"Although the method of birth is not in line with my sense of aesthetics, I have blessed you since you were born. Although it makes you the gatekeeper of my sanctuary and you have the same responsibility, does it make you so happy? What a lovely child. Woolen cloth."

The woman faced the 'that' which was as huge as the temple with the smile of the Earth Mother Goddess.

Zesta, who had the face of a magician, immediately understood that it was an artificial human of the Einzbern family.

But at the same time, he also understood something else.

The thing that entered it - it was different from that huge 'something', but it contained the same powerful magic power.

"……who are you?"

"Oh, are you that stupid? Don't you understand yet?"

To Jesta who asked this question involuntarily, the woman with the artificial human body replied.

Hearing this, Jesta gritted his teeth and spoke.

"No, this is indeed a stupid question. The woman who looks like a priest over there also said whose temple this is."

Although Jesta was completely fixed there, the assassin could not pursue him as he remained motionless.

Unauthorized action is not allowed here.

There is no room here to do anything regardless of her presence.

It was like a pressure commanding the world itself, controlling the atmosphere in the surrounding area.

The only one who could show a sarcastic smile in such an atmosphere was Jesta, who denies humanity and was charmed by the assassin before being charmed by the goddess.

"I never thought you would actually build a temple in this place...Goddess Ishtar!"


Kurtzman Center for Special Orthodontics.

"...showed up?"

Faldius confirmed the appearance of the Einzbern family's artificial man, the Little Holy Grail, through his familiar with long-distance vision, and continued to give instructions without expression.

"Well, I think it's useless, but we still have to do what needs to be done."

He smiled to himself as he stretched out his hand toward the radio.

"The magician who holds the mercury gift can be killed with an anti-material sniper rifle. The magician who can transfer his consciousness to countless insects and live forever can kill them all with missiles..."

"Although we can't kill the heroic spirits with our logic...but what about the gods possessing the artificial humans?"


Forestland west of Snowfield.

"...Modern humans do useless things."

Ishtar, who was standing on the temple, whispered as if disappointed and let out a long sigh.

Although Harley and Jesta failed to understand the meaning of this sentence, the answer would soon appear.

The town of Snowfield is not the only place the organizer of the Holy Grail War is preparing for.

In the area surrounding this area, various facilities have been built secretly.

Around 150 kilometers around Snowfield, there are facilities prepared to protect the town - or to destroy part of the town.

According to the instructions issued by Faldius, the rocket launchers installed on the west and north sides of this equipment began to operate. Missiles with hundreds of cluster bombs packed into their warheads were launched.

Dozens of missiles were fired from north to west toward the forest west of Snowfield.

Due to the activation of the magical concealment system, these missiles will not be visible to ordinary people.

Countless cluster bombs would cover the target site with warheads opened in the air, each capable of tearing apart steel and triggering an explosion from within - as it should be.

However, after noticing these clots of murderous intent flying towards this place, Ishtar’s actions——

Just smiled beautifully and raised her right hand to the sky.

That's enough.

Hundreds of small warheads separated from the flying missile warheads lost their function in an instant and fell to the ground like rain.

Among them, there was even a missile that crashed into the forest without even opening the warhead. But what was even more strange than anything else was that the missile did not detonate at all and failed to even produce a trace of flame in the forest.

"How can it be……"

Unlike Harley and the assassin who didn't even know what happened, Jesta directly told the whole story of this phenomenon with a stiff expression.

"It's not a human or an animal... but it's a modern weapon that doesn't even have a spiritual base of personality?"

Jesta picked up a cluster bomb that fell next to him with one hand and confirmed all the functions there - even after losing the idea that gunpowder would explode, Jesta trembled all over.

"Even down to a fragment of the gunpowder shrapnel...are they all charmed?"

He felt that only the Dead Apostles of the level called 'ancestors' who were far above him could do such a thing.

However, this goddess who accomplished such a thing so easily is no longer the level of 'mere residue and reverberation remaining in modern times'.

This is already a new god.

Even if the personality and prototype are different, if we only consider the simple aspect of power, there is no doubt that this can only gradually come to the earth as a pseudo-godhead.

——Is it possible? This kind of thing.

Even Jesta, who denies humanity, was shocked by this.

I'm afraid, there should be a limit to the exercise of power.

Otherwise, the accumulation of distortions will only negate the world itself.


——Even if it is denied, it doesn’t matter, that god (monster).

During this period - I don't know if I still want to test God, the second wave and the third wave of long-distance missiles flew over.

But these were not even allowed to reach the skies above this forest.

Although there was no explosion, seeing Ishtar's actions, Harley's servants and the hurricane approaching from the west all interpreted these as an attack on the goddess.

The steel giant with its shining aura faced the group of flying bodies flying from the north.

Just a moment later, all the northern flying objects that were still more than 50km away to the north exploded in the air and were eliminated.

“As always, it’s great to understand the job so quickly.”

Looking at its appearance, Ishtar shrugged and continued to smile.

"This time, I ask you to fulfill your duties to the end, Humbaba."

As if the steel behemoth wanted to answer it, the light wheel wrapped behind it flashed seven colors of light as if it was very happy.

The missiles flying from the west encountered even greater abnormalities.

The huge hurricane cloud that was approaching Snowfield slowly began to move - several of the flying objects lost control and disappeared from the clouds as if they were accurately aiming at the target.

This is not a metaphor.

Literally, gone.

The missile that entered the gap between the thick clouds disappeared without a trace as if it had fallen into a cave that opened in the sky.

It was like being swallowed by something huge.

"I told you not to eat strange things...is it delicious? That thing?"

Ishtar turned to the west and asked the huge cloud.

"He's a naughty boy as usual, Gu Jialana."

As if to answer her, the hurricane roared fiercely in the middle of the clouds.

Instead of the sound, the wind blew violently across the earth, as if advocating that everything that the goddess disliked should be wiped away from the earth.

As if to coincide with the back of Ishtar standing outside Snowfield City, facing due east, the hurricane approached dozens of kilometers away from Snowfield.

It was a strange hurricane that was different from the usual ones, turning into huge clouds and storm walls rising from the ground.

Ishtar, on the other hand, looked at the town in front of him solemnly with the Niagara Falls falling from the sky as the background.

She has no interest in assassins or Jesta anymore. She seemed to be provoking the heroic spirit with golden chains and long green hair on top of the crystal mound.

The giant steel beast that was looking in the same direction as her raised its arms and let out a roar as if it was excited.

As if he wanted to vent his anger to the world.

Or, it seems like you are seeking salvation from someone.


Kurtzman Center for Special Orthodontics.

"Physics doesn't work either...?"

After confirming the result of the attack, Faldius shrugged as if he had expected it.

"In case, if tomorrow's 'Aurora Fall' fails to destroy that temple, then we should make preparations in advance to activate 'Abyss Rise'."

"...If even that can't destroy the temple, what will happen?"

Facing Aldra's question, which remained expressionless, Faldius replied with a wry smile.

"It's okay, there won't be any problems."

"By then...at most, the world will end~"


At the same time, in the desert.

The desert area that was supposed to be silent was now mixed with a moment of noise and sounds such as the roar of car engines.

Several trucks marked with the logo of the gas company arrived at their destination and began to dismantle and recover the flying ship that served as Pulerati's workshop.

Francois asked, looking at the cars.

"Why the gas company?"

"The gas company's advertising flying boat...is so in name. Although it has been covered up with illusions and assimilated with the sky, the name is also used when it falls like now~ "

Francesca put her beach umbrella on the deserted ground and lay on a chair by the pool, sucking a Coke.

The wind here has also become quite strong. Recycling work in the sand and dust is quite difficult, but only Francesca and the two of them can avoid the sudden wind and dust passing through.

Faced with a Master who put resources into meaningless magic like this, the boy who was a Servant complained, "It's so cunning to be so accustomed to modern culture——" and asked with a serious expression.

"Actually, what are you going to do? Francesca."

Faced with the question from the heroic spirit from her past, the girl who was one of the shady actors in this Holy Grail War answered with her eyes shining, covering the sky with her right hand, as if she believed something.

"Sure enough, I still hope that the Holy Grail War will be a battle between heroic spirits, and we can't let the old-fashioned outsiders be arrogant."

"Is it our turn to say this?"

"It's just because we are qualified to say that."

Francesca, who was snickering, stood up and her eyes became even more sparkling.

"Having said that, before we start fighting each other, let's join forces... maybe this can be a good seasoning!"

"Who knows?"

"Ah? Do you object? Obviously you are me too~"

Facing Francesca, who tilted her head, the boy replied with a wry smile.

"Basically, I agree. It's just that, before the fighting begins, this sentence is not quite right."

"Huh huh huh, what do you think?"

Francesca asked meaningfully.

François narrowed his eyes and spoke not as Francesca, who had lived to the present day, but as the alchemist who ended up being executed together with Gilles de Rey.

"It's not that before the fight, it's already the climax of the fight!"

"...Ah, so that's it!"

"While fighting with that outsider, stab him in the back. This is a happy melee, right?"

"Because of this... I really hope that everyone can participate in this melee as much as possible!"


Meat processing plant.

"are you going?"

Faced with Bastirod's question, Alcides replied.


Although he still looked like the indifferent Avenger, his spiritual base was completely different from two days ago.

The crystallization of magic power condensed from more than 20,000 human lives.

The hero who swallowed most of it and was wrapped in the 'mud' that condensed so much magic power and life must wield the bow in order to accomplish what he was supposed to do.

"Obviously if I just continued to make the reverberation of the curse, I wouldn't have to hunt with my own hands..."

"But since you have ascended to the throne of God yourself, you can only be my prey."


Around the New Ishtar Temple.

The ‘shadow’ is already lurking in the forest.

When was he there, or was he already integrated into all the shadows in this town before being ordered by the Master. Even he himself didn't know the answer.

Even the goddess who gradually returned to the world was not aware of his existence. The 'shadow' just continued to seep into the darkness.

With the world shaking, even the land itself is gradually deteriorating, only the shadow continues to exist here without any change.

But - only for a short time.

‘Shadow’ once showed a wavering that was different from the shape of the world.

That was the moment when the short figure appeared behind the vampire man and performed several great deeds he knew.

However, that was just an error after all. Soon after, there was no wavering, and the 'shadow' just continued to exist here.

What exactly does he want to do next?

Or, what thoughts did he have towards the assassin girl?

Everything melted into the darkness and disappeared at the bottom of the world.

If there is only one thing that is certain, then it is that only the 'shadow' continues to exist here.

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