A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1155 1155 The real ‘devil’

Chapter 1162 The real ‘devil’


Weber turned his face away, not daring to look at Rider's innocent smile.

Why does this stupid guy always comfort me with these unpleasant things?

I'm afraid no one in this world would be happy to hear others call themselves a fool.

Weber, who lamented that he didn't know what expression he should use to face Rider, just wished he could disappear right now——

At this moment, a chill suddenly spread throughout Weber's body without any warning.

"Assassin has been killed by me. Berserker will not discuss it. Archer - it is useless to say it. With the character of that kind of guy, he will not agree easily."

Caster's figure was completely invisible, only his voice still echoed arrogantly.

Saber clenched her fists angrily, thinking of the magician's crazy actions.

"If you don't consider the 'control' after summoning, and just 'summon it out'... no matter how powerful the monster is, it can theoretically be summoned. All that is needed is the magic power and spells to expand the 'gate'."

"Don't be like this. Let's call it a truce tonight. If you leave such a big guy alone, I won't be able to fight you with peace of mind.

It was still the same, with no intention of hiding at all. As far as Caster was concerned, he shouldn't be defenseless at all.

Saber felt trembling all over. In her eyes, the number of monsters gathered around the summoner's body continued to increase. The summoning ability of "Luoyan City Teaching Book" is really endless. Countless tentacles were tangled and fused together, forming a lump of flesh.

"——However, I will be extremely happy if you are willing to honor me and come to the banquet. Gilles de Rey has prepared a banquet of death and depravity. Please enjoy it to your heart's content!"

Saber nodded and carefully observed the actions of the hostile Servant. Caster, still without his Master, stood in the middle of the river without an island, as if he was standing on the water. If you look carefully, you will find that there are a large number of terrifying alien shadows gathered in the water under his feet. The group of monsters that had fought in the forest not long ago now gathered at Caster's feet to form a shoal.

With no time to take care of the entanglements still entangled in their hearts, the soldiers will plunge into the battle again.

As a magic furnace that goes beyond the ordinary, it is also a treasure phantom that can release spells on its own...if it falls into the hands of a madman, it becomes an extremely dangerous weapon.

Despite this, the tacit principle that the Holy Grail War must be fought in secrecy was completely violated.

"King of Conqueror...you are still ungrateful. Are you just here for a joke?"

The reason why Irisviel was surprised was precisely because of this fear that a magician could only understand. However, it is not difficult for Saber to understand the seriousness of the matter.

"The so-called magic refers to the 'art of controlling demons', but that guy is a real 'demon' that cannot be understood with this small concept. The whole body is filled with gluttony, the product of devouring this desire and materializing it. Summoning The behavior of this kind of thing can no longer be called a 'skill'."

Lancer asked, narrowing his eyes. Sora shook his head quickly. Leaving aside Sora's memory of the humiliation that Kayneth inflicted on Lancer. For Lancer, who still swears allegiance to Kayneth, he must understand that Sora is the one truly worthy of loyalty.

I called just now, and Lancer has already responded. He should be here soon. "


Lancer lowered his head quietly, then kicked off the steel bars under his feet and jumped into the brightly lit street.


Hearing Sora's question, Lancer, who could see through the thick fog with his unique Servant's extraordinary vision, nodded.

The filthy piece of meat gradually expanded and took shape. In other words, this image is exactly the essence of the alien monster. The monsters that Caster has driven so far are all fragments of this, just miscellaneous soldiers.

"Yes, no matter what he is doing, it is best to deal with him before it achieves results."

Ever since he replaced Kayneth as Master—this heroic spirit has never shown a smile to Sora.

Lancer, as well as Sorana Zelesofias, who has newly gained the right to be his Master, are aiming to find enemies, standing on a high place with the best view - the roof of the Fuyuki Center Building under construction. Tonight, a strangely dense fog appeared over the Weiyuan River, making the view to the west of the central building extremely poor. With human eyesight, one can only vaguely see the illuminated Fuyuki Bridge.

"...So, that monster is not under Caster's control?"

"Lancer, I leave all the judgment on the spot to you. Please fight as much as you want."

Rider, who was standing aside, also looked to the west with a serious expression. It seems that the Servant's intuition is able to determine the direction of activation of this abnormal magic power.

Rider waved his hand when he saw Saber taking an offensive stance without letting her guard down at all.

Saber turned around when she heard a familiar voice. The big man Servant, who was holding the reins and preparing to land the gleaming Kamui Chariot into the park square where the two of them were, gave the first comer a very disrespectful smile.

Of course, this anomaly did not appear due to Weber's own reasons. Instead, the magic power filling the surrounding air caused abnormal chaos, causing the magic circuit in sync with it to also fall into abnormality.

"As expected, it's Caster."

Saber nodded and put her hand in front of her breastplate solemnly.


Saber drove the Mercedes and rushed from the base prepared by Kiritsugu to the source of the abnormal magic power in just a few minutes.


Caster answered crazily with an evil smile on his face.

The wave of spells emitted near the Far River is equivalent to multiple chants of ceremonial spells, and it can only be activated by using the magic power of dozens of people. All the magicians in Fuyuki City - in other words, all the Masters who participated in the Holy Grail War must have felt it.

Due to the bounty issued by the supervisor, other Servants have targeted him, but he seems not to be aware of this.

"That is……"

Even the kings of the deep sea - whales and king squids - do not have such huge bodies. This nightmarish figure that dominates all sea areas in the world is an aquatic behemoth worthy of the title "Sea Demon."

"This is not possible. With all due respect, you do not have the ability of Lord Kayneth. It is very dangerous to go to that river bank. It is really difficult for me to fight while protecting you who cannot defend yourself. Hope. You understand.”

Caster bowed diligently as before, and anger burned in Saber's pupils.

"You impenitent guy... what a devil! What tricks are you planning to play tonight?"

The foamy water surface expanded, pushing up Caster who was swallowed by the tentacles. The number of monsters that once served as his foothold increased dramatically. Judging from the depth of the river bottom, the number is unimaginably terrifying.

Rider whispered like a warrior about to enter the battlefield. Upon hearing this, Weber immediately realized that tonight's battle had begun.

"So, who is this monster not challenging?"

"Hey, King of Knights, the night is really nice... I want to say this, but it seems this is not the time for small talk."

Caster laughed loudly. Under his feet, the dark water began to stir. The countless monsters gathered at the summoner's feet shot out countless tentacles - engulfing Caster, who was standing above them in a cloak.


"Now I will once again hold high the banner of the Savior! The abandoned will gather to me! The despised will gather to me! I will command you! Lead you! The resentment of us who have been bullied will soon be conveyed to 'God' ! O Lord of heaven! I will wash away my sins and praise you!”

"It is indeed Caster. It seems he is planning to do something while standing in the river. I can't see clearly."

The pieces of meat were covered in disgusting mucus and shimmering. It was truly a sticky meat island. Not only that, the meat continued to expand.

"Could it be that--Sora-sama, you have doubts about my abilities? Do you think it's too much of a joke for me to go into battle without permission?"

When speeding into the riverside boulevard, the Saber made a gorgeous sharp left turn, stopped the Mercedes, jumped out of the car before the gull-wing door was fully opened, and sped away towards the embankment. The thick fog, which is enough to make ordinary people lose their vision, has no impact on the Servant's vision at all.

"I will fight. Solada people, please stay here and enjoy my achievements."

Of course, it's not just that - Sora looked at the Command Seal engraved on the back of his hand, taken from his fiancé Kayneth Archibald, and pondered - the other Masters must have noticed Caster's appearance. . If you want to receive additional Command Seals as reward from the Supervisor, you must defeat Caster before his competitors.

The Holy Grail War is still going on——

Judging from the extremely unusual release of magic power, there is no doubt that Caster is performing some kind of large-scale magic. The thick fog formed with the river as its source is probably caused by the aftermath of this magical power. Not only did Caster not chant, he didn't even appear to be concentrating. He just stood there casually - from the grimoire in his hand, crazy magic whirlpools continuously poured out, and the surrounding space became distorted. .

"...Where are the other Servants?"

Even though he said this, for Sora now, even if Lancer leaves her for a second, she will be heartbroken with worry.

All the magic circuits in his body felt intense pain, as if they were spasming.

Seeing her pleading look, Lancer shook his head firmly.

"Why do you say that! I am also the Master now. I have to protect you."

"I'm sorry, Jeanne. You are not the guest of honor at tonight's banquet."

"I underestimated this guy... I didn't expect him to summon so many monsters."


The old streets in the remote mountain village were narrow and the road conditions were complicated. Generally speaking, it would take more than thirty minutes no matter what, but Servant's riding skills completely subverted common sense and completed this miracle. The silver-white car body flew through the slender curves, and its speed had broken through the constraints of the laws of physics.

"You should be right to think so."

Finally, the enemy appeared directly in front of his sight. He stood leisurely in the center of the two-hundred-meter-wide river. Irisviel, who got off the passenger seat and stood on the embankment, also stared at the figure in the fog with her magic-enhanced vision, frowning anxiously.

"I understand. I have no objection to fighting together with you. King of Conquerors, although this is a temporary alliance, let's take an oath together."

"O arrogant 'god'! O cold 'god'! We will pull you down from the throne of God! Lambs favored by God! People with bodies similar to God! We will humiliate and tear you apart to our heart's content. ! The ridicule of our rebels will knock on the door of heaven with the cry of the Son of God!”

"Yes. It's just an invitation to eat. A town like this will be swallowed up by it in just a few hours."

"No, no matter how powerful a Servant is, there is a limit to the 'character' of the familiar it summons and drives - however, if 'drive' is not considered, this limit does not exist."


Weber and the others were not the only ones who noticed the unusual magical aura.

Irisviel, who was usually very calm, this time, there was fear in her voice.

"If we want to deal with him, now is the best time, right?"

Looking at the back of the Servant who was jumping on the rooftops of the houses and running all the way to the river, Sora let out a heartbroken sigh.

"—Can you see what's going on? Lancer!"

The alien figure towering in the darkness was hateful and oppressive, and Saber couldn't help but sigh.


"Haha...you are still quite clear-headed during the battle...huh? What, does Master have any objections?"

"Welcome, Saint. It is my greatest honor to see you again."

At first glance, it seemed like rebellious familiars were attacking Caster, but with tentacles all over his body, Caster instead started laughing maniacally at a higher volume. An arrogant laugh that resembles a scream.

When Caster's head is successfully obtained, the Command Seal that was missing due to Kayneth's stupid behavior will regain its complete form. Sora couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart when he thought that the original three-piece form of the Command Seal - the bond with the heroic spirit Diarmuid was about to be completely restored.

It seems that Caster does not realize the purpose of fighting and the meaning of victory at all. That crazy Servant was planning to destroy the Holy Grail War itself. And destroy all life in this city.

Fortunately, there was no one on the embankment where she and Irisviel were standing, but the lights were on in the houses on the other side of the river. Even though it was late at night, a huge commotion could still be heard. Of course there would be a commotion when something so bizarre happened in plain sight. Fortunately, the sightings of the monster were limited due to thick fog blocking the view. The panic of residents is only limited to specific areas.

Of course, it wasn't dissatisfaction, it was just that Irisviel couldn't react when she saw Rider and Saber happily put aside their past grudges, while Waver showed obvious determination and carefully reached out from Rider's tank console. First of all, I had no intention of getting off the car.

For people on the battlefield, whether killing the enemy or forming an alliance is a calm judgment without any personal feelings. This is consistent. This is exactly the spiritual will shared by those who live in troubled times.


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