Chapter 123 116. Combat Plan

In the ward, Miyamoto Shio was lying on the bed, and Miyamoto Takashi was beside him. They all looked serious at this moment, because all the heads of the eight Sheqi families were here at this moment.

Miyamoto Takashi didn't quite understand why he was here. Logically speaking, he was not qualified to participate in a meeting of this level, but he was kept by Miyamoto Shio.

Everyone remained quiet, waiting for the old man's decision.

Tachibana Masamune was holding a tablet computer in his hand, and the various information on it made him frown. Even he had never expected such a situation. If Japan really sank, all his plans for many years would be ruined.

Finally, he put down his tablet and looked around at everyone with a serious face.

"Gentlemen, I think the situation no longer requires me to say anything..." Tachibana Masamune took a deep breath and straightened his old body. This old man looked like a warrior ready to rush to the battlefield at any time. , with firm eyes, "This moment is about the survival of the family, not just the survival of the family, but the life and death of the whole of Japan. We have no other choice..."

"Even if it costs everything in the family, we must stop it! Otherwise, we will have no future!"

"We have no choice now. There has been no movement from the secret party. To solve the current problem, we can only rely on ourselves." Miyamoto Shio said while lying on the bed. As he spoke, he looked at Miyamoto Takashi beside him. He glanced at it and said, "It's a pity that I can't help at this moment. Takashi is by my side and knows a lot about this matter, and I can rest assured of his ability to work. I think that in order to accurately enter the Akagui River, dragons must pass by." You need someone to guide you along the way.”

"Xiao, can you do it?"

"I...must do it!" Miyamoto Takashi's eyes were firm. At this moment, he finally understood why he was left here.

This is exactly what he wants. They are part of the Sheqi Eighth Family. Escape is not allowed. Instead of letting him spend his last days at home with his lover, he leaves his fate in the hands of others. , he would rather take the gamble himself.

"But I hope to be able to force Ryoko to leave Japan." Miyamoto Takashi bowed deeply.

"Agreed." Yuan Zhisheng said and looked at his father.

"Nothing is wrong." Tachibana Masamune noticed everyone's gaze, "For the warrior who goes to the battlefield with the intention of dying, we have the obligation to solve all his worries. If necessary, I am willing to die personally."

"No, boss... If you leave this matter to me, you will be more confident." Yuan Zhisheng's eyes were determined, "The Sheqi Eight Families still need you to take charge of the overall situation."

"Yes, parents, my rotten sword is willing to help the young master." Inuyama He calmed down and said, "Please rest assured, if necessary, even if I risk my life, I will guarantee the young master's safety." Safety."

Inuyama Ga's eyes didn't look like he was joking. He is the head of the Inuyama family and the only pillar of the Inuyama family. Originally, he was not allowed to die, but this matter is related to the survival of the entire Japan. He still understands this truth.

He thought that he should be the strongest person in the Sheqi Hachi family besides the young master. He was probably the only person who could help the young master. He was already old. Even if he could support the Inuyama family, he would not have much time left. , but he believes that if it is the young master, even if he dies, he can ensure that the Inuyama family will not be bullied again...

"Everyone, we also..."

Tachibana Masamune stopped the other family heads from speaking.

"I know that you all feel the same as me, but this time the target is under the Akagui River. The environment there is destined to make it impossible to send people down on a large scale. Besides, we are not going to fight with that big guy. .”

Tachibana Masamune handed the tablet to all the family heads.

"Kaguya made calculations based on its data. This guy should be quite big, and the ghost-toothed dragon vipers move around it like his guards. This mode is like an aircraft carrier and its frigate. It He has left his own Nibelungen and is heading towards Mount Fuji at all costs!"

"The reason why it moves slowly is that it is too big to pass through some river channels, but those Acrodon vipers are like scavengers widening the channels for him. It is hard to imagine how it controls them. .”

"But this also means that we have enough time to prepare countermeasures." Shio Miyamoto answered, "My customized plan is to block that guy's ultimate path, carry out blasting and interception, and surround this big guy. With its size, it is impossible to react quickly and leave our surroundings. Then we pour mercury into it. Even if we can't kill it, we can clean up those troublesome ghost-toothed vipers first, and then it will be easier to deal with this bulky guy alone. a lot of."

As he spoke, he took the tablet handed over by Masamune Tachibana and slid the interface, "We have calculated the location where the plan will be implemented. Next, the plan will be handed over to Miyamoto Takashi to implement it. However, we still need someone to go down and use Xian The Philosopher's Stone will give it the final blow. Because of the interference in its field, the instruments will have no effect, so we can only use manpower to blast and launch the Philosopher's Stone, so as to ensure that no accidents occur."

"Leave the blasting task to me." Genichiro Ryoma, the head of the Ryoma family, said, "But if you want to encircle it, even if you blast it in the river, it will be a pretty big project."

The Longma family is involved in the arms industry and has also studied things like blasting, but this is the first time they have taken on such a dangerous job.

"We need to cut off the entire flow of the Akagui River, but the flow of water in the underground river is extremely fast. We need a lot of explosives and manpower to block it front and back." The head of the Sakurai family seconded, "I will also assist."

"Then I will be responsible for responding to everyone at any time..." Fuma Kotaro glanced at Sakurai Nanami.

The Fuma family is a family of ninjas, and this kind of job is the most suitable for them. They can fill any position at any time. Even in the worst case scenario - Gen Zhisheng fails to dive and launch the Philosopher's Stone, he can do so without hesitation. As ninjas, they were ready to give up everything at any time.

"Please lead us!"

All the family heads set their sights on Tachibana Masamune.

"Alas..." the old man sighed deeply, "I feel all your determination, but this is a critical moment that affects the life and death of everyone in the Sheqi family. I absolutely cannot stay out of it."

"Please allow me to come and watch in person. I will witness your triumphant return with my own eyes." Tachibana Masamune bowed deeply, holding the blue feather fabric on the ground, and the family emblem of the sixteen-petal chrysanthemum on it was also scattered on the ground.

No one could see the old man's lowered gaze, but they all knew that if they all failed, the old man would personally carry the launcher and embed the Philosopher's Stone in the dragon's head.

They cannot be defeated.

Underground not far from Mount Fuji, the engineering team of the Sheqi Eighth Families has dug out a relatively wide space here as a temporary stronghold and the last line of defense.

This stronghold is located on the only road leading to Mount Fuji from the Akagui River tributary. If the plan fails, the target will be 'judged' by the last 'sharp sword' guarded here.

The sound of the generator was roaring, and the heads of the eight Sheqi families were setting up 'traps' with their people. This war was related to the survival of the entire Japan, and there was no room for their carelessness. What they were about to face was not those who were still sleeping. An ancient dragon embryo, but an awakened dragon! The target of data analysis is at least the next generation of dragons and above.

A fully awakened existence of the next generation or above. How long has it been since humans have faced such a noble existence? Still in such an unfavorable environment, if it cannot be stopped, then Mount Fuji will completely erupt, their home will be gone, everything will be lost, and they can only face the enemy.

This is the mission of the Sheqi family. No one forces them to stay here. The Sheqi family can completely take care of themselves. They can even choose to leave Japan and leave this mess to others. When the dragons wake up, there will always be someone to deal with it. Bar? For example, the secret party in Europe, or neighboring China? But they didn't choose to escape.

Even if it seems futile or even self-destructive.

It's not that they don't know the consequences of failure, they just don't want to make some compromises and are ready to bear the consequences.

This is the will passed down from generation to generation by the eight Sheqi families. Even if they know that there is a dead end ahead, they are willing to die generously for it.

But in a small temporary tent here, the scene was completely different from the busyness of the eight Sheqi families outside.

The faint light of the Psp screen reflected in the girl's glazed eyes. There was no fluctuation in the girl's eyes. She was just playing the game as usual, as if she had no idea what was going to happen next.

But she actually knew this. Yuan Zhisheng knew this very well.

He looked at his sister playing the game in front of him with soft eyes. Eriki appeared here voluntarily.

There was a futon under the girl, and she sat on it with her knees curled up, her chin resting on her knees, and her little hand holding the game console kept pressing the buttons. Although she was wearing a miko uniform, she didn't feel any disobedience, only pity. Although it was actually against etiquette to sit and play games like this, Yuan Zhisheng didn't say anything. Let her do whatever she likes today...

He once asked his father to send Eriki away. His father did not refuse, but Eriki himself refused.

Yuan Zhisheng watched her clumsily writing and drawing on the drawing board.

What she drew was a Q version of herself, like Dui Bo in Street Fighter, firing light cannons from her small palms to kill the monster in front of her.

There is also a line written below - Brother, do you need help? Then I'll stay!

Eriki didn't know what the consequences would be if she stayed, but it was not something she would consider. Her brother looked distressed, and she just wanted to stay and help him.

Yuan Zhisheng tried to send her away, but the child's tearful eyes looked like an abandoned kitten, and the arms holding him refused to let go.

Yes, the eight Sheqi families chose to stay and let Eriki leave alone. Where could she go? The outside world may be more dangerous for her.

Yuan Zhisheng touched Eri Yi's head and stood up, "Eri Yi just stay here obediently."

"Brother, come on!" Eriyi put down the game console and wrote on the drawing board.


Yuan Zhisheng agreed softly, turned and left.

Eri is the strongest 'Sword of Judgment' of the eight Sheki families, but whether it is for selfish reasons or otherwise, Minamoto is not willing to let her take action unless it is absolutely necessary, because he knows Eri's physical condition. , the dragon's blood corrodes her body, and every time she is judged, her bloodline will get closer and closer to the critical line.

She doesn't have much time...and as an older brother, how could he be willing to use his sister as a weapon.

So, just don't let things get to the worst point.


As soon as he came out of the tent, he saw Tachibana Masamune standing guard outside.

"There's no need to show such an expression, it's not the last minute yet." Tachibana Masamune chuckled, "Don't worry, everything will go smoothly with the plan."

"Dad, there's no need to comfort me. I've already made my decision." Yuan Zhisheng also smiled, "The Sheqi family has reached this day and it's time for me to stand up."

"It's just that I may be a little regretful that I won't have the opportunity to sell sunscreen oil in France."

Tachibana Masamune sighed, "Well, if I were a few years younger, maybe I wouldn't have to leave all the responsibilities to you. Whether as a teacher or your father, I am unqualified. …”

Yuan Zhisheng shook his head and left here without looking back, "Don't worry, Dad, you are still quite young. You can still work for many more years after this matter is over."

But maybe who will inherit your position in the future will give you a headache.

Yuan Zhisheng put on protective clothing and walked to his teammates.

At this time, Miyamoto Takashi and Inuyama Ga have been on standby for a long time.

In fact, Yuan Zhisheng wanted to go down alone.

After all, although the Inuyama family leader is very strong, he is already old after all, and his physical strength is definitely not as good as before. He was very worried that after this old guy went down, he would really never come back up again.

But the head of the Inuyama family has made up his mind, so it's useless whatever he says.

Yuan Zhisheng frowned. He didn't like this, sacrificing others to protect himself? What a joke. The justice in his heart will never allow it, but he is the young master of the eight Sheqi families, and if he has the opportunity to lead their "emperor" in the future, it is destined that someone will die for him, because they all want him to live, as long as " As long as the emperor is still there, there is still hope for the eight Sheqi families.

He hated this kind of thing, but he couldn't refuse. He could only choose to accept it, even if it meant sacrificing their lives when necessary.

"Young Master." Miyamoto Takashi said respectfully.

"Do you want to go down too?" Yuan Zhisheng frowned. He originally thought that Miyamoto Takashi was only here to be responsible for the layout and proofreading of various data to avoid errors in the blasting, but he did not expect that he would also dive in person.

"Yes, I must dive in advance." Miyamoto Takashi's eyes were firm. "The instrument cannot accurately determine whether the target has entered our 'trap', so the best way is to have someone confirm it personally below."

"I will notify the blasting team via the cable below about the time to start blasting. After blasting, I will pour mercury in. First, clean up the ghost-toothed vipers around the target. Then, young master, you will be responsible for killing it!"

"and you……"

"Don't worry, young master. I will stand at a safe distance away from the explosion point and observe. If I can survive, I don't want to die." Miyamoto Takashi smiled.

After staring at the young man in front of him who was a few years younger than him for a while, Yuan Zhisheng didn't say anything else, but just nodded lightly.

Thanks: No Good Name, Missing Luoguang for the reward

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