A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1198 The only glory of 1191

Chapter 1198 The Only Glory


Weber woke up from a dreamless sleep.

When he opened his eyes, he saw the same darkness as when he slept. The woods where he slept during the day were now completely immersed in the starlit darkness.

Night fell again. For those who command the Servants, this was an inevitable time for battle.

The night wind, as sharp as murderous intent, did not make him feel uneasy at all. The breath that made this uneasiness and fear disappear was right beside him.

Rider, who had already materialized, had already made full preparations for battle and was flipping through Homer's epic.

The hard cover, which was heavy and depressing to Waver, was small and light to the King of Conquerors. The giant was concentrating on the world of words. He seemed to be very interested in flipping through the book, and even cherished the touch of his fingertips.

It seemed that he really liked this book, and Waver couldn't help but smile bitterly. If you suddenly ask Rider "Why was I born?" now, his answer may not be the ambition to conquer the world, but "I can't read Homer's epic without fingers." This man is such a person. He is obsessed with heroes in the distance, wants to use fine wine and delicious food, and regards the ambition to conquer the world as an ordinary desire like eating and sleeping. This peculiar personality attracts many men to follow him for life.

In human history, there was such a man.

"——Hmm? Boy, are you awake?"

Rider's interest in the adventure of Achilles, which he has read countless times, is still unabated. He smiles like a naughty child and looks at Waver. He will show this smile to everyone. Whether it is to the heroes who once shared life and death with him, or to a useless Master like Waver.

"... Didn't I say to wake me up at night? What are you doing?"

"Ah, sorry. I was fascinated by it without realizing it. But it's still early in the night. I think there is no need to be so anxious tonight, just calm down and treat it."

"Why?" "

The giant opened his mouth and fell into thought after another question.

"... Well, anyway, although there is no basis for it, I have a feeling that we can decide the outcome tonight. "

He said nonchalantly.

Weber nodded gently, without asking why. Although he couldn't explain it, the air brushing against his skin made him feel that the Holy Grail War had entered its climax.

If he had to say it, it was because the night air was too calm.

As far as Waver knew, the only eliminated competitors were Assassin, who was crushed by Rider himself, and Caster, who was defeated in the Miyuan River. Of course, in places he couldn't see, the battle was still going on and moving forward.

The abnormal atmosphere that he had felt day and night in this town was changing, from a chaotic commotion to a heavy sense of urgency.

This was also one of the reasons why Saber's anxiety, who had fought with him last night, impressed him more than his own anxiety. It seemed that some emergency had occurred in the Einzbern camp as well.

So Waver did not raise any objections to Rider's intuition. Precisely because he was the King of Conquerors who galloped across major battlefields and issued strategic instructions, his sixth The feeling is much more reliable than that of Waver, who is still inexperienced.

Whether Lord El-Melloi is still alive or not - the news about the enemy he once hated also makes him feel a little sad.

Going to the battlefield with the Heroic Spirits is an unimaginable hard training, and Waver has experienced it personally. Even if he is a genius with a good reputation in magic, the Holy Grail War cannot be speculated by the common sense of a magician. When he thought that he and he were undergoing the same hard training, he felt happy and sympathized with him. Among the six Masters, only Kayneth had a relationship with Waver, no matter whether this relationship was good or bad.

He could feel such emotion towards an opponent who would fight to the death as soon as he met him, and Waver felt his mood change again.

- Yes, no matter what the premonition was, for him, the Holy Grail War was no different from the end.

When he sighed, the light and obvious impact dispelled his sleepiness.

"What is this?"

"This magical fluctuation is really strange. It seems that I have encountered something similar before. "

Hearing Rider's words, Waver remembered the smoke signals sent by the Cathedral Church to summon the Masters. This was exactly the same feeling as at that time.

In order to see the sky, he walked out of the woods, and magic flashes appeared in the northeast, accompanied by brighter colors than last time.

"This form is..."

"What is this? Some kind of symbol?"

Hearing Rider's question, Waver nodded despite being confused.

"Lights of different colors, four and seven... are 'Emoeror' (achievement) and 'Chariot' (victory). Sending such smoke signals... Does it mean that the Holy Grail War has been decided?"

Rider frowned at Waver's explanation.

"What is this? I don't exist. Who won?"

This is really strange. In the Holy Grail War, victory is achieved only when all hostile Masters and Servants are eliminated. Now, Rider and Waver are here, how can they declare victory?

"... And that direction is not the location of the Fuyuki Church. How strange. Maybe it's not the smoke signals sent by those guys in the church."

"Ah, that's acceptable."

Hearing Waver's question, Rider snorted contemptuously and nodded.

"What, what happened?"

"It must be some impatient guy who made a victory declaration without authorization, provoking, 'If you have any objections, come here.' In other words, he wants to lead the opponent to the decisive battle place designated by himself."

Rider laughed fiercely, staring at the smoke signals glowing in the sky, as if to say that it was just what I wanted.

"Very good. This way we don't even have to search for him. With such a provocation, I don't think any Servant will sit still. Those who are still alive will surely gather at the place where the signal smoke was sent out - humph, just as I thought, tonight is the time for the decisive battle."

The King of Conquerors' burly body was trembling with joy and fighting spirit.

Waver looked at this fierce Heroic Spirit with a cold look as if he was watching from a distance.

"Really? It's finally the final stage."

"That's right. Since the battlefield has been decided, I can't bring shame to Rider's class."

Rider drew out the Celtic longsword and raised it high to the sky.

"Show yourself, my BMW!"

With the call, a light that pierced through space burst out from the torn void. The horse that appeared with the shining light of the Heroic Spirit - was a horse that Waver was familiar with.

Bucephalus, the horned Heroic Spirit horse. The legendary BMW that once carried the King of Conquerors to ravage the Eastern world. Now it has traveled through time and space to the side of its "ally" and is galloping on the asphalt road, neighing with eagerness for battle.

Although the various aspects of Iskandar's trump card "King's Army" need to deploy inherent barriers to correct interference from the world if they want to gather together. However, just like Mitrines, who served as a messenger in the Miyuan River, if it is manifested alone, it is within the permissible range of ordinary space. Now that the "Godly Wheel" has been lost, Rider wants to show his riding skills, and the most suitable place is on "its" back.

"Come on, kid, although it's not as stable as sitting on the driving seat, but make do with it, come on."

Rider, riding on his beloved horse, moved his body back to make room for Weber. However, Weber smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Only heroes are qualified to ride on the back of a peerless horse, and it is definitely not a place for ordinary people.

For example, an incompetent magician who can't even do the most basic of the basics, such as hypnotic magic --

Another example is a clown who overestimates his own abilities and only hinders the King's path to dominance --

The glorious path that King of Conquerors Iskandar is about to embark on cannot be sullied at will.

Waver understood that it was he, as a Master, who made Rider's determination to challenge Saber go to waste at the last moment last night. At that time, if Rider had challenged the "Sword of Promised Victory" with a desperate determination, he might have surpassed Saber's Noble Phantasm by a small margin and trampled the Knight King under the hoof of the sacred bull. The reason why he had to give up at the decisive moment was because of him, the Master who was also standing on the chariot. At the last moment, Rider could only jump off the chariot to protect the clown beside him. Of course, he could not let the contractor who made him appear in the present world sacrifice himself. At that time, the difference between Rider and Saber was the difference between the Master and not being around.

Waver Velvet once thought that he was enough to be the winner, and was complacent about it.

But now it was different. After two weeks, after seeing the real hero with his own eyes, now that he understood his own incompetence and insignificance.

The stray dog ​​also had his own thoughts. At least, what he could do was to look at the noble back that he could not reach -

"My Servant, I, Waver Velvet, issue the command with the Command Seal."

The young man raised his clenched right hand and displayed the Command Seal that was still unused. This was the shackle that bound the hero in front of him, and the biggest obstacle blocking his path to dominance.

"Rider, you must win the final victory."

This was not forced, but a natural judgment. So, Waver issued the command. He watched with ease as the first Command Seal exerted its magic and disappeared.

"Issue the command with the Command Seal again - Rider, you must seize the Holy Grail."

The second Command Seal also disappeared, and he felt a little sad for this flash. It was not too late to stop now, and this meaningless confusion swept through his heart - this was a foolish hesitation that was not worth mentioning.

"Finally, I issue the command with the Command Seal."

Waver firmly raised his hand with the last Command Seal and looked at the king riding on horseback. At least, at this moment, he could look him in the face without fear. This was the last and only honor of being a Master.

"Rider, you must conquer the whole world. Failure is not allowed."

The three holy marks that were quickly released radiated hidden magic power. After rolling up a whirlwind, they disappeared. As a magician, Waver might never have the opportunity to exercise such a huge magic power again in his life. However, even so, he still felt from the bottom of his heart that this was the most satisfying act in his life. There was no regret. As a reward for losing everything, this was enough.

Waver looked down at his hands, and the contract certificate engraved on his hands had disappeared without a trace.

"... In this way, I am no longer your Master."

Waver lowered his head and looked at his feet. He didn't want to know what expression Rider was looking at him now. Maybe he was surprised at Waver's cowardly act of giving up the war, or maybe he smiled with relief because he was freed from the incompetent Master. No matter which one, Waver didn't want to see it. If possible, he even hoped that Rider would forget the encounter between the two.

"Go. It doesn't matter where you go, you have already..."

Hmm, a calm answer sounded.

Next, the sound of horse hooves galloping across the land should be heard - Waver was thinking this, but he was lifted up by the collar. The next moment, he sat on Bucephalus's back.

"Of course I will rush there immediately - but since the annoying order has been issued, you have made up your mind, right? Come and witness the moment when the order is realized."

"You, you, you idiot! I say, hey!"

His will was changed so easily, and Waver shouted in embarrassment. Bucephalus made a rough neigh with his nose, as if laughing at his panic. Just a horse, but the way of laughing at people is the same as the rider. Thinking of this, Waver shouted in anger that he himself could not understand.

"I no longer have the Command Seals! I won't be a Master! Why do you want to take me with you? I--"

"Whether you are a Master or not, you are my friend, and that won't change."

Waver knew that this sentence, spoken with the same smile as usual, was meant for himself. At this moment, the strongest part of his heart collapsed-even though he tried his best to protect it, it only took a moment to destroy it.

The tears that burst out of his eyes overflowed like a spring, and when they flowed down his nose, they mixed with snot, making it difficult for him to breathe, and it was even more difficult to make a sound. Even so, he still choked and asked.

"... Can someone like me... really... really... be by your side..."

"You have been on the battlefield with me so many times, why are you still saying such things now, you idiot."

The King of Conquerors laughed at the boy's tears as if he was listening to a joke at a banquet, and patted his thin shoulders.

"Aren't you a man who faces the enemy together with me? Then, you are a friend. Stand up straight and stand shoulder to shoulder with me."


Waver forgot to laugh at himself. Forget the humiliation before today, the fear of tomorrow, and the fear of facing death at that moment.

The unshakable belief of "victory in battle" took root in his heart.

There will be no failure, no humiliation, he is now with the king, as long as he believes and gallops on the road to domination, no matter how unreliable his feet are, he will step on the end of the world-he firmly believes so.

"Then, it's time to answer the first command spell, open your eyes and watch carefully, kid."

"...Ah, I will definitely watch with these eyes!"

The legendary horse neighed for victory and began to gallop, carrying the king and the magician who were connected by heart, running towards the mortal enemy for the decisive battle.

The place indicated by the wolf smoke was the other side of the Miyuan River, the location of the fourth spiritual vein of Fuyuki.

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