Chapter 1229 Church

"...Yes. You are right, I am not in a perfect state now. Since Shirou does not have the magic power to materialize me, whether it is to return to the spirit state or to restore the magic power, it is difficult to It’s very difficult.”

"...It's really surprising. Although I didn't expect it to be so tragic, what's even more surprising is that you would actually say it honestly. I'm still trying to figure out how to exploit your weaknesses."

"Although it is not my intention to let the enemy see through my weakness, I can't hide it from your eyes. So there is no point in hiding my current details. In this case, it will be better to let Shirou understand the current situation better by telling you. good."

"That's absolutely correct. It's also very stylish... Ah~ Really, it's getting more and more pity. If I were the master of Saber, this kind of war would be as if I had won!"

Tohsaka clenched his fists as if regretful.

"Hmm. Tohsaka, do you mean to say I'm not worthy?"

"Otherwise, you newbie!"

Wow. Emiya Shirou was extremely shocked.

He didn't expect Tohsaka to be so disapproving of the attack.

"What's wrong? Do you have any questions?" Tohsaka Rin continued without any self-consciousness.

The image of a model student that he had built up in the school was now falling apart in Emiya Shirou's heart.

He now believed what his good friend Yi Cheng said.

Worthy of it. Tohsaka is indeed as unforgiving as a devil.

"Okay. Now that things are clear, it's almost time to go, right?"

at this time.

Tohsaka suddenly said something incomprehensible.

"? Go? Where?"

"That's what I just said, this game you got involved in... go meet someone who is familiar with the Holy Grail War. Emiya-san, don't you want to know the reason for the existence of the Holy Grail War?"

"! Of course. But where is it? It's already this time, if the place is too far away..."

"Don't worry, it's just the city next door. If you hurry up, you can come back before dawn. Besides, tomorrow is Sunday, so it doesn't matter if you stay up late!"

"No, that's not the problem!"

It's just that he was very tired after a lot of things happened today, so he actually wanted to rest for a while and sort out some things.

"What, you're not going?...Well, since Emiya-san said so, forget it, where is Saber?"

Tohsaka went to seek Saber's opinion for some unknown reason.

"Wait a minute, this has nothing to do with Saber. Don't be too pushy!"

"Hey, you already have the consciousness of being a Master. Don't you want me to talk to Saber?"

"It's, there's nothing like that! But if what you said is true, Tohsaka, wasn't Saber a hero in the past? In this case, even if you are called out in this era, you probably won't understand anything. So───"

"Shirou, that's not what you said. Since followers belong to the human world, they can naturally adapt to any era. So I am also very aware of the things of this era."

"Huh? You know? Really?"

"Of course. After all, this is not the first time I have been summoned in this era."


"No way, how low is the chance!?" Tohsaka was also shocked.

...In other words, what Saber said was shocking.

"Shirou, I agree with her opinion. As a master, your knowledge is still too poor. As a servant who has made a contract with you, I will be troubled if Shirou does not become stronger."

Saber looked at Shirou Emiya calmly. It was not for Saber herself, but because she was worried about Emiya Shirou's safety, it was such a gentle look.

"...I understand. I'll go to the head office. Then, where is that place, Tohsaka. It should be a place where I can go back, right?"

"Of course. The place we are going to is the Kotomine Church in the next city. That is where the fake priest who oversees this war lives." Tohsaka showed an evil smile.

It was an expression that made Shirou Emiya, who knew nothing about it, happily amusing himself.


Although it is biased.

But Emiya Shirou always felt that there must be something wrong with this guy's personality...


Walking in the streets late at night.

It was past midnight, and there was no one at all outside.

The lights in every house have also been extinguished, and now only street lamps are left to illuminate this sleeping city.

"Um, Tohsaka. I want to ask a little thing. Do you want to walk to the next city?"

"That's right? Because the trains and buses have all stopped running. It doesn't matter, it's nice to take a walk under the night sky once in a while."

"That's it. Let me ask you again, do you know how long it takes to get to the city next door?"

"Hmm~ It takes about an hour to walk. If it's too late, just call a taxi when you come back."

"I don't have that kind of extra money. What I want to say is that it's not good for girls to go out at night. You should know that the public security is not good recently. I can't afford it if something happens."

"Don't worry, no matter who the other party is, they won't come to trouble us. It seems that Emiya-san has forgotten that Saber over there is incredibly strong!"


That's right.

Regardless of whether they are bandits or something like that, Saber can definitely drive them away if she takes action.

"Rin. What did Shirou want to say just now? I can't understand."

"Ah? Nothing. Should I say he had a big misunderstanding or he's a big idiot. Anyway, it means that if we encounter a pervert, Emiya-san will stand up for us."

"How can that be? Shirou is my Master. Wouldn't that reverse the position?"

"I don't think he thought that far, right? It seems that he doesn't care whether the target is a magician or a servant. I really want to open his head and take a good look~"


I don't know when Toosaka and Saber have become close enough to talk.

Speaking of Saber, when she was about to go out, she was going to go out like that, and she remained silent after Emiya Shirou stopped her.

She refused to take off her armor no matter what, so I had no choice but to let her put on a raincoat, and then she became more and more silent.

Now she follows me with the sound of the raincoat rubbing, and only talks to Toosaka.

"Eh? Where are you going, Emiya-san? Isn't that the wrong road?"

"It's good to get on the bridge. In that case, this is a shortcut."

Since it would be very awkward for Emiya Shirou to walk side by side with the two of them, he entered the path earlier.

The two followed without saying anything.

Walking to the park by the river.

After crossing the bridge, you can go to the Shinto in the next city, but──────

"So there is this road. Oh, right, the bridge can also be reached from the park, so it's better to walk to the park, right?"

Tousaka looked up at the bridge and said this cheerfully.

Is it because of the site effect of the park at night?


The side of Tousaka looking up at the bridge is even more beautiful and charming than what I saw in school.

"Okay, let's go. We're not here for fun."

Emiya Shirou urged Tousaka who was staying in the park to go up the stairs.

As long as you get to the sidewalk next to the bridge, the road to Shinto is a straight line.

There was no one on the pedestrian bridge.

This was natural, after all, not many people were walking even in the morning.

To get to the next city, people usually took buses or trains, so this pedestrian bridge was not used much.

Because the distance was too long anyway, and it didn't seem to be very solid, so it wouldn't be surprising if it collapsed at any time.

Such statements made people feel uneasy.

In terms of location, it was impeccable, but it didn't appear on the dating spot. This was probably the reason.

"... What an idiot. What am I thinking?"

Saber followed him silently, and Toosaka was right next to him, shoulder to shoulder.

He tried not to care about the two people, and just wanted to cross the bridge as soon as possible and speed up his pace.


After crossing the bridge, Toosaka took them to the suburbs.

Speaking of Shinto, Shirou Emiya only had the image of the ever-developing commercial street in front of the station in his mind, but once away from the station, the old streets were still preserved.

The suburbs were the most classic among them.

A gently extending slope and a high ground facing the sea.

The further you go up the slope, the fewer buildings there are.

A Western-style cemetery built on the slope of the hill comes into view.

"The church is up here. You must have been there at least once, right, Emiya-san?"

"No, I haven't. But I know that there used to be an orphanage there."

"I see, so today is your first time here. You'd better be on your guard. Because the priest there is not so easy to deal with."

Toosaka went up the slope first.

Looking up, you can see something like a cross on the high ground.

The church on the high ground.

I never even approached the House of God until now, but I didn't expect that I would travel here for such a purpose.


"Wow! It's really magnificent here."

The church gives people an extraordinary sense of luxury.

Is the high ground almost all church land?

Once they reached the top of the slope, a vast square was waiting for them.

The church inside is not very big, but it towers like a mountain and gives visitors a sense of oppression.

"Shirou, I'll stay here." Saber suddenly stopped and stopped moving forward.

"Huh? Why? We've already come here. It doesn't make sense to leave Saber here alone, right?" Emiya Shirou was a little confused about this.

"I'm not here for the church. I'm just here to protect Shirou. Since Shirou's destination is the church, he shouldn't go any further. So, I'll stay here and wait for you to come back."

Saber said it very straightforwardly.

It seems that she can't be persuaded, so let's respect her wishes here.

"I know. Then we'll go."

"Yes. No matter who the target is, please be alert at all times, Master."


A wide and solemn chapel.

Since there are so many chairs, it means that there are many visitors every day.

To be entrusted with such a church, it can be imagined that the priest here is a respected person.

"Tousaka. What kind of person is the priest here?"

"It's hard to explain what kind of person he is. I've known him for ten years, but I still haven't figured out his personality."

"Knowing him for ten years? That's a long time. Are they relatives or something?"

"You're not a relative, you're my guardian. By the way, he's my fellow senior and second master, right?"

"Eh... when you say fellow apprentice, you mean the magician's fellow apprentice!?"

"That's right. What's so surprising about this?"

"Isn't it because he is not a priest!? A priest can actually do magic. Doesn't this kind of thing violate the commandments?"

Yes, magicians and the church are incompatible.

The large-scale organization that magicians belong to is called the Magic Association. Behind a major religion, the church that you will never have the chance to come into contact with in your life if you live by the rules is temporarily called the Holy Church.

These two seemingly different things are formally connected hand in hand, but as long as there is a chance,

Killing each other all the time, having such a dangerous relationship.

The church hates heresy.

Their goal of completely excluding non-human beings includes people who use magic.

For the Church, miracles are something that only the chosen saints can learn.

All other miracles are heretical.

Even those who belong to the church are no exception.

The higher the status in the church, the more forbidden the contamination of magic is.

It goes without saying that believers in such a church are delivered to him,

The greater the blessing from the gods, the less likely it is that there will be no chance of something like magic───

"...Wait a minute. By the way, is the priest here a member of the church?"

"Yes. After all, he is the person who was sent to supervise this Holy Grail War, and he is a genuine agent. However, I doubt whether he has been blessed by the gods."

Click, click, footsteps made like this as Tohsaka walked towards the altar.

It's a bit unreasonable to bother the priest when he's clearly gone, and it's already so late.

It's not like it's in the chapel. If you want to visit, you probably have to go to the private room inside.

"...That's it. Then, what's the name of that priest? I thought you said his name was Kotomine or something just now."

Emiya Shirou asked as he followed Tohsaka's footsteps.

Tohsaka stopped in front of the altar, looking back with a troubled expression.

"My name is Kotomine Kirei. He is my father's disciple. This bad relationship has lasted for more than ten years. However, if possible, I don't want to know him at all."

"I feel the same way. I don't want to have a disciple who doesn't respect his teacher."

Click, footsteps suddenly sounded ahead.

Did he sense that they were coming? The man slowly appeared from behind the altar.

"I wanted to say that you didn't reply even though I paged you repeatedly. I didn't expect you to bring a strange guest. Well, is he the seventh person, Rin?"

"That's right. Although he is a magician, he is completely a layman at heart, so I really can't stand it. I remember that it is a rule that the person who becomes the master should be handed over here, right? Although it is a rule set by you without authorization, But this time I complied.”

"That's good. So that's the case, then I have to thank this young man."

The priest named Kotomine slowly moved his gaze towards Shirou Emiya.

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