Chapter 146 139. Confession Night

Lu Mingfei took a deep breath and pushed open the door of the screening room.

The complicated sounds inside suddenly became quiet.

Everyone's eyes were focused on him, and even Su Xiaoqiang, who usually didn't deal with him, showed a bright expression at this moment.

"Lu Mingfei, you..."

Zhao Menghua frowned and looked at the suit on Lu Mingfei. This suit was not given to him. This was not the point of his surprise. The point was that this suit of clothes was so...perfect on him. Only words like this could Describing Lu Mingfei who was wearing a suit at the moment.

As the saying goes, a man in gold depends on his clothes. No one expected that Lu Mingfei's whole temperament could change just because of a suit.

The suit he wore seemed to be tailor-made for him. It swept away all the depression in his body and even put a smile on his face.

They didn't understand what Lu Mingfei was laughing about. In short, he was smiling, brighter than ever before.

Yes, Lu Mingfei chose this outfit in the end.

It's not because he doesn't want to be a clown, he's already used to it after being a clown for 18 years, it doesn't matter, he just doesn't want this suit to go to waste, and he doesn't want other people's expectations of him to go to waste.

Even if you are going to die, you have to be decent, right?

In fact, what he wore on his face was ridicule for himself. He had probably anticipated the ending. It was nothing more than a foil to fulfill Zhao Menghua's confession. But at this time, he had already looked away, because when he walked in here, he saw Chen Wenwen falling. The look on Zhao Menghua's body was different from the look on him. It was really different.

He finally figured out that he never had the slightest chance of winning.

However, it doesn't matter now, no, not just now, he has decided from the beginning that he will take this step, no matter what is waiting for him ahead.

Then it doesn't matter if the storm comes more violently. He is no longer afraid of embarrassment. He has already lost everything he needs to lose, so what else is there to be afraid of? Perhaps his only concern at the moment was how the person who gave him this suit knew his third dimension.

"This yours?"

Zhao Menghua was a little unbelievable.

"be mine."

Lu Mingfei hesitated for a moment. Originally, he wanted to say that this set of clothes was given to him by someone else, but then he thought about it. If someone else gave it to him, doesn't it belong to him? Nothing wrong with it.

"It...fits very well, hahaha."

Zhao Menghua was not a fool. He didn't recognize the suit Lu Mingfei was wearing, but with his eyesight as a second-generation rich man, he could tell that it was definitely custom-made, and the fabric used was completely different from the one he gave him. It is generally impossible to rent this kind of suit, which proves that what Lu Mingfei said is true...

"Wow, Earl?" Su Xiaoqiang asked in surprise, "Lu Mingfei, are you rich?"

She pointed to the watch on Lu Mingfei's wrist with some surprise. With her eyesight, she couldn't tell whether the watch was a replica. However, given Lu Mingfei's financial situation, she felt a bit hesitant to even buy a replica, and , this guy really knows this kind of watch?

When she mentioned this, Zhao Menghua also noticed the watch on Lu Mingfei's wrist, and the look on his face became disdainful.

In his eyes, Lu Mingfei at this moment is like trying to make a fool of himself. None of you here know about the little assets his family has. Dressing like this and wearing such a good watch, aren't you just slapping yourself? ?

"Ah, this..." Lu Mingfei scratched his head. He didn't know what these people were thinking, and he didn't want to know. He was almost lying down at this moment, "It was a gift from a friend."

"your friend……"

"'s almost time to start, right? Everyone has been waiting for a long time."

Chen Wenwen felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange and interrupted their conversation.

"Oh, okay." Zhao Menghua also reacted and smiled, "Let's get started. Get ready to give a speech on stage."

He didn't think too much. It didn't matter what Lu Mingfei wore, as long as he could go on stage and deliver a speech.

"Are the two of them also going to the stage to give speeches?" Lu Mingfei asked Zhao Menghua with a smile.

He pointed at the two brothers Xu Yanyan and Xu Miaomiao who were also wearing suits next to him. The two brothers were as fat as balls. They were wearing the same suits that Zhao Menghua gave him. They seemed to be standard. Tsk, only Zhao Menghua was wearing them. The dress is different from theirs.

If Lu Mingfei put on the suit he gave and went up together, he could tell at a glance who was the C position, but it was a pity that Lu Mingfei didn't wear it.

"If we don't give a speech, we will just be walk-ons, hehe." Xu Yanyan said honestly, "Extras...after all, we have money."

Have money to take? Lu Mingfei raised his eyebrows, chuckled and shook his head. It seemed that what was written on the note was indeed correct, but it didn't matter anymore. He knew there was nothing he could do to change it.

"You will stand there and give a speech in a moment." Zhao Menghua patted Lu Mingfei's shoulder and pointed to a piece of white paper placed in front of the projection cloth on the stage.

"Just step on that piece of paper, do you understand? Don't face the screen. I've already told the projectionist that he will show the photos of the literary club later."

"Photos from the literary club?"

"Let's take a group photo. We have graduated. We have to be more formal when delivering our speeches."

Zhao Menghua said it as true.

Lu Mingfei looked at him expressionlessly. He knew that his arrangement had probably been messed up by Zhao Menghua's throwing of money, and what he put there later would not be what he asked for, but he felt that he was in a bad mood now.

It is estimated that anyone in his position would not be in a good mood. If you want to confess, just confess. Why do you have to drag me along? what is this? humiliation?

Lu Mingfei thought he had never offended the person in front of him, but why did he treat him like this? Very fun, right? Do you have to look at him as helpless as a lost dog to satisfy your stupid vanity?

The lights dimmed, leaving only the white page on the stage that was extremely clear, like a taunt to Lu Mingfei. Okay, your plan was successful, Zhao Menghua, and the stage is next for you. I admit it. I lost. You took down the girl I once liked and wanted to humiliate me. Do you think I will do what you want?

Lu Mingfei looked at the stage coldly. Under the dim lights, no one could see clearly what his expression was at this moment.

Zhao Menghua had already come on stage and started urging him. He had already foreseen that when he walked onto the stage and stood up, Zhao Menghua would say loudly to Chen Wenwen in front of him, I love you!

He also saw that Chen Wenwen's eyes were not on him at all. Her eyes were always on Zhao Menghua.

It turns out that they all knew it. Just like what was written in the note, all of them knew it, including Chen Wenwen. He was the only one who didn't know it, Lu Mingfei! He is nothing! Oh no, he is a cannon fodder male supporting character who looks more like a villain. He is used as a sacrifice on the road of love between the male and female protagonists and to increase the relationship between the male and female protagonists.

The girl he has a crush on is about to be confessed to by someone else. Are you sad? Of course sad! For a moment before, he might have thought that this was good, provided they didn't tease him like this, then he could even send them sincere blessings, but now, he sees clearly... Maybe he likes this kind of thing. So easily broken.

Strong light illuminated the stage, white petals were sprinkled on the ceiling, and the projector was turned on, but what was projected was not a group photo of the literary club.

Music starts.

'The distant breeze in early summer is filled with intense rehearsals for the ignorant confession. It should appear naturally and the heartbeat should not be panicked. ’

Everyone was stunned, including Lu Mingfei. But when he looked at the similarly confused expressions of the people around him, he realized that this was not Zhao Menghua's arrangement.

Every word in the lyrics seems to remind Lu Mingfei, don't be nervous, don't panic, stay natural and work hard.

There was nothing on the stage except light, and of course there was no group photo of the literary club.

I don’t know who arranged the music, but Lu Mingfei knew that this was not the BGM he requested from the projectionist.

Everyone focused their attention on Zhao Menghua, because they all thought it was him who arranged it. Only Zhao Menghua looked at Lu Mingfei. Of course he knew that this was not his arrangement. He now suspected that it was this kid who did it. But when he saw Lu Mingfei, he also seemed confused. Could it be that he had misplaced it?

Zhao Menghua picked up the microphone and shouted into the projection room behind him, "Projectionist, what's going on? I didn't arrange it like this!"

His brows furrowed, he paid! What is this projectionist doing? Taking the money and not doing the actual work makes this kind of stupid mistake.

'The extra roses and cards were eventually left alone. ’

For some reason, Lu Mingfei listened to the song quietly. He felt as if the song was reminding him and telling a story about him. It really seemed like he was the one who was superfluous... Who played the song? ah? It was really bad taste, and he felt a stinging pain in his heart now.

"Although it ends with regret, at least it lives up to this madness. The train swaying under the mountain, the empty moonlight, is a bit more desolate. I miss if it is going to be night, can I be gentle and kind..."

‘Don’t be too arrogant! ’

Yes, don't be too arrogant! Lu Mingfei really smiled at this moment, and he walked towards the stage unconsciously. He finally understood that since he had decided to change something, he had to do it! If you don't even dare to go on stage, what's the point?

At this moment, the spotlight was on him, and everyone's eyes were subconsciously focused on him.

Now, he is the protagonist!

Lu Mingfei walked up to Zhao Menghua with a smile and said, "Sorry to bother you."

"You..." Zhao Menghua looked at Lu Mingfei blankly.

He felt that the man in front of him had changed. He was no longer the bad guy he once was. For a moment, he was calmed down by Lu Mingfei's aura.

"What do you want to do?" Zhao Menghua frowned.

"Whatever I'm doing, I'm just borrowing the microphone." Lu Mingfei took the microphone from his hand.

He took a deep breath, faced the 'audience' in the audience, and looked for Chen Wenwen, who he could always find at a glance, but now he had to search carefully.

"Ah, I found it."

Lu Mingfei smiled and looked at Chen Wenwen below.

"Have you ever heard of this song?"

Chen Wenwen didn't know why Lu Mingfei suddenly stared at her and asked such a question, but she seemed to have a premonition, but in the end she shook her head helplessly.

"Haven't you heard of it..." Lu Mingfei raised his head, no longer looking at her, but looking at the light from the projection room. This light always shone on him, as if it could give him courage, "I heard Come on, this song is called 'Confession Night', probably only losers like me have heard it."

"Lu..." Zhao Menghua suddenly spoke up and wanted to stop him.

But Lu Mingfei covered his mouth with a hand.


"Would you like to hear me out?" Lu Mingfei said with a hint of violence in his eyes, "Just this once, the last time."

Zhao Menghua was suppressed and everyone was silent. They seemed to know what would happen next, but they did not expect that Lu Mingfei would have the courage to confess here.

They looked at Lu Mingfei, and Lu Mingfei looked at Chen Wenwen.

The two pairs of eyes faced each other, and in Chen Wenwen's gaze, Lu Mingfei confirmed the answer again.

As a result, his eyes could no longer find the same love they once had. In fact, he had already thought about it and repeated the lines in his heart countless times.

"Chen Wenwen, goodbye."

There was no hesitation in his tone. There was nothing to hesitate about. This was something he had already thought about. He was here to say goodbye and say goodbye to the past.

It was decided from the beginning that he was destined not to stay. Whether it was to find his parents or to change himself, he could no longer stay where he was.

goodbye? Everyone was stunned. Shouldn't a situation like this call for an affectionate confession?

Chen Wenwen was also slightly stunned, and finally she smiled and said, "Well, it seems you are going abroad?"

"Yes, you should take good care of yourself."

Lu Mingfei smiled again. He didn't ask such stupid questions as "Have you ever liked me?" It was unnecessary. He already had the answer in his heart, and none of this mattered anymore.

"It's time for me to leave, everyone, take care of yourself."

Lu Mingfei returned the microphone to Zhao Menghua who was in a daze. As for what they want to do next, what will happen? Let him be.

He turned around and walked towards the door of the auditorium. A "click" of the door opening made everyone slightly startled. Two strong men wearing black bodyguards pushed open the door of the screening room. They stood respectfully on the left and right. Next to the door.

They saluted Lu Mingfei respectfully, leaving everyone at a loss.

"What's going on?" Even Lu Mingfei was a little confused.

"Brother, raise your head, hold your chest high, and walk out with your head held high!"

A voice sounded in Lu Mingfei's mind.

Lu Mingfei came back to his senses, yes, he was leaving here, no matter what happened.

Finally, he took a big step, and everyone in the dining room watched his back.

Lu Mingfei's eyes were still a little confused. He didn't know where to escape after walking out of this door. But when he stepped out of the screening room, he realized that his worries seemed to be unnecessary. It seemed that someone had already made arrangements for him. There is a better way forward...

At a distance of less than ten meters, two waiters greeted him and respectfully showed him the way, as if the cinema belonged to him, until he stepped out of the gate of the cinema.

It seemed that the whole square was sending him off. A red carpet was spread from the gate to the road. At the end of this red road, there was a black 'Hongqi' parked with a bright red flag on it, as if to It's like welcoming some big shot.

Thanks to: Book friend 20181128073055849, I will eventually fall into nothingness, and I will not recover for a long time for the reward.

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