The goddess slowly wiped away Harley's tears with her beautiful fingers and asserted while gently touching her cheek.

"I promise you to enjoy life, bless joy, and fall in love with this world. Whether it is joy or pain, it is all polished by your hands...let them gain various values ​​and dedicate everything to me. ?”

Using a voice like a mother coaxing her child, saying things that a mother would never say to a child, Ishtar quietly let her body leave Harley's shoulder.

Even so, Harley didn't stop crying.

She just bent her knees and continued to burst into tears while maintaining her squatting position.

Ishtar was neither mocking nor surprised by this, but just stood aside and watched her.

"Strive and be depressed with all your strength, and you can continue to dance in the world. Even if it's an ugly dance, as long as you don't give up being a human being, I will continue to watch it happily."

It's like a mother who loves her children.

"Although I won't teach you how to dance...but I can still give you a dress and shoes as gifts~"

Or - like a harvester looking at the golden wheat he cultivated.

"Think of it as a blessing that can crush almost everyone who stands in your way..."

It’s not that there’s “anything special.”

It was neither a chance to save Harley's life again, nor a chance like the previous battle in the factory area, but even so it didn't matter - Ishtar's words were like a blessing or a curse. Generally, Harley's heart changed dramatically.

He just wrapped her in magic and talked to her at the same time.

However, just such a thing, even in a few minutes, has changed a magician's outlook on life.

If you think about it, this fact can be said to be crucial evidence that she is slowly regaining her godhood through building a temple.

Or maybe it was the magical power of the heroic spirit named Gilgamesh that was injected into the body of Philia, who was the Little Holy Grail.

Ten minutes later.

"I'm so sorry for such a rudeness!"

Harry finally calmed down and apologized to Ishtar again.

"Well, no matter what, I originally planned to protect you after the temple is completed... In short, as long as you can do your job as the chief priest!"

"I see, but what exactly should the chief priest do?"

"Yes... If it were in the past, you would be responsible for managing the tributes and so on... Basically, you would be responsible for staying behind when I went out. After that, it won't work if I don't build the pagoda temple... Modern architecture The continuous upward extension of technology looks quite good, right? If you consider adding my protection, you will build an awesome spire with a height of more than two thousand meters! It's really exciting!"

After Ishtar finished speaking like an innocent young man, his voice suddenly dropped.

"But, before that..."


Ishtar suddenly looked towards the entrance of the temple.

Harley also looked over there to see what was going on, but to her eyes, no one was there.

However, Ishtar turned her consciousness towards the outside of the entrance - the depths of the forest, and declared in words to the miko who had been given her divine power.

"It looks like a pilgrim is coming to the temple you should accompany him first, right?"


Outside the temple.

"What's this?"

Jesta Caltore was stunned by the sight before her.

He is now standing in the forest with the same handsome young man's appearance as he was seen in the police station.

When I came here to inspect before the Holy Grail War, this place was probably just a forest.

However, a completely different landscape is spreading outward.

What appeared on the plains of the forest was a huge building that could be mistaken for a hill.

The first thing is a huge glazed door decorated with lapis lazuli, and inside there are stone steps that extend to the temple part on the foundation.

On the stone steps, there is a cultural style building that reminds people of the ancient ruins of the Mesopotamian circle. At the entrance of the stone steps, there are gold and silver statues imitating the Kokopelli doll, which is said to bring wealth and good taste in the United States.

That would be okay, but the problem lies with the statue placed further outside.

The figure placed there in the form of a guardian statue looked like a monster flying out of an Oriental fairy tale. The styling is unsettling just looking at it.

"Am I still in the illusion created by those guys...?"

Jesta hid under the shade of a big tree and peered at the temple.

Although it was indeed a scene that could only be thought of as a joke, there was also a feeling that it was undoubtedly reality.

The bottomless aura that overflows in the temple cannot be easily generated even by Prelati and the others' illusions. Jesta understands this very well.

"Why is there such an inappropriate temple in a place like this? Although it is inappropriate, it is extremely powerful...?"

Although Jesta had no scruples in admiring him after seeing the fierce conflict between archers and spearmen in the desert on the first day of the Holy Grail War, he would not want to incorporate his beautiful assassin into this. In such a joke.

Judging from the design and theme alone, it can be accepted as a 'museum hosting an Oriental-style event', but from the perspective of him as a vampire, the real aura covering the temple is even more terrifying. It feels like a joke.

——This aura... is the same as the one Nuqiu Chun felt before swallowing everyone in front of the hospital.

It seems that just as Pletia and the others said, there is indeed a god from an outsider's position, or something similar to it, mixed in.

——Ah, the heroic spirits can’t do that.

——Under the foundation of the Holy Grail War, it should be impossible to summon such a rich mystery...

——If that’s the case, then he must be an ‘outsider’ who came from somewhere else.

——...just like me.

Although they are both inhuman, Jesta can also understand that the aura of God that is overflowing in the temple in front of him is a being that is far superior to the demonic nature that denies human reason like his own.

——This kind of thing cannot be competed with by your ‘ancestors’ yourself!

If it were me in my prime, I should be able to disrupt it to a certain extent.

However, the current self is in a state where every part of the body's foundation has been shattered, and it has been abandoned by the vampire who is the 'ancestor' of its origin.

From the side of the ravaging strong men to the side of the fleeing rats.

Then he fell from being the one who controlled everything to being the one being manipulated. Jesta unconsciously showed a bitter smile.

——Haha, I hate boredom and pursue the Holy Grail, but I didn’t expect to feel fear.

——If this god counterfeit is also someone who was guided by this ritual, then I have to reflect on it.

——It seems that I mistook this thing called the Holy Grail War as 'just a human ritual' and underestimated it too much.

Jesta had rare thoughts of approval and respect.

He thought that he had to be more cautious here, and that he should hide himself within the limit while peeking at the opportunity to contaminate the temple, but——


This sound.

This beautiful sound.

Such a lovely voice.

This sweet voice instantly awakened the spirit of Jesta, who was about to sink to the bottom of the mud.


Jesta let out a roar of joy, twisted her body and jumped up on the spot.

And in the gaps between his limbs, countless hairs that turned into black blades passed through.

The soaked hair blade kept moving in order to grab Zesta's body and tear it apart, but Zesta avoided it with movements that ignored the laws of physics and flew in the air.

"Excellent! Beautiful! Great! Sure enough, you are so sexy and at the same time render the world beautiful with your beauty! Those beautiful and sophisticated movements! Yes, cute, really cute!"

Jesta jumped up in front of the temple's glass door with an aura as if he was erasing the word "lurk" from his memory, shouting loudly not to the assassin or himself, but to the world itself.

"It's you! It really has to be you! It's you! You taught me the joy of existence! You gave me everything! You can only pull me up from being buried deep in the sand of despair!"


As if his words were worthless, the nameless assassin who controlled the hair blade continued to unleash combos of hair blades.

Zesta avoided all of them by a hair while continuing to sing.

"Beautiful fanatic! I didn't expect you to chase me until it's so dangerous... Come to a place filled with the power of the heretic god for you!"

Jesta shouted with joy and jumped to the big tree next door.

He put his hand on the trunk of the tree, and the tree instantly deteriorated - it made a crunching sound and twisted, then turned into a huge wooden tentacle and attacked the assassin with its branches and leaves.


Why do vampires who are supposed to be weakened have such power?

The assassin was surprised by this, but this must be because she failed to understand the part when Jesta explained the "power of love".

In fact, Jesta's actions are beyond the ordinary from the perspective of the world. It seems as if he is gradually reducing his existence while reluctantly activating his power.

The nameless assassin continued to unfold the Noble Phantasm, using countless hair blades to smash and cut the wooden tentacles.

But in the meantime, Jesta also reached out to the new trees, manipulating the new tentacles to attack the assassin——


Suddenly, a majestic voice sounded, and both the assassin and Jesta stopped moving.

The two of them turned their sights in the direction of the sound at the same time, and there was a female figure standing on the stone steps of the temple - standing at the entrance to the interior.

She had a young figure that could be called a girl, and because she was wearing a dress that was completely inappropriate for the temple, she looked like a tourist in the ruins of the temple.

However, her voice was somewhat shrouded in aura, and through the sound of the strong wind blowing around, her voice penetrated into the surrounding area.

"In this forest, my great lord...which is the courtyard of the goddess Ishtar, no more messy actions will be allowed!"


Snowfield Central Church.

"The atmosphere of the land has clearly changed..."

Hansa Cervantes, the vicar of the Holy Church, murmured while sitting in the personal lounge in the church watching TV.

Although he understands that the land has been changing from the west since yesterday, it feels as if the circuit has been reorganized and replaced compared to the past, giving people the impression that "we are just entering the state now."

This was of course changed by Ishtar's appointment of Halli as "chief priest", but Hansa in the church would not know this.

Now Hansa, in addition to the nuns, has also summoned church-related personnel inside and outside the streets, desperately collecting information.

Although he went to track Jesta almost as soon as he returned from the dream world, he soon heard about Flatt being shot, including the fact that his body stood up and killed all the snipers. Guangle's information was also obtained from witnesses.

"Frat Escalde... is a really kind man for a magician... Considering that one of the ancestors is paying attention to him, isn't it surprising that he contains some secrets?"

Although they only dated for a day, it seemed that I unexpectedly fell in love with this young man who didn't look like a magician. While thinking this, Hansa quietly made the sign of the cross.

If the reason for his resurrection was "resurrected as a Dead Apostle," he should at least purify his soul with his own hands.

"But... given the current situation, this place cannot provide complete protection when Masters who have become losers in the Holy Grail War arrive one after another."

The roof of the church chapel collapsed due to the previous battle between the archers and Saber, and the surrounding area was surrounded by tape prohibiting entry and was set aside.

The original manager of this church was summoned to the Master in Las Vegas through the recommendation of the Holy Church. When he came back and saw this scene, he must not be able to stand up straight.

"Of course, this is also after 'there are still cities that can let him return'."

Hansa had already received a secret notification from the Holy Church that "I'm afraid there is a possibility that the entire town will be wiped out."

From the point of view of the Holy Church, which dealt with the aftermath of the apostles who destroyed a town, it is naturally possible that the mastermind behind this Holy Grail War will deal with the 800,000 humans here together. Will think of it.

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