First of all, the emergence of the major premise of 'maybe' surprised the director and Sigma, while Dumas happily started writing.

"If what the heroic spirit on the other end of the phone said about the joke-like ability to overwrite the Noble Phantasm is true... I have no doubt about it. Originally, when God's Reverberation summoned the Bull of Heaven, it had already been This is beyond the level of a malicious joke.”

"I see?"

Dumas's pursuit made his own pen become more fluid, but II paused there.

"Please wait a moment. Even if you want to overwrite it, the legends in the Chinese region and the Sumerian region are completely different. If you insist on it, you also need to 'translate'. Werner is also on your side. Use that guy's at the same time. Butterfly magic, performing rituals that regenerate crossbows... If it's Sumerian, it's the transfiguration of the symbol and myth of Sagittarius - using Pabilsag and Chiron, and the supposed Centaur One of the origins of the magic technique of the horseman people - yes, Yi who shot down the sun. That legend should also be used."

Faced with the endless flow of knowledge, Sigma was overwhelmed. He knew that he would never be able to defeat the Clock Tower Magician in terms of knowledge.

Sometimes it's pure knowledge, sometimes mixed with a little bit of complaining. II's words are endless, and within a limited time, the maximum amount of 'data' will be continuously delivered to the hands of literary giants in Paris.

"In the history of mankind, Venus is the shining star closest to humans and beloved, such as Lucifer, who was considered a demon, and the goddess who was later considered a demon. Because of this, as long as the emperor's majesty is used to drive The form of exterminating evil spirits should be able to construct a rough outline. Ah, damn, let these myths be exchanged between the East and the West. Needless to say, we know the good things that guy (Iskandar) did. So, usually in this case Next, just take the form of the Hellenistic era. If it were Werner or Spen, you should be able to understand it after hearing this... If it is Flat, you should only rely on intuition... So I say that boy is still Can’t graduate…”

II continued to provide all kinds of knowledge and conduct ‘teachings’, and Dumas continued to write based on this information.

Dumas, who could immediately start rewriting the legend after receiving the gifted information, was also amazing, but Sigma was more wary of El-Melloi II, who complained endlessly.

I've heard rumors about this man.

If talented students are compared to the ocean, then this man's magical power is nothing more than a puddle.

On the other hand, he is also known as the "Lord of Plunder" and has such a formidable alias.

Sigma understood the reason deeply.

Because at this moment, this moment, that "puddle" really reflects the blue sky, combining the sky and the water into one sea.

It seems that he is overlooking everything, but this man named El-Melloi II is not in this city. No, he is not in North America at all.

Despite this, it was as if he was staring at the mystery right in front of him... Moreover, as a magician, he was calmly talking about "killing gods", which even made people feel frightened.

"...Why do you want to help us to this extent? What can the Clock Tower get in return?"

Faced with this question that he couldn't help but blurt out, the second replied.

"For mysterious concealment. To save the world from crisis. Even if he is not a hero, but just a simple magician, I think this is enough as a motivation... However, what is certain is that this is not that kind of noble self-sacrifice."

"Then why?"

"If there are only graduates in that city, they have chosen the path to death themselves. I have neither the right to stop them nor the reason to rescue them. It is precisely because I judge that they have the ability to choose the path for themselves, and They were responsible for the consequences, so they were given diplomas.”

His voice sounded like he could feel pain in his head or stomach even through the phone, but he answered Sigma's question without hesitation.

"However, this time they are students who have not yet graduated... There are still several students who need my guidance. As a teacher, I cannot turn a blind eye."

"...Just for this reason?"

In some cases, this is a case that will worsen your standing in the Clock Tower.

Upon hearing Sigma's question, the second responded with a tired voice that came from the bottom of his heart──

Still, he asserted without hesitation.

"This is more important than anything else."

"No matter how troublesome he was, he was still my willing student."

While II made this assertion, with the help of Werner Cissamonde, who used another method of remotely using butterfly magic, Alexandre Dumas almost completed the 'overwriting' of the crossbow at the same time.

"There is a saying that an armchair detective can solve a case simply by providing information without going to the scene..."

Alexandre Dumas holds a "Noble Phantasm" that has been sublimated and "holds the concept of a mistress who shot down the sky". The crossbow reversed the cause and effect and expressed sincere appreciation to the person on the other end of the phone.

"That's amazing, teacher!"

"You completed your work as a fallen angel without being there."


The upper part of the temple.

"Lord Ishtar! Ah! How could it be possible, how could it be..."

The floating Ishtar Temple shook violently and began to slowly fall to the ground.

Philia's body, which fell to the upper part of the temple, has lost most of its divinity, and the corresponding 'charm' that controls the temple and the earth has also lost its effect.

The cavalry, sensing the danger, had already retreated from the temple. Halli, who stayed in the temple, hugged Filia who was lying on the upper part of the temple and cried.

"No, Lord Ishtar! Ah, ah, if I could, I could be more..."

"...Don't be arrogant."

The goddess wiped away the tears of her believers with her right hand - the image of Him remaining on Philia smiled forcefully.

"As a human being, no matter how hard you try, you will not have an impact on God's life or my life or death."

"Lord Ishtar..."

"What a silly boy... always following me in fear..."

After just a few days of dating, a magician girl granted the chief priest's protection on a whim.

Neither a human nor a magician was an outstanding being, but because of this, Ishtar regarded the girl as one of the humans living in the present and treated her purely.

"Give you the final oracle."

Ishtar stroked Halli's cheek and said so.

"'s up to you."

The goddess spoke the berserker's true name in a loving voice.

"That child...even though he looks like that, he is actually very afraid of loneliness."

Before she finished speaking, Ishtar used the last remaining magic power to activate Maanna.

Then, he stuffed Harli's body into the sky boat and forced her to fly out of the temple alone.

"Miss Ishtar...! I don't want it, I haven't done anything for you yet...!"

"You're not rich enough to give me anything, are you?"

Although this sentence sounded like a refusal, a reassuring smile appeared on her face.

Finally, the goddess watched the witch and the ark leave while speaking words that sounded both joking and serious.

"If you can survive and make money... then, just pay more glazed stones to the temple."

Then, silence fell.

There was distant thunder and wind blowing from the west, but in the fading senses, it felt like it was happening in another world.

Perhaps already trapped in the threshold of the underworld.

"...This doesn't look like you either."

What broke the silence was a head of green hair blowing in the wind, the sworn enemy of the goddess.

"To actually care about humans that much."

Even if I can think of a hundred or two hundred words to curse it——

"That child is the festival leader whom I have determined according to my own will?"

The goddess chose to retort calmly.

"I am the guardian of mankind. If it is just because of my whim that the child is destroyed, it is fine... but if my negligence leads to the death of the child, I will never forgive it."


Listening to the words of the remnant of the god who was disappearing from the world, Enkidu quietly looked away and weaved his words.

"You are indeed still so arrogant and unreasonable."

"If I deny myself this...then I am not me."

What emerges in Ishtar's soul are the figures of Humbaba, who is still fighting in front of the temple, and the priests who also sacrificed their lives for him in distant times.

"That's for ancient"

He turned his attention to Halli who was flying away after a moment.

As expected, she was unruly and unruly—that's why she showed such a smile of transcendent beauty, the goddess asserted to Enkidu.

"It's an insult to all the kids who have looked up to me and it's an insult to who I was."


"The kid who shot me last... was human."

The goddess thought of the mercenary-looking young man who gave her the fatal blow and continued.

"It was not you, nor was humans who shot me down and denied the age of the gods."

"Why...are you so happy?"

"It's not just me...neither you nor Gilgamesh is needed anymore...This proves the era when people can walk on their own two feet...Although it is a pity...but rather than regret, I still Even happier..."

The remnants of the goddess who disappeared into the underworld——just smiled.

"A loser like you... shouldn't understand..."

That is by far the most noble and noble thing——

The most beautiful smile that even makes the heart of a weapon shake.

After the temple reached the ground, the connected stones were stripped away and collapsed.

The collapse of the temple into an unrecognizable form means that a goddess has been lost on the ground.


Police station roof.

While remembering his conversation with Nisei, Sigma stood up on the roof of the police station, looked at the western sky and spoke.

"I can't feel any lies in El-Melloi II's words. Sure enough, there are some great people in the Clock Tower."

"Well... After all, he is a monarch, so I don't think so. As a teacher, I feel the same way. Although he is not as Spartan as Teacher Chiron, his way of existence is still somewhat similar."

The boy holding the snake staff said as if he was nostalgic for the past, and then looked up at the western sky.

"The goddess fell and embarked on the journey to the underworld...the real test will come next."

Attracted by his gaze, Sigma also looked west.

"It was the assassin who caused her immediate death... Ah, it wasn't that girl, it was Hassan Sabha. Having completed the task of defeating the goddess, you finally jumped onto the stage of the Holy Grail War. Do you understand the meaning of that? "

This situation should have been observed by Francesca and Faldius.

Now is not the time for excuses.

Furthermore, according to Shadow's intelligence, it was also known that the city was in a state of war due to Bazdirot and others.

When he thought that the chief would give some explanations about the 'spies' within the police force, Sigma was faced with a mountain of problems.

He raised his head with a calm and firm determination hidden in his heart.


——Assassin, is she... still okay?

——Still stick to your beliefs.

——Then, I also...

Sigma saw the huge thunder that was still swirling over the west of the city, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said half-jokingly.

"It looks like the sleep-deprived days are here to stay for a while longer."


A few hours later somewhere in Snowfield.

"You guys...go back."

The alien boy floating in the air said this to the magicians standing on the ground.

"What you said is impossible, you should know that, right?"

The boy in the sky - Tia Eskaldes responded to Spon.

"'Flat' is gone. If there was a way to save it, I would have tried it."

Letting the overwhelming magic power surround her as a 'satellite', Tia seemed to want to distance herself from everyone, so she told the magicians on the ground - everyone in El-Melloi's classroom.

"The city has collapsed. There is no need to accompany me specially, right?"

As he spoke, he cast his gaze forward - it was the thundercloud that almost completely obscured the sky.

Just a few hours ago, the typhoon was still raging in the west of the city like a bull in the sky.

It was the incarnation of power and destruction. The clouds of chaos that appeared as a disaster that destroyed the city had now transformed into another existence.

Anyone who can detect the flow of magic power will immediately understand this sentence.

The typhoon, which was hundreds of kilometers long, has now been reduced to only a few kilometers of chaotic clouds.

However, that being was not weakened by Ishtar's fall into the underworld.

The energy of the typhoon is all concentrated on a certain location - to be more precise, it is concentrated on a riding servant in the center of that location.

Purple lightning is constantly covering the sky and the earth, and it is obvious that anyone who gets close to that location will be burned to death by the thunderstorm. ()

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