Take a look.

Even if she put down her weapon, she remained unmoved by the curse on the other side.

This is clearly a scam.

But Kugizaki Wild Rose unexpectedly did not regret putting down her weapon.

She was just in a daze, thinking that it would be great if she could finally see her friends in the country again.

This is her.

Just when Kugizaki Wild Rose thought she was dead.


The wall behind the curse was suddenly penetrated.

This sudden movement made the originally proud curse stunned.

"Huh? Did you miss it?"

The hole was a fist.

Xuan Hao's voice came from next door.


Then a louder sound came, and the front wall was penetrated.


Cursing looked at the menacing humans behind him, and quickly held the child in his hand and turned behind him, trying to repeat his same trick to threaten the people coming behind him.

But Xuanhao's eyes remained unchanged as he swung his knife towards it.


The sword flashed, and the hand holding the little boy's curse was cut off, and the little boy disappeared from it.

"Are you okay?"

On the other side, Xuan Hao stopped and asked the boy with a smile.

The boy kept nodding.

After Curse saw the hostages being taken away, he immediately chose to escape.

"Ah, you actually escaped?"

"It's a beautiful thought."

Kugizaki Wild Rose is a little angry at the moment.

"Xuanhao, throw that hand on the ground to me."

She picked up the hammer and steel nails on the ground and shouted to Xuan Hao.

Xuan Hao reacted, picked up the cursed hand that was severed by him, and threw it to her.

At this time, Curse had rushed out of the building and was preparing to escape.

Downstairs, Megumi Fushiguro looked up expressionlessly and said, "I'm going to kill it."

However, Gojo Satoru shook his head: "Wait."

Sure enough, the next moment, the figure of the curse spirit suddenly twitched in mid-air.

"The Cult Soul Curse."

In the building, Kugizaki's eyes were extremely scary.

He was nailing a scarecrow to the broken arm with steel nails one by one.

Xuanhao and the little boy watching on the side were excited for a while.

Because they heard cursed screams coming from outside the building.

After each nail is driven in, there will be a sound.

I thought how terrible a woman's revenge would be.


Fushiguro Megumi downstairs looked at this scene and gave up the plan of taking action.

On the side, Gojo Satoru smiled and praised: "Not bad, it looks crazy."


After the curse was resolved, the two people in the building began to argue.

"So didn't I say it? It's dangerous to be alone, so you should be serious."

"You didn't say that being alone is dangerous!!"

"Didn't...didn't you say?"

"By the way, what did you eat growing up? How could someone punch through a wall with bare hands!?"

"You work in reinforced concrete, what's so surprising?"

"Even if it's not reinforced concrete, normal people can't do it, okay!?"

"I have been asked many times before, because I am not normal, so I came here. Why did you come to the Conjuration College?"

"Because I hate the countryside, I want to move to Tokyo!" Kugizaki Wild Rose replied confidently, "This is the only way I can come to Tokyo without having to worry about money."

Xuan Hao was stunned when he heard this: "It's enough for you to risk your life for such a reason..."

This girl's reasons are a little too simple.

"Of course, to be myself."

Kugizaki Rose answered with a smile.

"My stay in that village is no different than my death. Speaking of which, I have to thank you for arriving in time. If I had died, or if I was the only one who survived, I would not have a good future."

She smiled and thanked Xuanhao, rubbing the little boy's head.

"That's right...it doesn't mean that the reason must be so heavy to be considered noble." Xuan Hao seemed to understand this girl.

She is someone who is even willing to die in order to be herself.

In a sense, it is indeed crazy.

"Thank you for your hard work!"

At this time, Gojo Satoru came upstairs with Fushiguro Megumi.

"I am indeed exhausted. Is there any mission reward?"

"Hahaha, I sent the child away, shall we go to dinner together? Teacher's treat." Gojo Satoru gave a thumbs up generously.



Xuanhao and Kugizaki had differences again.



July 2018.

West Tokyo City, above the sports ground of Eiji Youth Academy.

A special-grade imaginary curse spirit (name yet to be determined). The curse fetus was witnessed by several non-spell masters with naked eyes. The situation was urgent and it was decided to send three first-year students from a high school to rush here.

One of them - died.


"Our 'window' confirmed the appearance of the cursed fetus about three hours ago."

"When the evacuation operation was 90% complete, the entire facility was sealed off based on the situation on site."

"The five inmates in the [Second Dormitory for Prisoners] are still trapped in the building with the cursed fetus."

"If the curse fetus is a type that can completely transform into a metamorphosis, it is expected to produce a special curse spirit."

Outside the mission site, the auxiliary supervisor of the Conjuration Specialist, Itachi Chitoko was explaining the current situation to the three first-year students in front of him.

"I said, I haven't figured it out yet, special grade or something."

Xuan Hao asked doubtfully without any trace of nervousness on his face.

Itichi Chitegao reluctantly drew a table on the blackboard.

[Level 4: A wooden baseball bat is enough. 】

[Level 3: If you have a pistol, it should be fine. 】

[Level 2 (quasi-level 2): ​​The shotgun can barely handle it. 】

[Level 1 (quasi-level 1): It’s not safe to use a tank. 】

[Special level: Use cluster bombs for carpet bombing. 】

"Even a fool can understand it now, right?" After finishing drawing the form, Ichichijie asked.

"I understand." Xuan Hao said that he could probably understand the combat effectiveness of each level. "Then the guy we have to face is very troublesome, isn't it?"

"A magician of the same level as the cursed spirit should have been sent to perform the task." Fushiguro Megumi on the side explained, "In today's situation, it should be Teacher Gojo."

"What about Mr. Gojo?"

"On a business trip."

Itachi sighed helplessly, "Talents like him shouldn't be hanging around in high schools in the first place. People in this field are often short of manpower, and it's common for them to take on tasks beyond their capabilities, but this time the situation is both urgent and abnormal. 'Never fight.' If the curse fetus hatches and you encounter a special curse spirit, you will only have two options - run away or die."

"Follow your fears. Don't forget that your mission is to confirm whether there are survivors and rescue people, not to exorcise the curse."

"Excuse me--"

Just when the explanation was coming to an end, a voice came.

Several people looked back.

Outside the cordon, a middle-aged woman was waving to them with a worried look on her face.

"Is my son okay in there?"


Xuanhao and the other two fell silent.

"It's the guardian who came to meet."

Itachi explained, and then stepped forward to calm the woman's emotions with official words.

"There may be unknown persons spreading poison gas in the building. We at Zhien Pavilion are informing you of this at this time."

"How could..." The woman felt a little desperate and burst into tears.

"Let's go, Fushiguro, Kugizaki, go in and save people." Xuanhao sighed and walked towards the building.

"We know it without you having to tell us."

Kugisaki followed angrily.

"Now that you are all ready, I am going to make an 'account'. Be careful."

Yi Jijiejie spoke up.

"Born from darkness, darker than black. All filth and filthiness are eliminated."

As he chanted the incantation, a curtain began to spread in mid-air, wrapping the entire building like a tent.

"It's getting dark." Xuan Hao murmured as he watched the changes in the sky.

"This is the so-called 'tent'. This place is relatively close to the residential area. This barrier can hide us."

Fushiguro Megumi explained while also starting to form seals.

"Jade dog."

A white jade dog emerged from the shadows.

"If there is a curse spirit approaching, it will tell us, let's go."

With that said, the three of them stepped into the building together.

The environment inside the building has undergone drastic changes due to the curse.

"What the hell? Didn't you say this is a dormitory with only two floors?" Xuan Hao asked as he felt something was wrong as soon as he stepped in.

"You, you, you... calm down." Kugisaki looked a little nervous looking at the building with at least five or six floors, "This is called a loft apartment!"

"That's not right." Fushiguro Megumi immediately exposed the lie she used to comfort herself, "This is the 'Rebirth Field' opened with magic power!! This is the first time I have seen such a big one...!!"

Suddenly he seemed to suddenly remember something and turned around quickly.

"Where's the door!?"

The other two also turned back.

But unfortunately, the way back has been blocked by countless steel pipes, and the door no longer exists.

"They're gone!! Why!? Didn't we just come in from here?" Kugisaki became even more nervous.

Megumi Fushiguro calmly stroked the jade dog and asked, "Is that okay?"

Jade Dog nodded slightly.

Megumi Fushiguro understood and said to the two of them: "It doesn't matter, it remembers the smell of the exit."

"That's great! Good dog!"

"That's enough for you..."

"As expected, Fushiguro is the most reliable."

"Thanks to Grease, the people inside were saved."

"Let's go..."

Fushiguro Megumi waved to the two of them speechlessly.

But soon, their minds changed.

Because soon, they discovered the body.

Three meatballs that had been kneaded into shapes that were not human-like.

"It's so miserable...it should be three people..."

"Well, one of them should be the son of the woman outside."

Xuan Hao said expressionlessly.

He remembered that the woman called her son ‘Azheng’ at that time.

And on one of the meatballs in front of him, he found the name printed on the clothes - Okazaki Masaru.

"Do you want to take the body out?"

Xuan Hao asked calmly.

"What?" Kugisaki was a little confused.

"This man is the son of the woman outside. His face is still intact, so he should be recognized."


"If you die without seeing the body, your family will not be able to accept it, right?"

"No." Fushiguro Megumi flatly denied, "According to the intelligence, there should be at least two people whose lives we need to confirm. Don't worry about the dead bodies for now."

"If we turn back, there will be no way out. We probably won't be able to find the body later, right?"

"If we can't find it, then don't look for it. In this situation, we shouldn't consider interfering."


"Because I don't really want to save these people. I'll be even more lazy if they die."


"This is the 'juvenile detention center'."

"I don't really understand what 'juvenile detention center' means."

"A place for managing criminal teenagers."

As he explained, Fushiguro Megumi took out a tablet to show it.

"All kinds of information on the scene here will be disclosed to the sorcerer in advance. Including the criminal records of these people. Okazaki Masaru, driving without a license, hit and killed a girl on her way home from school, and he drove without a license twice."

"I see, they are all scumbags."

Xuanhao finally understood.

"Tsk, if that's the case, the family members are really pitiful."

"Okay, let's not talk about this now--"

Kugisaki on the side wanted to say something, but his voice stopped abruptly.


The two looked over and saw that Kugisaki had sunk into the ground, with only one hand left.

But when they reacted, they were all submerged.

"How is it possible?"

Fushiguro Megumi's face suddenly turned ugly.

Kugisaki was teleported away, something must have done something.

But how is it possible?

There was also Jade Dog standing guard.


When he turned back to look at Jade Dog.

He saw that Jade Dog was dead, dragged into the wall, with only a head exposed outside.

"Xuanhao! Run!"

After realizing that something was wrong, Fushiguro Megumi shouted immediately.

"Come back to find Kugisaki later!!"

However, just when he was about to take a step, an eye appeared in his field of vision.

Then, he couldn't move at all.

Not only him, Xuanhao seemed to be restricted in his movements.

A human figure suddenly appeared beside the two of them, staring at them with a sneer.


The fist wind whistled.

Xuanhao forced his body to move.

But the next moment.


His swung fist was cut off.

This body was too weak to exert his own fighting power.

Unless Sukuna is used to strengthen the body, but then the body will not be controlled by him.

Looking at the cross section of the wrist that is constantly bleeding, Xuanhao feels that the situation is a headache.

On the other side.

Kugisaki Nobara is trapped in a dark space.

She can't see anything, she can only feel the breath of the curse.

Coming from all directions, there are so many.

This made her hurriedly take out the hammer and steel nails, and her forehead was full of cold sweat. 、

"How can there be... so many?"


Xuanhao used his belt to stop the bleeding expressionlessly, and then tried to communicate with Sukuna in the body to ask for help.

Unfortunately, Sukuna clearly refused.

"Even if I die in your body, there are still 18 soul fragments, and the most annoying thing is that I am not the ruler of this body. You can change if you want, but at that time, I will kill Fushiguro first. Then kill Kugisaki, that girl is alive and kicking, it should be very interesting."

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