A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1219 The only magic trick in 1212

Chapter 1219 The only magic

"──I'm a magician."

Although Kiritsugu said so at the time, he was actually a magus.

He is a pure magician who learns many mysteries, penetrates deeply into the structure of the world, and performs many miracles.

When he was a child, Emiya Shirou admired Kiritsugu like this and asked him to teach him magic.

But being a magician is not something you can just do. It requires natural talent and corresponding knowledge.

And of course he had no natural talent, nor did Kiritsugu teach him the knowledge of magic.

When asked why, Kiritsugu said it was because he didn't need such a thing.

He still doesn't understand the meaning of this sentence.

But it doesn't matter what he was like as a child.

I thought that if I could use magic, I could become like Kiritsugu.

However, Shirou Emiya did not have any natural talents, such as the number of magic circuits or the accumulated magic achievements over the years.

The result of Kiritsugu's magic is the Emiya family's magic seal, which seems to be something that only blood relatives can transplant.

The magician proved that magic seals will cause rejection reactions in people who are not related by blood, so as an adopted son, he cannot accept the seals from the Emiya family.


In fact, from the perspective of him who never knew what a magic seal was, the presence or absence of such a thing didn't matter at all.

So it just depends on what he can do.

If you want to be a magician, you can only learn magic that suits your own characteristics.

As for magic, to put it to the extreme, it is the technique of releasing magic power.

You can also replace the magic power with vitality.

Magic power is divided into a large source that fills the world, and a small source that is generated in living creatures.

If we want to distinguish between big sources and small sources, it goes without saying that big sources are better than small sources.

The power of a small source of magic created by a human being is different from that of a large source of magic that fills the world.

No matter what kind of magic it is, Dayuan's magic can easily surpass the magic used by individuals.

Because of this, good magicians are adept at drawing magic from the world.

That's similar to a filter.

Magicians use their bodies as conversion circuits to absorb magic power from the outside world and create magic power that humans can use.

Magicians call this conversion circuit a magic circuit.

This is a natural talent, and the number of magic circuits is determined at birth.

The average person has almost no magic circuits.

Because it is a very rare thing to begin with

Therefore, magicians accumulate bloodlines for several generations so that their descendants will have bodies that are more suitable for magic.

Families that go too far are like doing breed improvement, increasing the magic circuit for giving birth to children.

So because of this, Shirou Emiya, who was born in an ordinary family, cannot expect to have many magic circuits.

In this case there is only one way left.

Kiritsugu said that no matter who he is, he seems to have at least one suitable magic system.

He also said that he was following that person's origin to extract magic power, but he couldn't understand that part at all.

What is certain is that even a guy like him has a magecraft that he can use. If he practices that magecraft, he might one day become like Kiritsugu, that's all.

Therefore, Emiya Shirou only learned that magic.

That was eight years ago.

After hesitating for a long time, Kiritsugu admitted him as his disciple with a very serious expression.

"Listen up, Shirou. Learning magic itself is divorced from common sense. When you die, you must die, and when you kill, you must kill. Because our essence is not life but death. Magic is just destroying ourselves. It’s just a way─”

When you were a kid, your mind didn’t know what fear was, right? So even if Shirou Emiya heard such words at that time, he still chose to learn magic without hesitation.

At that time, Kiritsugu could only put his hand on Emiya Shirou's head, who nodded vigorously, and smiled helplessly.

"──What I teach you is something that will cause disputes.

Therefore, it cannot be used in front of others, nor can it be neglected due to difficulty.

But it’s okay to give up.

The most important thing is that magic is not for yourself, but for others.

In this way, although Shirou is a magician, he is no longer a magician. "

Kiritsugu, maybe he doesn’t want to become a magician? Although he knew this very well in his heart, Emiya Shirou thought that it didn't matter even if he thought about it.

Because he admired Kiritsugu, not the magus.

As long as I can be like Kiritsugu, like the red sun, for others, then──


Distractions arise.

It felt like the iron rod piercing the body had slipped into a place where it could not enter.


If your breathing is disrupted at this time, it will really be irreparable. The magic circuit created by the simulation will eat into the body and tear it into pieces.

That would be the end of it.

He became Emiya Shirou, a rookie who failed in this basic technique and died──


Gritting his teeth as if to crush them, Emiya Shirou began to continue again.

After struggling like walking on a mountain of needles, the iron rod reached deep inside his body and finally melted into a part of his body.

It took almost an hour to get here.

After spending so long, I finally made a pseudo-nerve and turned it into a circuit that produces magic power.

"────Basic bones, explained."

After that, the magic power just flows naturally.

Emiya Shirou is not a magician.

It can only generate magic power in the body like this and flow it to items.

So that magic can only do one thing.

That is───

"───Constructing materials, explain."

Reinforcement of objects.

It is a strengthening magic that grasps the structure of the target object and injects magic power to temporarily strengthen the ability.

"────Basic bones, changes."

What is in front of me is a broken iron pipe.

Inject magic power into this to complete the magic of simple hardness strengthening.

Originally, infusing one's own magic power into an object other than one's own was like adding poison.

Just like Shirou Emiya's blood, it is not blood to the iron pipe. Even if it is strengthened by injecting different blood, it will only accelerate the collapse.

To prevent that and turn poison into medicine, you must correctly grasp the structure of the object and inject magic into the open gaps.

"──,──, constitute the material and reinforce it."

It would be easy for a skilled magician, but for me who couldn't even generate magic power smoothly, it would be as difficult as trying to hit a target hundreds of meters away.

By the way, the distance of a kyudo shot is twenty-seven meters.

If it was dozens of times more difficult than that, Shirou Emiya wouldn't have to think about how difficult it was───


The heat in the body cooled rapidly.

The iron rod passing through the backbone disappeared, and the lungs, which were squeezed to the limit, greedily demanded oxygen.


"Ha──ah, ha ah, ha ah, ah───!"

His body was bent into an arch shape, enduring the dizziness that could easily cause him to lose consciousness.

“Ah───ah, damn it, failed again────”

The iron pipe has not changed. The infused magic seemed to dissipate outside.

“It’s so difficult to process something that already has a physical form.”

What Emiya Shirou did was like adding another touch to an already completed work of art.

Working on a finished object carries the risk of diminishing its finish.

Pens that are supposed to be strengthened can sometimes reduce the value of the artwork itself.

Therefore, enhanced magic is both simple and difficult, and there seem to be very few magicians who enjoy using it.

No, it's not that he likes to use it, it's just that he can't help it because he doesn't have other abilities.

Although it would be easier to simply knead invisible clay and use it as a substitute, a substitute that only reproduces the shape has only the appearance but no inner content.

The junk lying around was like that.

These are used as substitutes to calm down when the enhanced magic fails, but they all have no inner meaning.

Because it can clearly imagine the design of an object, the appearance can be reproduced very closely, but the inside is empty, and of course has no function at all.


Emiya Shirou wiped his sweaty forehead.

When he came back to his senses, he found that his whole body was soaked with sweat as if he had been splashed with water.

However, it was a fluke that it ended at this level.

What just happened was really dangerous.

If the recovery is one breath slower, almost all the internal organs will be destroyed.

"If you can make progress when you are about to die, then there is still hope."

There won't be anything so convenient.

However, it makes sense that fear of death magic prevents progress.

Now that I have learned magic, death is always around me.

Even magic that is nothing to do every day can break out due to a small mistake and take away the life of the magician.

The first realization as a magician is to accept death.

── Kiritsugu said that it was very sad.

Maybe that means that the other party doesn't want him to have that kind of awareness.

"Whoever you want to help means you have to give up. Partners of justice are very selfish."

When Emiya Shirou said that he wanted to become like Kiritsugu when he was a child, Kiritsugu repeated these words to him.

He didn't know what that meant.

He just knew that he, Shirou Emiya, must help others everywhere and become a partner of justice just like Kiritsugu.

"On the contrary, basic things here can't go smoothly. How can you have distracting thoughts at a critical moment, idiot!"

Capturing the structure of objects visually is very tricky.

A good magician only captures the 'gaps' of objects and injects magic power without waste.

"His dream was to be a partner in justice."

I remembered what Sister Teng said during dinner.

He didn't think it was embarrassing or impossible.

Because that's an absolute certainty.

Emiya Shirou will inherit Emiya Kiritsugu's will.

So even if he is not yet mature, he is still doing what he can do.

He didn't know what kind of person a righteous partner really was.

Because he doesn't know, he is now just doing it for others within the scope of what he can do. This is the only way to get close.

During the past five years, although I planned to keep looking forward, because many things did not go well, I was somewhat confused.

"Ah, really, I don't understand at all, Kiritsugu. What on earth do you need to do to become a partner of justice?"

Emiya Shirou looked at the sky through the window.

He thought that as long as he helped others, he would be a righteous partner.

Although he clearly knew it, he had not grasped the important part of how to become a different person in the past five years.



It was a dream.

Shirou Emiya was a dreamer. As long as nothing serious happened, he would always have the same dream.

The things that appeared in his dreams were usually swords.

Although he didn't know why, this was the only thing that came to his mind.

It was meaningless and there was no reason.

Then, that might be the factor that constituted Shirou Emiya.

Even if he was a rookie, since he was a magician, it was natural for him to control the world he was in.

─── In a word, magicians were exceptions that were contrary to civilized society.

But even if they were exceptions, they could not exist without a group.

Kiritsugu told him that the organization of magicians was called the Magic Association.

He also said that it would be better not to get involved with them.

The organization called the Magic Association was said to hide magic and manage magicians.

In simple terms, they are a group of dangerous people who prevent magicians from influencing modern society with magic, but do not prohibit the abuse of magic.

Kiritsugu said that the Magic Association only wants to hide the mystery.

If a magician sacrifices many ordinary people in order to conduct his own research, the association will not punish him.

What they value is not to make magic public, not to prohibit magic.

In simple terms, they are a group of dangerous people who can do anything as long as they are not exposed.

However, the Magic Association's surveillance is absolute.

Many magic research will sacrifice ordinary people and expose the existence of magic.

Therefore, the Magic Association will not allow experiments that are harmful to the general society.

So the magicians stay in their own residences and study quietly, ignoring the affairs of the world.

──── Sometimes it is like this.

Magicians hide themselves almost all to avoid the association's purge.

Therefore, it is possible that there are magicians in this town, but he just doesn't know it.

Because Fuyuki Town seems to be a land with excellent spiritual power.

This kind of land will definitely be occupied by a famous family with a history. They are called managers and are the leaders entrusted by the association to this land.

If a magician wants to develop in the same land, he must first say hello to them and obtain permission to build a studio.

In this sense, their family is a thief who moved in without notifying the manager.

My father cut off his relationship with the association, ignored the rules, and moved in without the permission of the Fuyuki manager.

The manager didn't know that Emiya Kiritsugu was a magician, and Kiritsugu didn't know who the manager was.

Because of this, Emiya Shirou thought that the position of their family was very ambiguous.

My father, who was a real magician, passed away.

As both a son and a disciple, he didn't know the Magic Association and didn't have the knowledge of being a magician.

According to the definition of the association, a rookie like him should be caught and dealt with as soon as possible, but recently I don't feel that kind of danger.

No, because Japan is a place that the Magic Association can't control, so in fact, he hasn't been discovered.

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