A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 140 133. Boys should protect themselves outside

Chapter 140 133. Boys should protect themselves outside

The last message on this note, no, is not a message, it looks more like an instruction.

‘On important occasions, remember to dress appropriately. ’

"Ah..." Lu Mingfei lay on his back on the floor, "When is the important moment..."

Finally, he picked up the last item in the package—a pure black N96 mobile phone.

He turned on his phone and found that the phone's battery still had more than half of its power. There was only one contact in the address book, and it was the person who sent him this email that looked like an 'admission notice', 'Xuan Hao'.

This should be a Chinese person, and the letter also said that he is responsible for recruiting students in China.

Lu Mingfei hesitated for a long time, but still couldn't muster the courage to call to confirm, but in his heart he almost believed it was true, but it came too suddenly, and he needed some time to digest it.

You have to go to the bank to deposit money first.

When he arrived at the bank, he felt like he was still in a dream. At this moment, he was sitting in the VIP room of the bank. The bank manager in front of him wanted to offer him up. Looking at his posture, he almost knelt down and licked his feet. It made him feel uncomfortable.

How could Lu Mingfei and He De accept such treatment? This all feels like a dream.

He even remembered that when he first walked into this bank, no one paid any attention to him. After all, he was wearing flip-flops and was wearing street clothes. He didn't look like a rich man.

But since he came to the counter and took out the gold-plated black card, he felt that the whole world had changed and the world was spinning around him. The attitude of everyone in the bank towards him changed. He was invited into the VIP room with a confused look on his face. The beautiful bank manager in front of him thoughtfully prepared cakes, fruits and tea for him.

Lu Mingfei's sitting posture was a little cramped, but it did not affect the admiration of the manager opposite him.

In the eyes of the bank manager, although the rustic-looking young man in front of them only came here to deposit one million, they had already received instructions from above, 'As long as a young man holds this card to save money, Serve me properly, understand? ’, in this land, who dares to disobey that person’s will.

The bank manager wiped the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead. Although she didn't know what the relationship between this boy and that boy was, since there was an explanation, she had to serve her well. Maybe if she felt comfortable with her licking, she would be able to rise to great heights with a few kind words. It is not certain that you will become the president.

And even if that's not the case, they are here to save money, so who would have trouble with money? Not only the one million cash he brought, but the string of numbers on his card was terrifying.

"Excuse me...has the money been deposited?"

Lu Mingfei still couldn't get used to the hospitality here. He had never been so respected by anyone in his life. He always felt that the other party had evil intentions. He didn't dare to touch the tea and cakes served to him. Now he just wanted to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible. .

In fact, he originally didn't want to come to the bank, but he couldn't carry so much cash with him or take it home, so he had to go to the bank to deposit it first, which led to the current situation.

"It's already been saved. Is there anything else you need?"

The bank manager respectfully handed the black card to Lu Mingfei, with a gentle smile on his face and enthusiasm in his eyes.

"Thank you... nothing's wrong."

Lu Mingfei took the card and said, "I'm going back first..."

He wanted to escape from here now, because the way the bank manager looked at him made him feel something was wrong, as if he would eat him at any time. Sure enough, boys should protect themselves outside.

"Okay, Mr. Lu, please feel free to contact me if you need anything."

The manager naturally handed over a business card with her name and contact information.

When Lu Mingfei took the business card, he felt his hand being touched by her. He never dreamed that he would be taken advantage of by a woman in his life. The key point is that it's okay if it's a girl. We're not suitable for each other, eldest sister. I'm still a child. I was so scared. He quickly retracted his hand and ran away.

From beginning to end, his money deposit business was handled meticulously by the bank manager. Even in the end, he couldn't see if there was any other money in his card besides the cash he brought. I can only say that the service was simply excellent. It was so thoughtful. This little white rabbit had never been treated like this before. It was so flattering. But this is good, lest he faint on the spot when he sees the numbers above.

Of course, Lu Mingfei once fantasized about what would happen when he suddenly got rich. He even thought about every detail. When he got rich, he could pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger. On the surface, he was a poor student, but when he graduated from high school, he No more pretense at the showdown, when a helicopter drops down with rose petals, he will wear a handsome suit, holding ninety-nine roses and confess to the girl he likes, and then he will be the most handsome boy in the room.

But now that he really has money, he feels that it is unrealistic. He really can't do such a thing. I didn’t even know how to arrange the money for a while.

His mind was not clear until he got home.

"Is this... a lie?" The aunt's tone was somewhat questioning, but she was not sure, so she could only look at her husband.

"No, no, no, how could a liar spend such a big price to prepare these things for Ming Fei?" The uncle stroked the fabric of the suit and unconsciously put the Haojue watch on his wrist, but he felt that it didn't work. It was great, so he took it off again, "Based on my many years of experience, this suit and this watch, even if they are imitations, are of the highest quality and are definitely worth a lot of money. Moreover, there is also the N96 in Mingfei's hand. I don't even think about it." There could be such a stupid liar.”

As for the many years of experience that his uncle said, Lu Mingfei couldn't deny it. His uncle did have a lot of research on these 'high-end' goods. If it was his aunt who held the financial power in the family, he would probably buy one for himself. Of course, , are high imitation goods.

"What Kassel College? It must be a liar. Chu Zihang is a celebrity in our school! You can find it with just a quick search, but he never mentioned which college he went to! This must be a new type of fraud!" Lu Narusawa seemed worried that his brother would be deceived.

Lu Mingfei even felt that what his brother said made sense. If he hadn't seen so many white bills with his own eyes and actually went to the bank to deposit money, he would have really thought that Lu Mingze cared about him.

Moreover, there is a photo of Chu Zihang in class. Could it be that this senior brother was also abducted? Lu Mingfei thought that if he put this photo up for auction at Shilan High School, maybe he could get a good price?

"I think it's probably true." The uncle was relatively calm. This man seemed to have his own ideas about this matter.

"The letter mentioned Mingfei's parents. I think maybe it's the school they arranged for Mingfei? They have worked hard abroad for so long, and it's really time to think about Mingfei's future."

The uncle didn't seem to object to this matter. On the contrary, he was very happy for Lu Mingfei. If this admission notice was true, then his nephew's future would be considered a way out.

Lu Mingfei was quite touched when his uncle said this. He thought it might be true, but if his parents had arranged the academy for him, why didn't they inform him themselves? It would be good to send a letter to say so...

He was unprepared. This package sent from the United States completely disrupted his life. It was like a catalyst that turned his ordinary life of stagnant water into something spectacular. He didn't know if this was good or bad, or even if he should accept it.

His uncle and aunt's family were still arguing about the authenticity of this matter, but he was like an outsider, huddled in the corner of the sofa with his hands firmly on his knees. He knew very well that the authenticity of this matter was no longer clear. It was important, because the money sent in the package was real, there were photos, and many other things that made him believe it. If he was still not convinced, he could tell the authenticity immediately as long as he went to the interview.

But in fact, he can choose not to attend the interview, because the money they 'give' is actually enough for an ordinary person to live a peaceful life. He can even just take the money and not worry about anything, just be a waste every day. I'm stuck at home playing games.

But he felt that this was not good. After all, it was not what he deserved...

After thinking for a long time, he finally decided.

Lu Mingfei stood up and walked out of the living room. No one noticed the departure of the protagonist. The uncle showed off his rare masculinity and was arguing with the aunt. The uncle thought this was a good thing, but the aunt only cared about whether Lu Mingfei would soar past her baby Lu Mingze.

Lu Mingfei returned to his room, took out his N96 mobile phone, and finally dialed the only number on it.


After two busy signals, the phone was picked up.

There was silence for a while at first. Lu Mingfei didn't know what to say, but the person opposite seemed to be waiting for Lu Mingfei to speak.

In the end, it was the other side who broke the silence first.

"Aren't you going to ask something?"

This was a very magnetic male voice, speaking extremely standard Chinese. Lu Mingfei could tell that the person on the other side of the phone must be very young.

"Excuse me...are you the one who sent me the admission notice?"

Lu Mingfei took a deep breath. This was the first thing he wanted to confirm.


The answer on the other end of the phone was calm.

"I only answered three questions for you, and now I have one."

"The other things in there..."

Lu Mingfei was interrupted by the other party before he could finish speaking.

"I wrote it very clearly in the letter. It was my personal 'gift' to you. Of course, if you are willing to come to the academy, I think the principal will be happy to give you another scholarship. Of course, it is US dollars, and the amount is It should satisfy you.”

These words made Lu Mingfei's eyes widen. Is there such a good thing? Just this gift made him feel outrageous. He didn't expect that there would be a principal's scholarship later. He wondered if the other party wanted to trick him into harvesting organs... But he thought that his own organs were not worth that much money. Picture What?


"I know you have a lot of doubts in your heart, and you will also doubt the authenticity of our admissions," the person opposite seemed to have expected his thoughts, "but after you come for the interview, you won't question it."

The man's words gave people a feeling of confidence, as if Lu Mingfei would believe it as long as he went to the interview. This kind of confidence is either that he is full of confidence in his 'lie' and thinks that Lu Mingfei will believe it as long as he goes there, or that the matter itself is true, so there is no disbelief.

"Okay, there are already three questions. If you have any more questions, just come to me in person and ask them during the interview."


The person on the other end of the phone hung up the phone before Lu Mingfei could react.

"Ah..." Lu Mingfei was confused, "I haven't asked anything yet..."

He obviously only asked one question, but before he could even say the next two questions, the other party forcefully answered them without giving him any time to react.


Lu Mingfei sighed. Fortunately, he was determined to ask the reason, but in the end he didn't ask anything.

"It seems that if you want to know the specific situation, you can't escape this interview."

Wait, Lu Mingfei suddenly realized a question, "Come to me in person and ask during the interview." That means, does this guy still work as an interviewer? It seems that the admissions office of this college is not easy either. You have to hand out flyers and come for interviews yourself. This is not in line with your wealth...

"After all, this is an American college interview. Do you need to prepare for spoken English?"

Lu Mingfei was a little confused. Since the interviewers were all Chinese, he felt that there was nothing wrong with just speaking Chinese. Moreover, judging from the style of the admission notice, it didn't look like a rigid interview, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

He really couldn't figure out what the purpose of having two Chinese people sitting together and insisting on speaking English was for fun, and according to the other party's admission notice, the interview was just a formality that allowed him to dispel his doubts.

So why did he take the TOEFL exam and often ask Old Tang to practice his speaking skills?

Wait, when he thought of Old Tang, he thought of StarCraft. Lu Mingfei seemed to think of something important. He quickly turned on the computer and clicked on the gray profile picture.

This was the account that 'challenged' him last time. He clicked on the information details.


Xuan Hao, whose name was exactly the same, took out the admission notice and repeatedly confirmed that he had read it correctly.

This person has been targeting him for a long time! First, he found out his game ID and came here to torture him, and then he sent a package. Everything about him seemed to have been figured out by this person.

"Does he want me to know that it's easy for him to deal with me?" Lu Mingfei felt a chill coming from behind.

At this moment, he felt as if he had no other choice. What else could he do but go to the interview? The person has expressed his "enthusiasm" for him so 'sincerely', if he dares to spoil his interest, will he be put in a sack the next day?

In short, he still knew that such a person was not someone he, an ordinary student, could afford to offend.

Thanks to Feng Bujue, the leader of Broken Sword Lao, for the reward.

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