A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1110 1110 The Gun of Destruction

Chapter 1117 The Destroying Spear

Although the destructive power of this Noble Phantasm is mediocre, its ability poses a considerable threat to him. The quality of a Servant weapon can be said to be determined by its magic power and magical effects. Therefore, no matter how strong a Servant is, in front of Lancer, he is probably just helpless.

"You should give up your armor, Saber. You are no different from being naked in front of my gun."

Faced with Lancer's sarcastic words, Saber sneered.

"If taking off the armor can make you so proud, I will have a headache."

Now that you've figured out the secret of Lancer's gun, there's nothing to fear. Who will lose and who will win has yet to be decided.

The silver armor wrapped around Saber suddenly flew away.

Irisviel was stunned, while Lancer narrowed his eyes.

From chest protectors, wrist protectors to leg protectors, not a single piece was left. Saber automatically disarmed her armor. The fragments of armor lost their magic power and gradually disappeared like smoke.

"Since I can't defend myself, I can only hit you before I get hit. Wake up! Lancer!"

Saber started fighting again wearing thin casual clothes. The tip of the spear stabbed from below. She nimbly dodged and faced Lancer with her half body. She no longer defended, but was always ready to cut down the opponent with a reverse blow.

Saber decided to decide the outcome with one last blow regardless of the outcome.\\nEveryone saw her decision on her face.

"The last blow, is this what is called a desperate move?"

Lancer said with a nostalgic tone and a satisfied look on his face, but there was obvious tension in his words.

Not only did Saber feel relaxed without her armor, the magic power originally used to maintain the armor was also injected into her attacks. For Saber, who has the "Release Magic" skill, this is of considerable significance.

The so-called "release of magic power" refers to the skill of gathering a large amount of magic power into the weapons and limbs in the hands, and then bursting out the magic power at any time as needed to instantly improve the movement ability.

In other words, every movement of Saber can be accelerated instantly. This is also the reason why Saber, who looks like just a petite girl, can freely use that big sword and fight like a true powerful warrior.

Since she could use all the remaining magic power for close combat, she mobilized all the energy that could be used to "release magic power". As a result, her strength and speed are almost 60% higher than usual. Every blow contains enough destructive power.

The disadvantage of being forced to remove the armor was transformed into the advantage of abandoning the armor. This was the method she used to deal with the "Demon Breaking Spear".

"I admire your bravery and neatness very much..."

Lancer was like a matador in front of a bull, moving sideways provocatively.

"But now, I want to say that you made a mistake, Saber."

"Then give it a try and wait until you take my sword."

Saber showed no sign of weakness. She rushed forward, where Lance's spear had no advantage at all. If he couldn't keep up with Saber's speed, he would definitely die.

Watching her opponent's steps, she calculated her timing. Lancer should be able to calculate the speed of her dash through the magic in her body, but she has another plan...

Just a little, Lancer's steps slowed down.

He stepped on a ground made of sand, which must have been rolled up from the asphalt road. Lancer's legs dug into the sand and his movements stopped.

Saber had no intention of letting him go.

A violent explosion shook the air. The golden sword that was originally invisible...\\nis now shining in the night sky.

This is the second function of "Wind King Barrier". The moment the barrier is released, the wind will ruthlessly attack the enemy like a weapon, but this is an attack method that can only be used once.

But this time Saber used it as a secret weapon. I had been swinging my sword fiercely before, just to attack and to accelerate.

The air released from the golden sword pushed Saber behind her. Because she used her whole body's power to "release magic", her body had turned into a supersonic cannonball.

At this time, Saber's speed...\\nreached three times the normal speed. It's too late to regret now. Even if Lancer seriously injured Saber, she was ready to take her life at that moment. The high-speed rush that exceeded the sound wave several times broke the surrounding atmospheric wall, and the shock wave blew away the surrounding rubble and leaves without a trace.

Lancer didn't respond. He seemed to have given up on fighting, and the red gun remained motionless.

But his legs moved.

In a highly concentrated consciousness, a time shorter than an instant is extended infinitely.

That's when Saber discovered it. Lancer's flaw was an act he had faked. He didn't accidentally fall into the sandpit.\\nHe stepped into it on purpose.

In other words, the position that can bring Lancer victory——the place where Lancer easily throws away the short gun.

"You made a mistake." What Lancer had just said came to her mind.

She saw Lancer's winning smile. "This is your mistake", she saw these words in his eyes.

Lancer kicked up the sand under his feet with his legs, but what flew into the air was not the sand, but the short gun that Lancer had just thrown away. The blade was facing the direction Saber was flying from. The talisman on the short gun has also been unlocked.\\nThe golden gun body is revealed under the talisman.

At this moment, Saber's naturally sharp sixth sense clearly told her that she was wrong.

She shouldn't have thought that a gun was meant to be a two-handed weapon, it was a trap in the first place. Didn't you feel a little alert when you saw him wielding a gun in each hand?

Perhaps, this is the correct usage for Lancer.

That Servant may have been a heroic spirit who was feared by others because of his "two magic spears".

Moreover, the Noble Phantasm is by no means limited to just one.

She stared at the short gun, looking at the strong magic wrapped around the gun blade. She couldn't stop her actions and had to wait quietly for the moment when the sharp blade pierced her throat...


"...Oops, this is terrible."

Ride stood on the arch of Fuyuki Bridge and looked at the battle on Warehouse Street, muttering in a low voice as he stood up.


Seeing the burly Servant showing an anxious look for the first time, Waver felt uneasy, grabbed Cyborg tightly and asked.

"Lancer has used his trump card. He seems to want to decide the outcome as soon as possible."

"No, the time is not yet ripe..."

"Idiot. What are you talking about?"

Rider stepped on the steel bone of his heel with a thud. Weber, whose whole body was pressed against the steel frame, felt that the sound even shook his own bones, and it was like a scream.

"I originally wanted to wait and see what happens before everyone gathers together, but if this continues, Saber will suffer a loss, and by then it will be too late to take action."

"It's too late? - Didn't you plan to wait until they were exhausted from beating each other before attacking?"

"...I mean, little Master, have you misunderstood me?" Rider frowned, as if he was disappointed by the clown's acting skills, who barely smiled, and looked down at the Master at his feet.

"I do hope that other Servants will fall for Lancer's instigation. Is that natural? Rather than finding them one by one, it would be faster to gather them together and have a big fight with them."


Weber forgot to respond and was stunned when he realized the gap in understanding between himself and this extremely brave heroic spirit.

"Get together and have a big fight?"

"Yes. Opportunities like this to confront heroes from different eras are very rare. If all six of them are present, I will not let anyone go."

A ferocious and dangerous growl leaked out of Rider's throat like a lion's roar, but a hint of smile could be seen from the expression on his raised lips. In Weber's opinion, this was Rider's unique puckered smile.

"Now Saber and Lancer, both have passionate masculinity. I admire them very much. It would be a shame to let them die like this."

"If we don't kill them, what should we do?! Isn't the Holy Grail War just about killing each other!"

Weber's somewhat hysterical voice was ruthlessly interrupted by a sudden blow.

“When you win, you don’t destroy your opponent; when you dominate, you don’t insult your opponent. This is the real ‘conquest’!”

Rider puffed out his chest and spoke bluntly. Then he pulled out the sword from his waist and slashed across the empty sky, splitting the space.

In an instant, a huge sparkling Noble Phantasm appeared along with the swirling flow of magic power. Weber seemed to be overturned by the sudden strong wind.\\n He held back his scream and hugged Cyborg tightly.

"This is the end of watching the battle, we are going to join the battle, little Master."

Before the words were spoken, Rider flipped his cloak and jumped.\\n He mounted the Noble Phantasm.

"Idiot, idiot, idiot! You are acting nonsense now!"

"Huh? If you don't want to go, then you can just stay here and watch, right?"

"I'm going! Take me with you, idiot!"

"Yes! This is worthy of being my Ma8ter!"

Rider let out a hearty laugh, gently grabbed Webber's collar, and asked Webber to ride next to him.

"Let's go now, Mighty Wheels!"

Rider's Noble Phantasm responded to the Master's call with a thunderous sound.


A strong wind blowing in the opposite direction. The intricacies of life and death.

As Saber and Lancer passed each other, the flying red blood flowers bloomed brightly—and then disappeared in an instant.

Saber, who was charging past, stopped, and at the same time the two men turned back.

Both stood upright, not losing the will to confront each other. The heroic spirits of the two men are still alive.

It was finally possible to get the battle off the track of mutual attacks.\\nAt this moment, Saber analyzed the battle situation and made a prompt decision to postpone the duel between the two.

As a result, the yellow short spear that was intended to stab Saber to death did not stab Saber in the chest but in the left arm. At the same time, the golden sword that Saber raised slightly missed Lancer's vital part.\\nThe sword edge stabbed Lancer's left arm... Strangely, the two people were injured in the same part.

But are the two injured to the same extent?

"You still won't let me win you easily...good. That unyielding look on your face."

Lancer stared at Saber with a sad smile on his face, as if he was trying his best to pretend not to mind the wound on his elbow. And Lancer's wounds are really like watching a video replay. It healed without anyone's touch, and even the traces disappeared. Even the Servant's self-healing ability cannot recover so quickly. It must be the Master who is invisible and watching the victory or defeat, performing healing magic.

Contrary to Lancer, Saber's dignified beauty cannot hide her pain and anxiety.

Lancer's gun, which was fighting in the air, and Saber's sword, which was holding the hilt tightly with both hands, were of course different in power. At least from the appearance, the scar on Saber's forearm where she was stabbed by a short spear was considered a minor injury compared to Lancer's wound.

"...Irisviel, please heal my wounds too!"

"I cured it! I cured it, but..."

Compared to the injured Saber, Irisviel who came to the rescue looked even more embarrassed.

As a magician, Irisviel is undoubtedly the best. Needless to say the density and intensity of her training, she was originally a special case in the magic world, with a body that was "designed" and "created". She cannot make mistakes when using low-level magic like healing magic. Even if something goes wrong, Irisviel will know how to deal with it.


"It should have been cured without any problems. Saber, you should be completely cured in your current state."


Saber did not dare to relax and continued to guard Lancer while staring at the wound on her left arm. The wound didn't bleed much and looked like a minor injury, but what was worse was that the tendon was severed. The thumb, the most important of the five fingers, cannot move, so Saber cannot grasp the sword hilt with sufficient grip.

Saber knew that Irisviel's treatment methods were not wrong. But the arm was still not healed. The thumb of his left hand seemed to be congenitally disabled and motionless.

Lancer didn't care about Saber, didn't attack, and bowed confidently. He picked up the yellow short gun that fell on the ground with his left hand.

"It's not bad that you can realize that armor is useless in front of my Noble Phantasm 'Demon-Breaking Red Rose'."

Perhaps he concluded that after showing the efficacy of the Noble Phantasm, there was no need to hide it anymore. Lancer revealed the true name of his Noble Phantasm without hesitation.

"But it is rash to discard the armor. If you had not discarded the armor, you should have been able to defend against the 'Destroyed Yellow Rose'..."

Lancer roared and raised the red spear in his right hand and the short yellow spear in his left hand as if spreading his wings. This posture is exactly the same as the posture at the beginning of the war. This is not a confusing posture, but a unique killing method that this warrior has mastered after intense training.

"I understand... This is a gun with a spell attached. Once stabbed by it, the wound will never heal. I should have noticed this earlier..."

The red spear that cuts off magic power. Cursed Yellow Spear. Coupled with the tear mole under the left eye that can attract girls - it is easy to conclude that these factors are put together. If we look at it from a legend, the reputation that was recited in Celtic heroic legends is even somewhat related to the legend of King Arthur. But Saber herself didn't think of this, which is indeed a bit incredible.

"The Knights of Fiona, the First Warrior...the majestic Diarmuid. I didn't expect that the Holy Grail would give you the honor of participating."


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