A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 143 136. Daddy loves you more

Chapter 143 136. Daddy loves you more

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for my poor discipline and making you laugh."

A burly man walked out from behind the tree, with a square face and a resolute expression. Although he said compliments, it was not clear from his eyes what he was thinking.

Chen Motong looked at the person coming out with dull eyes. Of course she knew this man. He was her father, but why was he hiding behind the tree? This is his manor, there is no need for him to hide. She didn't need to think twice to know that everything she saw just now was arranged by them.

Is this farce just a show? No, maybe it was indeed a tragic stage play for these two men, but the actors performing this stage play were not acting. Nothing about that poor woman was acting, and she was about to die... No one stepped forward to stop the remaining pit bulls from biting.


Chen Motong questioned her father.

"No, Mo Tong, you misunderstood." The man explained with a smile, "This is not my arrangement, it is just the whim of this adult. I have no ability to stop it."

Chen Motong looked at her father in disbelief. She knew her father's status in China very well, but her father didn't dare to defy this man's will? No, she clearly saw that there was no extra look in his father's eyes, and he could even laugh. Even if he had the ability to stop this, he would still stand by and watch.

In the eyes of this father, this woman is just a tool used for surrogacy. Who cares about where the tool breaks after use?

"She's going to die, aren't you going to save her?"

At this time, the man suddenly reminded Chen Motong.

This made her a little confused. What on earth was this man thinking? She couldn't understand what was going on in this man's mind. Why did this man bring her mother to the manor? Why did he remind her to save people when he just stood idly by?

Chen Motong couldn't save this woman. She knew that these pit bulls would not listen to her once they attacked. These adult large dogs could even kill lions. What could she, a little girl, do? It's okay to deal with one or two, but she can't defeat a group.

"Do you want to save her?"

The man asked again.

Although she still had doubts in her heart, Chen Motong probably believed that this woman had nothing to do with her. She couldn't do it if she wanted to watch this woman die in front of her.

Facing the man's question, she nodded subconsciously.

And then those pit bulls died.

Just because she nodded and took away their lives, no one even knew how they died. They died suddenly and without warning, as if being choked by the god of death.

Chen Motong knew that this man probably did all this, but she didn't understand why this man helped her.

The woman lay dying on the ground, motionless. No one came forward to check her injuries. But even though this woman was like this, her eyes still fell on Chen Motong, as if she wanted to carve her into her mind. There was even a look on her face. With a smile.

"This woman looks mentally disturbed."

Chen Motong's father stood aside, evaluating the woman who fell on the ground expressionlessly.

"Yes, her mental state is not normal. She is infected with neurocysticercosis. This parasite has damaged her brain for a long time. She is basically a madman."

The man looked at all this indifferently and stated this fact, but it didn't seem like he was talking to Chen Motong's father, because his eyes fell on Chen Motong.

"But even so, this woman still worked hard to come here. She is very courageous, isn't she?"

"That's what your Excellency said." Chen Motong's father replied respectfully.

"I didn't ask you."

The man stared at him expressionlessly, as if he were looking at a dead man.

"Yes, I shouldn't talk too much."

"Can...save her?" Chen Motong's eyes were filled with sadness.

"It's a pity that her brain was eaten by parasites and she couldn't live long." The man shook his head. "She wanted to come here to see you. I just gave her a chance."

"Opportunity?" Chen Motong was confused.

"Yes, she chose to come here even though she knew she would die, so I brought her here."

"You could have stopped her."

"No, even if I didn't bring her here, she would still come. The result would be the same. Nothing can stop a mother from coming to see her child. I'm just going with the flow."

"Then why didn't you save her by the way?" Chen Motong clenched her fists. They all looked the same. This man was like this, and so was her father. They could obviously prevent this from happening.

"If I stopped it, would you still believe it? She is your mother."

There was a little confusion on the man's face. He thought there was nothing more expressive than what was happening in front of him, right? Even if he stopped everything from happening and told Chen Motong that this was your mother, would she believe it? There is a high probability that he will be regarded as a psychopath.

"She is really my mother..." Chen Motong lowered her head. The man's words made her feel lucky. She had to accept the fact that this was her mother, and her mother was about to die. She died in in front of her.

"Should we go for a DNA test and we'll know?" her father said suddenly. "If so, I need to check you out. Neurocysticercosis, a parasite, will almost certainly infect the next generation."

"is that so?"

Chen Motong had a sad smile on her face. Her father was caring about her, but why couldn't she be happy at all?

"Sir, let this matter end here. I am very worried about Mo Tong's health, so I took her for a checkup first. Please forgive me."

Chen Motong allowed her father to hold her hand. She watched blankly as her father resigned respectfully to the man in front of her, not knowing what to feel.

Only at the end, when she left, she vaguely heard what the man said.

"I am disappointed."

She didn't understand what this man was disappointed with, whether he was disappointed in her or the Chen family, or whether this farce was not enough to please him and made him feel disappointed.

Until now, I still don't understand.

"Okay, don't be in a daze, we still have a lot of preparation work to do."

Xuan Hao's voice brought her back to reality.

Chen Motong asked doubtfully: "What preparations? Isn't the interview over?"

"Of course it is to arrange the admission of our S-level freshmen." Xuan Hao said, "We are here for this interview all because of him. I have spent so much effort on it. If he regrets it in the end, what will happen to me? So I cannot arrange for him. Do you have to make it clear?"

"This..." Chen Motong began to pity the child named Lu Mingfei.

"This...sister, is this also why you came to recruit students?"

Chen Motong had wanted to ask for a long time. She originally thought that she would be the only one responsible for recruiting students when she and Xuan Hao returned to China this time. As a result, after arriving in China, another person suddenly appeared, and this girl was not from Kassel College. She originally thought that this girl was just his subordinate, but her attitude didn't look like it, and it was hard for her to evaluate her. , after all, I can’t afford to offend him.

Speaking of which, when Chen Motong first went to Kassel College, she was almost frightened when she saw this man during the physical examination. However, thanks to her excellent expression management, nothing unusual was revealed, and after that The man didn't seem to recognize her, so she always thought they were just two people who looked alike. It was right when she thought about it. She had grown up, and there was no reason why this man would still look the same.

Unexpectedly, this man suddenly found her again and asked her to go back to China with him. Only then did she realize that she had made a mistake. This man was the same person back then, but this was too terrifying! Immortality?

In short, Chen Motong didn't dare to ask more questions or say anything more, so she could only obey the arrangements honestly. After all, it was better to have more things to do than less things to do. It was better to just lie down. Not even her unscrupulous father dared The person you provoked, why did you say you provoked him? Thinking about it this way, she is really a clever little girl.

"Oh, it can be considered one of the goals."

Xuan Hao replied helplessly, "Please tell me whether she is willing to come to the academy to see herself. Today I just let her come here to eat and drink."

"Who is eating and drinking?"

Xia Mi glared at him fiercely, and then focused on the luxurious breakfast that the waiter had just presented.

See herself? Chen Motong glanced at Xia Mi in surprise. To put it this way, this girl's status in his heart was really not low.

Lu Mingfei returned home.

He opened the letter said to be left to him by his parents.

As soon as I opened the envelope, a photo slipped out.

He picked up the photo, and when he saw the content on it, he was stunned.

The photo showed a summer garden. A man and a woman were walking hand in hand on the campus. This was probably the legendary Kassel College. Lu Mingfei had been looking at the man and woman in the picture for how long? He had almost forgotten these two faces.

The man was wearing a loose white shirt and a pair of leggings. He was wearing a pair of flip-flops just like Lu Mingfei was wearing at the moment. Should he be said to be his father? The woman was wearing a pure white dress, well, it was exactly the same as Lu Mingfei's favorite taste...

Lu Mingfei felt that his eyes were a little moist. He stretched out his fingers to touch the faces of the two people on the screen. These two men and women, who looked like social elites at first sight, were his parents, but why didn't he inherit it at all?

"Where are you?" His nose felt a little sore. How long had it been since he had seen these two people? I can’t remember clearly, maybe I haven’t seen it since I can remember it? But he could still tell at a glance that these were his parents, even though he didn't know whether his parents still remembered him before.

But now it seems that you still remember him, right? Letters were sent to him, academy arrangements were made for him, and clues were left for him.

If he wants to find his parents, he has no choice but to go to Cassel College, right? How despicable...

Lu Mingfei opened the letter.

This was probably written by his parents to the principal.

Because it starts with the name of the principal.

Dear Principal Angers:

I haven’t contacted you for a long time. I hope your body is still as strong as before. However, we think this greeting is a bit redundant. Your body is probably stronger than an eighteen-year-old boy.

This... Lu Mingfei looked at the beginning of the letter in confusion. The principal sounded like he was already old, but he wanted to ask what kind of old man could compare physically with an eighteen-year-old boy? By the way, didn’t that person say that this letter was written to him?

Lu Mingfei continued reading.

We probably won't be able to go back to the academy to visit you for a long time. Recent research has made new progress, and we can't leave.

"...Well, it turns out I'm not special. My parents always write letters to everyone in the same pattern." Lu Mingfei couldn't help complaining when he saw this familiar line, although he didn't know if his parents were really They are so busy, but it seems like they write this sentence to everyone?

I have something to ask you. Our child Lu Mingfei is over 18 years old. He is a very good child (probably). His grades may not be that good, but we believe he can be as good as us.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, stop scolding, stop scolding..." Lu Mingfei had already begun to regret reading this letter. It was so precise that he wanted to tell his parents not to forcefully praise him if they didn't know the situation. Be good, and besides, he actually didn't inherit their excellent genes, so he is a loser.

We sincerely beg you to help with the admission of this child and, if possible, to tell him that his parents love him when he comes to the academy.


Lulin City, Qiao Weini

Lu Mingfei finally couldn't hold back the tears that he had held back for a long time.

Fortunately, this was at home, so he didn't have to worry about being embarrassed. He just had to be careful not to be seen by Lu Mingze, lest the kid laugh at him for crying at such an old age.

"Mingfei, mom and dad love you."

At this moment, he seemed to hear the gentle calls from his parents far away, but he listened carefully.


He threw a 'button' in the envelope to the ground.

This is a small tape recorder!

Inside, a man and a woman's voices were dubbing him lovingly. He could immediately tell that something was wrong with the voices. Wasn't this the voice of a man named Xuan Hao? He couldn't identify the female voice, and the male voice was absolutely unmistakable. He was taken advantage of.

"Damn it, give me back my emotion."

Lu Mingfei finally understood why the man seemed to know the contents of the letter and even opened it after a long time. Do you have a sense of public morality?

"Mingfei, what's wrong?"

The uncle heard some strange movements in Lu Mingfei's room, opened the door and asked.


Lu Mingfei wiped away his tears in a panic, "It's just that I probably really want to study abroad."

"Huh?" Uncle was a little confused.

"This is a letter from my parents."

Lu Mingfei handed over the letter and photos.

The uncle looked at it and was silent for a while. He looked around and found that his aunt seemed not to be there before a relieved smile appeared on his face.

"This is good...you have to work hard and don't let down your parents' hard work."


Thanks to: Bip star complains about the reward

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