A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1236 1229 The So-called Heroic Spirit

Chapter 1236 The so-called heroic spirit


...That's it.

Having said that, it is indeed impossible for these incredible groups of heroic spirits to listen to humans.

They also have a purpose and will serve their master in exchange.

...In that case, Saber also has a wish that should be realized.

That's why Saber was not confused.

But, that.

"...Wait a moment Saber. You just mentioned all possible means. Does that mean that you will do whatever it takes to win. For example───"

Just like the priest said.

Involving innocent people who are not the Master, causing a tragic situation like that day ten years ago───

"Shirou, that is not a possible means. I will only do what I can allow. It is impossible for me to do something that goes against myself. It is a violation of the knight's oath to harm an unarmed person."

"However, if it is the Master's order, I will have no choice but to obey. At that time, I will take away a seal from you at the cost of trampling on me."

Saber's angry voice was overwhelming.


Even so, Emiya Shirou breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he has an impression of being too strong and mechanical without any confusion,

But he knew that Saber was not a cold-blooded murderer.

"───Well, I will never let you do that kind of thing. Just like what you said, Saber, we can only do our best within our capabilities... I'm really sorry. I did it without knowing it. I insulted you."

"Ah... No, I didn't understand the master's intention and I thought I was right. It's not Shirou's fault, so can you raise your head...?"

"Huh? Ah, I apologized subconsciously."

Emiya Shirou raised his head.


Is there anything strange? Saber smiled slightly.


However, he was also happy that she was willing to laugh, so let's not pursue it.

"Then can I ask one more thing. The so-called master refers to the magician who summons the servants. That's no problem, but I don't know much about you Saber. Is it Saber or Lancer? I know it doesn’t sound like my real name no matter how I think about it.”

"Yes, our names are just the titles of the assigned positions... I think about it, let's give a rough explanation at this time."

"We followers are heroic spirits. Each of us is famous in the era in which we were born, or we are some people who have accomplished great achievements that are difficult to achieve with flesh and blood. No matter what the method is, we can only rely on ourselves to The power has climbed into the realm of God.”

This goes without saying.

The so-called heroic spirits are heroes who had outstanding abilities in life and were sacrificed after death. They did not become ghosts but were promoted to the realm of elves.

"However, that is also a weakness. Since we are heroic spirits, our weaknesses are kept in the records. Exposing your true name───exposing your details will also reveal your own weaknesses. If the enemy is a low-level elf, then it will not be a problem. , but we are heroic spirits who both have the power to kill each other. If our weaknesses are discovered, we will most likely be targeted first, leading to defeat."

"...I see. Most people called heroes have opponents that are difficult to deal with, right? So you just use Saber as your name and hide your real name?"

"Yes. However, I am not called Saber just for this reason. Although there are seven servants recruited by the Holy Grail, these seven were selected for various positions."

"Position...? Is it like a swordsman (Saber) or an archer (Archer)?"

"Yes. Originally, it was necessary to summon the heroic spirit completely, which is close to a miracle. And this kind of thing has to be done for seven people. Even the Holy Grail is too reluctant. In order to solve this problem, the Holy Grail prepared seven people in advance. A vessel, summoning only the heroic spirits that fit the vessel. That is, the accommodation that allows us to exist in this world. Those are Saber, Lancer, Archer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, and Berserker.”

"The Holy Grail draws heroic spirits from all eras with abilities that match their positions. Those who wear the outer covering of their positions are called Servants."

"...I see. So Saber is called Saber because she is a heroic spirit who is good at using swords?"

"Yes. Of course there are heroic spirits with multiple attributes, but when it comes to swords, I think no one can match them."

"However, that is also Saber's shortcoming. Since I am not a magician, I can only become the Master's sword to defeat enemies."

"You just mean that you're not good at maneuvering, right? No, I don't think that's a shortcoming. Saber is so strong, so that's enough, right?"

"Shirou, you can't win this war just by being strong in battle. For example, if the enemy is better at white-handed combat than you are, what would you do?"

"Huh? Well, let me think about it... Since we know that we can't win from a frontal attack, we can only avoid fighting and think about other things───"

At this point, Emiya Shirou finally understood.

Since the opponent is very strong, he cannot fight an ordinary battle.

Combat isn't all settled with swords.

Since the sword cannot defeat the opponent, then why not use something other than the sword to deal with the opponent?

"That's what it is. If the opponent knows that he is good at white combat, the opponent will not start with white combat in the first place... This means that the servant who is at a disadvantage in terms of ability will use all kinds of methods."

"Servant Assassin is not very capable in terms of ability, but he has the special ability to hide his aura, and Servant Caster is proficient in magic that is not available in this era. In terms of pure combat power difference, it is not optimistic. In addition, We have a Noble Phantasm. No matter what kind of servant it is, as long as it is a heroic spirit, there is a chance to kill it."

"Noble Phantasm─────?"

That was an unfamiliar word, too.

But literally speaking, you can probably guess what it means.

"The Noble Phantasm refers to the special weapon held by the Servant. Lancer's gun, Archer's bow, my sword and other corresponding weapons. The so-called heroes are not called heroes individually. They are Having a weapon that can become a symbol makes you special as a hero.”

"Heroes and weapons are one. Therefore, those who become Heroic Spirits each carry powerful weapons. That is the Noble Phantasm──── it is the trump card of the Servant, and it is also the thing we should be most vigilant about."


...Noble Phantasm refers to the weapon held by the heroic spirit during its lifetime.

Saber said so.

Emiya Shirou thought of the blue knight.

It absorbed the magic power in the atmosphere and penetrated the gun on Saber's chest with an impossible trajectory.

It is indeed not something made by human hands.

Although the gun itself also contained a strong curse, the words Lancer spoke at that time could also feel the disparity of magic.


That being the case, could it be that?

"Saber. Is the Noble Phantasm you're talking about magic? Lancer's gun is indeed an unusual-looking gun, but it doesn't go beyond the scope of the so-called gun, right? But his words made the gun break away from the weapon. Field. Isn’t that a magic category?”

"Yes, the Noble Phantasm is indeed very similar to magic. Take Lancer's gun as an example. Although his gun itself is a Noble Phantasm, its true value can only be exerted when he pours magic power into it and speaks its true name. ”

"Because the so-called Noble Phantasm, in a sense, is a formed mystery. Just like the discovery of magic requires chanting, the activation of the Noble Phantasm also requires chanting───it requires the true name to awaken. However, at the same time, this also It comes with danger. Once the true name of the Noble Phantasm is revealed, the identity of the servant will also be revealed."

"...That's it. Because the hero and the weapon are one group. As long as you know the name of the weapon you are holding, you can naturally know the identity of the owner."

Saber nodded wordlessly.

That’s why I say the Noble Phantasm is a trump card.

Exposing his identity will also give him a fatal blow that cannot be avoided.

But if that fails───the servant will also expose his own shortcomings.

"So Saber. Is your Noble Phantasm that invisible sword?"

"...Yes. However, my true identity has not been revealed yet. In my current state, there are no servants who know my true name, right?"

As she said that, for just a moment, Saber lowered her gaze as if embarrassed.

"Shirou. I have a request regarding this matter."

"Huh? Request? What request."

"About my real name. Originally, the servant would only reveal his real name to the Master and think about future countermeasures. But Shirou is not a magician yet. As long as he is an excellent magician, it is also difficult to read Shirou's thoughts. It’s possible. So───”

"Well, it just means that you can't reveal your name... That's right. It's exactly what you said. It's like hypnosis or suggestion. I don't think so, but if other masters have magic eyes, it might be possible. Tell me all the secrets──Okay, then the timing of using Saber’s “Noble Phantasm” will be left to Saber’s own judgment.”

"Ah──that, really, that easily?"

"It's not easy. I thought about it carefully before agreeing. This is the conclusion after thinking about it, so don't worry about it."



Even if I understand most things, I still don’t understand the situation.

It’s really strange to think about it.

I decided to fight, but the only opponent I knew was Tohsaka.

And Emiya Shirou didn't want to fight her at all.

...Ah~ No, the other party is very motivated, so I probably can’t say that.

"Let me ask you, Saber. Don't the Master's followers have any marks? If this continues, it will always make people confused."

"No. Unfortunately, there is no clear way to tell. However, as long as the Servant is close, the Servant can detect the presence of the Servant. If the Servant is in the materialized state, the feeling will be stronger. Because from It's a powerful magic power. Shirou also feels Berserker's presence, doesn't he?"

"Well────that's true. But it's not a good idea to find out only when you are attacked. At least you have to find out before you are approached, otherwise you won't be able to deal with it."

"Then, how about searching for the existence of the Master. The Master is also a magician. As long as one is engaged in magic, magic power will inevitably leak out. If we look for it, we can identify the Master who lives in this city, right?"

"...I'm sorry. Unfortunately, I don't know how to talk about technology."

Besides, he didn't even discover Tohsaka's true identity, who was in the same school.

We've been in the same building for two years, and we've talked to each other many times.

"─────This is troublesome. No wonder people laugh at you and look down on you. The only proof you have as a Master is the Command Seal. Should you say that your future is bleak?"

Emiya Shirou sighed.

─────At this time.

"Shirou. Could you please close your eyes for a moment?"

Saber said to me with a serious look on her face.

"...? Close your eyes? Why?"

"To prove that you are the master. Don't worry so much, please close your eyes and adjust your breathing."


...He closed his eyes.

And, there was a slight feeling of touching my forehead.

────Wait a minute, why is there a thorny feeling? This can’t be the tip of the blade────! ?

"─────Saber? Wait, are you doing something strange?"

"...Master, please stop talking and focus your awareness on my fingertips. If you are also a magician, you should be able to feel the magic power here by doing this, right?"


It turned out that it was Saber's finger that touched her.

He regained his composure and calmed down.

─────At this time.

What is this?

"Saber, what was that just now?"

"It's nothing. You and I are connected because of the contract, so it's natural for you to know my status."

"────Understood? Just now?"

"I don't know how you understand it. The way to measure the abilities of servants is just the benchmark that Shirou sees. If there are masters who can be identified purely by color, there will also be masters who are distinguished like wild beasts."

"In other words, although there are personal differences, it is easiest for me to judge. This is a basic skill for a master, so please check it frequently in the future. Just like me, as long as it is an opponent I have seen once, You should be able to get the details of the opponent, right?”

...That's it.

Although he was a little surprised by the suddenness of the situation, he might be able to act like a master in this case.

"───Master. Although it is abbreviated, this is all I can explain."

"Yeah. It's a bit fast, but it's understandable. I'm really sorry to trouble you, Saber."

"...What is really troubling you? Now that you know the situation, shouldn't you decide what to do in the future?"

Saber took a step forward and asked.

...That's it.

Saber, like Tohsaka, is the type to strike first, right?

"There's nothing to do, it's just like usual. I don't have any thoughts of taking the initiative to attack other Masters like Tohsaka did."

"────Shirou, this is different from what we said. You don't plan to obtain the Holy Grail as the Master, do you?"

...Saber stared at him.

Those are the swordsman's sharp eyes that cannot be denied.

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