
In a corner of the remote mountain town of Fuyuki City, there is an open space deep in the forest.

After confirming that there was no one around, Weber Velvet began to prepare for the summoning ceremony.

The chickens had been crowing all day today, which made Weber's nerves very nervous. Now it is time to purify the mind and then start to guide.

While the dripping chicken blood is still hot, the pattern of the magic array must be drawn on the ground. I have practiced the program many times. The four formations of "elimination" and "retreat" on the elimination painting form a summoning formation.

No room for error.

"Shut it, close it, close it, close it, close it. Say it five times in a row. But the overflow must break."

While chanting the incantation, Weber carefully sprinkled the chicken blood on the ground.

In the underground workshop of Tohsaka's mansion in the same remote mountain town, preparations for the same ceremony were going on at that time.

"Plain silver and iron. The contract of earth and stone. My ancestor and my master Xiubain Ogu. The surging wind is blocked by four walls. Close the door of the four directions, come out of the crown, and wander at the three forks leading to the kingdom."

Tokiomi Tosaka recited the incantation while drawing the magic circle, using not the blood of the sacrifice but the melted gem solution. To prepare for this day, Tohsaka spent all his accumulated magic-filled gems without hesitation.

Guarding next to them were Kotomine and his son, Rimasa and Kirei.

Kirei stared intently at the holy relics placed on the altar. At first glance, it looks like a fragment of a mummy, but it is actually said to be the fossil of a snake that shed its skin for the first time in the ancient times.

Kirei couldn't help but feel a sense of fear when he thought about the heroic spirits that might be summoned through this.

Now I finally understand the reason for Tokiomi's confidence. No Servant could win over the heroic spirit Tokiomi chose.

At the same time, in the distant city of Einzbern, Emiya Kiritsugu was inspecting the completion of the magic circle painted on the chapel floor.

"Doesn't even such a simple ritual matter?"

From the perspective of Irisviel, who had been guarding her, the preparations seemed a bit too simple and a bit unexpected.

"Perhaps you will be disappointed, but the summoning of a Servant does not require such a grand spirit seance ceremony."

Kiritsugu explained while carefully checking whether the pattern drawn with mercury was distorted or mottled.

"Because it is not the power of the magician that actually summons the Servant, but the power of the Holy Grail. As the Master, I only serve as a link between the heroic spirit and this world, and then provide him with the magic power to materialize in this world. .”

As if satisfied with the completion of the magic circle, Kiritsugu nodded and stood up. On the altar lies a holy relic - the scabbard of the legendary holy sword.

"In this case, the preparation is complete."

"You have memorized the summoning spell accurately, right?"

To be on the safe side, Matou Zangyan reminded him again and again. Kariya nodded in the darkness.

The stench of putrefaction and water vapor filled the air, green and dark like the deep sea. This is the insect warehouse hidden deep underground in the Matou mansion that stands on the hill of a deep mountain town.

"That's good. Just add two other spells in the middle of this spell."

"What's the meaning?"

Looking at Kariya who was asking questions with a puzzled expression, Zouken smiled sinisterly.

"Isn't it very simple? Kariya, your ability as a magician is not inferior to other Masters. You know this, right? This will affect the Servant's basic ability. In this case, The only way to make up for it is through the Servant class, and the parameters must be fundamentally improved.

The Servant's class is determined in advance by adjusting the summoning spell.

Normally, when a summoned heroic spirit obtains the rank of a Servant, it is inevitably determined by the attributes of that heroic spirit. However, there are exceptions, and there are two classes that can be decided in advance by the summoner.

One is Assassin. Heroic spirits belonging to this class can be pre-set as a group of assassins who have inherited the name of Hassan Sabha.

Then the other class is for all heroic spirits. As long as you add other elements, it can be realized.

Therefore——this time, let’s add the attribute of ‘madness’ to the summoned Servant. "

Zangyan seemed to welcome the destructive meaning contained in this, and declared loudly with a beaming face.

"Kariya, as the Master of Berserker, please fight well for me."

On that day, in different lands, the chanting of incantations for different objects was performed almost at the same time. This was such a coincidence that it could no longer be called a coincidence.

No matter which magician they are, their long-cherished wish is the same.

Around a miracle, in order to obtain this miracle, people bloodyly kill each other. Their calls to the heroes on the other side of time and space are now ringing across the land at the same time.


This moment is the moment when oneself as a magician is tested. If you fail, you will also lose your life. Weber felt this firsthand, but he was not afraid at all.

Passion for power. The unremitting will to reach the goal. Judging from this characteristic, there is no doubt that Weber Velvet is an excellent magician.


You are beneath me, and I entrust my fate to your sword.

Follow the call of the Holy Grail. If you follow this will and heavenly principles, you will answer immediately——"

The feeling of magic surrounding your whole body. A magician cannot escape the chills and pain caused by the circulatory movement of magic circuits in the body.

Weber gritted his teeth and endured while continuing to chant the spell.

"——I swear here. I will do good in the world and eliminate all evil in the world."

Kiritsugu's vision darkened.

The magic mark passed down from generation to generation of the Emiya family is engraved on their backs. In order to support Kiritsugu's magic, they each started chanting spells individually. Kiritsugu's heart, in a dimension that was separated from his personal will, began to beat rapidly, like a bell.

His body, ravaged by the air masses formed by the atmosphere, has now forgotten its function as a human being and has become a part of a mysterious ritual, completely transformed into a circuit connecting the spiritual body and the physical body.

Kiritsugu ignored the pain caused by this conflict that made him want to scream loudly, and concentrated on reciting the incantation. Even the existence of Irisviel, who was holding his breath and guarding him, was no longer in his consciousness.

A forbidden foreign object was added to the summoning spell, and Kariya added two spells that deprived the summoned heroic spirit of its rationality and demoted the heroic spirit to the level of a berserker.

"——Making your eyes chaotic and your mind violent. A prisoner imprisoned by the threshold of madness. I am the master who controls this chain——"

Kariya is different from ordinary magicians. His magic circuits are formed by other creatures parasitic in his body. The burden of stimulating and activating it is a severe pain that cannot be compared to the pain of other magicians. While chanting the incantation, his limbs twitched, and his capillaries burst and oozed blood.

Bloody tears flowed from the remaining intact right eye, dripping down his cheek.

Even so, Kariya did not relax.

If you think about the mission you have to bear——you can’t back down here.

"——The spirit of speech that entangles your three great powers comes from the Wheel of Suppression, the guardian of the scales——!"

With these words as the end of his prayer, Tokiomi felt that the magic power flowing in his body had accelerated to the limit.

Lightning thundered, and the wind and clouds rolled. Under the pressure of the wind that prevented Kirei and the others who were guarding him from opening their eyes, the summoned pattern shone brightly.

Finally, the circuits in the magic circle were connected to the otherworldly place... From the blinding light that continued to overflow, a golden standing figure appeared. Captured by that majesty, Father Li Zheng could not help but utter selfless babble.

"...We won, Kirei. This battle is our victory..."

In this way, their long-cherished wish finally reached them.

Coming from the other side, coming here, whirlwind and lightning wrap around the legendary phantom.

Originally a human being, he has escaped from the human realm. He was promoted to the genus of elves with inhuman divine power. Those places where extraordinary primates gather... from the throne of suppressed divine power, heroic spirits woven by countless people's dreams descended on the earth at the same time.


In the forest at night, on the stone bench surrounded by darkness, someone spoke with a cold voice.

"May I ask, are you the Master who summoned me?"


The summoning was finally successful, and Weber himself was looking forward to ending the day feeling extremely proud.

Unlike last night's exhausting and annoying fight, tonight I should have been immersed in the comfortable fatigue of completing my righteousness, while lying on the bed contentedly.


"...Why does it become like this?"

In the Xindu Citizen's Park where the cold wind blew, Weber was sitting alone and huddled on a bench in the cold. He still doesn't understand what went wrong that caused his plan to be completely overturned.

The summoning was successful. It can be said to be a knowing feeling.

When the summoning was completed, the situation of the summoned Servant also flowed into Waver's consciousness. His class is Rider. Although he is outside the three major knight classes, his basic abilities are well above average. He is a truly powerful Servant.

The moment he saw a huge outline slowly emerging from the summoning formation that was emitting white smoke. The excitement made Weber almost soil his underwear with excitement.

…Looking back now, things started to get weird from that point on.

Weber's understanding of the concept of "familiar" is, at best, nothing more than a puppet of the summoner. It is only with the magic power provided by the magician that he can stay in this world with great difficulty. A puppet figure that exists depending on the magician and can be driven to perform various activities. That's what a familiar should be. In that case, the Servant on its extension line can probably be imagined to be something similar.

However, the one who appeared from the summoning circle——

First of all, from the very beginning, those sharp eyes that were as bright as burning made Weber lose his mind. The moment their eyes met, Weber relied on his small animal-like instincts to sense that it was an opponent that was overwhelmingly more powerful than him.

The burly man standing in front of him was full of oppressive presence. The strong body odor emanating from that bulging body also made people hide their noses, and Weber realized it. This guy completely transcends common sense about ghosts and familiars, and is a real "big man".

The heroic spirits summoned by the Holy Grail are not only spiritual bodies, but also acquire physical "bodies" and appear in this world. Weber also knows this knowledge. However, it was neither a virtual image nor a shadow. The threatening feeling of thick and real muscles blocking his face was beyond Weber's imagination.

In addition, Weber hated burly men.

It's not just that Weber is smaller than average. Although his body was a little fragile, it was due to excessive study of magic since he was a child, resulting in no time for physical exercise. He never considered that to be a shortcoming. It should be said that it was Weber's pride to prioritize training his mind over his body.

However, that kind of taken-for-granted logic is not applicable to the muscles of a strong man. The time it takes for an opponent like this to raise a rock-like fist and swing it down is so fast that there is nothing you can do about it. Even the simplest spell has no time to unfold, and there is no time to use magic.

In other words - being pushed as close as a punch by a huge muscular man would be the end of it.

"...So I ask you. You are my Master, right?"


That was the second question from the sturdy man. With a rough voice that almost shakes the earth to its core.

It was a volume that was impossible for anyone to miss.\\nWhen I first asked the question, I seemed to have lost consciousness due to the overwhelming sound.

"Yes - yes! I, I, I, no, I am! Your Master's Waver Velvet! No, that's it! I am your Master!"

Although he was already dead in every sense of the word, Weber still tried his best to bluff and fight against the muscles in front of him... Speaking of which, he suddenly found that the opponent's physique was even larger than before and seemed full of coercion.

"Well, now that the contract is completed - then, boy, take me to the library immediately."


Weber couldn't help but replied stupidly again.

"So - with - books, books!"

He spoke again impatiently, and the giant Servant stretched out his steel arm that looked like a pine tree root as if to hold down Weber.

He was about to be killed—just after thinking this, Weber felt a floating sensation. The giant man grabbed his collar and lifted him up easily. Until then, Weber didn't realize that he had fallen to the ground. Now I finally found the reason why the other party seemed bigger from just now.

"If you are a magician, you should have one or two library libraries, right? In that case, lead the way quickly. This is necessary preparation for battle."


By the time he was reminded by the giant man, Waver had already completely forgotten about the Holy Grail War. ()

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