Chapter 117 110. Tired of playing

When Yuan Zhisheng led people to the top floor of Genji Heavy Industries, he felt his head was buzzing.

Along the way, he passed corridors full of damaged walls, and his ability to bear it gradually increased, but when he saw the scene on the top floor, he still couldn't help but feel distressed.

Because Genji Heavy Industries' losses this time could no longer be measured in numbers, he was worried that his father's pocket would not be able to bear it. Just the value of these damaged and shapeless murals in front of you cannot be measured by money.

These are all antiques from two thousand years ago. The eight Sheqi families worked hard to peel them off from the decaying walls. Not to mention their own value, the cost of the project alone is enough to bankrupt the average wealthy person.

If any one of them was put up for sale at an auction house, it would trigger a murderous murder, but now it's all gone, leaving only rubble on the ground. He felt that he could arrest the man in front of him now on the felony charge of 'damaging world heritage'.

But it seems he can't do it.

Because the scene in front of him was so shocking, even with Yuan Zhisheng's determination, he felt a little panicked. This was a scene he had never seen in his life.

Almost the entire floor was demolished by the man in front of me, and the original appearance was completely unrecognizable. There were mountains of corpses and seas of blood piled on the ground. Those were all the corpses of the Deadpools who broke into this place, and almost none of them was complete. Everything seemed to be torn to pieces.

The air was filled with the disgusting smell of blood, and the number of dead bodies along the way was enough to equal an army. It's hard to imagine how this person was able to kill them all. Each of these Deadpools was much more deadly than the 'ghosts' their executive bureau usually dealt with.

The most important thing is that this man is unarmed.

Coupled with the death conditions of these dead waiters on the ground, it is extremely scary to think about it. It seems that they were torn into pieces by this man without any resistance in life. It is probably as easy as tearing apart a rag doll. They are simply evil ghosts from hell. , fought all the way from the eighteenth level of hell to here, and trampled the entire hell under his feet. Now, he is Shura.

When Yuan Zhisheng saw the man smoking leisurely in front of him, he suffered an unprecedented blow in his heart.

He couldn't do this. Even if he turned on the dragon bone state, even if his speech spirit was the king's power, facing so many dead waiters, he could still only fight until he died of exhaustion.

He was even a little lucky that he didn't actually fight this man when they first met. Otherwise, he would have been like these guys on the ground now...

"Young Master, we..."

Yasha hesitated and wanted to ask Yuan Zhisheng what to do.

But he was stopped by Yuan Zhisheng's raised arm.

Yuan Zhisheng shook his head.

What can be done?

If you look at the Deadpool invasion, this guy not only helped them 'clean up' the entire Genji Heavy Industries, but he even saved many of his men. Logically speaking, he can be regarded as the 'benefactor' of the Sheqi Eight Family, and they even had to thank him.

But has this guy really thought about helping them?

He was more willing to believe that this guy was just here to cause damage, and meeting Deadpool just gave him a 'proper' reason to be more unscrupulous.

Even if they ask for compensation from this guy or the college now, it will look "shameless".

This man acted like a scoundrel, grabbing them by their collars, slapping them in the face, and after demolishing their hometown, he kept saying, "Hey, hey, hey, I'm helping you! It's okay if I don't pay you, you still want it" Compensation? Did you make a mistake? Sir, why are you so stingy?"

Yuan Zhisheng tried his best to stay calm and looked at the man in front of him.

He didn't understand what this guy was doing now.

The man didn't seem to see so many of them coming up, so he just stood there smoking silently and looking up at the sky. He wondered if there was no moon tonight?

" seems like you used a little too much force."

Yuan Zhisheng was confused when he heard the man muttering to himself.

Too much force? What's too much force? Could it be that this guy is actually a good guy and is repenting for the damage he caused? Is it time to consider compensation next?

But the next moment, a loud noise dispelled his stupid idea.


It seemed like something had fallen, and there was another hole in the already messy floor.

It broke through more than one floor. How high did you have to fall...

Who is throwing objects at high altitude? But isn’t this the top floor?

"Al? Are you here?"

At this time, the man seemed to finally notice Yuan Zhisheng and his party.

No, this guy definitely ignored them on purpose!

The corner of Yuan Zhisheng's mouth twitched. The others were probably frightened by the bloody scene in front of them. Normally, anyone who dared to ignore them like this would have been turned into a concrete pillar and sunk into the sea.

"Since you're here, I'll leave this guy to you," Xuan Hao shrugged nonchalantly, "I'm tired of playing, I don't know if I'm dead or not, so you should go down and take a look first?"

"This guy? Who?" Yuan Zhisheng frowned. What do you mean when you get tired of playing, just throw it to them?

"General Wang, is it interesting?" Xuan Hao joked.

A look of surprise flashed in Yuan Zhisheng's eyes, but he covered it up well.

The Eight Sheqi Family knew that the leader of the Fierce Ghosts was 'Ryoma'. The other party didn't seem to want to hide the identity of 'Ryoma', it was more like a deliberately released bait, so they speculated that there should be someone behind 'Ryoma'. There is the 'Dragon King' and the 'King General', but Minamoto no one expected that the king would suddenly appear at Genji Heavy Industries, which is the headquarters of the eight Sheqi families!

And he was actually able to launch an attack from within when the Sheqi Eight Family were unprepared.

"Yaksha, take people down to take a look, but be careful." Yuan Zhisheng clenched his fists. He only hoped that the king was not dead so that he could extract useful information from the king. He didn't think the man in front of him would provide him with any information. intelligence.

"Oh, by the way, don't worry, I removed his limbs, and now he should be just like a ball." Xuan Hao spread his hands and said that he was a good person and relieved them of their worries.

Yuan Zhisheng pulled out the corner of his mouth and looked up at the empty ceiling.

He seemed to see this man tearing the general Wang into a stick and then throwing it out like a ball.

"Can you tell me what exactly happened here?" Yuan Zhisheng asked seriously.

"How should I put it... Anyway, it was probably the general Wang who provoked me, and I just found him here, so I came to kill him." Xuan Hao spared his head.

It's such a simple statement. What the hell is the difference between saying it and not saying it at all? Yuan Zhisheng resisted the urge to curse. He really shouldn't expect this guy to tell the truth.

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