"If your faith is pure, it is impossible to transfer to the Magic Association. It seems to be an order from the Holy Church. It may be that you are more loyal to the organization than the doctrine. But even this cannot be explained. There is no need for the practice of magic. You need to take this seriously.

——Look, the report on Kirei that Tosaka Tokiomi submitted to the Magic Association. The scope of his training includes alchemy, seance, summoning, divination... He is even better than his master Tokiomi Tohsaka in terms of healing magic. What exactly is this positivity? "

Listening to Kiritsugu's words, Irisviel continued to read the document, looking at the summary of Kotomine Kirei's abilities at the end.

"...I say, this Kirei is indeed a bit strange, but is it worthy of your attention? Although he seems to have many talents, there is nothing particularly superior to him."

"Ah, that's what makes me feel something is wrong."

Looking at Irisviel who couldn't understand, Kiritsugu patiently explained.

"No matter what this man is asked to do, he will never reach the level of 'super-class'. In the final analysis, he is not a genius, just an ordinary mortal. But the level he has achieved through hard work is terrifyingly fast. It must have cost others It took ten or twenty times of hard work to reach this level. However, he stopped at the last step and then moved on to the next field without any nostalgia. The things he had worked so hard to cultivate were like Abandoned like rubbish."

"He has obviously chosen a lifestyle that is many times more intense than others, but in this man's life, there has never been a thing called 'enthusiasm'. This guy -

He must be a dangerous guy. "

Kiritsugu concluded this. Irisviel knew the meaning behind his words.

When he said "trouble", although he thought the opponent was very difficult, he actually didn't see the opponent as much of a threat. Kiritsugu was already 80% sure of how to deal with such an opponent and his chances of winning. But when he made the comment "dangerous"... Emiya Kiritsugu would only make such a comment to an opponent who really needed to go all out.

"This man definitely doesn't believe anything. He just kept looking for answers, so he went through so much. In the end, he still found nothing... He is this kind of human being who is empty from the bottom of his heart. If this guy has anything in his heart If so, there will only be anger and despair.”

"...You are saying that this agent is a more powerful enemy to you than Tosaka Tokiomi and Archibald?"

After a while, Kiritsugu nodded resolutely.

"...A terrifying man."

It is true that Tosaka and Rhodes...\\nElmeloi are strong enemies. But I think Kotomine Kirei's 'way of survival' is even more terrifying.

"How to survive?"

"This man's heart is completely empty. He has nothing that can be called a wish. But why would such a man risk his life to fight for the Holy Grail?"

"...Isn't this what the Holy Church means? It is said that those guys mistakenly thought Fuyuki's Holy Grail was a relic of the saint, so they targeted it, right?"

"No, with that level of motivation, the Holy Grail will not grant the Command Seal. This man was chosen by the Holy Grail as the Master. He must have the reason to obtain the Holy Grail.

What exactly is this? It’s precisely because I can’t see clearly that I find it terrifying. "

Kiritsugu sighed deeply and stared at the monitor with gloomy eyes. Trying to find something out of the character Kotomine Kirei constructed with boring words.

"What do you think will happen if such an empty person without any wishes gets the Holy Grail? This man's whole life is made of despair. The power of the Holy Grail as a wish machine may be colored by his despair."

Kiritsugu was too indulged in his sad emotions, so Irisviel shook her head vigorously to persuade him.

"I will not give the Holy Grail to anyone else. When the Holy Grail is filled, the only one who is qualified to possess it at that time is you, Kiritsugu."

All Elder Einzbern longs for is the completion of the Holy Grail; this is their long-cherished wish... But this young couple still has wishes that need to be fulfilled after this. A dream that needs to come true.

Kiritsugu closed the lid of his laptop and hugged Irisviel's shoulders tightly.

"No matter what, you can't lose."

As his wife; now, Irisviel cares more about having the same ambition as her husband than her family's long-cherished wish. This fact deeply moved Kiritsugu's heart.

"...I thought of it. A way to use the power of the strongest Servant to the maximum."


At the same time, in the distant land across the sea to the east, there was a man like Emiya Kiritsugu who was receiving reports from spies who had infiltrated the UK.

As an orthodox magician, Tokiomi Tosaka would not use the latest technology in the world like Kiritsugu. The long-distance communication method he is best at using is the Tosaka family's unique secret technique, that is, the gem magic that they have inherited from generation to generation.

The Tohsaka family mansion stands in the remote mountain town of Fuyuki City. In the underground Tokiomi workshop, a device very similar to an experimental tool commonly known as a black vibrator was prepared. What's different from ordinary physics experiment props is that the vibrator's hammer contains a magic gem passed down from generation to generation by the Tosaka family, and the ink flowing down through the sling can moisten the structure of the gem.

The stone paired with this vibrator's gem is now in the custody of Tohsaka's spies. If you put that stone on the front end of the roller and write on it, the vibrator gem that resonates with it will start to shake, and the dripping ink will write flawless words on the rolling paper below. This is such a structure.

Now the oscillator of the magic stone began to resonate with the stone in London on the other side of the world. Through seemingly disordered and strange repeated movements, the reporter's handwriting began to be reproduced smoothly and accurately.

Tokiomi, who discovered this situation, picked up the Rollin paper on which the ink was not completely dry and began to read the descriptions on it one by one.

"——No matter how many times I see this device, I still feel that it is unreliable."

Kotomine Kirei, who had been guarding him all the time, expressed unbridled thoughts.

"Oh, do you think faxing is more convenient?"

If you use this, it doesn't matter if there is no power, and there will be no malfunction. There is no need to worry about information leakage. There is no need to rely on emerging technology, we magicians long ago mastered props that compare favorably with modern tools.

Having said that, in Kirei's opinion, a fax that anyone can use is more convenient. "Anyone" can use this kind of inevitability, which must not be understood by Tokiomi. It is natural that the techniques and knowledge used by nobles and commoners are different... Even in modern times, Tokiomi still holds this ancient idea that he is the true "magician".

"The latest report from the "Clock Tower". 'Prodigy' Rhodes.\\nElmeloi seems to have obtained a new holy relic. In this case, his participation is confirmed. Huh, this is really a difficult opponent. . Now it’s clear, there are already five Masters including me..."

"It's really worrying that there are still two seats vacant until now."

"What, there must be no suitable bearer of the Command Seal. If time is pressed, the Holy Grail will casually gather seven people regardless of quality. In order to have enough people, there will probably be two small people. There is no need to be vigilant."

It's really in line with Tokiomi's usual optimism. He has been a teacher for three years; Kirei already knows his master very well. Although he thinks everything carefully when preparing, he has the habit of losing sight of the details once it is put into practice. It is probably his duty to handle these minutiae things for him. Kirei has already understood this. .

"But speaking of being careful, Kirei, no one else saw you entering this house, right? From the looks of it, we already have a hostile relationship."

Completely according to Tohsaka Tokiomi's expectations, the facts were distorted and published. Kirei, who had been chosen by the Holy Grail three years ago, carefully hid the seal on his right hand according to Tokiomi's orders, and did not disclose the fact that he had a Command Seal on his hand until this month. From that moment on, he and his master Tokiomi broke up as rivals for the Holy Grail.

"Don't worry. Whether you can see it or not, there are no familiars or magic devices monitoring this house. Then Yuga——"

"——I will guarantee that."

A third person's voice intervened, and at the same time a black figure appeared next to Kirei.

The heroic spirit that had been accompanying Kirei as a spiritual entity now appeared in front of Tokiomi.

That slender figure has magical powers that are very different from humans. It is an "inhuman thing". Wearing a black robe and a white skull-like mask to hide his appearance, he is a strange man. Yes, he is the first heroic spirit summoned in the Fourth Holy Grail War. He is located in "Assassin" and established a contract with Kotomine Kirei. "The Servant of the Seat - Hassan Sabha.

"No matter what kind of conspiracy they are playing, they can't be hidden from the eyes of me, the spy hero Hassan. My Master, Kirei, doesn't have any trace of an enemy around him... Please relax."

Assassin seemed to understand that Tokiomi was the leader of the alliance above his master, Kotomine Kirei, and Assassin bowed his head respectfully to report.

Kirei then said.

"Once a heroic spirit summoned by the Holy Grail appears, the rank of the heroic spirit will be accurately communicated to my father."

Father Risei assumed the role of supervisor of the Holy Grail War and was sent to Fuyuki Church as a full-time priest. Now he has a magic weapon called a "Spiritual Instrument Disk" in his possession. It has the function of displaying the attributes of the heroic spirits summoned by the Holy Grail.

The identity of the Master can only be confirmed through everyone's report, but the number and rank of the Servants who appear, no matter where he is summoned, will definitely be displayed on the "Spiritual Weapon Plate" for the purpose of monitoring and understanding the situation.

"According to my father, the only Servant who appears now is my Assassin. It will be a matter of the future for other magicians to take action."

"Yeah. But it's just a matter of time. Sooner or later, there will definitely be other Master's familiars coming and going around this room. Because this is the same as the Matou Residence and the Einzbern family's villa. It’s definitely the Master’s stronghold.”

Compared with the Yu Sanjia, the advantage of foreign magicians is that the place where they hide is unknown. Therefore, in the early stages of the Holy Grail War, no matter which family would use spies to investigate day and night.

It wasn't that Kirei didn't trust Tokiomi's intelligence network, but he still had to be wary of the possibility that the remaining two enigmatic Masters might use clever means to become invisible. If you are against an opponent of this strategist type, the Servant.\\nAssassin Kirei received can exert its maximum power.

"You can retreat. Assassin, continue to be on guard outside. Be cautious."

"As commanded."

Accepting Kirei's order, Assassin once again left this place in a non-entity form. Basically, a Servant is a spiritual body and can freely transform between entity and non-entity.

Assassin has the special ability of "cutting off the breath" that other classes of heroic spirits do not possess. Unrivaled in conducting covert operations.

For Kirei, who was not pursuing victory but only responsible for assisting Tokiomi, summoning Assassin was the best choice.

The strategy is this.

First, let Kirei's Assassin run back and forth to thoroughly investigate other Masters' combat strategies and Servants' weaknesses. After mastering the winning method against each enemy in this way, he can then use Tokiomi's Servant to defeat each enemy.

To do this, Tokiomi must summon a Servant with extremely powerful attack capabilities. But which heroic spirit he has chosen has not been mentioned yet.

"The holy relics I prepared finally arrived this morning."

As if he could see his doubts from Kirei's expression, Tokiomi said before he could ask.

"I found what I was expecting. The Servant I summoned must have an advantage over the other enemies. As long as it is a heroic spirit, there is definitely no chance of winning against that guy."

Tokiomi, who was secretly delighted like this, had an innate and invincible confidence on his face.

"The summoning ceremony will be held tonight - if there are no other Masters watching, Kirei, you can also be present, along with your father."

"Is father coming too?"

"Yes. If 'him' is successfully summoned, then our victory will be guaranteed. I want to share this joy with everyone."

This kind of self-confidence, which has even reached the point of arrogance, can be revealed without any concealment. This can be said to be Tohsaka Tokiomi's innate character. On the one hand, Kirei was a little surprised at his magnanimity, but on the other hand, he admired him.

Suddenly Kirei noticed the vibrator's gem. The movement of the gem on the Rollin paper still did not stop, and the writing continued.

"It seems like there will be a follow-up."

"Well, ah, this is an investigation about another matter. It's not the latest news - it's probably about the Master of the Einzbern family that I asked him to investigate." ()

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