A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1232 1225 Berserker Attacks

Chapter 1232 Attack

"You're so bold. That's why I said he was a fake!"

Just like that, Toosaka turned his back to Father Kotomine.

After that, he didn't even look back, didn't even say goodbye, and walked towards the exit.

"Hey, is that okay, Toosaka? Isn't he your senior brother? Then──you should have a more serious conversation, right?"

"That's not necessary. Breaking off the relationship will make people feel relieved. You should leave quickly instead. There's no point staying in this church anymore."

Tousaka walked through the chapel without stopping and really walked out.

He sighed and followed Toosaka's footsteps.

At this time.


Feeling something behind him, he couldn't help but turn his head.

When did it stand behind him? Emiya Shirou was a little confused. The priest looked down at him without saying anything.

"What are you doing? Is there anything else?"

As he said this, his feet retreated by themselves.

...He really can't do anything with this guy.

Is it because of their incompatibility or personality, anyway, Shirou Emiya just can't like this priest.

"I have nothing to say, I have to go!"

He shook off the priest's sight and walked towards the exit.

On the way.

"--Be happy, young man. Your wish has finally come true."

Yes, the priest said it as if he was delivering an oracle.

What does that sentence mean?

Shirou Emiya didn't understand, because he himself didn't realize his original intention.

"--Why did you suddenly say that?"

"You should understand. As long as there is no clear evil, your wish will not come true. Even if it is something you cannot admit, it is necessary for the righteous side to defeat the evil."


Just now, it seemed that the eyes were about to turn into a dark place.

The priest said.

The most noble wish and the ugliest wish of Shirou Emiya are of equal significance.

...That's right. The desire to protect something also means the desire for something to harm them────


However, he couldn't have prayed for that.

He didn't remember ever thinking about it.

That too unstable wish was just something that contradicted the ideal of the goal.

Nevertheless, the priest still said it.

It seemed to pierce his heart, and it was great to have an enemy.

"Don't worry, don't justify yourself. Your inner entanglement is normal."

The priest smiled happily.


Emiya Shirou ignored him and turned his head to the exit.

"Goodbye, Emiya Shirou. One last piece of advice for you, be careful on the way back. From now on, your world will completely change. You are standing on the position of killing and being killed. Because you are already a master."

Behind Emiya Shirou who was leaving quickly, these words came to him.

...The wind started.

Probably because he was standing on the hill.

The wind was stronger than when they were on the ground, and the cold wind stinging my cheeks was sharper.

"Shirou. Are you done talking?"

"...Yeah. The whole thing has become so disgusting. Whether it's the Holy Grail War or the Master's matter."


Saber walked forward and looked at his face.

...No wonder.

No matter what choice he made, it was none of her business.

"...Yeah. Although I don't know if I can do it, I have decided to fight as a Master. I'm sorry I'm not up to it yet, can you accept that I am the Master, Saber?"

"There's no need to talk about acceptance or not. You have been my Master from the beginning. Didn't I swear to be your sword?"

The scene at that time inadvertently emerged.

"──It seems, right... Yeah, Saber, I am grateful that you can say that."

After taking a deep breath, Emiya Shirou walked towards Saber again.

"Then let's shake hands. Please give me your guidance in the future, Saber."

Emiya Shirou extended his right hand.

He didn't know the relationship between the Master and the Servant, nor did he know what to do in the future.

So he thought, at least he should make a good initial greeting.


"Saber? Eh, can't we shake hands?"

"────No, not really. It's just a little sudden, and I'm a little surprised."

Saber also put her right hand up.

"At this moment, I swear again. As long as you have the Command Seal, I will become your sword."

"Okay. Although I don't quite understand, please."

Because Saber was very serious, Emiya Shirou also nodded.


...If you look at it calmly, it's really a strange scene.

Under the winter starry sky.

The cold hand held the hand of the girl who had just met not long ago, and they talked to each other like the content of the contract.

"────Hmph~ You've been holding on for so long, it's about time you let go, both of you."


Emiya Shirou hastily let go of his hands.

When I looked back, standing there was Tohsaka Kazuo——that one, the knight in the red coat.

"The relationship is good. Not long ago, I didn't talk to each other. What a big change. In other words, you already completely trust Saber?"

"Eh... No, that's not what I meant... No, maybe it will change like you said. I don't know about Saber yet, but we will work together in the future, so..."

"Really? Then just keep your nerves tight. Now that you have that kind of relationship, we won't be merciful."


When she said that, Emiya Shirou tilted his head in doubt.

He couldn't understand the meaning of her words for a short time.

"Let me tell you, do you understand that we are enemies? I brought you here because you were not considered enemies at that time. But in this case, Emiya-san is also one of the Masters, right? Then I think There’s only one thing you can do, right?”


No, she was absolutely right, but that.

"Why. I have no intention of fighting Tohsaka..."

"...Sigh. This sentence really came out. Really, wouldn't it be meaningless for me to bring you here?"

Tohsaka dropped his shoulders as if frustrated.


"What's wrong? Didn't you promise that you wouldn't interrupt until I gave my permission, Archer?"

"I know that, but things won't progress if they continue like this. There's no need to check whether the other party is aware of it. Since there is an enemy that is easy to defeat, there is no need to deal with it politely."

"Huh...I know that kind of thing without you having to tell me."

"Now that you know it, take action. Or what else. Are you pitying that man again... Hmm. I don't think that will happen, right?"


"Of course that's not the case! ...It's just that, didn't I owe him once? If I don't pay off that debt, I won't be able to fight to my heart's content."

"...Well, I'm trying to force someone into trouble again. Then I'll disappear first. Call me after you pay off that debt."

The figure of the red knight──Archer disappeared.

No, that's just not what he looks like.

Tohsaka said that the followers are spiritual beings.

Although there is no way for Saber to return to the spirit state, if she is a complete master and a servant of Tohsaka, she can disappear easily like just now.

... Let’s not talk about this for now.

"Let me ask you Tohsaka. Does the debt you are talking about refer to what happened before?"

"That's right. Regardless of the form, Emiya-san used the Command Seal to stop Saber, right? So, it would be unbalanced if I didn't have some concerns about you."

"...Balance?...Tohsaka will persevere in such a strange place."

"Yes, I know. I understand that things like this are a piece of fat on my heart. But there is nothing I can do about it. I hate not paying back debts the most."

With a snort, Tohsaka turned his head to the side.

"However, this is a limited time offer. I won't be merciful when tomorrow comes, so you should make a battle plan with Saber."

"...Huh. In other words, the discount is only valid until today?"

"That's right...but I'm the one who brought you here. Well, I'll keep an eye on you on the way back to the city."

Just like that, Tohsaka moved his steps so as not to meet our eyes.

"Let's go, Shirou. She's right, it's not a good thing to stay here any longer."


Emiya Shirou nodded at what Saber said and followed Tohsaka, who was walking quickly.


Three people walked down the ramp.

Is it because Tohsaka left alone first? They went down the ramp without having a proper conversation.

There is a simple divergence of paths ahead.

If you want to go to the main road in front of the station that leads to Shinto, you still have to go to the bridge that connects Miyama Town.


In front of that intersection, Tohsaka suddenly stopped.

"Tohsaka? What are you doing? You stopped suddenly. If you want to go back, isn't it the direction of the bridge?"

"No. Sorry, you should go back alone from here on. I have forgotten about Emiya-san, and I am not that free. Since I am in the new capital, I will find something to go back to."

"───Looking for something? You mean other Masters?"

"Yes. I don't know what you are thinking, but I have been waiting for this time. The seven Masters have arrived, and this is the night when the Holy Grail War begins to kill each other. In this case, there is no way to go home now. Let’s go? For the sake of failing to defeat Saber, I can’t bear to take this breath if I don’t take care of the other servants.”


...There was no confusion in Tohsaka's eyes.

This made Emiya Shirou understand.

Tohsaka Rin is a magician in his own right.

Her knowledge and spirit are all based on becoming a magician.


But why...

"So let's part ways here. I've done my best, and if we stay together again, our hands and feet will be tied. Let's just separate. If we don't become enemies from tomorrow on."

There would be such an unnecessary move that goes against the magician.

Tohsaka didn't explain the rules to him out of a sense of obligation.

It was just for the sake of fairness and to support Emiya Shirou from the standpoint of the ignorant one.

Therefore, it means that as soon as it is over, it will return to its original state.

Next, as the Master, he becomes an opponent who only has a competitive relationship.


Regardless of this, Tohsaka still said that.

From Tohsaka Rin's point of view, everything tonight was unnecessary.

‘If we stay together again, our hands and feet will be tied, right?’

Since he was going to say that line, Tohsaka would have just stopped staying with me from the beginning.

She's so smart, she should be clear about that kind of thing.

Even so, Tohsaka Rin still didn't remember the harm of defeat, so he gave Emiya Shirou a hand.

...From Emiya Shirou's point of view, the Tohsaka in front of him was completely different from the one he saw in school.

To say that she has a mean character is an understatement, and her cold and ruthless appearance makes it difficult for people to get close to her.

The difference is so big that it makes you think your performance in school doesn't matter.

Really, he thought most of these behaviors could be considered fraud.

...But, even so.

Tohsaka Rin is also what everyone thinks.

"─────Yes. Tohsaka is a good person."

"What? Why are you saying this all of a sudden? I won't let you down even if you praise me."

He knew that kind of thing.

Just because this guy doesn't know how to let go, we can conclude that it will be very troublesome to say that he has been in love for a long time.

"I know. But I don't want to be your enemy if possible. I quite like people like you."


For some reason, Tohsaka fell silent after saying that.

A deserted suburb.

The church towering far above Shirou Emiya's head, and the tranquility of the Western-style cemetery walking on the hill made people feel incredibly warm at this time.

"Anyway, in short, once the servant is defeated, don't think too much and just run into the church just now. That way, your life can be saved."

"Yeah. It's a bit embarrassing, but I'll listen to you. But that won't happen. No matter how you think about it, my life will be shorter than Saber's."


Tohsaka showed another mysterious reaction

She sighed as if she couldn't bear it, and glanced at Saber.

"Forget it, if I give you any more advice, it will really become emotional, so I won't say it anymore. Just be careful yourself. No matter how good Saber is, that's all until you, the Master, are dealt with."

Tohsaka turned around and walked towards Xindu.


As abruptly as seeing a ghost, her steps suddenly stopped.

"────Have you finished speaking?"

Childish voices sounded in the night.

The voice that sounded like singing undoubtedly came from the girl.

My eyes were drawn to the ramp.

What’s there is───

I don't know when the clouds dispersed, and the bright moon hung in the sky.

The long figure looked like a demonic alien seen in a picture book.

In the dim and blue shadow city, there is something that is miserable and cannot exist, staying there.


Tohsaka spoke unfamiliar words.

Even if you don’t know what it means, the alienness of that giant is so strange that you don’t even want to feel it.

That's not human.

In this case────they are beings called Servants just like Saber and the others.

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