A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1163 1163 The Misunderstood Knight

Chapter 1170 The Misunderstood Knight

As if in response, all the command spells on the already cold right wrist of Father Risheng glowed faintly.

Along with a dull pain, the command spells were transferred to Kirei's hands one by one. Kirei stared at the light of the command spell speechlessly.

There is no doubt that this is the trust entrusted to his son by his father.

Father Li Zheng believed that the first person to find his body must be his son. That's why he wrote in blood a secret code that only those who hold the priesthood can understand. Managing the Command Seals, guarding the Holy Grail, and guiding the Holy Grail War to the right path were all important responsibilities entrusted to his son as a supervisor. He was convinced that his son was someone who could take on these responsibilities, and he had no doubts about it until his death.

He didn't know that Kirei had hidden the newly obtained Command Seals and had gained the right to be a Master——

He didn't know that his son's whim had sown the seeds of disaster for his mentor Tokiomi——


Suddenly feeling tears dripping down her cheeks, Kirei pressed her face with her hands in shock.

Crying in front of my father's body and will... As a human being, this is natural.

Despite this, Kirei felt like he almost fell into the abyss of hell at that time, falling into fear and confusion.

You must face all this head on - there is a majestic voice in your heart warning yourself.

The feelings welling up in your heart now, Kotomine Kirei, you must understand all of this, you must admit all of this. that is because--


When was the last time you shed tears? I still remember clearly that was three years ago. Holding the tears she shed with her hands, the woman once said: "You love me."


The instinct of self-disguise in my heart is stubbornly blocking the memory.

Can't look back. Inability to self-reflect. The tears she shed that day and the feelings she held at that time must be thrown into the abyss of forgetfulness.

The answer I once understood.

A truth that I have struggled to understand.

If it’s because you don’t look directly at all of this and adopt an avoidance method to keep yourself in the current state——

The tears she shed again were completely incomprehensible. The same feelings as then call out for sealed insights, longing for understanding.

But regardless of these rational warnings, memories continued to overflow from the gaps in the seal.

This time the separation was far from the result I expected - or so I thought at that time.

On the bedside of the sickly woman's death bed, didn't Kirei realize what his will desired?

Think [beep——] this woman——

I want to see this woman look more [beep——]——

Deeply in love with Kotomine Kirei and trusting him - this is what my father and this woman have in common.

They also completely misunderstood the nature of Kirei.

Because of this, Kirei has been praying like this in his heart for three years...

Before my father dies, let him taste the ultimate joy in the world...

"Just as the beast pursues the smell of blood—the soul pursues pleasure—"

The ruby-like eyes seemed to be lurking deep in the heart, whispering with an evil laugh.

Only pleasure is the form of the soul. Isn't that what he said? This is also the nature of Kotomine Kirei——

"...The Lord...the Lord gives birth to people, educates them, and performs meritorious deeds in the world to achieve the blessings prepared by the Lord. Now, for the souls of the dead in purgatory, I serve God in the world and follow the holy religion..."

The familiar prayers that I recite every day suddenly came out of my mouth. This may be an instinct of self-defense. By returning to his duties as a priest, he tightly restrained his soul that was almost falling apart.

"Forgive our sins as I forgive my enemies...please give me no temptation. Deliver us from our sins...Amen."

Seal the cursed truth in the tears that keep flowing down your cheeks to the other side of forgetfulness. Kirei prayed for his father's blessings and made a cross on his chest.


"You - incompetent guy! You're a loser who only knows how to brag!"

Lancer could only lower his head quietly and endure the scolding.

"I'm just asking you to temporarily protect a woman. You can't even do this. It's really unreasonable! This is what you, the so-called knight, are like!"

Kayneth was spitting and cursing, but in terms of the level of embarrassment, Kayneth was actually more embarrassed than Lancer who lost his composure due to shame. Due to his naturally paranoid character, Rod Elumeroy is now so angry that it has simply reached a terrifying level of righteous indignation.

Kayneth obtained a new Command Seal and triumphantly returned to the abandoned factory where he was hiding, only to find that Sora was not there. Logically speaking, she should have finished her battle with Caster and returned here. After waiting anxiously and worriedly, Lancer finally came back alone with a heavy look on his face.

"Although it's just a temporary replacement, there is no doubt that Sora is your Master, isn't it! You don't have the ability to protect her until the end, why did you become a Servant! How can you be so shameless and come back alone!"

"...I really don't have the shame to come back."

"Then you - during the battle with Caster, were you driven by your stupid naivety again, neglecting to protect the Master, and focused on showing off your stupid heroic spirit?!"

Lancer shook his head weakly. His natural beauty was distorted by grief, which meant that he was also gnashing his teeth in remorse for this hateful outcome. But now Kayneth has no time to take care of this.

"Master, please allow me... because His Highness Sora and I have not concluded a formal contract, and we cannot even feel each other's breath..."

"Because of this, shouldn't you pay more careful attention!"

Kayneth immediately shouted, interrupting the Servant's defense.

Generally speaking, if a Master and a Servant have formed a contract, no matter which one is in crisis, they will communicate it to the other through their breath. In fact, in the Einzbern Forest, Lancer used this method to rescue Kayneth at the critical moment.

But this time, Lancer and Sora entered the battle without signing a formal contract according to the rules of contract magic. Lancer only protected Sora out of his obligation to Kayneth, which became the source of disaster.

As a result, when Lancer returned to the roof of the Fuyuki Center Building after the battle, the figure of Sora who had been staying there had long since disappeared, and only the blood spattered on the ground showed the seriousness of the matter.

The only thing that was certain was that Sora was still alive. The magic supply that keeps Lancer in this world and provides energy for his actions is still flowing into his body unimpeded. There was no doubt that she had been kidnapped, but the person who did it didn't seem to intend to take her life.

If it were another Servant, he might be able to sense her general location through the supply of magic power. Unfortunately, because Lancer concluded an irregular contract - the contractor and the magic supplier are two different people, his ability to perceive the magic supplier is obviously very weak. Even if he could infer that Sora was still alive, he was basically unable to sense where the magic power came from. Searching for Sora in the new capital without any clues was like looking for a needle in a haystack. In the end, he had to come back alone.

"Ah, Sora... As expected, I shouldn't have given her the Command Seal... The magic battle was too much for her..."

"I am also responsible for not dissuading His Highness Sora. But the reason why His Highness Sora was so decisive was entirely because she hoped that you, Your Highness Kayneth, could regain your glory. In this case, please do it no matter what—"

Kayneth raised his eyes that were clouded with jealousy and stared at Lancer.

"You have the nerve to say such things. Don't act stupid, Lancer. You must be the one who encouraged Sora."

"You... why do you conclude like this..."

"Humph, why are you pretending! You like women, and your story of being an adulterer is quite famous in legends. You can't help but want to seduce your master's fiancée, right?"

Lancer was kneeling on the ground with his head bowed, his shoulders shaking violently, even to a dangerous level.

"——My master, please take back this sentence no matter what."

"Hmph, has it touched your sore spot? Can't you bear this anger? So you are planning to show me your true and vicious face?"

Kayneth continued to laugh at the heroic spirit who could not control his emotions.

"You finally showed your flaws. While swearing to be loyal to me forever and saying beautiful words, you betrayed me because of lust. You have been talking about the so-called chivalry with a proud expression. You think you can use this to confuse me. Am I Kayneth?"

"Your Highness Kayneth...why don't you understand my loyalty?!"

Lancer's choked and trembling question was almost close to crying.

"I just want to defend my consistent honor! I just want to participate in a glorious battle with you! Master, why don't you understand the heart of a knight?!"

"Stop saying such arrogant things, Servant!"

Kayneth mercilessly yelled at Lancer for crying, looking callous and heartless. His doubts and dissatisfaction with his Servant had already exceeded the boiling point.

"You are an overestimating puppet. After all, you are just a Servant. You are just a shadow that stays in the real world through magic! Your so-called honor and pride are just tricks used by the dead to confuse the world. Not to mention you. He is so arrogant that he wants to preach to his master, and there must be a limit to overestimating one's abilities!"


Lancer had nothing to say because Kayneth had gone too far. Kayneth felt a sadistic pleasure in his heart as he looked at him. Taking this opportunity, he stretched out his right hand with the command spell pattern engraved on it again in front of Lancer, and the magician laughed loudly and proudly.

"If you are not willing to give in, then use your so-called pride and honor to try against my command spell - hum, can't beat it? This is your true strength. Your so-called courage and reserve, It’s nothing compared to the Command Seal. This is the real trick of a puppet like Servant.”

"...Kayneth...Your Highness..."

Lancer lowered his head feebly in the face of Kayneth who was mocking loudly, unable to make any rebuttal. The domineering spirit that he once wielded his spears in front of the heroes has long since disappeared without a trace. No matter it is from the shoulders that hang weakly or from the distracted eyes staring at the floor, there is no trace of heroism at all.

Seeing his miserable look, Kayneth finally felt relieved that he had vented the resentment he had been building up.

Perhaps it was only now that Kayneth could finally establish an ideal master-slave relationship with this heroic spirit. Although it was a bit late, if we could deal with this Lancer earlier—it would be best to completely attack his self-esteem immediately after summoning him. If he had done this earlier, this self-righteous Servant would not have second thoughts and would serve him obediently.


After a long silence, Lancer suddenly called Kayneth in a cold voice.

"What's the matter? Do you have anything else to say?"

"...That's not what I mean. It seems like something is approaching us. It's probably the sound of an engine with an automatic drive."

Kayneth didn't hear any sound though. However, the hearing of ordinary people is far from comparable to that of a Servant.

It was almost dawn, and there was no way that the motor vehicle driving towards this abandoned factory was just passing by.

Thinking about it carefully, when he decided to use this place as his base, the disguise barrier he had imposed around him was about to show its flaws... Kayneth laughed at himself who was no longer a magician, and a dry expression appeared on his face. smile.

"Lancer, attack immediately and defeat it. No mercy."


Lancer nodded, immediately transformed into a spirit and disappeared.

Following the instructions of Irisviel, who was sitting in the passenger seat, the Mercedes-Benz 300SL driven by Saber gradually left Xindu and drove eastward to a deserted area.

"If you go straight along this road, you will see an abandoned factory on the left. That... seems to be Lancer's stronghold."

The location of the factory and the driving order of the roads were what Kiritsugu had just told Irisviel on his mobile phone.

After the fierce battle in Weiyuan River, it can be guessed that Lancer, who left the battlefield without saying a word, probably returned to the Master's side. After hearing Kiritsugu's report that he had obtained Lancer's whereabouts, Saber advocated taking immediate action.

"Speaking of which...are you okay? Won't it be a heavy burden for you to fight continuously?"

"No problem, Irisviel. I hope to fight Lancer tonight."

After making the solemn declaration, it was Saber's turn to glance at the passenger seat worriedly.

"It's you, Irisviel, are you okay? Your face didn't look good just now."

Saber looked at Irisviel next to her while controlling the steering wheel. Saber noticed at a glance that Irisviel's face was pale and bloodless, and she was frequently wiping the cold sweat from her forehead.

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