishtar who is possessed by an artificial human named Philia.

These two will not be young after the end of the Holy Grail War.

In this case, the big shots behind the ritual can only choose to eliminate these two people while resisting in the city.


"...Can it be done? According to you, even if a nuclear bomb attacks, these two people should be able to withstand it."

The young man with wings answered Sigma's question.

"How should I put it? Since Ishtar has decided to turn that forest into a temple, he will definitely not escape. Although Tia Eskaldes is a free body... After the battle with Lancer, , and disappeared from the city. Although he failed to fight Lancer, he didn’t seem to be seriously injured that made him incapacitated.”

"...Isn't that guy back yet?"

Sigma already knew this information and confirmed it with Watcher again.

Judging from the news broadcast on the TV in the Live House room, although yesterday's meteorite riot caused large-scale chaos around the world, there did not seem to be any accompanying magic-related events afterwards.

Of course, even if something happened, it would most likely be covered up, but that was only an incident that could be concealed using magic.

"To be honest, there is no reason to come back, right?"

The shadow that transformed into the old captain replied.

"Even so, those who want to burn this city to ashes can't prove it, young man, you have to understand this. However, if it is certain that the guy has signs of activity elsewhere, that is a different matter... No matter Well, now that the forest to the west has turned into what it is, there’s nothing we can do. Whether it’s magic or physics, the terrain is changing.”


"This is also one of the trials, young man. Ah, this is completely different from whether you can defeat Ishtar and Tia."

Facing the silent Master, the old captain continued.

"Young man, you learned the information with the help of our power - this city is standing on the edge of destruction. No one will believe you if you shout at the top of your lungs. Even if someone believes you, it is impossible for a human who is not a magician. Free yourself from the dregs of the curse.”

"...This should be the case."

The shadow took the form of a young knight and spoke as if testing Sigma.

"On the other hand, the current situation is that only you can escape. You don't have to worry about Niu Qiuchun and other citizens, you just need to save your own life. No one will blame you. This blockade is blocking you alone. The wall is too high. So—"

"I won't run away"

"What did you say?"

"I...choose to fight."

Sigma answered like this. His eyes were as calm as night, but there was extraordinary determination in the depths of his pupils.

What came to mind was what he had said to an unknown female assassin when he was out a few hours ago, through the cracks in the surveillance system that was being repaired.


A few hours ago, a certain alley in Snowfield City.

"...this city...will be destroyed?"

"Well, if the information I have is true, the big guys behind the ceremony plan to burn this city and all its citizens to ashes."

"Extremely stupid behavior..."

The face of the unknown assassin hidden under the black hood was distorted, and she clenched her fists.

Sigma concealed the fact that he obtained information through Watcher and continued to convey the information he had.

Sigma feels guilty about hiding his abilities, but he doesn't know whether this is because of his habit as a magician mercenary (not sharing unnecessary information, even if the other party is his trusted partner), or because he lied about " My heroic spirit is Chaplin's approach?

"How can we stop this atrocity...!? All the guys who gave this order——"

"Even if you kill them all, the order may not be suspended. It depends on the time. Even if the general who gave the marching order dies, the soldiers will continue to move forward and they will receive the next order. Besides... ...It would be okay if it was a war led by generals, but the modern command system is too decentralized. It is unrealistic to kill everyone including pilots, ground crews, and commanders in two days. of."

If it were Faldius' adjutant who didn't even observe the Watcher, he might be able to do it, but I have no way of actively contacting them.

——Furthermore... we can only infer the situation from Faldius's words. If the assassin used by Faldius is Hassan Sabah, it is unclear how he will react to fellow members of the Assassination Order. What an impact she had.

"Speaking of which, we have no idea where the commander who issued the order is or which military base the bombers will take off from."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Even if the city is destroyed, I will look for a way to save Jiuqiu Chun. However, like you said Jiu Yang, I will give priority to finding a way to stop the bombing. If possible, this is the best option."

Save Junqiu Chun.

The moment he heard these words, a look of relief appeared in the assassin's eyes.

"Really... If there is any way, just tell me and I will definitely give my full assistance."

Maybe he was not originally a person pursuing the Holy Grail, so instead of raising any objection to the purpose of saving the city, he thought it was the best choice. Looking at the assassin who nodded, Sigma thought.

Sure enough, this assassin, although he is an assassin, is actually a very kind-hearted being.

In fact, whether people who use assassination methods should be called kind is another matter, but for Sigma, the object of comparison is himself, so it is natural to regard the assassin as a "kinder existence than himself."

Sigma has respect for assassins who uphold disciplines that he does not possess.

However, he didn't notice.

Before participating in this war, it was impossible for me to have such feelings.

As for Sigma, who was constantly changing unconsciously, the assassin told him.

"Before that, I had been chasing that monster."

"Is it that vampire?"

"Ah, we must get rid of that monster. Even if this city is burned to ashes, that guy will use the evil way of the monster to escape. That guy is a monster that denies humanity. No matter how vicious the power is, as long as it originates From the hands of humans, there is a possibility that it will be neutralized by that guy.”

"He has left the city, right?"

Regarding this natural question, the assassin shook his head.

"No... that guy is still around here. Although we can only know the specific situation after confirming it with the Noble Phantasm... But it is true that the connection with that guy itself seems to still remain in this filth."

The assassin stared at his hands angrily - thinking of the ally who now provided him with magic power in place of the monster, he said to Sigma.

"Tell Ayaka to leave this city quickly. I don't want her to be involved in my decontamination. I will make good use of the remaining magic power."

"I understand. I plan to contact her tomorrow and will definitely convey it to you."

"And...I'm very grateful to you."

"I accept your thanks."

——I heard that swordsmen are becoming interested in the Holy Grail War...

——Judging from the characters of those two people, they probably don’t think that destroying the city is a good thing.

"Among the vampires called Death Apostles, that guy may be considered a high-level being. Is it okay for you to be alone?"

"Because of this, it is even more important to take his life while he is weak. You should focus on what you should do."

The assassin, who had lowered his head before, now raised his head and looked directly at Sigma and said so.

"Have you... Sigma decided to save the girl? Then, this is your belief."

The assassin shouted Sigma's name seriously and continued.

"My body has been tainted by monsters, and I am immature and cannot guide you... However, you have found something worth believing in."

After saying this, she left the alley.

However, her face at that time was deeply imprinted in Sigma's mind.

Finally, facing Sigma, the assassin she——

He showed a smile that he had never seen before, from the heart, as a human being.

"...It's a prayer of kindness and I'm happy."


Now, Snowfield Underground.

"Give up? Fight?"

Sigma answered Shadow's question calmly.

"If choosing this thing is a trial in itself, then it is the easiest trial for me. I don't find the value of my life. Then, it is just a choice. For me, can I Realizing one's own choices is a very important trial."

"Is that so? You, the guy, have chosen the path of broken jade."

"It won't be broken. Putting aside my own value, this is not about committing suicide, nor is it about dying in vain."

Sigma declared to the shadow that looked like a young knight who shrugged with a stern expression.

Then, a young man holding a snake staff appeared, with a lonely smile on his face.

"Although you are a remnant, you want to resist the god Ishtar, fight against unreasonable destruction, fight against the world system created by humans, and the beasts of disaster transformed by storms and thunder... In the end, you even want to subvert Is it the girl’s fate to die?”

"Whether I can do that is another matter... I just think I should do it. If I just abandon everything and run away... I'm afraid I will never be able to sleep peacefully in the future. That would be more painful to me than death. Torture.”

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