A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 120 113. Please don’t insult the mouse

Chapter 120 113. Please don’t insult the mouse

Kazama Ruri has been confused since entering this room, including now.

He looked at the movements of the man's hands in front of him and had no idea what kind of medicine this man was selling in his gourd. If this man hadn't caused a scene in the Paradise Pavilion before, he even thought he was an amiable person.

You see, everyone is preparing cups to welcome the guests.

"Tea, coffee." The man said as he prepared the cup.

Kazama Ruri came back to his senses. He understood what the man was talking about and asked him to choose tea or coffee. It's not a question but a choice, which means there are no other options. He feels that if he dares to say other options, the man will immediately pull out a machete from under the coffee table and greet him.

Speaking of which, this was the first time he felt so passive. After becoming the 'Dragon King' of the Fierce Ghosts, no one except the 'King General' could overpower him. But today, from the moment he walked into this room, he has been led by the nose. Walk.

But in fact, he was thinking too much. The reason Xuanhao said 'tea and coffee' was because they were the only two items prepared in this room. If the guest wanted to drink something else, he could actually call the humpback whale to bring it to him. After all, Chinese people are warm and hospitable. If you have friends from far away, you will be killed even though they are far away? ’

"Coffee bar..." Kazama Ruri responded softly. He doesn't like drinking tea very much because he doesn't like Japanese etiquette like the average Japanese. Most of the usual salutes are due to Kabuki habits. Of course, not Everyone can make him salute.

Xuan Hao nodded, placed the cleaned cup on the coffee table, and then the two of them sat facing each other in a daze... because the water hadn't boiled yet.

Kazama Ruri waited silently. He felt that now was not the time for him to speak. He had to at least wait until this man made coffee, otherwise this guy might just get angry. He came today to express his sincerity but did not bring a knife. Yes, it would be bad if there was a fight.


The beep of the electric kettle broke the awkward atmosphere.

Xuan Hao pretended to be calm and picked up the electric kettle and poured half a cup of hot water into the coffee cup to warm it up.

Weigh out 24g of Blue Mountain coffee beans on the instrument and grind them into powder.

Then he started assembling various utensils, including filter paper, filter cups and filter pots. There was also a thermos cup placed under the filter pot.

The professionalism of his movements was like that of a senior barista, but the cell phone he placed under the coffee table with the screen on gave him away.

Soon, a hand-brewed Blue Mountain black coffee was served in front of Fengjian Liuli.

The corner of Fengjian Liuli's mouth twitched. With his eyesight, he could certainly spot the man's eyes drifting downward from time to time, but he didn't point it out. After all, he is the master, and it is necessary to give him some face, although the other party didn't seem to give him much. To save face, but in view of the opponent's abnormal strength, he gave in.


Kazama Liuli thanked him and was about to pick up the spoon next to him and scoop out a spoonful of white sugar. The black coffee was very bitter and he couldn't get used to it.

"Youth is always anxious. You can't even wait for a spoonful of sugar to dissolve in the cup. The bitterness brought by regret is a testimony of the past and will eventually turn into the taste of coffee in the cup."

The man's voice came faintly, and Fengjian Liuli's hand holding the sugar spoon trembled slightly. Was this... a warning to him not to put sugar? Savor the bitterness of coffee? Or let him face the past? Could this guy know something? In other words, he has been waiting for a long time and he is still anxious? He has been so well-behaved since he entered the room, and he even admires himself!


Kazama Liuli sighed helplessly, and finally silently put down the spoon, picked up the coffee and took a careful sip.

"It's so bitter..."

Like his past, there was a bitter smile on his lips.

Oh, that's right~ Xuan Hao watched with satisfaction as the girl in front of him put down the sugar spoon and drank the bitter coffee honestly. Well, a spoonful of sugar was saved.

He silently made himself a cup of coffee and added two spoons of sugar.

Kazama Ruri's hand holding the cup trembled slightly, he really wanted to beat this guy! If he hadn't been so unsure, he would have probably taken action at this moment. It was so shameless. Isn't this bullying?

"Okay, tell me, why did you come to me? Did you follow me all the way here just to have a cup of coffee?" Xuan Hao looked at the twitching expression on Yuan Zhennu's face with satisfaction and asked with a smile.

"I haven't introduced myself yet. The Dragon King of the Fierce Ghosts, Fengjian Liuli, is honored to come and visit, Mr. Xuanhao."

Kazama Ruri knelt down and saluted, like an actor who had finished his performance, with a faint smile on his face. It seemed that he had managed his expression quite well, at least he had not shown any rudeness so far. place.

"No, your name is not Fengjian Liuli." Xuanhao took a sip of coffee, it was so sweet, and shook his head, "If you want to ask me for something, don't lie in front of me."

"Uh..." Kazama Liuli hesitated.

This man really knows something. Indeed, Feng Jian Liuli is the 'Dragon King' of the fierce ghosts. He is an extremely evil ghost and the ghost in his heart. And he was originally a girl from the source, but he does not deny Feng Jian Liuli's identity. , and is willing to admit all the sins he has committed.

"My real name is Yuan Jingnu, the second son of the Yuan family." Kazama Ruri said, "However, Yuan Jingnu was 'killed' many years ago by her own brother."

"Yes." Xuan Hao nodded, indicating for him to continue.

"It seems that Mr. Xuanhao has no hostility towards me, which makes me really flattered." Yuan Zhimu did not continue telling the story, but smiled softly.

I have to say that this guy is really evil when he smiles. Although the two brothers Yuan Zhisheng and Yuan Zhisheng have almost the same facial contours, their temperaments are completely different. The elder brother is always like a samurai sword with a hidden edge. , but the younger brother is like a gentle girl. Xuanhao tried to imagine putting this "charming" look on Yuan Zhisheng and couldn't help but shuddered. Why don't he catch them all and become cowherds and try to see if they can become popular?

"The 'people' who can make me show hostility will basically grow taller than the grass on their graves." Xuan Hao stated a fact expressionlessly.

"Really, I'm really lucky that I didn't become enemies with Xuan Haojun." Fengjian Liuli said, "I just don't know, Xuan Haojun, does he think the king is about to die?"

"He's not dead. I killed him three times." Xuan Hao said casually, "I'm tired of playing."

"..." The corners of Kazama Liuli's eyes twitched. Are you going to stop killing when you are tired of playing? I just said that everyone who offends you has grass growing on their graves!

"Do you really want to know why I didn't kill him?" Xuan Hao looked at Fengjian Liuli's shit-eating expression with interest. Should he be called a brother? Even the expression is exactly the same.

"I would like to hear the details." Fengjian Liuli forced a smile.

"Because I hate being used by others!"

Xuan Hao's face was expressionless, and he suddenly placed the coffee cup on the coffee table. The unfinished coffee splashed on the table, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Kazama Ruri's body was tense. Although there was a smile on his face, he was not as relaxed as he showed at the moment. He was ready to enter the keel state at any time. His back was covered with cold sweat. Facing this moody man, he could not predict him at all. What will he do next? There is no guarantee that the other party will jump up and shoot him to death right away.

"The task I received when I came to the Japanese branch was assigned to Kassel College. Was it because of your manipulation?" Xuan Hao asked with cold eyes.

"Oh... yes," Kazama Ruri sighed, "My original intention was to attract the attention of Kassel Academy and get people from the European Secret Party to intervene. Wouldn't this have some impact on the king's plan? I just didn’t expect that there would be changes like yours. I’m sorry, Mr. Xuanhao, my original intention was not against you.”

"Of course I know you didn't target me deliberately, otherwise do you think you can still sit across from me and drink coffee without any harm?" Yes, do you understand?"

"Hey, it seems like I wasted my time." Kazama Ruri shook her head helplessly, "If I had known that Kassel Academy would send someone like you to Japan, I should have done nothing. If General Wang dared to take the initiative to provoke You should be dead by now, right?"

"Haha, young man, don't be too self-righteous. The most important reason why I didn't continue to kill him was just because I was afraid of trouble. Who knows how many clones he has? Do you want me to find him one by one in person? Is he worthy?"

Xuanhao stood up, walked to the window, and looked at the bustling night scene outside the window.

"Tell me, the real purpose of your coming here."

"Xuan Haojun, do you know about the Fierce Ghosts?" Fengjian Liuli asked.

"You mean a bunch of self-destructive losers?"

"Maybe..." Kazama Liuli couldn't refute, "But in fact, most of the fierce ghosts just have no choice. They once longed for the light, but were abandoned by the light. We were born and were not allowed to live. Under the sun, unlike my brother, who was born as 'Amaterasu', he is the destined 'Emperor', and I am a lowly 'ghost'."

"If I had the right to choose my life, I would rather come to you and be a cowherd. But I can't. I am the wrong person. My existence is a mistake. I was born in the wrong place and have the wrong identity. And I It cannot be changed. If according to the "Abraham Bloodline Contract" of the secret party, then I was born with the kind of dangerous residue that should be stripped away from human society."

"Stupid." Xuan Hao looked out the window without looking back, "It's like saying that everyone is born with the right to choose. Not having a choice is just an excuse. 'Light'? What's the meaning of this kind of thing? Is it a 'human' or a 'ghost'? 'What's the difference? There's only one reason why you don't dare to walk in the sun - you're not strong enough!"

"However, what you said about coming to my place to be a cowherd is quite interesting."

"..." Fengjian Liuli fell silent, and the last sentence was completely ignored by him.

But yes, after all, this is a place where even the 'underworld' can claim to be 'just'. 'Justice' is always determined by the victors, because they are strong enough, so strong that no one dares to refute, and they can even 'rewrite' 'History distorts the truth, but what can weak people do even if they know it?

Just like at this moment, Fengjian Liuli looked at the man standing in front of the window. The man had his back turned to him at the moment. In his eyes, he was full of flaws, but he couldn't bear a trace of hostility. His intuition told him that if If he dares to show any hostility, there is absolutely no way he can leave here today. This is the 'absolute' brought by power. It seems that everything this man does is right. Even if he is pointed at his nose and scolded, he can only endure it now.

"Xuan Haojun, I actually want to cooperate with you when I come here." He shook his head gently to dispel some unnecessary thoughts, "Of course, this cooperation only represents my personal cooperation with the fierce ghosts. The king has nothing to do with it.”

"No, whoever you represent has nothing to do with me. Even if the fierce ghosts cooperate with me, I will not reject it. Of course, it is impossible for Wang General. He is now on my blacklist." Xuan Hao tilted his head in disdain. Looking at him calmly, "But cooperation is always based on equality between both parties. Do you think you are qualified to cooperate with me? Or, do you have something that can interest me?"

"I see." Kazama Liuli nodded lightly. He finally understood this man somewhat. There was no so-called 'justice' in this man's eyes. All living beings were almost equal in his eyes. No, that was prejudice. He arrogantly used He divides everything according to his own preferences. He crushes those he doesn't like and plays with those he is interested in. He will not cooperate with others and will only participate in 'games' that make him feel interesting.

There is no difference in his eyes whether it is a 'human' or a 'ghost'. Everything to him is nothing more than a factor that affects his mood.

"So Mr. Xuan Hao, are you interested in participating in a game of 'cat and mouse'?" Fengjian Liuli drank all the coffee on the table, her dazzling golden eyes lit up, and the remaining coffee liquid at the corner of her mouth looked like blood. Normally, he licked his lips and showed a shocking smile.

"Thanks to Mr. Xuan Hao for knocking him into pieces, I know that the king is not immortal." Fengjian Liuli's eyes were filled with murderous intent. "I put his pieces into a jar and found that he was motionless. He was indeed He was dead, but then the 'King General' appeared again in the amusement park! This despicable guy had never revealed his true identity, and even now we still have no way of knowing where the real King General is hiding!"

"I will find him, so I want to play a game of 'cat and mouse' with Xuan Haojun! I want to kill him, and you want to kill him too, right!"

"Are you insulting the mouse?" Xuan Hao suddenly turned around.


Kazama Liuli was stunned. He really didn't mean that, he was just making a metaphor.

"Haven't you seen 'Tom and Jerry'?" Xuan Hao said with a look of disgust, "How can such a disgusting thing be compared with 'Jerry'? Are you trying to get a kick out of it?"

"I haven't seen it..." The corner of Kazama Ruri's mouth twitched. He couldn't figure out how this guy's brain circuit was developed. Although he didn't have a childhood and had never watched the Tom and Jerry anime, he had heard of it. But what does this have to do with the king?

"Do you want me to apologize to 'Jerry'?"

"Tsk." Xuan Hao looked at Fengjian Liuli in front of him with pity, what a pitiful guy.

Thanks to: Youyouyou, Daily life of the general attack, Titan w, Mo Huiqing, w Xiaoyao y, My shield can slap you in the face, Aoxue ruthless, Shallow pond in the old world, My name is home-cooked recipes, Missing velvet light, Lean meat Watermelon juice reward

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