Chapter 127 120. Two shots

The solution to the problem is very simple. What do we need to discuss?

Throw these two guys up first, and then kill them alone. Isn't that the end? There are so many bells and whistles, no matter whether it is the next generation or the Dragon King, as long as it dares to come, he dares to kill it.

Xuan Hao put his left hand on Yuan Zhisheng's shoulder, exerted a slight force, and dug his fingers into his protective suit, causing water to flow into the crack.

"What do you want to do!"

Yuan Zhisheng was shocked. He never thought that this guy would attack him here. This guy was really a spy sent by the Dragon Clan!

But the next second, he became confused.

This guy waved his spear above his head with his right hand, and the silver barrier surrounding them seemed to have been cut open by him. The strong air flow swept through, making it impossible for the ghost-toothed dragon vipers to gather together. They desperately wanted to get closer, but no matter There is no way to form a siege again.

Then he twisted Yuan Zhisheng's shoulders and threw him out heavily with a shocked expression on Yuan Zhisheng's face.

Yuan Zhisheng's whole figure flew out like a cannonball, all the way up, but there was a rock wall above!

"F*ck!" Yuan Zhisheng yelled.

He was completely unable to control his body, and just watched helplessly as he crashed into the rock wall above.

This is murder, naked murder!


There was a muffled sound.

A large hole was punched into the rock wall above.

Yuan Zhi flew out helplessly, as if he had experienced the feeling of Wang Jiang being thrown as a ball that night.

Fortunately, he was in a keel state now, otherwise he would have been cold. He fell heavily outside the underground river, which was the temporary base they were digging.

Now he only feels severe pain all over his body. What on earth does this guy want to do?

Just when he was questioning, another figure was thrown up from the hole he just made.

It turns out this guy wants to save people! Is there any mistake.

The corners of Yuan Zhisheng's mouth twitched. He didn't know if he should thank that guy. Did he really believe that he could survive after smashing through the rock wall?

But what he knew clearly was that if this guy threw Inuyama Ga first, it would definitely be murder.

"Little Lord!"

Several anxious voices came.

"Are you OK?"

Fuma Kotaro, Sakurai Nanami and Ryoma Genichiro heard the movement and gathered around. They were surprised to find that their young master had 'beaten' through the rock wall and returned here.

Could it be that the plan was successful?

But they always feel that something is wrong. Why is the young master lying on the ground? Is he too tired?


Yuan Zhisheng coughed up a mouthful of blood.

"Hey, hey, hey! Call the medical team!"

Ryoma Genichiro saw Minamoto vomiting blood and immediately reacted.

"The medical team is rescuing everyone!"

Sakurai Nanami was also a little anxious.

"Ahem... I'm fine... Dad... what's wrong with him?" Yuan Zhisheng asked.

With his physical fitness as an 'Emperor', he wouldn't be able to smash a wall and die, but he didn't understand why Tachibana Masamune needed to be rescued.

Has something invaded this place too?

"The commissioner from our headquarters broke in and injured the head of the family..."

Fuma Kotaro calmly explained to the young master.

Yuan Zhisheng probably understood a little bit.

The man broke in here, and the other four family heads went to stop him. Dad was slapped away for blocking his way, and his life is still in danger.

This... really seems like something he would do.

Although Yuan Zhisheng is angry, there is nothing he can do. That guy is stronger than him. This is a fact, and that guy can be regarded as his savior. The most important thing now is that the following situation is not yet known, and Japan's crisis is not yet known. Lift.

But since that guy has stayed down there, it means he will deal with the dragons down there, right? I don’t know if he can do it.

Yuan Zhisheng endured the pain and got up. He stared at the red water gushing out from the crack. He was silent. It was very quiet down there. He had no idea how the battle was going.

Just as he thought, it was indeed quite quiet down there.

Because the fight didn't start at all.

Swarms of ghost-toothed dragon vipers circled around Xuanhao.

They attacked, collided, and bitten countless times.

But the human in front of him didn't fight back at all.

If they could be confused, they would probably already be confused.

Because no matter how many wounds they leave on this man, they will heal in the next second.

This man has a smile on his face, as if he is enjoying their service?

It’s like these cute Asterodon vipers are giving him a fish massage!

They came one after another, biting crazily and never stopping. As time passed, they found that they... couldn't bite anymore.

Xuan Hao looked at a ghost-toothed dragon viper biting his arm and smiled with satisfaction.

Almost done, right? He grabbed the Viper's tail and took it away from his arm.

In mint condition.

The seemingly sharp teeth were no longer enough to leave scars on his body.

His purpose was achieved.

He couldn't find a suitable way to exercise before, but today it happened that this was the perfect way to exercise, although it hurt a little at first.

Speaking of which, he had to thank these cute little fishes.

Even now, they are still tickling him. They are such cute little things. He even wants to catch a few and take them back to taste them.

But now is not the time.

Xuan Hao stared expressionlessly at the huge shadow in the distance.

Is this what gives them such a headache?

He really couldn't see what was scary about this thing.

Big, black, thick and long.

It looks silly and cumbersome.

Isn't this kind of thing a target?

He saw the fort set up next to him. Look, isn't there a weapon? The Japanese branch is really bad, they don’t even know how to use weapons.

Xuanhao shook his head helplessly, he didn't know how to use it either.

He has never seen this kind of turret. It is not necessary to use wool.

Holding the spear, he walked towards the big guy in front of him step by step.

Sabitchi seemed to realize the power of the 'human' in front of him.

Its 'guards' seemed unable to do anything to this human being.

Then, it’s time for it to take action.

The heavy body moved in the river.

The river channel here is too tight, and it cannot be used at all. Originally, it would not appear here.

It wasn't the explosion that awakened it, nor was it the Dragon King that had appeared before.

Instead, it heard the heartbeat of its own 'god', as if it had been provoked. The 'god''s heart beat more and more powerfully, inspiring people like war drums. The 'god' was about to wake up, and it was going to fight for The return tribute of 'God'.

All living beings in this country will be sacrifices on the day when the ‘god’ descends.

But there are people in front of us who want to stop it. It's ridiculous and foolish for a mere human being to actually want to stop the coming of the 'god'.

It roared angrily, and emitted a strange dragon roar from its huge mouth. Its huge body moved slowly forward in the river.

Bloody rivers flowed through its body, and the invisible realm expanded forward from it. The originally turbulent water seemed to have forgotten its flow and was unable to stop its progress.

The whole world seemed to be trembling for it. The ghost-toothed dragon vipers that obeyed it no longer surrounded Xuanhao, but guarded it. At this moment, the tyrant was about to conquer in person, and the supreme king was about to crush everything in front of him.

The water of the Akagui River seems to be crying, fearing the coming of the tyrant. The entire river seems to be collapsing. The stagnant water flow seems to be kowtowing to the tyrant. They dare not flow. The medium pressure of tyranny makes them stagnant. .

This is the 'King Quan', a perfect next-generation species, a being who was once regarded as a god in Japan - the 'King Quan' of Sahibichi.

It's a good thing that Yuan Zhisheng is not here, otherwise he would have seen what the real 'royal power' is.

Even nature is bowing down to such a power, rivers are stagnant for it, and even those ghost-toothed dragon vipers that can survive on the bottom of the sea have lowered their profile.

This is true 'royal power', showing its majesty no matter where it is.

The only people who can see it without kneeling are those who are greater than it, such as its 'god', the white king who sleeps in the depths of the ocean.

But why don’t the humans in front of me kneel down?

It opened its eyes that were protected by scales angrily. Its huge pupils were like the moon sinking in the dark underground river. It stared at the human in front of it, as if questioning, questioning his arrogance, ignorance and fearlessness. .

The man stood at the bottom of the river. The heavy pressure caused his feet to sink into the mud. However, his back was straight and his steps still did not stop. He raised his feet and stepped on the ground. Every step was like a mountain. .

His face was illuminated by golden pupils as hot as the sun, and the blood-colored water made his cheeks look strange. The cruel smile at the corner of his mouth was like a Shura in hell. The light in his pupils even surpassed the giant creature in front of him!

The people of the eight Sheqi families above felt like the sky was falling apart and the earth was about to collapse! They didn't know exactly what was happening underwater, but the whole underground was shaking, the earth was trembling, and the red water was crying, as if it was afraid of some terrible existence.

The anger in Sabitchi's majestic golden eyes seemed to burn out the river of the Akaki River. The temperature of the water rose sharply. It looked angrily at those tiny golden eyes. What a noble existence it was. It was once Worshiped as a 'god' by these tiny humans, and now this man dares to ignore its 'royal authority'! How dare you walk up to it with a weapon! How offensive!

It wanted to burn everything in sight, but the man seemed not to notice the increase in water temperature, and actually had a smile on his face.

The man raised his head and stared at the ghost-toothed dragon vipers guarding the huge figures in front of him, as well as the huge pair of eyes behind them.

He exerted force on his arm and swung the spear horizontally in front of him.

"Back off!"

It was issued like an order.

The river began to flow again. No, it should be said to be pushed. The huge shock wave pushed the river forward. Even the 'royal power' could not resist such pure violence. Not only the river retreated, but also those surrounding it. The ghost-toothed dragon vipers were unable to control their body shape and were forcefully pushed back following the river. They could no longer continue to guard their 'king'. The king's cavalry was single-handedly scattered, and the might of the entire army was instantly destroyed. be disintegrated.

Zuobichi was furious. No human had ever dared to disobey it like this!

The hard scales on its body began to stand up, turning into sharp and tough barbs. It opened its mouth, revealing its huge dragon teeth. Originally, it would never attack in person, because it only needed to watch. The 'sharp blade' under its hand will cut off everything in front of it, but now it is disarmed.

Now it will tear the human being in front of it to pieces with its own hands and use him as the first sacrifice for the resurrection of the 'god'. Then it will continue to move forward, awaken the sleeping Mount Fuji, destroy everything here, and use the entire Japan as an altar!

The river is crumbling, and this huge guy rushes forward angrily. At this moment, there is no need for his subordinates to clear the way for it. It wants to crush everything in front of it.

"What are you bumping into?" Xuan Hao said disdainfully, "Do you think you are a Gonggong? Still want to anger Buzhou Mountain?"

He stopped, used his spear to draw a dividing line on the ground, and stood there waiting for the big guy in front of him to hit him.

"Cross this line and die."

It doesn't matter if Mount Fuji is shot casually. At most, Japan will sink. But if it completely erupts, the overwhelming dust will affect many places around it. The closest place to it is China, which is the place that his master would risk his life to protect.

How could such fish and shrimps be allowed to disturb the peace over there? Even a flower or a grass cannot be blasphemed by you.

He didn't know if the big guy in front of him could understand what he said, but that didn't matter.

He drew a 'death line' on the ground, and anyone who crossed the line would die. It was as simple as that.

He stared at the huge figure that crashed into the river next to him and rushed towards him.

Xuanhao raised his spear.

Master has said that the most powerful moves of a spear are two, one is sweeping, the other is straight thrust.

It's simple, it's crude, but it works.

As long as you have enough strength, you can sweep away everything in front of you, and you can decapitate the enemy with a straight thrust.

It's closer, it's closer.

The huge figure ignored all obstacles in front of it and crushed towards the man in front of it.

It seems to have seen itself crushing the man in front of it, but it has no idea that it is getting closer and closer to the death line.

The bloody mouth was no different from the man. The man looked at the mouth expressionlessly. It was as black as ink and as silent as an abyss, as if it could swallow everything.

But it crossed the line, the mouth crossed the 'death line'.

He said that whoever crosses the line will die.

Time seemed to stand still, and the river stopped flowing again at this moment, but it was not because of the 'royal power'.

But because of the spear in the man's hand.

This shot cuts off mountains and rivers.

The Akagui River was abruptly cut off, and the powerful violence caused the river to stagnate. A deep chasm appeared and cut off the entire river.

This shot cut off not only the mountains and rivers, but also the road ahead.

Zuobichi's path forward has been cut off by a shot. No matter how big it is, it cannot cross this gap. The gap between them is like a natural chasm. If it dares to take another step forward, it will be split into two parts just like this gap. part.

This shot will determine the outcome.

The dark golden spear tip was sharp and pointed straight at the huge creature in front of him, leaving no room for it to dodge.

This shot determines both victory and defeat, as well as life and death.

Before the tip of the spear arrived, the force of the unstoppable spear arrived first. The sharp impact was unstoppable, and the seemingly indestructible monster in front of him was destroyed like a torrent.

Thanks to: Villagers of Motou Village, Feng Bujue, the leader of Pojian Lao, Book Friends 20190714174537619, Meteor 4, Book Friends 20210309230342170, Mark, Gan Wu for their rewards

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