Chapter 1239 1232. Live together

"Well, teacher. It's almost time for me to return to the shooting range, so I'm leaving first."

"Okay, okay. Ah, help me tell Meizu-san who is waiting. I have something to say to her. Can you please come over?"

"Okay. Senior, please sit down slowly. It would be great if I could give you some long-lost guidance."

Sakura bowed and left.

But on the way there.

She looked uneasily at Saber, who was watching from the wall.

"Then what? What are Shirou's plans next? The club activities will end at five o'clock. Do you want to visit before then?"


What to do.

It seems that Saber is watching the situation of the archery dojo with great interest. If so───

...They all came to school anyway.

In this case, let's be open-minded and take Saber to see the school building.

"I'm going to take a walk. I'll walk around the school building and come back."

"Walking? It's good, but this hobby is really different. Kiritsugu-nii also has this kind of old-fashioned interest. Shirou also has the same attributes?"

"With attributes like that, I don't think walking is cliché. Although I don't really want to give this example, isn't dating something like walking?"

"What~, dating is different~. If you really want to talk about it, isn't it a trip where you can eat delicious food everywhere?"

"That's it~, that kind of aimless walking is called walking, isn't it? Don't say so much, I'm leaving... Speaking of which, I won't buy you anything from school. Because there is nothing Street vendors.”

"That's right. The school cafeteria is also closed, and the home economics classroom is closed... I can't help it, just be empty-handed. You have to come back early, Emiya-san."

In the end, Sister Teng used the person's last name to remind Emiya Shirou like a teacher.

He only waved his hand in response and called Saber.

"Visiting the school, right?"

"Yes. We are all here. This is a rare opportunity, so I just wanted to show you around. Saber, just staying in the archery dojo is boring, right?"

"...That's right. It's not boring, but it's meaningful to look around the school buildings. Let's confirm right away whether the school Master attends is safe."


Although it was just a random idea, this proposal was well received by Saber as expected.

...However, it seems that there is a deviation between what he and she thought, so it is better not to take it to heart and take her to visit.

"Okay. This is the large forest behind the school building and behind the archery dojo. The area is about 300 to 600 square meters. In fact, it may be enough to rival the large playground in front. It is allowed because of the mountains inside. A classic example of a bold land operation.”

In short, find a place nearby first, and visit the back mountain, which is only a few minutes walk from the archery dojo.

"That's it. From three hundred to six hundred, right? The difference is nearly double. There should be a certain level of ambiguity."

"Thank you for your barbed remarks. By the way, you seem to be very dissatisfied. I wonder why? Saber."

"Maybe it's your misunderstanding. Because I didn't expect to visit the school as Shirou mentioned at all. Yes, I wouldn't mind at all even if you suddenly brought me to a place like this. I wasn't looking forward to it from the beginning. So there is no such thing as disappointment.”

Saber turned her head away.

... Completely unhappy, looking like he was having trouble.

"Then, may I ask what is here, Master? This is indeed a sparsely populated forest. Even so, it is not a place that requires attention."

"Yeah, no need. I just told you that there is a forest behind the school. Then, let's go to the next place."

"Then, here is the playground. People from the track and field club are running now, so be careful not to get too close. During physical education class, team competitions are held here."

"Team competition...? Specifically, what kind of competition is it?"

"Well, our school is very strong in the sports department. The baseball club is the leader among them, so it's probably baseball. Occasionally we also play dodgeball and the like. In short, it's a sport where you divide into two groups and defeat the other group. "

"...That's it. When it comes to group competitions, I thought it was something where the people cooperated with the leaders to act, but it turns out that's not the case."


I always feel like Saber is imagined to be something very dangerous.

It’s just a feeling, so don’t ask further.

"In short, it's a sport about competing with other opponents to score points. The group of people running now are also trying to compare how many seconds they can run the 50 meters."

While saying that's what happened, he kept looking at the playground.

"What's wrong with you, Saber? Are you looking for something?"

"Ah, no... Well, I have watched a little bit of a competition in the past, so I am a little concerned about whether there is one in this sports ground. Although I don't really understand other sports, I was quite happy to watch that competition. , so I accidentally..."

"It's a sport that Saber would like to try. Could it be tennis or something? There's a court just walking inside."

"No, no, it's not tennis. If you think about it calmly, it's not a sport that this land can accommodate... It's just that, I used to use a sword to play similar ball games and was scolded, so it's a bit I miss it..."

"?A ball game played with swords?"

What is that?

...Speaking of which, the thought of this serious Saber using a sword to make fun of her face made her blush inexplicably.

"Master, please forget what you said just now! Okay, the investigation here has been completed, let's go to the next place...!"

Being pushed by Saber to move into the school.

First, we visited the corridor and walked to our own classroom on the third floor.

"────This is the Master's classroom. ...When I was walking in the corridor, I thought there might be a problem, but it was within the allowable range."

"Permissible range?...Does that mean safety or not?"

"Yes. You can feel the same magic in the corridor as you did when you entered the school. However, there is no lingering fragrance of magic in this classroom. Only Rin's magic is left in the corridor and the school building. There is no trace of it yet. factors that expose the Master to danger."

Anyway, should you accept it first? The tension I felt from Saber gradually faded away.

Although he wanted to go too far, Saber investigated the school because she was worried about him.

...Well, to be honest, of course it’s impossible to be unhappy.

It had only been a day since we made the contract, and we didn't know anything about each other.

However, in just a short period of time, Saber put his safety as the first consideration, which Shirou Emiya deeply realized.

When the sun begins to set, the club activities also end.

The sun sets early in winter, probably because of the recent dangerous events.

"Ah. By the way, Meizu, what's going on with that guy Shinji? I didn't see him today."

"That guy didn't come. I don't know if he has a new girlfriend. He's been like this lately."

As if nothing had happened, Meizu walked towards the school building.

"Goodbye. I have something to go to the office for."


Playing with the key to the club classroom, the Kyudo club leader left first.

───Then we arrived at the main entrance.

Facing the town as the sun set, Emiya Shirou and Fuji-san said goodbye to everyone along with Sakura and Saber.

"goodbye teacher!"

"Don't bully Emiya, tiger!"

Hearing these noisy farewells, he started walking down the slope.

Go down the ramp.

Next to them were Fuji-san and Sakura, and behind them was Saber, who was following at a slight distance.

"────Is that strange? Why is that girl following us?"

...such a sentence.

You haven't found it surprising until now, but now you finally discovered the problem.

"Hey, Shirou. Do you know her?"

Second inquiry of the day. Fortunately, he had experience with Meizu, so Emiya Shirou answered without thinking:

"I know you. I brought it, so isn't it natural?"

So blurted out.

"S-That's true...senior, what's your relationship with that person...?"

"Hmm. I've never heard of Shirou having foreign friends."

"No, not a friend but someone that dad knows. She is the daughter of someone that dad knew when he was flying around."

"Kiritsugu-nii's? Then this girl is here to visit Kiritsugu-nii?"

"That's it. She will live in our house from today on, so we have to treat her well."


Fuji-san and Sakura had the exact same reaction at exactly the same time.

However, it would be strange for those who are not surprised to suddenly hear that the girl will live in our house from today on.

"Wait──Shiro, Shirou, when you say you live there, do you mean you want to live with that girl────!?"

"It's not cohabitation. Saber only stays here for a short time. I just lent her my home as a hotel. Don't be so surprised, right?"

"...Um. Senior, that person's name is Saber, right...?"

"Yes, although it is a strange name. Since I am not familiar with Japan, I think there may be something strange about it... Ah, and although she doesn't like to talk much, she is a good person in private. Sakura too It would be best if we could get along well with her.”

"...Okay. That's no problem, but..."

Sakura didn't meet my eyes, but looked towards Fuji-san as if asking for help.

"Teacher Fujimura. Does Mr. Fujimura allow Miss Saber to stay?"

"Hmm... Of course it's impossible for a teacher, but you can't leave the children under Tokisugu's care... He seems to be very upright, so there shouldn't be anything wrong. Hey, neither is Shirou. What could go wrong?"

Looking sideways at Emiya Shirou, Fuji-san said something very rude.

"Of course. Since you are dad's guest, you are my guest. I can't do anything rude. Besides, she is like a sister, right?"

"Hmph~ By the way, how old is that girl? She looks younger than Sakura."

"Uh───, probably, that's it..."


Sister Fuji stared at Emiya Shirou's face.

Then, just as he was about to go down the slope, suddenly.

"Shirou, do you like that girl?"

It was such a surprise attack.

"Hmm...!! Then, who knows about that kind of thing! I just met her not long ago, so how can I tell you why?"

...Well, his face is so hot... Judging from Sister Fuji, his face must be completely red.

"Yeah. Although it's not a lie, there are signs."

...What exactly do you know then?

Sister Teng crossed her arms and fell silent as if she was thinking about a very difficult question.


In the final conclusion, Saber's accommodation was approved.

"It doesn't matter, right? It's a good experience to be a host family, and there are not necessary many rooms here."

Sister Teng said this final word.

Sakura never spoke, but at the end: "Yes. After all, this is not something I can express my opinion on."

So I accepted it tentatively.


That's it, dinner started.

In order to welcome Saber and give her a thank you gift last night, I put a lot of thought into dinner.

Starting with salad-style grilled bonito, fried chicken with spicy onion sauce, and potato beef, which is often said to be a must-have in home cooking.

Various types of tempura are prepared, including Ebiten, who often serves them as a finishing touch.

The dinner was not so much an effort, but rather an over-the-top dish.


No one spoke a word, and it ended simply like that.


Washing dishes in the kitchen.

Although Emiya Shirou didn't expect to have a harmonious meal from the first day, wouldn't it be nice to have a short conversation.

Especially the tempura this time he thought was delicious.

The body is fried straight up without curling up, and the skin is crispy.

It is an impeccable and proud work, so I would like to say something about it.

"...Having said that, it's all settled. The only line that came up was to have another bowl, so what does that mean?"

The aftermath for four is certainly time consuming.

...Speaking of which, Sakura didn't come to help today. Is this a hint?

"Okay. We've finished our meal, and it's almost time."

Sister Teng looked at the clock while drinking tea.

It was past nine o'clock in the evening.

Normally, it would be about the time the two of them should go back.

"Sister Fuji. If you want to go home, help see Sakura off."

Emiya Shirou was in the kitchen, washing the dishes, and spoke to her.


no respond.

Sister Teng looked at the TV as if it had nothing to do with me.

"...Hey, hey. Didn't you hear me, Mr. Fujimura?"

He returned to the living room and knocked Sister Fuji on the head.

At this time.

"Sorry, I refuse that. Because I can't send Sakura home for the time being."

"? Why. Sister Teng, what can you do?"

"Well. It's not about anything, it's because I have to live here from today on."

He said it simply.

It seems that the matter has been decided, Sister Fuji asserted.


"Ah, how about living together, Sakura? I'll contact you at home, so you can rest assured. It's more fun for three girls to be together, right?"

"Ah... Okay, okay, please! Mr. Fujimura, please do everything!"

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