No, it should be said that such expectations seem empty. With his knowledge as a magician, Kiritsugu had already abandoned his personal feelings and saw through everything coldly. In all likelihood, Illyasviel's growth will stop at the early stages of secondary sexual characteristics development.

Even so, I hope to give her happiness where she won't have to worry about her body - this is just selfishness as a parent. However, the pain when this longing penetrates his chest is undoubtedly evidence of Kiritsugu's emotions as a man.


Emerald eyes stared at the figure of father and daughter playing at the entrance of the forest from the castle window.

The figure of the girl standing by the window. Looking weak has an ethereal feeling of being far away from the fireworks of the world. Her light, soft, and charming blond hair was neatly coiled on her head, and her slender body was dressed in an antique-style dress. Although she completely matched the appearance of a harem girl, the aura she exuded made the whole room sway just by staying in place. The air seemed to be tense, solemn and cold. It can be said that the cold atmosphere is not so much the coldness of ice as it is the freshness and purity of a stream. In a way, her presence seemed out of place in the heavy and gloomy winter scenery of Einzbern City.

"What are you looking at? Saber."

Irisviel shouted from behind.\\nThe girl by the window——Saber turned around.

"Ling Qianjin and Kiritsugu are playing in the forest outside."

She seemed surprised or confused. Although she had a slightly frowning expression, it did not damage the girl's beauty at all. Compared with a charming smile, she is more suitable for dignified and clear serious eyes. She is the kind of beauty with rare quality.

This dignified presence...\\nHow can people believe that she is the physical form of a heroic spirit?

However, she is the real "Saber"... one of the seven heroic spirits summoned by the Holy Grail, the Servant who occupies the seat of the most powerful sword.

Irisviel stood beside her and looked out the window. Kiritsugu, who let Illyasviel ride on his shoulders, ran towards the depths of the forest.

"Is that side of Kiritsugu surprising to you?"

Looking at the smiling Irisviel, Saber nodded honestly.

From her position, she could barely see the girl's face, and could only slightly see the silver hair inherited from her mother, but the high-pitched laughter she heard when she disappeared from her sight was indeed filled with joy. From this alone, you can fully appreciate the harmonious relationship between the playful father and daughter.

"Honestly, I have a more ruthless impression of my Master."

Irisviel was very confused by Saber's words and smiled bitterly.

"Yeah, there's nothing we can do about it."

Since being summoned, Kiritsugu, as the Master, has not spoken to Saber once.

Treat the Servant as if it were just a servant or tool of the Master.

Indeed, it may be a natural attitude for a magician. Never engaged in conversation, remained silent in response to questions, and never even made eye contact. Kiritsugu has been rejecting the heroic spirits he summoned.

Although Saber didn't directly show it to Kiritsugu's indifferent attitude, she must be very dissatisfied in her heart. It was natural for her to feel a huge gap between Kiritsugu's usual attitude towards her and the figure of a man who was currently playing with his beloved daughter outside the city.

"If that's Kiritsugu's true face, then I seem to have made the Master quite unhappy."

Irisviel caught a glimpse of Saber's bitter look on her face and couldn't help but laugh. Seeing her like that, Saber looked even more dissatisfied.

"Irisviel, there's nothing funny about this."

"...I'm sorry. I was wondering if you still mind what happened when you were summoned."

"One thing... I'm used to my posture being different from what people imagine. But it doesn't have to surprise two people to that extent."

Although her style is full of sassy majesty, in reality, Saber's appearance is that of a girl about fifteen years old. When she appeared from the shining summoning circle, Kiritsugu and Irisviel who were performing the ritual were stunned.

Who in future generations would have thought that the owner of the golden scabbard unearthed from Cornwall, the hero king ARTHUR PENDRAGON, who was the only user of the holy sword Excalibur, turned out to be a young girl in her prime.

"...I was indeed pretending to be a man, and it was my intention not to reveal the lie to future generations...but the suspicion that I am the owner of the scabbard is honestly very unpleasant."

"Even if you say that, there's nothing you can do about it. Your legend is too famous, and it's a story that has been passed down for 1500 years. There is a huge gap in impression from the King Arthur we know."

Facing Irisviel with a wry smile. Saber sighed unconvinced and tiredly.

"It's useless to say anything about my appearance. When I pulled out the Contract Sword from the rock, I was cast with the magic of immortality, and my apparent age stopped. Besides, the subjects at the time didn't have any doubts about my appearance. . All I pursue is to fulfill my responsibilities as a king."

What kind of harsh youth is that?

The British kingdom was invaded by pagans and was in danger of extinction. Following the magician's prophecy, he took on the important task of being the savior. In ten years, he maintained victory in twelve battles, becoming the "incarnation of the dragon" as a young king.

Contrary to that glorious achievement.\\nThe king's final fate was that he was deprived of the throne due to the rebellion of his blood relatives. He was not even allowed to end his career at a glorious moment, which was full of tragedy.

Such a fierce and painful fate was borne by such a young girl. This truth made Irisviel feel heavy.

"For you look down on me because my true identity is a woman? Do you think I'm not worthy of holding a sword?"

While Irisviel was sighing, Saber whispered in a dry voice while looking at the other side of the forest where Kiritsugu and the others entered.

"That's not the case. Even he can see through your power. He is not pedantic enough to look down on the hero who has obtained the Sword Seat... He will be angry. There should be other reasons."

"Is he angry?"

Saber continued to ask.

"Did I make Kiritsugu angry? This is incomprehensible. I have never spoken to him even once until now."

"So, I'm not angry at you personally. What made him angry must be the legend of King Arthur that we have inherited for a long time."

If the Heroic Spirit summoned by Kiritsugu was the "adult male" King Arthur as stated in the inheritance, he would not have rejected the Servant to this extent. They should just conduct the minimum necessary negotiations in an emotionless and cold manner. Implementing an action that could have been settled in this way as a "ignore" attitude, in other words, a huge emotional reaction.

After Kiritsugu found out the truth that the girl who had pulled out the contract sword embedded in the rock was actually a young girl, Kiritsugu felt an unconcealable anger in his heart against all the legends about King Arthur.

"That person is probably angry at the people around you in your era. At those cruel people who put the responsibility of being called the 'King' on a petite girl."

"There is nothing we can do about it. From the moment I pulled out the sword in the stone, I have realized it."

There didn't seem to be any sign of surrender, and Saber's expression remained calm and clear. Irisviel shook her head slightly in confusion.

"...It's just because you accepted your fate like that that it makes you even more angry. Just because of this, maybe he is angry with the girl named Artoria."


Perhaps unable to refute, Saber lowered her head and remained silent for a moment. But soon he looked up at her and his eyes became more stubborn.

"That's just unnecessary sentimentality. He has no reason to say anything to people of my time, including me."

"That's why that person keeps silent."

Irisviel easily defused the attack, and this time it was Saber's turn to purse her lips.

"Emiya Kiritsugu and the hero named Artoria are incompatible no matter what - just give up. Even if they talk to each other, they are only denying each other."

Regarding this point, Irisviel also had the same opinion. The longer he stayed with Saber like this, the more deeply he felt how big the spiritual gap was between this aloof heroic spirit and Kiritsugu.

Irisviel understands what both sides are saying, and there are parts that they can relate to. Because of this, Irisviel came to the pessimistic conclusion that it was impossible for the two of them to understand each other.

"...I'm very grateful to Irisviel. If it weren't for women like you, I would probably have lost this Holy Grail War without a fight."

"It's mutual. I also hope that my husband will be the Master who finally gets the Holy Grail."

Kiritsugu, who had been afraid of getting along with the heroic spirit Artoria from the beginning, came up with a solution that no one could have imagined.

Completely separate actions between Servant and Master.

Originally, the contract between the two had no restriction on distance. No matter how far apart they are, the Master's command spell can control a Servant. Likewise, the supply of magic power to the Servant will continue as long as the Master does not fall into unconsciousness. In this way, the Master and Servant fight together as companions, and it is just a matter of will. In various battle situations that require careful judgment, the judgment cannot be entrusted to the Servant. The Master must stay at the scene of the battle no matter what and command the Servants as a command tower.

Needless to say, Kiritsugu took the Master's independent action without knowing the Servant's actions. It goes without saying that it was not out of trust in Saber. Instead, he uses Irisviel as his agent. She was entrusted with the responsibility of supervising Saber's operations.

This is by no means a foolish choice. Even if Kiritsugu's Servant becomes rebellious, as long as he is still pursuing the Holy Grail, he will never have the thought of killing Irisviel. If Irisviel is not here, Saber will not be able to obtain the Holy Grail even if she defeats all the other Servants. Because in order for Fuyuki's Holy Grail to come, the "Holy Grail Vessel" hidden by Irisviel is necessary. Therefore, it is inevitable that Saber must protect Irisviel's safety just like she did her Master.

This unusual member composition. It was decided by the tactical philosophy between Kiritsugu and Saber.

As a knight heroic spirit, Saber is a warrior based on the premise of "head-to-head combat" in all aspects, including her ability as a Servant and the performance of her Noble Phantasm. Most importantly, her spirituality would not allow for other tactics. But as Master Emiya Kiritsugu, since he is essentially an assassin who relies on cunning strategies, it makes no sense that these two would act together.

It should be said from the perspective of combat philosophy. Irisviel is the perfect partner for Saber. This is Kiritsugu's view. His wife is indeed a non-human artificial being (Homllnculus), but as a member of the famous Einzbern family, she still has the temperament and majesty inherent in her birth. There is no doubt that Irisviel has a ladylike spirit that makes knights loyal to her.

In fact, after several days of sleeping and eating together after the summons, Saber and Irisviel not only deepened their understanding of each other, but also developed respect for each other. Irisviel, who has breathed nobility like air since she was born, is like the "princess" that Saber knew in her own time. For the well-educated Irisviel, Saber's etiquette makes people feel comfortable and suits her very well.

Therefore, Saber easily accepted Kiritsugu's request to make his wife Irisviel the "Acting Master". She was also uneasy about the practical issues of coordination with Master Kiritsugu. She realized that if she wanted to fight better, Irisviel would be a more suitable master. Then, unlike the contract as a Servant, he made an oath of master and servant to her with the etiquette of a knight, and is now preparing for the Holy Grail War.

"What kind of person does Kiritsugu look like in Irisviel's eyes?"

"As my husband's guide. The person who gives meaning to my life... But, isn't that what Saber wants to know?"

Saber nodded. What she wanted to know was not Irisviel's subjective side, but another side of Emiya Kiritsugu that Saber didn't know about.

"He was originally a gentle person. But because he was too gentle, he ended up being unable to forgive the cruelty of this world. In that regard, he is a colder person than anyone else."

"I can understand that decision. If you are in a position to make a decision, you must abandon human emotions."

In this sense, Kiritsugu and Saber are very similar companions. There is also this view: Kiritsugu's feelings towards King Arthur's heroic spirit may be due to his hatred of his own kind.

"You want to use the power of the Holy Grail to save the world—Irisviel said that, right? Is that what you and Kiritsugu want?"

"Yeah, I'm just learning that person's ideas and selling them now. But I think it's worth risking your life."

Hearing Irisviel's words, Saber nodded with passionate eyes.

"The wish I entrusted to the Holy Grail is the same. For Britain that cannot be protected with these hands, I am willing to do whatever it takes to save Britain... Your and Kiritsugu's goals are correct. It is a path worth boasting about." ()

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