Chapter 138!

Lu Mingfei stared at the computer screen in trance. He liked Chen Wenwen. This was a fact that the whole class knew. Maybe he thought he was disguised so well that no one had ever discovered it.

"Why are you so dazed? Do you hear what I'm talking to you?" Auntie's voice sounded like thunder, "A box of discounted milk, half a pound of Cantonese sausage, and the new issue of "Novel Painting" that Narusawa asked for. Go out and buy it quickly, and come back as soon as you finish buying it. Don’t sneak into the Internet cafe and fool around! I just spent money to enroll you in a foreign school. If no school admits you, I’ll see what you should do. It’s ridiculous to spend so much money on you. It’s all in vain! You spend all your time without learning and without any skills.”

Lu Mingfei's head was buzzing and he quickly got up from the bed and left this place of right and wrong.

The world outside is so quiet, the corridor is quiet, he is wearing flip-flops and casual clothes, the spring sunshine is shining on him, he still looks like a sunny boy, but why is his life like this? grey.

Although his aunt treated him like this, he didn't seem to complain much. After all, he was living under someone else's roof. Without his aunt, he would have starved to death long ago. Although the money his aunt used was regularly sent back from abroad by his parents, he did not know the specific amount.

But thinking about it, there should be quite a lot, right? After all, the money was enough for him and Lu Mingze to attend the best private aristocratic high school here, and it also allowed his uncle and aunt to drive a small BMW. The family lived a comfortable life. Except himself.

But he doesn't care about this. His uncle and aunt are not depriving him, at least he still has pocket money. Although it is insignificant compared to his younger brother Lu Mingze, it is enough for him to surf the Internet. He doesn't even care about his parents, so what else does he care about? Woolen cloth?

He once asked himself, is there really anything he cares about? The answer seems to be that there really isn't.

Lu Mingfei put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked aimlessly on the street.

Obviously the things his aunt mentioned could be bought at the convenience store downstairs, but he still took a detour.

He didn't want to go home so soon, because he felt that the home didn't belong to him. It should be said that he had no sense of belonging.

He was like this when he was in school. No matter how early school ended, he would always take a detour to the Internet cafe to kill time, and go home when he ran out of money.

When I reached the door of my house, I was unwilling to enter the house. I finally climbed up to the roof and looked at the city until the sun went down. Maybe no one would find it strange if he went down with the sun one day, but it was a pity that he didn't have the courage.

He is such a mediocre person. No matter how powerful his parents are, it has nothing to do with him. He can tolerate his uncle and aunt no matter what they do to him.

Living a peaceful life is probably his goal. In fact, he knows that this is just making excuses for his lack of effort.

But he didn't even have a clear goal, so how could he work hard? Even after eighteen years of life, he was still confused. Where was his future?

"Lu Mingfei?"

A female voice woke Lu Mingfei out of his thoughts.

He took his hands out of his trouser pockets in a panic, trying to make himself look less careless.

The girl in front of him is called Chen Wenwen. Yes, she is the girl he has a crush on.

Lu Mingfei didn't know how he met her here. When he reacted, he realized that he was already far away from home. He walked in a haze along the way and unknowingly came to the school. It was probably this time. You're used to walking on the road... I'm really glad that I was distracted on the road and didn't get hit by a car, otherwise maybe he could catch the passing wave.

He faced this girl at a loss, thinking about how to talk to her and the reason why he came to school.

There's no class today. Why would a kid like him who doesn't like studying come to school?

"What a coincidence."

Lu Mingfei organized the conversation for a long time, but in the end he only said these three words.

"What a coincidence. Are you also coming to school to make up lessons?" Chen Wenwen was a little confused.

"No, it's not."

Lu Mingfei hesitated for a long time, but was ready to tell the truth. There was nothing bad to say, and it would only be abnormal if he said he was here to make up classes.

“I went out to buy something and I ended up here before I knew it.”

"It means you still want to study hard." Chen Wenwen said seriously, "It's not too late to work hard now, there is still some time before the college entrance examination."


Lu Mingfei didn't know how to answer this question, because even he himself didn't know what he was thinking. His eyes dodge and he looked into the distance.

"But I heard that you are planning to go abroad?" Chen Wenwen asked again, "You seem to have also registered for TOEFL with Zhao Menghua. Are you planning to study abroad?"

"Ah...yes." Lu Mingfei followed the girl's words, "My aunt did enroll me in a foreign school, but actually I don't have much confidence."

"It doesn't matter, come on." Chen Wenwen gently pushed her hair behind her ears.

"Ah... um. Come on, too."

When Lu Mingfei said these words, the next moment he wanted to give himself a big mouth. This was really the perfect ending to the topic. Such a dreamlike encounter could make him chatter to death in an instant. Should he admire himself?

Lu Mingfei looked at the girl in front of him who was half a head shorter than him and wearing a white skirt. He could tell that the girl's intention to cheer for him must be serious, but she was probably just cheering.

This was an unprepared 'battle'. Lu Mingfei really regretted not practicing this situation before going out. He was obviously thinking about this girl before going out, but he didn't think about what to say after meeting, so that He is completely confused now, but it seems that no matter what he does, the girl opposite can give him a step down.

Should I be called the president of the literary club? His conversational skills completely overwhelm this weakling like him. How come he didn't learn anything at all after staying in the literary club for so long.

Lu Mingfei looked at the girl who waved goodbye to him. He also waved his hand, but he just wanted to wave it in his face.

Studying abroad sounds nice, but in fact it was just arranged by his aunt. After all, of all the subjects, he is the only one who can pass it in English. In this way, Auntie has an explanation for the money sent back by Lu Mingfei's parents.

I don't know if it's fate or luck. In short, his TOEFL test scores are pretty good, but with his current academic performance, it is still difficult to get a first-class undergraduate degree. My aunt thought that it would be better to give up the exam and go abroad. An attempt, what if it succeeds? Then wouldn't Lu Mingze have one more choice in the future? Well, to put it bluntly, she was still paving the way for her precious son.

But unfortunately, it seems that no college is willing to accept students like Lu Mingfei who have no other special skills except for being able to understand English. After all, English is a basic skill abroad, isn't it? You can only describe yourself as "not bad" in English, so why should anyone accept you?

But in fact, Lu Mingfei was wrong about this. There were still colleges willing to take him in.

For example, the University of Chicago on the other side of the ocean considered giving him a chance.

Unfortunately, in the end, the University of Chicago gave up recruiting this "excellent" student.

At that time, the director of the admissions office of the University of Chicago looked at this student's resume and found that it seemed to be barely enough, because the number of applicants this year was actually not many, it could even be said to be pitiful, and there was actually a spot left for him.

The director picked up the seal and was about to send the trainee an interview invitation to try it out. When he was stopped by a man, the man held a Desert Eagle against his head and told him to obediently take care of this lovely person. students let out.

He sold this student named 'Lu Mingfei' without even thinking. Are you kidding me? Who would risk their life for this ordinary student?

As a result, Lu Mingfei lost his ordinary dream of going to college and embarked on, oh no, an extraordinary path.

Lu Mingfei felt numbness in his back again. For some reason, he felt like someone was always thinking about him recently.

He made a long detour and finally came back. He bought the things his aunt asked for, as well as the "Novel Painting" that Lu Mingze asked for, and prepared to go home. He has been 'hanging out' outside for a long time. If he doesn't go back, his aunt will nag him again.

When he got home, he put the things his aunt wanted and the "Novel Painting" that Lu Mingze wanted in the living room, and then went back to his room. For a moment, he didn't know what to do, so he sat down in front of the computer and opened the game out of boredom.

As soon as he went online, someone started chatting with him privately.

The avatar is a panda who looks very bad, and his ID is "Old Tang".

"Hey, brother, are you online so early today?"

Lu Mingfei looked at the time. Well, it was indeed quite early. It was only two or three o'clock in the afternoon and the sun had not yet set. But the opposite side is more than ten time zones away from him. Doesn't this guy stay up until early in the morning?

"There is no class today, and I didn't join the school's cram school, so I'm just having fun." Lu Mingfei had nothing to hide in front of Old Tang. He was not a good student who loved to study.

Strangely enough, he is not good at communicating with others, but he can chat with this netizen he has never met before, even better than many so-called friends in real life. Perhaps it is because they have been friends through "StarCraft" for a long time. Cherish each other? The two had obviously never met, but they talked about everything.

"I remember, 'Ming Ming', you are now a senior in high school, right? Doesn't it matter if you play like this?"

"Ah, it doesn't matter, I can't learn anyway..." Lu Mingfei didn't want to mention this sad thing. To put it bluntly, he played games to avoid reality, but he ended up coming back again.

"Obviously, don't give up on treatment. It doesn't matter if you don't get good grades. What's the big deal? Let's form a team to play e-sports?"

As if sensing that Lu Mingfei was a little disappointed, Old Tang sent what looked like a word of comfort, but it was just a question. It seemed that this rough man was not very good at comforting others.

But his suggestion is quite valuable. What is it called? "If I don't get good grades, I can only play e-sports"? Lu Mingfei's head was full of black lines. It was not that he had not considered this issue. He was still very aware of the reality...

In this era of e-sports, most people are just passionate and can't make much money. They just make a living, but where did he get such passion?

"Don't come here, I'm planning to study abroad!" Lu Mingfei felt very embarrassed, and suddenly remembered what they discussed when he happened to meet Chen Wenwen today, and wanted to find some face for himself, "I have already taken the TOEFL exam. After that, foreign universities also submitted many applications..."

But he couldn't continue typing, because even he couldn't believe these words, and he had no confidence at all.

But Old Tang opposite him took it seriously.

"Yes, obviously! Come on! If we are close when you go abroad, we can get together. Then brother, I will treat you to a big dinner!"

Old Tang's three exclamation points in a row made Lu Mingfei burst into tears. You know, if he brags about these things, few people will take him seriously.

"Ah... I'll give it a try, but I have to see which blind university will hire me." Lu Mingfei laughed at himself.

The conversation returned to its usual nonsense.

"But to be honest, brother, I support you in whatever you want to do. Come on! If you need to practice speaking for an interview or something, I can accompany you. We grew up abroad, so I can definitely help you if I don't speak English."

"Okay, I will be the first to come to you if I need anything." Lu Mingfei replied.

After ending the quarrel between the two of them, he typed out a word as usual.



The two finally came back to the 'main topic' in a tacit understanding.

The secret code between men is that simple, and usually a few simple words can get it done, so why bother talking so much? Today's situation was purely unexpected, maybe because he went online a little early, and Old Tang remembered to have a word with him.

Their usual communication status is as follows:




Then after calling the numbers, ‘Have a good hunt tonight’.

Most complex communications are done directly through voice, so we don’t have to type so many words to talk about life like we do today. It’s shameful to think about it.

But just when they were about to get started, a friend request suddenly popped up in Lu Mingfei's friend window.

He clicked on the interface with some confusion.


These two letters popped up and he was a little confused. This was an ID that was very unfamiliar to him and he had never seen it before.

Lu Mingfei was a little confused, but he still passed the friend verification.

Then he casually sent a message to Old Tang.

"Brother, wait, the situation has changed, someone can join me."


"have no idea."

"The silver vase is broken, water slurry bursts out, and the cavalry stands out with swords and guns roaring?"

"What's the meaning?"


"Here I go, where did you learn this?"

Lu Mingfei cut the window with black lines all over his head. He did not expect that Old Tang, a Chinese man living abroad, could apply ancient poetry to such a high level. Thinking about my Chinese proficiency, I feel so embarrassed that I have been thrown into my grandma’s house.

He switched to the new friend window and sent a question mark towards 'XH'.

"Cut a handful?" the other person replied quickly.

"?" Lu Mingfei asked another question mark, "Who are you?"

"Cut a handful?" The other person still responded the same way.


Lu Mingfei suddenly became interested when he saw that the other party was so sincere in seeking abuse. He said something towards Old Tang.

"Old Tang, someone wants to challenge me. I'll play with you later."

"?" Old Tang asked, "Then I'll watch the battle."

Lu Mingfei didn't connect the mouse and just used the red dot to operate it. It wasn't that he was arrogant, but that he didn't know what the opponent wanted to do. He could torture most people no matter how they played, so naturally he was careless and wanted to play casually.

But he soon discovered that something was not right. The other party seemed to have calculated every move he made. The worker bees he sent out were always ambushed by others. This was a bit unreasonable. One or two could be considered a coincidence, and each one was a coincidence. This was going too far, and he suspected that the other party had opened a map.

Thanks to: Feng Bujue, the leader of Broken Sword Lao, and the reward with no good name.

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